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Polycrystalline Si0.4Ge0.6 was prepared by electron-beam float-zone melting, and its thermoelectric properties were studied in the intrinsic region. The samples were found to be p-type, with a room-temperature resistivity from 5 to 20 Ωcm. The thermoelectric figure of merit of the alloy in the intrinsic region (500–1000 K) is lower than that of heavily doped alloys. Above 1000 K, a sharp rise in its thermoelectric figure of merit would be expected.  相似文献   

We have studied the photoluminescence (PL) of GeO2 and 90 mol % SiO2-10 mol % GeO2 films synthesized by method of RF magnetron sputtering and then irradiated with silicon ions and annealed. The PL of silicon-implanted GeO2 films, related to the presence of Si nanocrystals (nc-Si), was observed for the first time. It is established that the transformation of the defect centers responsible for the PL in the spectral range 350–600 nm, as well as the formation of nc-Si emitting in the region of 700–800 nm, significantly depend on the matrix type. In particular, the PL intensity at 700–800 nm in 90 mol % SiO2-10 mol % GeO2 films is weak. The role of the isovalent substitution of Si and Ge atoms in the transformation of defect centers and the formation of nc-Si is discussed.  相似文献   

The short-circuit thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) through lead germanate single crystals has been measured as a function of temperature (100–800 K) and time. The results indicate that poling of the crystals at elevated temperatures (t ≥ 150°C) produces an electret state related to the spacecharge mechanism of polarization. Relatively mild poling conditions (E = 0.75 kV/cm, t = 150°C) produce a well-defined, long-lived electret with an abnormally large electret charge (1400 μC/cm2). The electret discharge leads to heating of the crystal, in the form of a peak in the range 520–570 K, whose height exceeds that of the pyroelectric peak near T C by two to three orders of magnitude. From the TSDC data, we evaluated the stored electret charge, its density, and the activation energy of traps for electret charges, and made preliminary conclusions as to the nature of the traps. We demonstrate that neglect of the electret discharge current (which depends on a number of factors) when determining the pyroelectric coefficient p σ above 280 K leads to a significant scatter in data.  相似文献   

Structural transformations in thin Ge2Sb2Te5 films for phase-change memory applications have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry. As-grown, amorphous films have been shown to undergo structural transitions to a cubic and then to a hexagonal phase. A reproducible endothermic peak has been detected, which had not been reported earlier. A mechanism for the underlying process has been proposed.  相似文献   

The Dy2Ge2O7 and Ho2Ge2O7 pyrogermanates have been prepared by solid-state reactions in several sequential firing steps in the temperature range 1237–1473 K using stoichiometric mixtures of Dy2O3 (or Ho2O3) and GeO2. The heat capacity of the synthesized germanates has been determined as a function of temperature by differential scanning calorimetry in the range 350–1000 K. The experimentally determined C p (T) curves of the dysprosium and holmium germanates have no anomalies and are well represented by the Maier–Kelley equation. The experimental C p (T) data have been used to evaluate the thermodynamic functions of the Dy2Ge2O7 and Ho2Ge2O7 pyrogermanates: enthalpy increment H°(T)–H°(350 K), entropy change S°(T)–S°(350 K), and reduced Gibbs energy Ф°(T).  相似文献   

The Sm2Ge2O7 and Eu2Ge2O7 germanates have been prepared by solid-state reactions via multistep firing of stoichiometric mixtures of Sm2O3 (Eu2O3) and GeO2 in air at temperatures from 1273 to 1473 K. The molar heat capacity of the samarium and europium germanates has been determined by differential scanning calorimetry in the range 350–1000 K and the C p (T) data have been used to evaluate their thermodynamic properties.  相似文献   

Single-crystal gadolinium gallium garnet films have been grown by liquid-phase epitaxy on (111) Gd3Ga5O12 substrates from supercooled Bi2O3-B2O3 fluxed melts at different Gd2O3 concentrations. The luminescence spectra of the films have been measured at 10 and 300 K under unmonochromatized synchrotron X-ray excitation and selective UV synchrotron excitation. The Bi3+ luminescence is discussed.  相似文献   

While the dynamics of thermal oxidation of Si has been adequately described for over three decades, details of SiGe oxidation are not entirely clear. In particular, the injection into the Si substrate of a super-saturation of interstitial defects during the formation of SiO2 may not be replicated in the SiGe system. Here we describe the response of relatively stable open-volume defects in a Si092Ge0.08 substrate to annealing at 900°C for 30 min in either an inert (nitrogen) or wet oxidizing ambient. The defects are initialized by He+ implantation at an energy and dose of 60 keV and 1 × 1016 cm−2 respectively, followed by annealing in an inert ambient at 800°C for 10 min. Confirmation of the creation and thermal evolution of the open-volume defects was provided by beam-based variable-energy positron annihilation spectroscopy. The positron measurements suggest that the defects are considerably reduced in size following the secondary nitrogen annealing step. In comparison, the average size of the open-volume defects is reduced to a significantly smaller degree following secondary oxygen annealing. This result is consistent with a suppression of interstitial formation during oxidation, in contrast with the case for the thermal oxidation of silicon, but further work is currently underway to test this interpretation.  相似文献   

We have prepared chemically homogeneous Mn5Ge3 single crystals and evaluated the anisotropy in their electrical resistivity and linear expansion coefficient. These properties have been shown to vary anomalously with temperature near the ferromagnetic transition of Mn5Ge3. In the temperature range 320–900 K, its resistivity remains constant.  相似文献   

The effect of heating rate on the structural and magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline Fe81Si4B12P2Cu1 alloy has been investigated. Amorphous Fe81Si4B12P2Cu1 alloy was annealed at 753 K for 180 s at different heating rates ranging from 0.05 to 5 K/s in protective argon atmosphere. The structural and magnetic properties of the as-quenched and annealed alloys were studied using X-ray diffractometer (XRD), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and B–H loop tracer, respectively. Amorphous precursor prepared by industry-grade raw materials is obtained. The increase of heating rate is found to be significantly effective in decreasing the grain size of α-Fe(Si) phase, but the grain size increases at higher heating rate. The volume fraction of α-Fe(Si) phase shows a monotonic decrease with the increase of the heating rate. The coercivity H c markedly decreases with increasing heating rate and exhibits a minimum at the heating rate of 0.5 K/s, while the saturation magnetization, M s, shows a slight decrease. These results suggest that the effect of heating rate on H c and M s is originated from the changes of grain size and the volume fraction of α-Fe(Si) phase.  相似文献   

Si3N4/TiN composites have been produced by hot pressing at temperatures from 1600 to 1800°C in a nitrogen atmosphere, using silicon nitride powders prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and surface-modified with titanium dioxide nanoparticles. We examined the effect of TiO2 content on the microstructure, phase composition, and mechanical strength of the ceramics. It is shown that titanium nitride can be formed by the reaction Si3N4 + TiO2 → TiN + NO + N2O + 3Si. The Si3N4/TiN composites containing 5–20% TiN have a low density, high porosity, and a bending strength of 60 MPa or lower. In Si3N4/TiN ceramics produced using calcium aluminates as sintering aids, the silicon nitride grains are densely packed, which ensures an increase in strength to 650 MPa.  相似文献   

It has been one of the most important issues to minimize the stress reduction during phase change in GST (Ge2Sb2Te5) alloy for PRAM (Phase-change Random Access Memory) applications, because the alloy has been reported to face the significant stress during the phase change. We fabricated GST/oxide/substrate as a basic structure, and then added two more structures by capping an adhesion layer (Ti) or a barrier metal (TiN) on GST layer, respectively. We report that TiN-capped structure shows about 40% stress reduction during the phase change compared with that of the basic structure. The stress reduction is considered to be due to the intrinsic compressive stress in TiN film itself.  相似文献   

Theory of deformation twinning by Bilby and Crocker is applied to calculate the twinning elements for all possible twinning modes in monoclinic Er2Si2O7 TYPE C and TYPE D. The magnitude of shear strain was also calculated for each twinning mode. The criteria of small shear strain and minimum shuffling is applied to predict the operative twinning mode for monoclinic Er2Si2O7 TYPE C and TYPE D. These predications of the theory are compared with the available experimental information and may act as guideline for future experimental work.  相似文献   

The structures of gismondine and amicite are analyzed in comparison with one another and with those of the zeolites whose compositions lie in the hypothetical plane “CaAl2Si3O10”-Na2Al2Si3O10-H2O. It is shown that the structures are similar to each other and may undergo mutual transformations.  相似文献   

Fine Ti5Si3 powder has been mechanochemically synthesized from a mixture of elemental Ti and Si powders. When Ti5Si3 is added as a catalyst into Li3AlH6, it shows a good catalytic ability by reducing the decomposition temperature and improving the decomposition kinetics as well. Although its catalytic effect is not as good as well-known TiCl3, the use of Ti5Si3 has a benefit of releasing more hydrogen than TiCl3 during dehydrogenation. This can be explained by that Ti5Si3, unlike TiCl3, does not incur any chemical reactions with Li3AlH6 and thus remains inert during milling for dispersion.  相似文献   

Porous Si3N4–Si2N2O bodies fabricated by multi-pass extrusion process were investigated depending on the feldspar addition content (4–8 wt% Si) in the raw silicon powder. The diameter of the continuous pores was about 250 μm. The polycrystalline Si2N2O fibers observed in the continuous pores as well as in the matrix regions of the nitrided bodies can increase the filtration efficiency. In the 4 wt% feldspar addition, the diameter of the Si2N2O fibers in the continuous pores of the nitrided bodies was about 90–150 nm. A few number of rope typed Si2N2O fibers (∼4 μm) was found in the case of 8 wt% feldspar addition. However, in the 8 wt% feldspar addition, the matrix showed highly porous structure composed of large number of the Si2N2O fibers (∼60 nm). The relative densities of the Si3N4–Si2N2O bodies with 4 wt% and 8 wt% feldspar additions were about 65% and 61%, respectively.  相似文献   

The ternary compound Sc2Fe3Si5 has attracted much attention because of the various anomalous physical properties. The specific heat experiment and energy band structure calculation suggest that Sc2Fe3Si5 is a two-gap superconductor. Based on this, we analyze the upper critical field for superconducting Sc2Fe3Si5 crystals using the two-band Ginzburg-Landau theory. A two-parameter variational approach is adopted to obtain the upper critical field in arbitrary direction. The temperature and angular dependences of the upper critical field are plotted. The results reproduce the experimental data in a very broad temperature range and strongly support previous specific heat data and theoretical calculation, pointing to the existence of two energy gaps in Sc2Fe3Si5. The anisotropy of the upper critical field is also studied and is about 2, in accordance with the experimental result. Moreover our calculations indicate that Sc2Fe3Si5 has rather a three-dimension character, in agreement with the energy band calculation.  相似文献   

Gd2Sn2O7 gadolinium stannate with the pyrochlore structure has been prepared by solid-state reaction and its high-temperature heat capacity has been determined by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range 350–1020 K. The Cp(T) data are shown to be well represented by the classic Maier–Kelley equation. The experimental Cp(T) data have been used to evaluate the thermodynamic functions of gadolinium stannate: enthalpy increment H°(T)–H°(339 K), entropy change S°(T)–S°(339 K), and reduced Gibbs energy Ф°(Т).  相似文献   

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