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国际原子能机构(IAEA)在其一份名为“2030年之前的能源、电力和核电”的最新报告中对世界未来的核电发展情况进行了预测。该报告表示,到2030年,全球核电装机容量将由现在的370GWe增长至447-679GWe。  相似文献   

2009年2月21日,中电投山东海阳核电一期工程1号核岛负挖工程顺利通过国家核安全局组织的专家检查组现场验收。标志着海阳核电主体工程开工准备工作取得了重要的阶段性成果,向实现2009年8月浇注第一罐混凝土(FCD)的目标迈出了坚实的一步。  相似文献   

在经过公民投票决定禁止核电后20年,意大利正在重新考虑发展核电。 来自不同政治阵营的一些国会议员目前都纷纷发表有利于发展核电的言论,包括曾在1987年主张公投以逐步取消核电的最积极推动者——共产党和意大利国家电力公司(Enel)的前任董事长Chicco Testa。基督教民主联盟领导人Pierferdinando Casini也准备进行正式的议会辩论以“重新发展核能”。  相似文献   

通过分析中国核承压设备国产化现状及存在的主要问题,提出只有充分总结和汲取过去发展核电的成功经验和深刻教训,切实采取制定国家核电发展长远和总体性规划、加大核电设备设计和制造科研攻关经费投入、强化核电设备国产化基础、加强核安全监管能力建设等措施.中国核承压设备才能真正实现国产化,核电产业才能持续发展。  相似文献   

很感谢小伙伴们的踊跃参与、积极答题,本期小编为大家呈献《中国核电》提供的"答案点评",欢迎大家交流借鉴。问题:核电核心部件的国产化情况如何?国内核电部件与国外的差距在哪里?为什么要实现核电国产化、标准化和系统化?答案一:1.核电核心部件的国产化情况如何?作为核电的核心产业,核电设备的国产化是核电设备行业发展的一大趋势。  相似文献   

正【世界核新闻网站2016年9月14日报道】根据世界核协会(WNA)近日发布的《2035年世界核供应链展望》报告,核电厂建设、长期运行和退役未来20年的国际市场价值将达每年数百亿美元。未来核电市场基于全球核电每年为电力公司带来约3000亿美元收入,这份报告预测了三种核电未来发展情景,并介绍了核工业界面临的挑战与机遇。基准情景中,2025年在运  相似文献   

美国拥有世界规模最大的核电计划,103台核电机组提供了全国大约20%的电力。  相似文献   

国家积极发展核电的方针政策,给我国核燃料元件产业的发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。目前,中国在建核电站总装机容量已经达到了2540万千瓦。被誉为核事业“脊梁”的核燃料元件产业在产能和技术水平等方面能否支撑起我国核电事业未来的发展?核燃料元件产业在自主化道路上又有哪些亟待解决的问题?带着这些疑问,本刊记者采访了中国核燃料领域的领军人物李冠兴院士。  相似文献   

正随着人工智能、大数据等信息技术的发展,新一轮科技革命和产业变革席卷而来,核电工程智慧建设亦是大势所趋。漳州核电1~2号机组自2019年10月开工以来,进展良好;3~6号机组已列入国家"核电中长期"发展规划;7~8号机组已启动厂址适应性分析论证。漳州能源承载着国家和中核集团寄予的中国自主三代核电技术"华龙一号"领跑全球的重要使命,责任重大、使命光荣。  相似文献   

美国核学会高级顾问汪志馨教授应中国核学会的邀请,于1989年4月15日~5月6日前来我国进行讲学和对秦山核电站进行技术咨询。汪教授这次来华曾在北京、济南、南京、秦山、上海等地讲学,根据我国发展核电建设的需要,着重讲述了核电的经济效益和安全分析、核电的人员培训、核电4500堆-年的运行经验和教训,购买二手电站的注意事项、美国核电站启动期间的事故综述及经验教训等重要课题。听报告的有负责核电的管理干部,大专院校及研究机构从事核电的  相似文献   

Offshore Power Systems, a joint enterprise of Westinghouse and Tenneco, has been formed to manufacture floating nuclear power plants. Commitments for the first two offshore plants have been received from the Public Service Electric and Gas Company. This paper describes the floating nuclear plant concept with special reference to its advantages and its novel features. The novel features are a consequence of the floating aspect and include the design of the platform, the safety analysis and also the analysis and specification of plant motions due to environmental effects such as wind, waves and earthquakes. Site-related aspects such as the breakwater and mooring systems are discussed. The nuclear power plants will be manufactured in a central facility and this manufacturing concept is described.  相似文献   

Nuclear power in the Soviet Union and in Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

汪映荣 《中国核电》2011,(2):180-187
随着国家"积极推动核电发展"指导思想的贯彻落实,尤其是2006年国家确定引入美国西屋AP1000核电技术路线之后,以常规电为背景的一些电力集团均不同程度地参与了核电前期开发、工程建设等方面的工作,传统的核电企业如中核集团、中广核集团也大量地招聘、招收了一定比例的常规电从业人员。这些长期从事常规电工作的人员从事核电工作以后,如何能够尽快实现工作转变,早日适应核电的工作要求,做到从工作的转变到观念的转变,知识的转变,思维方式的转变,熟练驾驭的转变,从而成为一名合格的核电工作者。本文从核电的技术特点、管理特点、文化特点和从事核电工作应关注的几个方面问题进行阐述,以期为这一特定时期的核电发展贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

核电站机组故障诊断系统知识的获取和知识库的建立是影响诊断系统能否应用于实际的关键步骤。针对实现核电站机组故障诊断系统给出了知识获取的一种方法和步骤,使其有章可循,加强了在实际核电站中可操作性。按照文中提出的工作框架组织人员完成各项任务,可以最终完成核电站机组故障诊断系统知识库的建立。  相似文献   

In view of the potential consequences of the greenhouse effect, it is important to restrain consumption of fossil fuels by exploiting conservation, solar power, and nuclear power. The pressure on developing countries for increased energy consumption makes reduction of fossil fuel use in the industrialized countries all the more important. Nuclear power already has had a significant impact. Primarily through its use. France reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 24% from 1973 to 1986. Given a vigorous program of nuclear power development, electrification, and conservation, one can envisage a U.S. energy economy in which CO2 production is halved. Standardized reactors, of small or medium size, may enhance the prospects for a nuclear renaissance in industrialized countries, and may be well matched to the needs of developing countries.  相似文献   

The development of energy production in the 21st century will be subject to more uniform per capita and regional consumption. Among the competing sources of energy, the positive qualities of nuclear power-unlimited fuel resources, high energy intensiveness, and ecological compatibility with the possibility of the wastes being highly concentrated—predetermine the development of large-scale nuclear power. The conditions for the development of such nuclear power are its ecological effectiveness and safety (of the reactors and the fuel cycle with the production of wastes), nuclear fuel breeding with adequate characteristics, and guarantees of nonproliferation of fissioning materials. Continuity in the development of nuclear power dictates the requirements for reactor systems in the near and distant future. The acceptable level of safety is closely related to the scales of nuclear power and the applications of nuclear energy sources. However, progress in decreasing the potential danger of reactors and decreasing the cost of protective systems is unavoidable. In choosing new directions, it is important to demonstrate the new qualities in the solution of the problems facing nuclear power in the future. An adequate diversity of reactor technologies could exist in the future. The requirements that will face nuclear power plants in the future stages of development and the expected stages of this development are discussed. The jourmal variant of this report at the 10th annual conference of the Nuclear Society “From the first nuclear power plant in the world to power engineering of the twenty-first century” (June 28–July 2, 1999, Obninsk) Russian Science Center “Kurchatov Institute”. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 3–14, January, 2000.  相似文献   

王宁 《中国核电》2010,(4):308-315
近年来,我国核电事业得到快速发展,一大批核电项目陆续开工建设,其中大部分为引进技术的二代改进型和三代核电机组。由于技术输出国的标准规范与我国现有的核电设计标准不一致,以及考虑厂址适应性等问题,我国对引进的核电机组存在逐步消化、吸收并改进的过程。本文对核电机组的电气设计进行探讨,希望对今后同类工程具有参考作用。  相似文献   

For the example of the Radium Institute, which recently celebrated its 75th anniversary and has been a part of the Academy of Sciences for around 40 years, it is shown how nuclear physics, as the theoretical basis of the nuclear power industry, facilitates its development and the transition to internally safe and environmentally sound nuclear technology. V. G. Khlopin Radium Institute. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 86, No. 6, pp. 414–419, June, 1999.  相似文献   

Compared with nuclear electric factory, marine nuclear power plant has some particular features including smaller size, faster response, and stronger load following capacity etc. This paper focuses on marine nuclear power plant. Based on static mathematical models of some important parts such as reactor core, steam generator etc., a coordination control system is designed to implement its rapid following and response when power changes. According to the Matlab/Simulink simulation, this new scheme improves fast response capacity of the control system, which contributes to the practical system design.  相似文献   

介绍了华能核电开发有限公司成立以来,在高温气冷堆建设、商用核电站建设和核电站前期选址等方面做的工作;指出了华能核电在管理方式、人才储备和核安全文化方面存在的不足;提出了华能核电应该通过开展核电项目建设积累经验,通过参股建设核电项目更广泛参与核电建设,以及继续开展核电相关产业的项目开发的发展规划。  相似文献   

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