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通过对县域经济的发展差异进行统计分析,发现县域经济的增长差异非常大;结合中国县域经济发展的具体特征,从资本投入、劳动力投入,地理位置等个方面来分析中国县域经济增长的影响因素,结果发现:农业发展水平与县城人均GDP增长率之间成显著的负相关关系;财政支出对县域经济增长率有显著的正向关系;工业化发展对县域经济增长有显著正作用;城镇化发展能对缩小县域经济差异作出较大的贡献.  相似文献   

分析了县域中小企业对县域经济的推动作用:县域中小企业发展是生产发展、经济振兴的物质基础;是扩大农民就业、实现生活富裕的主渠道;是城镇化发展的助推器;为建设现代农业创造了良好的条件.指出当前县域工业化水平低成为制约陕西省县域经济的主要因素,并分析了加快县域工业发展面临的机遇和挑战.提出了发展中小企业的对策:提高认识,确立工业强县的思想;科学规划,推进县域企业发展工作机制的创新;创造有利条件,加大支持创业的力度;以园区建设为载体,加大招商引资力度;以自主创新为动力,大力发展循环经济;提高服务质量,为企业打造优良的投资环境.  相似文献   

运用灰色关联分析法时湖北省黄冈10个县市的城镇化水平进行综合评价.结果显示,黄冈各县市的经济实力不强,吸纳劳动力的能力较低,导致城镇化综合发展水平仍较低.以武汉城市圈为契机,积极推进工业化,大力发展县域经济,加大劳动力转移等举措是加快黄冈市城镇化进程的重点任务.  相似文献   

依据柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数,利用样本县的经济与金融数据,对鞍山市县域金融支持县域经济发展进行了实证分析。结果表明,农信社、城市商业银行及村镇银行等新型金额机构对县域经济发展促进作用明显,而大型国有银行支持县域经济发展的作用弱化。同时,提出加强县域金融制度与渠道体系创新,金融产品创新,完善担保体系与政策支持等对策。  相似文献   

选取2009年贵州省地区生产总值增长率、第三产业占GDP比重、人均财政支出、水土流失率等17项指标,依据统计年鉴及政府网站相关指标数据,利用因子分析法和聚类分析法对贵州省88个县(市、区)的县域经济竞争力进行评价.结果表明,贵州省县域经济竞争力高低除取决于区位和经济基础因素外,资源环境、经济结构、经济发展速度等因素同样发挥重要作用.在此基础上,根据不同的县域发展特点,结合各地不同的发展优势,因地制宜,实施不同的发展战略,对推动贵州省各县域经济的快速健康可持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

在全国加快县域经济发展的进程中,出现了许多依靠旅游富县强县的典范,如安徽黟县.为了定量地研究旅游对县域经济发展的贡献程度大小,引入了区位商和产业贡献率两个指标进行分析,并以黟县作为研究案例.首先,对黟县旅游经济现状进行了简单介绍.然后,定量化分析了旅游对黟县县域经济发展的影响,并得出结论:旅游对黟县县域经济贡献巨大.最后,分析指出黟县县域经济发展存在的问题,同时给了一些解决思路.  相似文献   

深入分析旅游型县域经济落后的成因,指明寻找其未来发展的路径将是东北地区旅游型县域经济发展的关键.在对东北地区旅游型县域内涵、范围、类型等进行界定的基础上,运用大量统计数据分析了东北地区旅游型县域经济的发展现状,指出了当前存在的主要问题,并有针对性地提出了相应的调控对策.  相似文献   

依据<2008年湖北省国民经济和社会发展统计公报>相关数据,综合运用因子分析法对湖北省县域经济发展进行研究,结果表明,湖北省各县市经济发展差异很大,发展很不平衡,将湖北省76个县市分为F>1、01、F>0三大类,即县域经济较发达地区、县域经济中等发达地区与县域经济发展较低地区.基于湖北省经济发展现状,提出了加快县域经济发展的对策:坚持市场经济的改革取向,大力发展民营经济;牢固树立工业兴县、工业兴市的思想,加快推进工业化进程;加大对龙头企业的扶持力度,深入推进农业产业化经营;进一步加大招商引资力度,切实把工业化、产业化落实到项目和企业的发展上来;继续坚持用硬措施改善软环境,以环境创新促进县域经济发展等.  相似文献   

县域经济是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,而县域经济的发展却离不开金融的支持,因此良好的县域金融生态环境能促进县域经济良好的发展..本文从了解金融生态环境的相关知识以及改善县域金融生态环境的意义,改善县域金融生态环境存在的问题进而解决这些问题的方法、对策入手来探讨如何改善县域金融生态环境.  相似文献   

国家《十一五规划》提出,"要大力发展县域经济,逐步消除城乡二元结构,加快推进县城工业化、城镇化建设。"中小企业是县域经济的主体,2004年全国中小企业创造的最终产品和服务的价值占全国GDP的58.5%,上缴税收占全国的税收的48.2%,吸纳就业占城镇就业总量的75%。中小企业的出口额占全国出口额的68%。我国的66%的专利、82%的新产品是由中小企业开发完成。中小企业为我国经济发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

王云贵 《中国锰业》2005,23(3):52-53
为了彻底打破秀山县电力瓶颈,秀山县委、县政府采取了一系列有力的措施,使得秀山县电力迅速发展,今后随着秀山县锰工业、建材业的发展,以及秀山县城镇化的提高,秀山县电力必须进一步加快发展速度。  相似文献   

Assessment of population carrying capacity is a key task in the reconstruction planning of areas struck by disasters, in which the precision of estimation is required. This study developed a decision-making model for estimating the population capacity of the in-volved townships and cities in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake based on the assessment of the suitability for reconstruction of the areas. Through analysis, arable land resources were argued to be the critical constraint of population capacity in these areas. Then, the spatial differentiations of the post-quake development conditions across different regions were ana-lyzed with respect to their natural environments, socio-economic development and quake damages. The expected levels of urbanization, family incomes and income structures, output levels of land, and the reliance of agricultural population on arable land were estimated by different regions. With these parameters, the population capacities of the involved townships and cities in three scenarios were estimated. The total population capacity of the entire areas is abundant compared with the actual post-quake population; however, the status of over-population substantially varies across space. It was suggested to put the emphasis of post-quake resettlement policy on those counties where earthquake had been the main causes of over-population. In the Full Recovery Scenario, three mountain counties were identified including Wenchuan, Beichuan and Maoxian, with a total over-population of about 100,000 people.  相似文献   

This paper calculated spatial accessibility of all counties (city, urban district) in China with cost weighted distance method. Region divisions of county accessibility were conducted, and relation of traffic accessibility and population aggregation was discussed in this paper. The results indicated that county accessibility in China had mainly low values and a distribution structure of circle layer and reverse-to-natural gradient. There was an obvious correlation between county accessibility and population density in China. With these analyses,inner mechanisms of population migration in different traffic conditions and region types were revealed, and can provide useful proposals to regional planning, traffic planning and smart distribution of people in China.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of the number and influence of floating population in China,it is urgently needed to understand the regional types of China's floating population and their spatial characteristics. After reviewing the current methods for identifying regional types of floating population, this paper puts forward a new composite-index identification method and its modification version which is consisted of two indexes of the net migration rate and gross migration rate. Then, the traditional single-index and the new composite-index identification methods are empirically tested to explore their spatial patterns and characteristics by using China's 2000 census data at county level. The results show: (1) The composite-index identification method is much better than traditional single-index method because it can measure the migration direction and scale of floating simultaneously, and in particular it can identify the unique regional types of floating population with large scale of immigration and emigration. (2)The modified composite-index identification method, by using the share of a region's certain type of floating population to the total in China as weights, can effectively correct the over- or under-estimated errors due to the rather large or small total population of a region. (3) The spatial patterns of different regional types of China's floating population are closely related to the regional differentiation of their natural environment, population density and socio-economic development level. The three active regional types of floating population are mainly located in the eastern part of China with lower elevation, more than 800 mm precipitation, rather higher population densities and economic development levels.  相似文献   

Analyzes the effects of urbanization on the demographic structure of population. An increase in the degree of urbanization was found to be paralleled by an increase of the age qualification and of the migration activity of the population. The national composition of the population does not depend on urbanization.  相似文献   

The development of general working population norms for the GATB, based on a sample of 4000 representative of the base population with respect to broad occupational groupings is described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Syphilis in the United States is focally distributed, with high incidence rates in the South and in metropolitan areas nationwide. In this study an ecological analysis, using the county as the unit of analysis, was performed to generate hypotheses about community-level determinants of syphilis rates. METHODS: Bivariate rank correlations and multivariate, backward stepwise elimination linear regressions were performed. Mean annual incidence of primary- and secondary-stage syphilis in a county was the dependent variable, and county sociodemographic characteristics (from census data) were the independent variables. RESULTS: In the multivariate regression model, sociodemographic characteristics accounted for 71% of the variation in syphilis rates among counties. With other factors accounted for, the most highly correlated characteristics were percentage non-Hispanic Black population, county location in the South, percentage of the population that was urban, percentage Hispanic population, and percentage of births to women younger than 20 years. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the variation in syphilis rates among counties is accounted for by sociodemographic characteristics. Identification and remediation of modifiable health determinants for which these factors are markers are needed to improve the health status of these populations.  相似文献   

县域经济是国民经济的基础.在市场经济条件下,发展县域经济,仅从"三农"问题来考虑是不够的.分析表明壮大民营经济是我国县域经济发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

In 1957 California began placing responsibility for public mental health services on county programs still vary widely in emphasis and size. The authors explored determinants of counties' unequal program developments using per capita expenditures as the measure of county services. Sociodemographic variables that help explain states' social program expenditures correlate weakly or not at all with county mental health expenditures. The most powerful predictor of these expenditures is number of psychiatrists per 10,000 population. Equal per capita expenditures, however, are not a reasonable goal; these can mask wide variations in program content, efficiency, and quality of care.  相似文献   

The eastern part of the county of Finnmark in North-Norway played a prominent part in the German planning of the attack on Murmansk in 1941. The Norwegian civilian population suffered badly from the warfare. In the last phase of the war, the Germans burnt down and destroyed almost everything in the entire county, and a considerable part of the Norwegian population was forced to evacuate. This paper recounts some of the wartime episodes on the coast between the city of Vard? and the Nordkinn peninsula. Vard? with its hospital and a number of fishing harbours were completely destroyed. Attention is drawn to the excellent job done by the civilian Norwegian health and social workers during the terrible years of German occupation.  相似文献   

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