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8月16日.腾讯公司在北京举办。安然随享——QQ通讯录2011新品发布会”.发布了“安然随享”手机通讯录整体解决方案,首提“安全通讯录“和“统一通讯“两大新理念。同时.Android、iPhone等各大智能手机平台的QQ通讯录2011也全新亮相。作为”安然随享”手机通讯录整体解决方案的承载者.Android、iPhone、S60V3、S60V5四大智能手机平台的QQ通讯录新版本都全新亮相。据悉.QQ通讯录在智能搜索联系人、对话式短信等基础通讯功能优化的基础上,新增云备份、防骚扰、多样化沟通方式等新功能.很好的满足了手机用户”安全通讯”和”统一通讯”的更高需求,获得现场嘉宾的一致好评。  相似文献   

刘璐 《电脑爱好者》2013,(22):42-43
如今盛行三大平台的移动设备,因而个人拥有两三个不同平台的手机也是常事。加之原有的PC平台,在不同平台间分享通讯录、视频等个人内容,可能会遇到许多无法预知的问题。1跨平台私享联系人信息原来使用一种平台的智能手机,里面积累了许多联系人,当换为另一种平台的手机之后,如何快速将老手机中的联系人导入到新手机中?使用通用的微软通讯录格式虽然我们可以将通讯录保存在SIM卡中,然后安装在不同平台中共享通讯录,  相似文献   

王临 《电脑迷》2012,(21):48
对于手机用户来说,通讯录数据真的是十分重要。如果你不小心删除了某些数据,那么可以借助QQ同步助手将通讯录数据还原到某一历史状态。打开QQ同步助手,进入"还原"界面,这里提供了"时光机"和"回收站"两个选项,前者可以将通讯录还原到某一时间点,后者则是搜索出已经被删除的联系人进行还原(如图)。可以看到这里提供了多  相似文献   

现在很多朋友都开通了新浪微博,对于使用iPhone等智能手机的用户来说,可以考虑将朋友们的微博信息添加到联系人名片,这样无论是查看或是访问都会方便许多。但如果在通讯录界面逐一手工添加新浪微博的信息,操作显然是相当的麻烦。  相似文献   

一般情况下如果没有通过陌生QQ验证或被对方拒绝添加要求,我们将无法直接和对方聊天。其实利用QQ自带的通讯录可以轻松建立与对方的临时会话。登录并展开QQ通讯录,在通讯录空白处单击鼠标右键选择“添加联系人”,在随后打开的“新建联系人”面板中输入陌生QQ号,并随意给它起个姓名后点击“确认”按钮。这时,QQ通讯录已经添加了该陌生QQ联系人,鼠标右击该联系人,执行“发送即时消息”打开临时对话窗口即可与对方畅所欲言(如图所示)。QQ陌生人,不加也能聊@过桥烧饼  相似文献   

本文在分析当前主流手机通讯录软件的安全机制及其特点基础上,提出了基于数据库文件加密和对联系人信息设置密钥的Android手机安全通讯录软件设计思想,并对软件的技术架构进行了论述。  相似文献   

手机最重要的功能还是通信,但联系人一多,查找起来就特别麻烦,特别是原生Android系统的联系人搜索和查找对中文支持还不够完善,在众多联系人中要定位其中一个还是需要花点时间,因此想快速找到联系对象,安装一个精确定位的联系人管理软件还是十分必要的,今天我就为大家介绍一款优秀的联系人管理软件——点心通讯录。  相似文献   

在网络发达的今天,每个人都有自己的一批联系人,朋友,同学,还有合作伙伴,如何能够安全快捷地保存他们的联系方式呢?如果你常用QQ和别人联系,不妨就围绕QQ建立自己的通信录吧。新版QQ2005大大加强了通讯录功能,让我们更加轻松地管理联系人。添加联系人需要添加大量联系人时,可以打开Q Q主面板,切换到“通讯录”窗口,右键单击该窗口选择“导入导出联系人”选项来添加。打开“导入导出向导”对话框(如图1)。选择“自动导入常用联系人”选框,可以将腾讯地址本、Windows通讯簿和Outlook中的联系人地址导入到QQ“通讯录”中。对于其它软件创…  相似文献   

近日,S60V3QQ通讯录2.8版本发布,新增短信收藏夹、联系人同步支持仅备份有变化联系人、支持Q信头像设嚣引导、联系人详情显示归属地等功能。虽然该版本只是在原有基础上进行升级,但是从细节处满足了用户需求,让QQ通讯录更有替代手机自带通讯录的资本。  相似文献   

智能手机按说已经很智能了,但这其中也会出现部分手机系统设置不够人性化的缺点。就拿用户最常使用到的"拨号"功能来说,有的安卓手机就会出现拨号繁琐,查找联系人不方便等情况。所以诸如GO拨号、触宝拨号、QQ通讯录、点心通讯录等具有拨号功能的软件出现在我们面前。在这些软件中哪款软件让人使用起来更顺手呢?这些软件又具有哪些独门秘籍适合特立独行的你呢?说到拨号软件,大体分为两类。一类是简洁型,功能简单实用,除了拨号就只剩下拨号了。另一类就是功能型,除了拨号外,短信、通讯录管理、云备份样样精通。  相似文献   

The set of functionalities provided by advanced mobile phones is significantly increasing. However, the small size of mobile phone user interfaces makes it difficult for the user to deal with this large number of functionalities, which could reflect negatively on user performance and the efficiency of mobile phone functionalities. In this paper, we designed and developed an adaptive task-based functionality called ATF on mobile phones, where the task we focused on was to predict the next contact that the user is most likely to call. Furthermore, we conducted comprehensive evaluation of our approach. We show that our approach can successfully predict contacts that a user will most likely call next. Our results uncover the frequency and pattern of regularity in making mobile phone calls and suggest promising avenues for future work for optimising tasks (beyond phone calls) performed with the mobile phone.  相似文献   

Throughout their lives, people gather contacts on their mobile phones. Some of these are unused contacts—contacts that have not been used for a long time and are less likely to be used in future calls. These contacts compete for the users’ attention and the mobile phone’s limited screen capacity. To address this problem, we developed a prototype contact list interface called DMTR, which automatically demotes unused contacts by presenting them in a smaller font at the bottom of the contact list. In phase I of this research, we asked 18 participants to assess for how long they had not used each of their mobile phone contacts. Results show that 47% of all their contacts had not been used for over 6?months or had never been used at all. In phase II, we demoted these unused contacts using DMTR and asked our participants to locate contacts that they had recently used, with and without the prototype. Results indicate that the use of DMTR reduced both the number of key strokes and the retrieval time significantly. The majority of participants indicated that it was easier for them to access their contacts using DMTR and that they would like to use it in their next mobile phone. The results provide strong evidence for the demotion principle suggested by the user-subjective approach.  相似文献   

针对手机被盗、用户身份泄露的情况下,用支付宝移动支付所存在的两个安全性问题提出相应的解决方案。目前手机支付宝APP仅凭手机验证码即可更改支付宝用户密码;而在转账环节,当需要转账到其他银行卡时,只需银行卡号、持卡者名字以及转账方的手机号等,即可顺利转账。针对这两个安全问题,提出改进的安全模型中不再依赖移动运营商发送手机验证码,而是用注册支付宝时预留的私密信息或者增设的用户口令等。在转账的时候,不仅输入银行卡号和持卡者名字,而且输入在银行注册卡号时预留的私密信息。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a fully decentralized approach for recommending new contacts in the social network of mobile phone users. With respect to existing solutions, our approach is characterized by some distinguishing features. In particular, the application we propose does not assume any centralized coordination: It transparently collects and processes user information that is accessible in any mobile phone, such as the log of calls, the list of contacts or the inbox/outbox of short messages and exchanges it with other users. This information is used to recommend new friendships to other users. Furthermore, the information needed to perform recommendation is collected and exchanged between users in a privacy preserving way. Finally, information necessary to implement the application is exchanged transparently and opportunistically, by using the residual space in standard short messages occasionally exchanged between users. As a consequence, we do not ask users to change their habits in using SMS.  相似文献   

许彪 《软件工程师》2014,(11):42-45
由于手机中GPS系统定位精度低和室内环境中卫星信号弱,造成移动SNS在室内和近距离环境中社交网络扩展性能差。针对这种情况,提出了基于蓝牙技术的近距离社交网络扩展算法。算法首先在服务器端保存SNS用户手机蓝牙地址与用户的对应信息,然后按照同一区域内"一台蓝牙手机搜索到另一台蓝牙手机"的蔓延模式找到直接相邻的周边用户列表,再在服务器端对周边用户列表按照深度优先算法进行社交网络的深度搜索,找到尽可能多的周边用户并建立社交网络。实验结果表明,移动SNS系统采用该算法比采用现有技术能更加有效、快速地扩展近距离范围内的社交网络。  相似文献   

利用手机控制电脑会给人们生活提供便利。本文主要讨论如何利用蓝牙技术在手机与电脑端建立连接,并让电脑对手机发来的指令数据做出响应操作,从而实现手机对电脑的控制。在此基础上,还讨论实现如何将电脑屏幕实时地显示在手机上,并对图像显示方式和按键响应模式做出分析与优化。  相似文献   

Collecting users’ feedback on products from Internet forums is challenging because users often mention a product with informal abbreviations or nicknames. In this paper, we propose a method named Gren to recognize and normalize mobile phone names from domain-specific Internet forums. Instead of directly recognizing phone names from sentences as in most named entity recognition tasks, we propose an approach to generating candidate names as the first step. The candidate names capture short forms, spelling variations, and nicknames of products, but are not noise free. To predict whether a candidate name mention in a sentence indeed refers to a specific phone model, a Conditional Random Field (CRF)-based name recognizer is developed. The CRF model is trained by using a large set of sentences obtained in a semi-automatic manner with minimal manual labeling effort. Lastly, a rule-based name normalization component maps a recognized name to its formal form. Evaluated on more than 4000 manually labeled sentences with about 1000 phone name mentions, Gren outperforms all baseline methods. Specifically, it achieves precision and recall of 0.918 and 0.875 respectively, with the best feature setting. We also provide detailed analysis of the intermediate results obtained by each of the three components in Gren.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,手机在人们生活中起着越来越重要的作用。目前,相对于其他丰富多采的手机应用,手机输入法研究相对较少。该文针对手机存储空间小、计算能力低的特点,提出了一种整句查找算法。文章首先介绍了使用倒序排列的文件结构,然后根据该文件结构设计出一种宽度为N的整句查找算法,并在手机S60平台上实现了整句输入系统。文章最后对该整句算法的输入正确率进行了测试。实验结果表明,该算法有着较好的效果。  相似文献   

本文研究的是手机产品的差异性对手机在线阅读行为的影响.通过分析用户的手机在线阅读行为,从“手机观感”,“手机性能”,“网络情况”三大基本影响因素进行探讨分析,通过相关理论研究以及问卷调查的方式得出手机性能、显示舒适度对手机在线阅读行为的影响最大,以及阅读平台的性能、版面设计、附加功能丰富度对其关系都具有一定的调节作用,且调节作用的大小不一.  相似文献   

Android移动终端丢失后,通过已经设定的安全联系人远程操控手机,不仅可以对数据进行加密和销毁操作,还能够获取移动终端的具体位置.通过摄像头拍照,获得周围的环境照片,甚至可以得到偷盗者的信息,帮助找回丢失的设备.移动终端截获短信后,对命令字段进行分析,可利用内置的百度地图服务SDK获取具体的位置,通过3DES加密,内置的so库终端的密钥进行加密,必要的时候,可以销毁数据,以保证数据的安全.  相似文献   

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