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作为同样可调可控的稳定低碳电源,燃煤电厂碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)与可再生能源储能技术的成本竞争性值得进一步探究。本文利用学习曲线模型比较了二者平准化度电成本(CLCOE)在2020—2030年间的竞争性变化,也进一步厘清了弃风弃光省份中二者的CLCOE水平。结果表明:目前,燃煤电厂CCUS较可再生能源储能系统具有竞争优势,如果燃煤电厂CCUS难以得到快速发展,到2028年,将丧失与可再生能源储能竞争的可能;到2030年,燃煤电厂CCUS平价上网的碳价需求水平为136~189元/t,但就目前的碳价发展趋势而言,通过碳收益实现平价上网存在难度;在弃光省份,燃煤电厂CCUS可通过调整发电小时数扩大与光伏储能技术的竞争优势;在绝大多数弃风省份,如河北、山西、内蒙、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、贵州、陕西、宁夏、甘肃和新疆,其燃煤电厂CCUS在现有条件下较风电储能具有绝对的CLCOE优势。  相似文献   

There will be many issues in the coming period of energy transition, not least of which is the fate of the jobs in the current energy sector and the communities supported by those jobs. The technical challenges are described, and the value of CCUS as a technology that can strongly mitigate potential negative impacts is shown. The need for governmental support if CCUS is to be successful and current options for governmental support of CCUS are discussed.  相似文献   

荣佳  彭勃  刘琦  贾冀辉 《热力发电》2021,50(1):43-46
我国统一碳市场的正式成立为碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)产业化发展提供了商业化机遇,对CCUS在碳市场背景下商业化机制和产业化发展的分析和评估具有重要意义。借鉴欧盟和美国碳市场发展经验,在分析我国碳市场和CCUS现状的基础上,探讨了我国碳市场与CCUS之间相互推动的关系。碳市场交易与CCUS最终目的均为碳减排,碳市场的成立体现了政府干预与市场机制相互结合的原则,配额分配是碳市场的关键核心,CCUS的产业化发展可借鉴碳市场的发展经验出台国家层面的政策指导与宏观设计,初步设计CCUS产业化发展阶段。碳市场碳定价是支持CCUS发展的重要工具,我国碳市场与CCUS之间可以实现相互促进协同发展。  相似文献   

面向碳中和目标的碳捕集、利用与封存发展初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到2060年力争实现碳中和目标的提出,为中长期我国应对气候变化指明了方向,确定了明确的目标,将对我国能源和经济系统产生深远影响。碳捕集、利用与封存(carbon capture, utilization and storage,CCUS)作为具有大规模减排潜力的技术,是实现碳中和目标不可或缺的重大技术,一直以来受到全球广泛关注,同时有助于我国建立更加具有韧性和弹性的能源系统。本文初步探讨了碳中和目标对CCUS发展带来的新形势和新需求,并对我国CCUS发展的情况和存在的挑战进行了分析,在此基础上提出了近期CCUS发展应重点关注的几方面重点任务,特别是要面向碳中和目标的要求加快构建全面系统的CCUS技术体系,充分发挥其减排和负排放的作用,同时深入研究CCUS在实现碳中和目标过程中的发展路径,统筹协调好在能源部门和工业部门等发展应用的路线图。  相似文献   

聚焦碳捕集、利用与封存(carbon capture, utilization and storage,CCUS)新兴低碳技术,介绍了近年来国外主要发达经济体的政策发展情况,另外着重从国家、地方政府层面入手对我国相关政策或规划进行了整理分析。过去10余年间,系列政策的适时发布有力促进了我国CCUS的布局与发展,技术目前总体处于工业示范阶段。然而,相较美国、欧盟等发达经济体,我国CCUS技术能力与项目规模仍有一定差距,并存在财税激励或补贴政策尚未出台、法律法规与标准体系建设缓慢、产业链布局不完善和国际合作话语权不强等主要不足。建议立足我国实际国情,在总结借鉴国外CCUS良好政策与实践经验的基础上,加快推动低成本、低能耗、安全可靠的CCUS关键技术研发与产业集群建设,深化国际合作,逐步建立产业发展主导优势,助力“双碳”目标实现。  相似文献   

燃煤电站全流程CO2捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)装置各个环节选用合适的技术决定其经济性,采用逐项比较的方法,确定出在不同条件下CO2捕集、压缩、输送及驱油各个不同工段应采用的工艺技术,然后分别从建设投资与运行成本角度分析了各个工段的影响因素并有针对性地提出优化措施,并对3个100万t/a相同规模的不同地址燃煤电厂与不同位置油田驱块的组合方案进行了经济性评价。结果表明,CO2输送距离是建设总成本的主要影响因素,而中长期CO2公用输送管网的规划完善将弥补CO2平均输送距离带来的成本增加。  相似文献   

This paper explains the organization and execution of a summer engineering outreach camp designed to attract and motivate high school students as well as increase their awareness of various engineering fields. The camp curriculum included hands-on, competitive design-oriented engineering projects from several disciplines: the electrical, environmental, mechanical, civil, and chemical engineering fields. The camp also provided additional information on financial aid, the academic programs in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) offered at Texas A&M University–Kingsville (TAMUK), as well as various career options for prospective engineers. The implementation of the camp activities and the well-designed hands-on projects not only increased the students' satisfaction, but also improved their self-confidence and their interest toward engineering disciplines. The engineering outreach camp survey results clearly indicated the success of the camp and the effectiveness of the hands-on, competitive engineering design experiences to attract students to engineering professions. Thus, it demonstrated an effective, feasible, and sustainable engineering recruitment approach.   相似文献   

Deregulation in the US electric utility industry has lead to the entry of many new market participants, particularly power marketers, which in turn has lead to a much more active and fluid electricity market. With the advent of new market instruments that can be used to hedge one's exposure to market risks, power portfolio management takes on new meaning and new tools and techniques can be used to manage risk. This paper concentrates on long-term project valuation and power portfolio management issues in a competitive environment. It describes a method of valuing risky projects based on options pricing theory and decision analysis and its implementation to long-term power portfolio management or integrated resource planning for an electric utility in Texas. The author believes that the methodology described in this paper has wide application in the deregulated competitive electricity market from integrated resource planning for utilities facing competition and valuing a power plant investment by an independent power producer to pricing electricity options  相似文献   

The majority of global-scale energy system models find that deep decarbonization to limit anthropogenic global warming to well below 2 °C is infeasible or significantly more costly without carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). Yet, there is some dissent amongst academics, businesses, and policymakers regarding the role CCUS can or should play in a low-carbon future. This article explores the value that CCUS provides in time-bound, economy-wide transitions to net-zero emissions (NZE). We consider value on three levels:(a) threshold value, i.e. whether or not CCUS is necessary in economy-wide pathways to NZE;(b) commercial value, i.e. the role of CCUS in minimum-cost pathways to NZE; and(c) option value, i.e. whether or not the inclusion of CCUS in a mitigation portfolio reduces the risk of not meeting NZE given socio-technical uncertainties facing alternative pathways.We review recent global-scale techno-economic modeling studies that describe pathways to NZE by mid-century, and Princeton University’s recent Net-Zero America (NZA) study which provided a granular downscaling of modeled pathways to NZE by 2050 for the lower 48 U.S. states. These complementary studies indicate that getting to NZE without CCUS is costlier, more difficult, and likely not possible in at least some major economies, without breakthrough advances in mitigating hard-to-abate sectors and/or natural climate solutions. CCUS therefore holds both threshold and commercialvalue for NZE transitions.Leveraging the granular results from NZA, we show that CCUS also provides option value in a technology portfolio even when the planned pathway to NZE either does not include or only includes a limited amount of CCUS. The option value exists by providing a hedge against plausible (but hard to anticipate) real-world execution challenges for certain low-cost mitigation pathways, including those related to: capital mobilization; supply chains; siting and permitting; and potential public and political opposition owing to land-use impacts or disaffected industries. Such challenges are plausible for renewables-heavy pathways, which present unprecedented infrastructure pace and scale demands and the potential for social disruption at the community-level for fossil fuel-dependent economies. Finally, we consider what it would take to assure CCUS as a real option for commercial deployment when needed in NZE transitions. Recommendations are provided for how governments might de-risk CCUS value chains and backstop CCUS counterparty risks.  相似文献   

蒙古国Baganuur煤矿附近拟建设煤制天然气项目(synthetic natural gas,SNG),为了促进煤转化项目的低碳可持续发展,拟开展SNG项目全流程碳捕集,利用和封存(carbon capture,utilization and storage,CCUS)的预可行性研究。针对蒙古国的SNG项目特点和地质条件,采用预可行性研究框架完成了咸水层封存场地的评价与筛选、场地性能评估、全流程CCUS项目技术设计、技术经济评价等研究内容。初步的场地适宜性评估结果显示:Nyalga盆地具有大量的高适宜的CO2-EWR封存场地和充足的封存容量,目标封存场地的储盖层性能良好。全流程CCUS项目的设计流程为工艺过程分离的高浓度CO2直接压缩,经管道运输至临近的咸水层场地,设定CO2总捕集量的90%用于强化深部咸水开采(CO2enhanced the recovery of water,CO2-EWR),10%出售给蒙古国石油企业开展提高原油采收率(CO2enhanced the recovery of oil,CO2-EOR)研究示范或其他用途。经过评估,20年项目周期的全流程CCUS项目的综合平准化成本为18.8USD/t CO2,年减排规模为5Mt CO2,年增采深部咸水5.13Mt。研究为蒙古国内开展CCUS技术提供参考,同时也为一带一路国家低碳、可持续地利用化石能源并发展工业提供参考。  相似文献   

随着中国电力现货市场的快速发展,售电商可以通过设计售电套餐来引导电力用户参与电力需求响应,以此提高双方利益。文中引入避峰响应系数,在分时电价的基础上制定售电套餐激励以吸引电力用户积极转移用电负荷。首先,根据设计的售电套餐计算出电力用户选择售电套餐后的负荷转移情况;其次,考虑电费支出的变化与用电方式的变化对电力用户效用产生的影响,基于效用函数构建售电套餐决策模型来计算出电力用户对售电套餐的选择情况;然后,文中基于售电商参与现货市场交易转移负荷,以售电商利益驱动量最大化为目标优化设计出4种售电套餐;最后,通过算例分析,验证了优化后的售电套餐符合双方的利益要求。  相似文献   

简介美国智能电网的研发过程,对若干美国智能电网试点项目进行了述评,包括项目的内容、目的、特点、所应用的新技术和实施概况。总结美国智能电网试点项目的建设经验,并对推进中国智能电网试点项目的实施和推广提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Economic Factors and Incentives for Ocean Wave Energy Conversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ocean energy conversion systems have recently seen renewed interest, stimulated mostly by today's increasing energy discussions. In addition to ocean current energy converters, several commercial ocean wave energy projects have already been undertaken; however, no clear economic model exists for developers to follow. Therefore, this paper focuses on U.S. economic factors that affect the use of wave power for generation of electric energy. These are addressed with regard to economic and business incentives for renewables and wave energy. This paper also investigates incentive programs needed to promote wave energy conversion technology.   相似文献   

电力CPS环境下电力4G无线专网向5G演进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建高效连接、大容量带宽、低通信时延的电力无线专网,是电力信息物理系统(cyber physical system, CPS)业务可靠运行的重要保障,有必要对电力CPS环境下电力无线专网进行研究。首先分析了电力CPS环境下电力业务对通信网络的需求,结合电力业务特征研究了5G通信技术的通信组网架构。然后结合电力业务需求和5G通技术特点,提出了电力4G无线专网向5G演进目标,并构建了循序渐进的演进思路。分别提出电力4G无线专网终端、基站、回传网、核心网的演进策略。最后,对电力无线专网的演进策略进行了展望。  相似文献   

大力发展高电压、长距离、大容量高温超导输电的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高温超导输电有着一系列重要的优越性,作为一种具有重大前景的新技术,需要大力推动高温超导输电有关工作并进行统一规划和认真部署.本文提出建议将“高电压,长距离,大容量高温超导输电”作为国家重大专项列入国家计划.  相似文献   

特高压直流输电工程成套设计及其国产化   总被引:15,自引:17,他引:15  
常浩  樊纪超 《电网技术》2006,30(16):1-5
特高压输电具有远距离、大容量、低损耗的优势,是实现能源资源优化配置的有效途径,能够取得良好的社会经济综合效益。发展特高压电网可以推动我国电力技术创新和电工制造业的技术升级。在我国电网的“十一五”规划中,直流特高压将与交流特高压共同发展,最终成为全国骨干网架的重要组成部分。本文介绍了高压直流输电系统成套设计的国产化历程,分析了特高压直流输电系统成套设计的关键技术问题,并简述了当前特高压直流输电系统成套设计的主要研究内容。通过解决关键技术问题,实现对原有常规高压直流输电系统成套设计引进技术和成果的消化、吸收、再创新,国内将具备独立承担特高压直流输电工程的系统研究和成套设计能力。  相似文献   

Three undergraduate design projects in the field of computer communications are described: a microprocessor-controlled private branch exchange (PBX); a ring type local area network; and a computer network design software project. These projects are particularly useful for allowing students to integrate course work in communications, microprocessors, and digital logic and software. Readings for each project which are suitable for undergraduate students are also listed. The undertaking of these projects is divided into four phases. Initially, the students perform reading on the technology in question. This is followed by an initial hardware design and/or software design. During the next (construction) phase, the initial plan is usually modified. Finally, experimentation and modifications are carried out with the completed system. Students typically underestimate the time it will take to produce operational hardware and software. Thus, the faculty advisor's most important task is to see that it is completed in time to allow experimentation  相似文献   

DSM评估模型及新发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
电力需求侧管理(DSM)是综合资源规则(IRP)的一项重要内容。为了能够完善我国目前DSM项目的指标评价体系,充分挖掘DSM规划各方激励因素,进而推动DSM在我国的实施和发展,在传统IRP的模式下建立了较为完整的DSM成本效益分析模型,就其中的主要参数进行了灵敏度分析;并在此基础上结合欧美DSM框架的最新研究,指出了在电力体制改革的新环境下,IRP/DSM评价模型对于各部门的必要性和适用性。  相似文献   

The historical competition between public power and private power shows that retail customers have chosen the former to reduce costs and improve customer service. Research also shows that publicly owned utilities employ cost-minimizing algorithms, and that federal and state regulators favor the interests of investors over those of customers, undermining their obligation to protect consumer welfare. Institutional options matter and should be strongly encouraged.  相似文献   

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