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A control chart is one of the primary techniques used in statistical process control. In phase I, historical observations are analysed in order to construct a control chart with which to determine whether the process has been in control over the period of time in which the data were collected. The presence of multiple outliers may go undetected by the usual control charts, such as Hotelling's T2 due to the masking effect. In this paper we propose a robust alternative to Hotelling's T2 control chart with estimators defined using trimming. Simulation studies show that the proposed control chart is more effective than T2 in detecting outliers. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Existing economic and economic-statistical designs require practitioners to specify the Mahalanobis Distance Shift Size (MDSS) as an exact value. However, practitioners may find it difficult to specify this distance. This article proposes the economic and economic-statistical designs of the Hotelling's T2 chart, where practitioners do not have to specify the MDSS. Adopting optimal design parameters based on the wrong MDSS results in a significant increase in cost. In comparison, adopting the optimal design parameters based on the proposed methodology results in a slight increase in cost. This article also studies the effects of different input parameters and statistical constraints.  相似文献   

Hotelling's T2 statistic is the default control statistic for continuous multivariate data, but there are dangers in applying this statistic without the appropriate level of checks and balances. This paper discusses the potential issues with using the Hotelling's T2 statistic when the quality variable measures are highly correlated and provides some solutions that will help mitigate the risks with applying the Hotelling's T2 control charts in such practical examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to examine rates of turn signal use, a positive and potentially valuable means by which drivers can communicate. A second purpose was to explore factors that might impact these rates, including the modeling influence of other drivers. A series of observations involving more than 5600 vehicles making turns were recorded at a variety of intersections in British Columbia, Canada. Though the occurrence of signal use varied widely, ranging from a low of 54% to a high of 95%, the overall rate was 76%. Drivers used turn signals significantly less often when making right as compared with left turns, when traffic volume was higher, and when a designated turning lane was provided. In addition, compared with drivers following another vehicle not using signals, those following a vehicle with turn signals on were significantly more likely to activate their turn signals, suggesting a possible modeling effect. Both internal and external influences on turn signal use by drivers were considered. External factors explored in this research included direction of turn, traffic volume, intersection configuration, and the example of other drivers. It was concluded that the practice of signaling turns merits more research attention, since consistent use of signals is a potential contributor to enhanced safety for all road users.  相似文献   

Process monitoring through control charts is a quite popular practice in statistical process control. From a statistical point of view, a superior control chart is the one which has an efficient design structure, for the case of both known and unknown parameters. There are auxiliary information–based location charts for an improved monitoring of process mean level. These charting structures have some limitations like assuming normality, the parameters to be known and focusing mainly on phase I monitoring. In many practical situations, nonnormal process behaviors are more frequent. Information about process parameters is not available, and we have to rely on the limited data available from the process to establish the limits in phase I and then use them in phase II monitoring. To have a compromise between the statistical and the practical purposes, a natural desire is to have a control chart that can serve both the concerns efficiently. This study is planned for the same objective focusing the auxiliary‐based Shewhart's control charts for location parameter. We have investigated the properties of the design structures of different location charts based on some already used and some new estimators with known and unknown parameters for normal and nonnormally distributed processes. By evaluating the performance of different charting structures in terms of power and run length properties in phase I and phase II, we have identified those more capable of making a good compromise between the abovementioned purposes in terms of statistical efficiency and practical desires. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two-pronged effort to quantify the impact of lighting on traffic safety is presented. In the statistical approach, the effects of lighting on crash frequency for different intersection types in Minnesota were assessed using count regression models. The models included many geometric and traffic control variables to estimate the association between lighting and nighttime and daytime crashes and the resulting night-to-day crash ratios. Overall, the presence of roadway intersection lighting was found to be associated with an approximately 12% lower night-to-day crash ratio than unlighted intersections. In the parallel analytical approach, visual performance analyses based on roadway intersection lighting practices in Minnesota were made for the same intersection types investigated in the statistical approach. The results of both approaches were convergent, suggesting that visual performance improvements from roadway lighting could serve as input for predicting improvements in crash frequency. A provisional transfer function allows transportation engineers to evaluate alternative lighting systems in the design phase so selections based on expected benefits and costs can be made.  相似文献   

In this paper, synthetic T2 chart is developed to monitor bivariate process with correlated variables and autocorrelated observations. The proposed chart is a combination of the Hotelling's T2 chart and the conforming run length chart. The operation and design of the chart are described when observations are autocorrelated and cross correlated. The first‐order vector autoregressive process VAR (1) is used to model the bivariate data from an autocorrelated process of interest. Using an average run length as performance measure criterion in the VAR (1) model, it is observed that autocorrelation seriously impact the performance of the synthetic T2 chart. To reduce the effect of autocorrelation on the performance of the synthetic T2 chart, the skip and mixed sampling strategies are implemented to form rational subgroups in the construction of synthetic T2 chart. The average run length performance of the synthetic T2 chart implementing these strategies is compared with that of the standard strategy of formation of rational subgroups. It is observed that implementing skip and mixed sampling strategies within rational subgroup improves the performance of the synthetic T2 chart.  相似文献   

The Lindley process defined for the queuing file domain is equivalent to the cumulative sum (CUSUM) process used for break-point detection in process control. The maximum of the Lindley process, called local score, is used to highlight atypical regions in biological sequences, and its distribution has been established by different manners. I propose here to use the local score and also a partial maximum of the Lindley process over the immediate past to create control charts. Stopping time corresponds to the first time where the statistic achieves a statistical significance less than a given threshold α in ]0,1[, the instantaneous first error rate. The local score p value is computed using existing theoretical results. I establish here the exact distribution of the partial maximum of the Lindley process. Performance of the control charts is evaluated by Monte Carlo estimation of the average run lengths for an in-control process (ARL0) and for an out-of-control process (ARL1). I also use the standard deviation of the run length (SdRL) and the extra quadratic loss (EQL). Comparison with the usual and recent control charts present in the literature shows that the local score control chart outperforms the others with a much larger ARL0 and ARL1 smaller or of the same order. Many interesting openings exist for the local score chart: not only Gaussian model but also any of them, Markovian dependance of the data, both location and dispersion monitoring at the same time can be considered.  相似文献   

硅基光致发光膜:(Zn2SiO4/Si):Tb/Mn的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用溶胶-凝胶涂膜技术及高温固相反应技术,在硅片表面生长了掺铽和锰的两种高效硅基光致发光膜.XRD和吸收光谱分析测试结果表明,当固相反应温度高于850℃时,在硅片表面形成了晶态的Zn2SiO4薄膜.荧光光谱实验结果表明这种利用高温固相反应生成的掺铽或掺锰的Zn2SiO4薄膜的发光强度高,余辉为10ms数量级.本方法制备的硅基发光膜热稳定性及化学稳定性好,有希望与硅集成电路工艺兼容.  相似文献   

A surface treatment with aqueous solutions of K2ZrF6 has been carried out to improve, in dramatic manner, the wetting of carbon (or SiC)-base ceramics by liquid light alloys at low temperatures (i.e. within the 700 to 900°C range). The mechanism which is thought to be responsible for the wetting improvement involves two steps: (i) K2ZrF6 reacts with aluminium with the formation of K3AlF6, other complex fluoride species and intermetallics, (ii) K3AlF6 dissolves the alumina thin layer, coating the liquid light alloy and enables the wetting of the ceramics. The mechanism has been worked out from sessile drop experiments, solid state chemistry experiments and composite casting. The K2ZrF6 surface treatment appears to be particularly suitable for processing composite materials made of carbon (or SiC) fibrous preforms and aluminium-base matrices according to techniques directly derived from the light alloy foundry.  相似文献   

本文发展了基于四叉树数据结构的网格生成和二维流动的N-S方程数值求解器及动边界问题的Euler方程求解方法。采用压力梯度或者密度梯度的绝对值作为网格自适应的控制参量,同时采用基于最小二乘法的无网格方法处理对于一般Cartesian网格难于处理的物面边界条件。文中采取了绕方柱流动和绕圆柱流动的经典算例对所发展的方法进行了验证。计算的结果验证了所发展的方法在处理绕流流动时的合理性和有效性。采用Naca0012翼型的几种工况验证了所发展的动网格技术在处理无粘流动的合理性和可行性。从而为数值模拟具有复杂几何外形的流动提供了一种网格布局合理、高效,边界处理简单易行的新思路。  相似文献   

The complex of copper (II) with N,N′-bis(3-methoxysalicylidene)-2-aminobenzylamine (H2L) was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility, UV–vis. and FT-IR spectroscopy. The results showed that the tetradentate ligand coordinated to the Cu(II) ion through the azomethine nitrogen and phenolic oxygen atoms. The prepared complex [CuL] was electropolymerized on platinum electrode surface in a 0.1 mol dm−3 solution of lithium perchlorate in acetonitrile by cyclic voltammetry between 0 and 1.6 V vs. Ag/Ag+. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), conductance measurements, FT-IR and SEM were used to characterize polymer film of Cu(II) complex. The reduction of hydrogen peroxide on poly[CuL] has been investigated mainly in phosphate buffer medium (pH 7.2), between 0 and −0.8 V versus Ag/Ag+ at a scan rate 0.1 V s−1.  相似文献   

This study aimed the synthesis of titania–doped silica glasses with controlled TiO2 concentrations and distribution profiles through the synergy between Vapor-Phase Axial Deposition (VAD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) techniques. In a first stage, porous boules of pure silica were synthesized by the VAD technique. Afterwards, these boules were submitted to a cyclic doping process with TiCl4 vapor and H2O vapor using the principles of ALD technique. Silica–titania on glassy state was obtained after the consolidation of the porous boule at 1400 °C. The effects of VAD and ALD parameters were studied on the radial doping profile homogeneity and glass structure in the consolidated material. Concerning to the radial profile, a more homogeneous glass was obtained for porous boules doped at 90 °C and with higher average density. This temperature was enough to suppress the effect of TiCl4 condensation on the porous boule surface even for a long TiCl4 flow time, providing a relatively high doping homogeneity for one and four ALD cycles. The opacity in some consolidated samples was attributed to a segregated phase, which could be completely eliminated by a second heat treatment in flame.  相似文献   

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