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The paper identifies some of the problems with legal systems and outlines the potential of AI technology for overcoming them. For expository purposes, this outline is based on a simplified epistemology of the primary functions of law. Social and philosophical impediments from the side of the legal community to taking advantage of the potential of this technology are discussed and strategic recommendations are given. What is possible is not independent of what we believe to be possible. The possibilities of such developments in the practical world depends upon their being grasped imaginatively by the people who make the practical world work. Neil MacCormick (1993, p.18)  相似文献   

模糊推理算法的数学原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊推理算法在自动控制等领域不断得到成功应用,但其理论基础却是贫弱的.从数学与逻辑的角度对模糊推理算法的基础进行研究分析,提出并证明了3个定理.结果表明在各种模糊推理模式中,前提与结论之间存在一个数学关系(有界实函数),模糊推理的各种算法都是这一函数的不同构造形式.所以,模糊推理的算法其基础是可靠的.  相似文献   

针对多重、多维模糊推理情形,细致地研究了几类模糊推理算法是否满足连续性和逼近性,并进一步讨论了这几类算法对逼近误差的传播性能。把模糊推理算法看成是一个模糊集合到另一个模糊集合的映射,选用海明距离作为两模糊集的距离度量方法,证明了在模糊假言推理和模糊拒取式推理情形,几类多重多维模糊算法都拥有连续性。当多重多维模糊算法满足还原性时就具有逼近性;该模糊算法都不会放大逼近误差。结果对构建模糊控制系统和模糊专家系统时选用和分析模糊推理算法有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

当模糊规则库是稀疏型时,利用Kóczy线性插值推理方法不能保证推理结论的正规性和凸性,为了解决这一问题,石岩曾提出了插值推理方法的推理条件,当满足这些条件时利用Kóczy线性插值推理方法得到的推理结论也满足正规性和凸性;但是这些条件却限制了模糊推理系统的应用,而且如果多次推理中在同一输入点遇到稀疏情况,必须进行相同的计算才能得到正确的推理结果,这样增加了系统的计算量,降低了系统的速度和效率.因此提出了一种新的稀疏模糊推理方法,不仅能够简单的给出正确的推理结果,还能在相应的位置增加规则,提高规则库的紧密程度.  相似文献   

The importance of reasoning in law is pointed out. Law and jurisprudence belong to the reasoning-conscious disciplines. Accordingly, there is a long tradition of logic in law. The specific methods of professional work in law are to be seen in close connection with legal reasoning. The advent of computers at first did not touch upon legal reasoning (or the professional work in law). At first computers could be used only for general auxiliary functions (e.g., numerical calculations in tax law). Gradually, the use of computers for auxiliary functions in law has become more specific and more sophisticated (e.g., legal information retrieval), touching more closely upon professional legal work. Moreover, renewed interest in AI has also fostered interest in AI in law, especially for legal expert systems. AI techniques can be used in support of legal reasoning. Yet until now legal expert systems have remained in the research and development stage and have hardly succeeded in becoming a profitable tool for the profession. Therefore it is hoped that the two lines of computer support, for auxiliary functions in law and for immediate support of legal reasoning, may unite in the future.Herbert Fiedler is professor of Legal Informatics, general theory of law and penal law in the Department of Economics and Law at the University of Bonn.  相似文献   

基于模糊推理的电机故障诊断专家系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用小波的多分辨率分析方法对某电机的噪声信号进行分析,将小波分解后得到的高频能量作为故障特征向量,作为故障检测的依据;针对电机故障的特点及故障诊断的要求,设计了基于模糊推理的专家系统,采用模糊产生式规则表示知识,利用已获得的各种故障的高频能量特征向量构造规则的前提条件,通过实时获得的故障特征向量与各条规则前提条件进行模糊匹配,采用正向推理的模糊推理方法实现推理机制,直接得出诊断结果,经实验验证是可行的,并且具有较高的实时性以及准确性。  相似文献   

石黎  林仙 《微计算机信息》2006,22(35):210-212
对上下文推理的原理和形式进行了阐述,讨论了上下文推理的形式化问题,并给出一个利用MCS对问题进行形式化表示和求解的实例。  相似文献   

The event calculus is a logic programming formalism for representing events and their effects especially in database applications. This paper proposes the event calculus as a logic-based methodology for the specification and execution of workflows. It is shown that the control flow graph of a workflow specification can be expressed as a set of logical formulas and the event calculus can be used to specify the role of a workflow manager through a set of rules for the execution dependencies of activities. The proposed framework for a workflow manager maintains a history of events to control the execution of activities. The events are instructions to the workflow manager to coordinate the execution of activities. Based on the already occurred events, the workflow manager triggers new events to schedule new activities in accordance with the control flow graph of the workflow. The net effect is an alternative approach for defining a workflow engine whose operational semantics is naturally integrated with the operational semantics of a deductive database. Within this framework it is possible to model sequential and concurrent activities with or without synchronization. It is also possible to model agent assignment and execution of concurrent workflow instances. The paper, thus, contributes a logical perspective to the task of developing formalization for the workflow management systems.  相似文献   

基于模糊Petri网的汽车故障诊断仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将Petri网和模糊推理相结合,建立故障诊断的模糊Petri网模型。其中,用FPN表示模糊产生规则,用Petri网的变迁激活规则进行故障诊断推理,从而分析出异常行为过程间的因果关系,推理出故障的原因及其可信度。以汽车故障诊断为例,建立了基于模糊Petri网的诊断模型。通过仿真分析,验证了模型的正确性和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

在某导弹注药生产线控制系统中,影响弹体质量的主要因素是控制过程中每次注药重量的精确度,因此提高动态称重中的精度是控制系统设计过程中的重要环节。在分析了注药过程中误差来源的前提下,提出了基于模糊推理的迭代学习控制与点动式控制结合的控制方式,解决了长期以来动态称重中的精度问题,使精度达到了0.5%。实际表明:该控制方法测量精度高、可靠性强。  相似文献   

在分析区间值模糊集理论和现有模糊分类器的基础上,提出两种分类器的算法,它们分别是建立在区间值推理和AFS结构上的.经Iris数据实验,证明第一种算法分类结果很好,后一算法不仅结果与前面的一样好,而且它还能处理一些描述模糊概念的数据库.这两种算法在分类实践中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

为了准确对用户的消费提供个性化建议,智能推荐系统应运而生.对智能推荐系统体系结构及实现方法进行了有益的探索,将模糊聚类、模糊关联规则挖掘与模糊推理相结合,设计并实现了一个原型智能推荐系统.该系统在经过实际数据运行后,经过模糊聚类、模糊关联规则挖掘和规则筛选,并经过模糊推理,系统可以给出一些符合实际背景的结论.  相似文献   

两种改进的相似度及模糊推理方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
在专家系统的模糊推理中,基于相似度的方法是一种简便而又重要的方法。文章指出了已有的两种相似度及其算法的局限性,提出了两种改进的相似度及其推理算法,并用实例说明了改进方法的效果。  相似文献   

稀疏规则条件下的线性插值推理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊推理本质上就是某种插值方法.但在稀疏规则库的条件下,当输入的事实落入规则“空隙”时,采用传统的CRI方法是得不到任何推理结果的.而采用KH线性插值推理也存在着难以保证推理结果的凸性和正规性等问题.在分析了Koczy和Hirota提出的线性插值推理方法的基础上,本文提出了一个新的线性插值推理的方法,该方法能很好地保证推理结果的凸性和正规性,这为智能系统中的模糊推理提供了一个十分有用的工具.  相似文献   

宝钢冷轧过程故障诊断模糊专家系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本设计了并实施了一个用于冷轧过程的故障诊断的实时专家系统。通过模糊理论和专家系统相结合解决了诊断中的不确定性问题。  相似文献   

汽车运行过程中的动态参数携带了汽车技术状态的丰富信息,这些参数在评价汽车技术状态时,存在着一系列不确定性的现象。为解决这类问题,我们提出了借助模糊数学的方法,采用多现象、多因素综合推理,在实际运用中,利用该方法能够得到比较确切的结果。  相似文献   

两类模糊推理算法的连续性和逼近性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
徐蔚鸿  谢中科  杨静宇  叶有培 《软件学报》2004,15(10):1485-1492
对Zadeh的模糊推理合成法则(CRI算法)和全蕴涵三I算法(三I算法)是否满足连续性和逼近性问题进行了细致的研究,进一步讨论了这两类算法对逼近误差的传播性能.为此,把模糊推理算法看成是模糊集合到模糊集合的映射,选用海明距离作为两模糊集的距离.证明了在模糊假言推理和模糊拒取式推理情形,这两类算法都拥有连续性.指出三I算法在已知规则的前件和后件是正规集的条件下总是满足逼近性,而CRI算法只有当它满足还原性时才拥有逼近性.在满足逼近性的条件下,两类算法都不会放大逼近误差.结果对构建模糊控制系统和模糊专家系统时选用和分析模糊推理算法有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of issues regarding the problem of solving generalized fuzzy relational equations that are defined within a recently introduced framework of sup-preserving aggregation structures. Generalized fuzzy relational equations subsume the previously studied types of fuzzy relational equations, that is those based on either sup-t-norm or inf-residuum classes of compositions.  相似文献   

There have been only few attempts to extend fuzzy logic to automated theorem proving. In particular, the applicability of the resolution principle to fuzzy logic has been little examined. The approaches that have been suggested in the literature, however, have made some semantic assumptions which resulted in limitations and inflexibilities of the inference mechanism. In this paper we present a new approach to fuzzy logic and reasoning under uncertainty using the resolution principle based on a new operator, the fuzzy operator. We present the fuzzy resolution principle for this logic and show its completeness as an inference rule.  相似文献   

In a legal expert system based on CBR (Case-Based Reasoning), legal statute rules are interpreted on the basis of precedents. This interpretation, because of its vagueness and uncertainty of the interpretation cannot be handled with the means used for crisp cases. In our legal expert system, on the basis of the facts of precedents, the statute rule is interpreted as a form of case rule, the application of which involves the concepts of membership and vagueness. The case rule is stored in a data base by means of fuzzy frames. The inference based on a case rule is made by fuzzy YES and fuzzy NO, and the degree of similarity of cases. The system proposed here will be used for legal education; its main area of application is contract, especially in relation to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).  相似文献   

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