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朱 林从波尔多乘车向东,沿路都是蓝天映掩下的绿色葡萄园,经过2小时的山路穿行,我们到达了法国著名的AOC葡萄酒区——卡欧(CAHONS)。卡欧是一个历史悠久的名城,有许多古建筑:城堡、城墙和教堂,其中最著名的建筑是11世纪修建的、洛河上的瓦朗特石桥(Pont Valentie),洛河是流径卡欧的一条大河,在汇入波尔多的加隆河后入海。在市中心的广场还矗立着诞生于卡欧的法国印刷之父——CAMETTA的塑像。卡欧只有2.5万人口,整个城市显得小巧玲珑,整洁而谧静。奥尔特酒庄位于卡欧西南的山区,环境十分优美,宽阔的绿色草坪,一排排…  相似文献   

正格拉夫(Grave)葡萄酒产区,位于波尔多(Bordeaux)市南部,是波尔多(Bordeaux)地区品质最高的产区之一,也是波尔多(Bordeaux)同时生产红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒的产区。格拉夫(Grave)红葡萄酒早在19世纪末就成为英国皇室的宫廷葡萄酒,其红葡萄酒以雪松香味赢得了"格拉夫的红葡萄酒是大自然最忠诚的表露"的赞誉。格拉夫(Grave)白葡萄酒则以口感圆润、细致为世  相似文献   

去法国旅行,最好乘高速火车,因为它的快捷和舒适,使你感到乘火车是一种享受。这次法国食品协会邀请我们到法国葡萄酒产区采访,就安排了4次乘火车,其中一次是去香槟酒区。火车从巴黎出发,向东北方向驶去,穿过马赫那(Marne)山谷葡萄园,进入香槟酒区最著名的黑斯(Reims)山区,沿路的山丘,像波尔多一样全被葡萄藤绿化了,一片片挂满果穗的葡萄园从窗外闪过,虽然我对葡萄品种很熟悉,但在高速列车上也无法分清葡萄园种植的品种。不管怎样,无论是霞多丽还是黑品诺,都是世界上做香槟酒最好的葡萄品种。到黑斯车站转乘汽车,一会功…  相似文献   

一般情况下,波尔多一些著名葡萄酒酒庄生产的副牌酒(法语:Second Vin;英语Second wine或Second label)生产量并不大,尤其是遇到一些质价比比较合适的优质酿造年份时(如2000年).  相似文献   

在法国波尔多,波伊雅克村庄(Pauillac)的南部,吉伦特河口处矗立着一座古老的白塔,这里曾经是古代用于防御海盗的要塞。现在,在这座石塔下面,是被玫瑰花环抱的葡萄园,这里就是波尔多著名的酒庄——拉圈尔(Chateau Latour)。  相似文献   

SaintAndre酒庄在法国南部朗格多克省的核心地区,靠近地中海,紧邻SaintClair山,俯瞰历史小镇Sete。酒庄的葡萄园面积40公顷土壤结构主要是粘土和石灰石,种植法国南部传统的葡萄品种,如神索、佳丽酿、霞多丽、麝香、胡姗和维欧涅等,也种植了不少波尔多的品种如美乐和品丽珠。  相似文献   

61我去过许多欧美酒庄,西西里印象最深,去年参加中国葡萄酒记者之旅访问西西里,事隔半年,西西里的所见所闻,至今历历在目。西西里是意大利南部地中海上的一个多山的小岛,海景固然优美,但更使人难忘的,还有著名的巴拉莫皇宫、喷发的埃特纳火山、垂钓金枪鱼的海滩、清香的橄榄油、美味的海鲜和镶嵌在绿色葡萄园中的特色酒庄。特色酒庄,波尔多有,那是气势宏伟的古堡;香槟有,那是高雅贵族的风范;莱茵河畔有,那是山水风光的画卷;阿尔卑斯山有,那是清新谧静的悠闲;那帕有,那是创新传统的挑战;西西里呢?它没有奢华,全是顺其自…  相似文献   

谈到法国葡萄酒,人们自然而然的会想起波尔多、勃艮第、香槟这些著名的产区.但事实上,在法国,其他产区也不乏知名的酒庄与葡萄酒,各具特色的不同产区酒共同形成了丰富多彩的法国葡萄酒文化.  相似文献   

蔡颖姬 《新食品》2011,(15):I0003-I0003
国际著名葡萄酒杂志《品醇客》(DECANETER)日前报导.中国最大的葡萄酒零售商之一富隆酒窖(Aussino Cellars)己宣布停止推广波尔多梅多克列级酒庄酒,因为产品价格过高。酒商承担的风险太大。富隆目前已经取消了与波尔多顶级酒庄联盟(Uniondes Grands Crus)的宴会约定。重点推广波尔多右岸葡萄酒。代替原来的左岸佳酿推销模式。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,波尔多右岸的圣爱米利永(Saint Emilion)产区越来越被国人所认知,不仅是因为电影《将爱》的取景地在这里,赵薇、马云也先后在这个产区购置葡萄庄园。圣爱米利永(Saint Emilion)位于波尔多东北35公里的地方,是波尔多地区最古老的酿造葡萄酒的区域。圣埃米利永(Saint Emilion)的历史可以追溯到史前时代,1999年,"圣埃米利永(Saint Emilion)"及其周边地区被联合国教  相似文献   

We investigated the stoichiometry, kinetics, and mechanism of arsenite [As(III)] oxidation by ferrate [Fe(VI)] and performed arsenic removal tests using Fe(VI) as both an oxidant and a coagulant. As(III) was oxidized to As(V) (arsenate) by Fe(VI), with a stoichiometry of 3:2 [As(III):Fe(VI)]. Kinetic studies showed that the reaction of As(III) with Fe(VI) was first-order with respect to both reactants, and its observed second-order rate constant at 25 degrees C decreased nonlinearly from (3.54 +/- 0.24) x 10(5) to (1.23 +/- 0.01) x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1) with an increase of pH from 8.4 to 12.9. A reaction mechanism by oxygen transfer has been proposed for the oxidation of As(III) by Fe(VI). Arsenic removal tests with river water showed that, with minimum 2.0 mg L(-1) Fe(VI), the arsenic concentration can be lowered from an initial 517 to below 50 microg L(-1), which is the regulation level for As in Bangladesh. From this result, Fe(VI) was demonstrated to be very effective in the removal of arsenic species from water at a relatively low dose level (2.0 mg L(-1)). In addition, the combined use of a small amount of Fe(VI) (below 0.5 mg L(-1)) and Fe(III) as a major coagulant was found to be a practical and effective method for arsenic removal.  相似文献   

Copper(Il) cyanide (Cu(CN)4(3-)) in the gold mine industry presentsthe biggest concern in cyanide management because it is much more stable than free cyanide. Cu(CN)4(3-) is highlytoxic to aquatic life; therefore, environmentally friendly techniques are required for the removal of Cu(CN)4(3-) from gold mine effluent. The oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by iron-(VI) (FeVIO4(2-), Fe(VI)) and iron(V) (FeVO4(3-), Fe(V)) was studied using stopped-flow and premix pulse radiolysis techniques. The stoichiometry with Fe(VI) was determined to be 5HFeO(4-) + Cu(CN)4(3-) + 8H2O - > 5Fe(OH)3 + Cu2+ + 4CNO- +3/202 + 6OH-. The rate law for the oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by Fe(VI) was found to be first-order with each reactant. The rates decreased with increasing pH and were mostly related to a decrease in concentration of reactive protonated Fe(VI) species, HFeO4-. A mechanism is proposed that agrees with the observed reaction stoichiometry and rate law. The rate constant for the oxidation of Cu(CN)4(3-) by Fe(V) was determined at pH 12.0 as 1.35 +/- 0.02 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1), which is approximately 3 orders of magnitude larger than Fe(VI). Results indicate that Fe(VI) is highly efficient for removal of cyanides in gold mill effluent.  相似文献   

Mind the (yield) gap(s)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the origin of the notion of ??yield gap?? and its use as a framing device for agricultural policy in sub-Saharan Africa. The argument is that while the yield gap of policy discourse provides a simple and powerful framing device, it is most often used without the discipline or caveats associated with the best examples of its use in crop production ecology and microeconomics. This argument is developed by examining how yield gap is used in a selection of recent and influential agricultural policy documents. The message for policy makers and others is clear: ??mind the (yield) gap(s)??, for they are seldom what they appear.  相似文献   

Two polar analytes, 4(5)-methylimidazole (4-MeI) and 2-acetyl-4(5)-(1,2,3,4)-tetrahydroxybutyl-imidazole (THI), were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) modified with aqueous methanol. The method was applied to a roasted coffee powder with good recovery rates. Method efficiency was compared with that of solid-phase extraction using SCX Disc cartridges and validated for spiked solid matrix. The analytes were determined using isocratic liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) on an Atlantis HILIC Silica column (150 x 2.1 mm, 3 microm) with 80% methanol and 20% 0.01 mol l-1 ammonium formate as the mobile phase. The limit of quantification was around 1.5 pg for 4-MeI and 2.0 pg for THI. The linearity of the calibration curves was satisfactory as indicated by correlation coefficients of >0.999. The coefficient of variation for the intra-day and inter-day precisions was <4% (n = 6). Accuracy was in the range 98-101%; recovery rates were > or = 98 and > or = 99% for THI and 4-MeI, respectively. Several samples of Arabica coffee from various locations and commercially available 'off-the-shelf' coffee products (Arabica/Robusta mixtures) were analysed to test the method.  相似文献   

4病虫害综合防治 病虫害综合防治(IPM)是烟叶生产的一项系统体系,利用病虫害预测预报系统,提供最好的病虫害综合防治决策,重点是协调应用一切可行的办法.病虫害综合防治并不意味着完全排除使用农药,而是在使用其它办法不能使病虫害的种群数保持在可接受的范围时适当使用农药.施用农药的地方应确保安全,并遵守一切法律法规.  相似文献   

7 烘烤(调制)和烤房管理 烟叶的正确烘烤和烤房管理对优化烟叶的产量、质量和产值来说是非常关键的因素。烟叶烘烤是保持烟叶产量、质量的最后一道环节。烟叶质量会因烘烤不当而降低,而正确进行烘烤能确保烟叶质量的稳定。然而,若将劣质的鲜烟叶或烟株放入烤房,则不可能提高最终的烟叶质量。  相似文献   

优质农业生产管理体系(GAP)概念提出的目的在于确保烟叶生产的持续、健康发展,可以将GAP定义为:在保护、维持或增强土壤、水源、空气、动植物生命和环境的同时,在确保农业生产可持续发展的条件下,推行一系列农业措施,生产出一定产量和质量的优质农作物.  相似文献   

Under oxic conditions, Tc exists as the soluble, weakly sorbing pertechnetate [TcO4-] anion. The reduced form of technetium, Tc(IV), is stable in anoxic environments and is sparingly soluble as TcO2 x nH2O(s). Here we investigate the heterogeneous reduction of Tc(VII) by Fe(II) adsorbed on Al (hydr)oxides [diaspore (alpha-AlOOH) and corundum (alpha-Al2O3)]. Experiments were performed to study the kinetics of Tc(VII) reduction, examine changes in Fe surface speciation during Tc(VII) reduction (M?ssbauer spectroscopy), and identify the nature of Tc(IV)-containing reaction products (X-ray absorption spectroscopy). We found that Tc(VII) was completely reduced by adsorbed Fe(II) within 11 (diaspore suspension) and 4 days (corundum suspension). M?ssbauer measurements revealed thatthe Fe(II) signal became less intense with Tc(VII) reduction and was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the Fe(III) doublet and magnetically ordered Fe(III) sextet signals. Tc-EXAFS spectroscopy revealed that the final heterogeneous redox product on corundum was similar to Tc(IV) oxyhydroxide, TcO2 x nH2O.  相似文献   

In this study, the reactivity of lead (Pb(II)) on naturally occurring Mn(III,IV) (oxyhydr)oxide minerals was evaluated using kinetic, thermodynamic, and spectroscopic investigations. Aqueous Pb(II) was more strongly adsorbed to birnessite (delta-MnO1.7) than to manganite (gamma-MnOOH) under all experimental conditions. The isoteric heat of Pb adsorption (delta HT) or birnessite was 94 kJ mol-1 at a surface loading of 1.1 mmol g-1, and decreased with increasing adsorption density. This indicated that adsorption was an endothermic process and that birnessite possessed heterogeneous sites of reactivity for Pb. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra revealed that Pb was adsorbed as inner-sphere complexes on both birnessite and manganite with no evidence to suggest oxidation as an operative sorption mechanism. Lead appeared to coordinate to vacancy sites in the birnessite layer structure with concurrent release of Mn to solution, which resulted in a greater number of second shell Mn scatterers in Pb-birnessite when compared to Pb-manganite samples. The difference in Pb coordination apparently explained the contrasting desorption behavior between the two Mn minerals. These results have significant implications for Pb partitioning in soil environments containing solid-phase Mn(III,IV) (oxyhydr)oxides.  相似文献   

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