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The application of landscape ecology in conservation biology has rarely occurred in the context of defined landscapes. Conservation planning has focussed on representation of species diversity patterns and assumed that ecosystems, landscapes and their associated processes will be equally protected. The long-term persistence of biodiversity in the face of land transformations and global change requires the representation and retention of all elements of biodiversity. This biodiversity includes landscapes, and the landscape structure and processes that maintain patterns of biodiversity. We developed a method of classifying landscapes for the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The process entailed the use of 1 km2 grid data from climate and terrain databases. Principal components analysis coupled with a cluster classification method and spatial overlay techniques were used to identify two hierarchical levels of landscapes. Validation analysis showed that landscapes are identifiable with a classification accuracy of 86.8%. The derived landscapes can be combined separately with data on vegetation and soil to describe landscape ecosystems that potentially differ in species composition, successional dynamics, and potential productivity. The surrogate use of the landscapes in conjunction with other strategic data, for the identification of priority conservation areas, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

张杰 《城市规划》2012,36(7):53-59
随着创意产业的兴起,城市遗产与文化创意结合成为了遗产保护新类型。本文针对全国掀起的创意园区"造园"热潮所引发的一系列问题,结合上海田子坊创意园区的调研,揭示了引发尴尬的根源:一,对新兴创意产业及其相关理论认识上的偏误;二,对"经济利益"的过度追逐;三,常态的保护规划与新兴的创意产业之间的不合辙。据此,提出了突破"尴尬"的方法,即寻找文化的新坐标,探寻遗产保护与创意产业联姻发展的规划创新制度。  相似文献   

景观保护设计(Landscape Conservation Design,LCD)是一种动态性的景观保护方法。该方法以保护生物学和景观生态学的原理为基础,运用GIS技术和空间保护规划软件,识别出场地中对物种、生物多样性和生态系统保护具有关键意义的区域和廊道。LCD的结果可以为自然资源和生态保护的决策者提供基于科学的空间保护策略依据。在中国越来越重视自然资源和生态环境保护的今天,在未来城市的建设中,景观保护设计的概念和方法将对我国的自然资源和生态保护规划起到重要的借鉴作用。以美国渔业和野生动物保护局(U.S Fish&Wildlife Conservation Service,USFWS)与佛罗里达大学景观保护规划中心合作完成的佛罗里达州西南部景观保护设计项目为例,从数据基础、研究方法以及规划结果等方面来对景观保护设计进行探讨,并提出景观保护设计理念在我国生物多样性保护及生态文明建设中的应用前景和挑战。  相似文献   

诺邓村是第三批中国历史文化名村。《云南省云龙县诺邓国家级历史文化名村保护详细规划》是云南省编制的首个历史文化名村保护详细规划。规划在现行保护规划的指导下,结合当地村民生产和生活特征,按照详细规划层面的深度要求开展编制,力争有效协调解决村民提升生活品质需求与村落保护要求之间的矛盾。规划鼓励推进村民自主、自发的保护模式,因而在工作方法和编制内容上采取了多种创新,目前在以村民为主导的规划实施过程中已经初步取得了良好的综合效益。  相似文献   

Conservation in North America has proceeded through three discernible stages in the last 125 years. Moving from a response to unregulated commercial harvest and wildlife depletion, it matured into a science based institution that was largely driven by government policy and supported by organized conservation groups. Protecting significant regions by setting them aside as National Parks or otherwise protected landscapes was a significant aspect of conservation throughout its first and second phases. A new and effective paradigm of private lands conservation initiatives has now arisen to face modern conservation challenges in North America.  相似文献   

The theme of the paper is the emergence in Australia of the recognition that rural cultural landscapes are important historical documents and form a significant part of Australia's cultural heritage. Attention is drawn to the special niche occupied by the pastoral landscapes of southeastern Australia through the historical construction of an Australian landscape identity in art and literature. An overview is given of the need to conserve exemplars of Australian rural cultural landscapes and of initiatives by government agencies and community groups such as the National Trust of Australia in cultural landscape conservation within a framework provided by Australian ICOMOS Guidelines to the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance (Burra Charter).  相似文献   


Countries ratifying the European Landscape Convention (ELC) agree to identify their landscapes, analyse their characteristics and assess the landscapes taking into account the values afforded them by the population. Some UK countries, such as England, are regarded as pioneers of these ideas and implementation of ELC principles even before it was drafted. Since the early 1990s, England (and Scotland) has been ahead of many countries in the development of methods for characterisation and identification of landscapes. However, such landscape assessment methods have been developed within a specific and distinctive historical context. This paper attempts to define the subtext of English landscape identity that may be ‘lost in translation’ or ignored when these methods are exported to other countries. The paper first outlines three major, interlinked aspects of ideas and societal development that have specifically affected development of landscape conservation and planning and landscape assessment methods in England, namely: (i) ideas from landscape conservation; (ii) countryside protection and planning in the early twentieth century; and (iii) institutionalisation and development of post-war planning and conservation practices. The paper also examines Landscape Character Assessment and discusses ways in which the national context may need to be considered when using this method.  相似文献   

This paper explores the reasons for the growing interest in cultural landscapes in nature conservation circles. It contains a brief discourse on nature and culture, emphasizing the declining power of the idea of pristine wilderness, the realization that many disturbed ecosystems are important to conservation, that agri-biodiversity is a resource to be protected along with wild biodiversity, and the need to find models of sustainable land use. Examples are given, at the global (World Heritage Convention), European and national levels, of the way in which the growing interest in cultural landscapes manifests itself; special attention is given to the category of protected area known as 'protected landscape/seascape'. Finally, the author identifies the major natural qualities found in cultural landscapes which will assist in understanding, identifying and protecting those features of value.  相似文献   

浅谈历史城镇的保护体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐桢敏 《山西建筑》2005,31(16):13-14
针对历史城镇的保护是一项系统工程,以历史城镇的保护原则为指导,从城镇层次的保护、城镇景观层次的保护、建筑层次的保护等方面,提出了一套完善的保护体系。  相似文献   

试论园林技术在水土保持工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李浩  刘美玲 《建筑与环境》2009,3(2):104-105
本文主要通过飞来峡水土保持工程建设实例列举,结合园林技术在工程中的应用,使园林技术完美的融合于水土保持工程建设,达到人水和谐的目的。其中主要阐述后续期飞来峡水土保持专项工程(下简称:飞来峡水土保持工程)园林技术应用部分.  相似文献   

Much has been written on the initiatives leading up to the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, but relatively little on the ways in which the National Parks Commission and Nature Conservancy subsequently established themselves amongst other user‐interests in the countryside. This paper disputes the general assumption that the Nature Conservancy operated in a largely apolitical climate, acquiring and managing nature reserves on essentially scientific criteria. Particular attention is given to the assumptions on which the statutory powers of the Nature Conservancy were granted, the changing political context within which the Nature Conservancy acquired its network of nature reserves, and the changing understanding of the management needs of nature reserves. Consideration is also given to the attempts made to give tangible effect to the concept of enhancement and enrichment in the distinctive landscapes of nature reserves. Insights from archival evidence help to explain the urgency with which ‘conservation research’ came to be promoted by the early 1960s, and place in clearer perspective the more overtly political influences exerted on nature conservation in later decades.  相似文献   

本文介绍了GTZ与扬州市政府合作开展老城保护与更新项目的过程,通过鼓励市民参与,引入社区行动规划(CAP)的方法,探索了一条更具科学性和实施性的老城保护之路。  相似文献   

过去40年,世界遗产地已经成为保护世界上最珍贵的自然和文化遗产最强有力的方式。今天,促进更加可持续的生存方式的愿望,对这些独特的"保护孤岛"提出了新的挑战。通过反思实现上述两大目标带来的机会和引发的潜在紧张关系,建议遗产地可以获得更多利益,条件是世界遗产地的杰出普遍价值能够得到更敏感、更具包容性、创造性和开放的方式的规划和管理。  相似文献   

This article asks whether nature conservation was modernized in the Third Reich-whether the clear deficiencies left by the Weimar Republic were remedied and whether the National Socialist regime took up the task of making nature conservation areas more accessible to the general public, an aim which was important in terms of international comparisons. It comes to the conclusion that the idea of promoting a quasi-democratic, even tourist access to nature played no role at all in determining these policies. However, the decree of the 1935 Reich Nature Conservation Law which handed over the responsibility for nature conservation from the Lander governments to the Reich and gave it a right of participation and veto in altering landscapes was definitely a modernization, unmatched (to a certain extent) even by the policies of the early Federal Republic. However, because the motives for this and other measures were primarily grounded in power politics and only served nature conservation secondarily, the improved accountability for nature conservation was, for the most part, paper work and was scarcely able to influence the way in which nature was treated by both industry and agriculture.  相似文献   

张延方  侯莉  张谦 《华中建筑》2010,28(7):196-198
近些年,文物建筑的保护广受关注和重视,但很多保护方式并非保护而是一种破坏。该文通过对湖南老宅锦绶堂艺术价值的分析,说明文物建筑值得留存的并非只是建筑本身;通过对其历史足迹的阐述及现状保护中利弊的探究,探讨文物建筑更为合适的保护途径。  相似文献   

在《生物多样性公约》(CBD)“人与自然和谐共生”的2050年愿景背景下,乡村地区生物多样性保护与社会经济发展的协同尤为重要。地方生物多样性行动计划有潜力推进乡村发展与生物多样性保护协同。以英国为例,阐述地方生物多样性行动计划的背景及决策步骤,剖析其在基础、目标、措施及保障4个层面的乡村发展与生物多样性保护协同路径。针对中国地方生物多样性行动计划编制中面临的问题,从明确地方生物多样性行动计划前置地位、增设乡村生物多样性专项内容、加强协同措施落地性,以及提升农民积极性四方面提出建议,以期实现乡村生物友好的可持续发展。  相似文献   

人类的福祉有赖于自然生态系统所提供的大量的生态系统服务。为此欧盟已经建立了一个名为"自然2000"的大型生态保护区网络;然而,在经历了一段时期的城市扩张和土地使用的集约化后,欧洲的生物多样性已经迅速减少,大多数物种和栖息地的利益仍未处于一个良好的保护状态。在过去的几十年里,可持续旅游概念的提出和以自然为取向的自然型旅游业的出现,作为一项重要的生态系统服务,为保护自然环境和发展当地经济提供了大量的支持。并且这些支持的大部分已经集中投入在了保护区域,但是要看到,在这里我们是假设以自然为取向的旅游业对于尚未被正式保护的荒野环境而言,是一项具有高潜力的保护策略和可持续发展的基础。尤其是在具有多种且相互竞争用途的景观中,它能在自然修复、生物多样性保护和人类活动之间取得一种保证。为了验证这一假设,以位于阿尔加维地区(欧洲西南部)一处与沼泽地带相连的湿地作为研究案例。该案例研究涉及一处重要的但还未处于任何正式保护状态的滨海野生环境,并且20世纪末,在此环境中,几项限制条件促进了创造性的管理模式。描述了在21世纪初,设计并执行一项以自然为取向的旅游设施的过程。这一研究成果以景观生态学的概念框架以及一处涉及修复和保护的环境为支撑。同时文章还探讨了这种基于自然的旅游设施在促进可持续管理和自然保护策略方面的潜在意义。  相似文献   

预防性保护理念下建筑遗产监测问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴美萍 《华中建筑》2011,29(3):169-171
近年来建筑遗产的监测越来越受到重视,其背后有着国家重视世界遗产监测的背景,也有着预防性保护新理念的推动原因.该文介绍了预防性保护的新概念,对监测的定义进行了梳理,并结合国内几个监测案例的分析比较,对建筑遗产监测的几个基本问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

关于历史文化街区保护资金问题的探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
桂晓峰  戈岳 《城市规划》2005,29(7):79-83
资金问题一直是历史文化街区保护与整治实施中的主要问题之一,在1997年开始设立的“国家历史文化名城专项保护基金”的支持下,许多城市的历史文化街区保护整治工作顺利展开。本文以实地踏勘与调研为基础,从资金构成、资金来源和使用、资金筹措、资金管理以及资金回报等五个方面,对国内历史文化街区保护的资金问题做一些初步的总结和探索。  相似文献   

Research into and management of ponds for conservation purposes have been largely confined to the individual pond. Little attention has been paid to the totality of the pond landscape, even though there have been a number of audits of the pond resource. Significantly, they reveal falling pond numbers and pond densities, increasing landscape fragmentation and changing biodiversity status. In the main, the response to such change from relevant organizations and agencies has been weak. Aware of a rising tide of popular conservation concern, this paper discusses four important themes in deriving a strategy for pond landscapes: information needs, valuation, stewardship and awareness. Illustration is made from conservation projects underway, and the emphasis throughout is placed upon the practicalities of action and the feasibility of planning policies currently developing.  相似文献   

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