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In the author's opinion, in the properly selected woman undergoing radical cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, the ileal neobladder to the female urethra is a viable option. Ten years of experience with 23 patients have led to a nerve and urethral support cystectomy technique with the ileal neobladder anastomosed to the proximal urethra. Even then, however, retention in 20% of patients rather than the expected incontinence is the critical issue. Incontinence has never been a problem. The advent of orthotopic lower urinary reconstruction in women is a major achievement in the evolution of urinary diversion. With our increasing understanding of the continence mechanism in women and with increasing evidence that the female urethra can be safely preserved after cystectomy, orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction by the ileal neobladder can now be offered safely not only to men but also to women undergoing cystectomy with superb functional results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To prospectively evaluate our previously established pathologic risk factors in women undergoing cystectomy for bladder cancer and to determine if these criteria identify appropriate female candidates for orthotopic diversion. METHODS: Prospective pathologic evaluation was performed on 71 consecutive female cystectomy specimens removed for primary transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. The histologic grade, pathologic stage, presence of carcinoma in situ, number, and location of tumors were determined. In addition, final pathologic analysis of the bladder neck and proximal urethra was performed and compared with the intraoperative frozen-section analysis of the distal margin (proximal urethra). RESULTS: Tumor at the bladder neck and proximal urethra was seen in 14 (19%) and 5 (7%) cystectomy specimens, respectively. Bladder neck tumor involvement was found to be the most significant risk factor for tumor involving the urethra (P <0.001). All patients with urethral tumors demonstrated concomitant bladder neck tumors. However, more than 60% of patients with bladder neck tumors had a normal (tumor-free) proximal urethra. Furthermore, no patient with a normal bladder neck demonstrated tumor involvement of the urethra. Intraoperative frozen-section analysis of the distal surgical margin was performed on 47 patients: 45 without evidence of tumor and 2 patients with urethral tumor involvement. In all cases, the intraoperative frozen-section analysis was correctly confirmed by final permanent section. CONCLUSIONS: We prospectively demonstrate that bladder neck tumor involvement is a significant risk factor for urethral tumor involvement in women. However, despite bladder neck tumor involvement, a number of women undergoing cystectomy for bladder cancer have a normal urethra and may be candidates for orthotopic diversion. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that intraoperative frozen-section analysis of the distal surgical margin accurately and reliably evaluates the proximal urethra and currently determines which patients undergo orthotopic diversion at our institution.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We describe in detail a method for urethral and vaginal preservation in women considering orthotopic urinary tract reconstruction after bladder removal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the pathological reports of patients treated with anterior exenteration at our hospital between 1984 and 1997 for specific evidence of urethral, vaginal, cervical or uterine involvement by the primary bladder tumor. Based on our findings we describe our approach to anterior exenteration in 6 patients. RESULTS: A total of 46 patients were treated at our center with en bloc anterior exenteration and pelvic lymphadenectomy for primary bladder cancer between 1984 and 1997. In 7 patients (15%) pathological review of the surgical specimen documented urethral involvement by the primary tumor. In 1 patient (2%) microscopic evidence of tumor was identified in the cervix and 1 (2%) had tumor extension to the vagina documented in the final pathology report. CONCLUSIONS: The observed rates of vaginal and urethral involvement agree with those reported by others, and suggest that in the majority of women treated with anterior exenteration sacrifice of the urethra and vagina is usually not necessary from an oncological perspective. This procedure is particularly appropriate in women concerned with postoperative sexual function and those considering orthotopic reconstruction of the lower urinary tract after exenterative bladder cancer surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Since 1986 orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction using the ileal neobladder has been our diversion of choice in patients of both sexes undergoing cystectomy. We report on experience and functional results of the first 363 men 11 years after this procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complications were assessed, tabulated, subdivided into early (3 months or less postoperatively) and late types, and further categorized with respect to relationship to neobladder construction. Continence and voiding pattern were individually evaluated via a detailed patient questionnaire. RESULTS: Perioperative death occurred in 11 patients (3%). Neobladder related early and late complications occurred in 56 (15.4%) and 85 (23.4%) of the 363 patients, respectively. Neobladder related early and late abdominal reoperation rates were 0.3 and 4.4%, respectively. Perioperative neobladder unrelated early complications were observed in 122 patients (33.6%) and 44 (12.1%) required operative treatment. Late postoperative complications unrelated to the neobladder occurred in 45 patients (12.4%) and 19 required open surgical revision. Of 290 evaluable patients 96.1% void spontaneously, 3.9% perform clean intermittent catheterization in some form and 1.7% perform regular intermittent catheterization. Daytime and nighttime continence was reported as good by 95.9% and satisfactory by 95% of the patients. Unacceptable daytime continence requiring more than 1 pad per day occurred in only 4.1% of the patients and only 5% are wetting more than 1 pad a night. CONCLUSIONS: The ileal neobladder produces good functional results and can be constructed with acceptable complications. Our data suggest that although it is not a complication-free procedure, we advocate its use when possible.  相似文献   

A total of 25 patients 17 to 78 years old (mean age 61 years) underwent bladder replacement with a modified ileocolonic bladder: 20 underwent construction of the neobladder following cystoprostatectomy for invasive bladder tumor, 4 after cystectomy for severe interstitial cystitis and 1 for undiversion. There were 21 men and 4 women. Followup ranged from 3 to 66 months. There were no perioperative deaths. The early complication (perioperative 3 months) and late complication rates were 18% and 16%, respectively. Complications included ureterocolonic anastomotic strictures in 4 ureters (3 were treated via endoscopic retrograde balloon dilation and 1 with endourological antegrade dilation), urethral strictures in 2 patients, treated by urethral dilation, pancreatitis 2 weeks postoperatively in 1 and mild hypercholoremia without concomitant acidosis in 2. One patient presented 3 years postoperatively with a left mid ureteral stone that was managed by ureteroscopic extraction. Three patients died of recurrent carcinoma (none with urethral recurrence). The daytime continence rate was 100% and the nighttime continence rate was 92%. The ureters in this modified ileocolonic bladder were placed in an anatomically correct position to resemble a trigone near the mouth of the neobladder with the left ureter uncrossed. This placement provided easy visualization and instrumentation of the upper urinary tract. No patient had vesicoureteral reflux.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether orthotopic urinary diversion is a viable option for patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy for radio-recurrent prostate cancer (RRPC). METHODS: Between 1990 and 1996, we performed 34 salvage surgeries for RRPC, including 26 radical retropubic prostatectomies and 8 cystoprostatectomies. We determined the operative and postoperative complication rates and pathologic stage for the 8 patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy. RESULTS: Of the 8 patients in whom cystoprostatectomy was performed, 5 underwent ileal conduit diversion and 3 underwent orthotopic neobladder reconstruction. There were no intraoperative complications or perioperative mortalities. In the group with orthotopic neobladder, postoperative complications included pyelonephritis in 1 patient and prolonged ileus in another. In the group with ileal conduit, no short-term complications occurred; 1 patient developed an incisional hernia on long-term follow-up. All patients with neobladder reconstruction are continent during the day. One patient wears one pad at night. The other 2 are continent at night. CONCLUSIONS: Orthotopic urinary diversion is a valid option for selected patients with RRPC who require a cystoprostatectomy. This procedure can be performed with minimal complications, resulting in good continence and good quality of life.  相似文献   

We undertook this study to evaluate the mechanism of continence in women who underwent modified radical cystectomy and creation of an ileal neobladder. Our surgical technique was modified in accordance with detailed anatomic dissection of female pelvises with attention to the innervation of the pelvic musculature and urethral sphincter. Ten women aged 41-71 years (mean 64.3 years) underwent nerve-sparing radical cystectomy and creation of an orthotopic neobladder with detubularized ileum. Videourodynamic evaluation was performed 6 months postoperatively to evaluate sphincteric and reservoir function. Seven of the ten patients were totally continent after the procedure, requiring no protective pad. Of these, one requires intermittent self-catheterization. Videourodynamic evaluation revealed a low-pressure reservoir with a mean capacity of 467 ml, and leakage did not occur during Valsalva maneuver. Three patients reported significant incontinence (more than one pad per day) after orthotopic reconstruction. These patients demonstrated intrinsic sphincteric deficiency with a low mean abdominal leak-point pressure of 48.3 cmH2O. Two of these women had stress incontinence preoperatively. In conclusion, continence can be preserved in most women after modified radical cystectomy and orthotopic bladder replacement. Success results from preservation of the intrinsic sphincteric mechanism and the creation of a low-pressure, compliant reservoir. A history of stress incontinence preoperatively appears to predispose to sphincteric weakness postoperatively.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess if there is relationship between: (i) preoperative psychological defensive strategies, mood and type of lower urinary tract reconstruction, and (ii) psychosocial adaptation after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-seven consecutive patients (44 men and 13 women, mean age 62 years, range 34-81) undergoing radical cystectomy (ileal conduit urinary diversion in 17, continent cutaneous diversion in 22 and orthotopic bladder replacement in 18) were assessed preoperatively using the meta-contrast technique (MCT), a projective test to reveal individual defensive strategies. From the results the patients were classified as hypothetical 'at risk' or 'no risk' patients for postoperative psychosocial complications. An 'at risk' patient was designated as one who showed neurotic defensive strategies in coping with threats, i.e. primitive, immature or regressive strategies or even lack of defence in connection with pronounced anxiety. All patients completed a questionnaire and were interviewed; 10 questions dealt with mood, five reflecting anxiety and five the depressive states. The questionnaire and the interview were repeated 3 and 12 months, and 5 years after surgery. RESULTS: The remembered difficulties during the first month after discharge from hospital differed between the 'risk' and 'no risk' groups after 1 and 5 years. On a visual analogue scale (VAS) the 'risk' patients had very low scores (less difficulty) or very high, while the 'no risk' patients had intermediate scores. VAS score were also higher, although not significantly so, in patients using primitive defence strategies. The psychosocial situation did not differ between the groups in the first year, but at 5 years there were differences in self-esteem and interpersonal contact-seeking. High depression scores before surgery were associated with high VAS scores at 3 months when recalling the first month after discharge, but the anxiety score was not predictive. Men with orthotopic bladder replacement adapted less well throughout the 5 year follow-up. Elderly patients with stereotypy (the commonest defensive strategy at these ages) adapted relatively well to ileal conduit diversion. About 20% of patients had difficulty in accepting the postoperative situation, regardless of urinary diversion modes. CONCLUSION: The combination of defensive strategies assessed using the MCT and selected on hypothetical grounds was less discriminatory than expected for those at risk of postoperative psychosocial problems. However, those with primitive strategies apparently had a long-term risk of poor adaptation. The search for an optimal instrument for the identification of patients at risk is warranted. In this study, patients with a 'wet' stoma did not seem to fare less well than those with a continent reconstruction.  相似文献   

We analyzed the long-term results and the quality of life in patients who received orthotopic lower urinary tract reconstruction using the Kock ileal neobladder. Between July 1990 and October 1993, 37 consecutive patients including 2 females received orthotopic hemi-Kock neobladder after radical cystectomy. In these patients, we analyzed the urinary continence, complications and urethral recurrence, and performed a questionnaire survey by mail. Good continence all day had been achieved in 71% of the patients 4 years after surgery. The rate of the pouch-related complications requiring reoperation was 27%. There was no urethral recurrence. Compared with preoperative conditions, 42% were not satisfied with urination. In these dissatisfied patients, the need to use pads in the daytime, sensation of residual urine and weak urine stream were significantly more frequent than in satisfied patients. In summary, the rate of complications was higher than that of other methods. However, the Kock orthotopic ileal neobladder is a stable procedure providing good function over the long-term.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze our experience in the management of complications of ureteroenteric reimplantation in patients undergoing urinary diversion by endourological techniques or open surgery, in order to identify a useful algorithm that takes the oncologic prognosis into account, as well as the probability of success. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on 136 patients who had undergone urinary diversion from 1987-1998. Of these, 126 had transitional cell carcinoma, two had infiltrating carcinoma, two had a benign condition and 6 had undergone urinary diversion for patient comfort without cystectomy. The following techniques were utilized: cutaneous ureteroileostomy or Bricker technique (104 patients), Mainz neobladder (10 patients), ileal neobladder (15 patients), colonic conduit (5 patients) and cutaneous ureter (2 patients). RESULTS: Overall, 56 patients (41%) had some type of alteration at the ureteroenteric reimplantation site, but only 36 (26%) required intervention. The reimplantation techniques utilized were: the Bricker direct ureteroileostomy (26 patients), Le Duc (6 patients), Leadbetter (3 patients), and the direct cutaneous technique (1 patient). Patient mean age was 67 years (range 53-80). There were 35 males and one female. Seven patients required immediate reimplantation due to a persistent urinary fistula and 29 had late obstruction (more than 3 months), accounting for 21.3% of the cases undergoing urinary diversion. The antegrade endourological approach was utilized in 24 patients (5 nephrostomy alone and 19 stent or balloon dilatation). Dilatation was performed palliatively in 6 cases with extensive tumor spread. Permanent success was achieved in 5 cases (38%) and in spite of the initial success, there were 4 reobstructions. Open surgery was performed in 24 patients (66% of the complicated reimplantations); 5 of these patients had another pathology that warranted laparotomy, 7 required reimplantation early due to a fistula and two patients with a nonfunctioning kidney underwent nephrectomy. Ureteral replacement using the ileum was performed in 4 patients and direct reimplantation to the primary loop was performed in 6 patients. Good surgical results were consistently achieved. CONCLUSIONS: The complication rate of ureteral reimplantation is high in patients undergoing urinary diversion. Endourology has an important role in these cases, particularly in patients with a poor prognosis. Surgery achieves the best results. Although they may entail difficulty, complex cases such as extensive ureteral necrosis can be managed successfully.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The urothelium is a pseudostratified cylindrical epithelium that lines the calices, renal pelvis, urethers, bladder, part of the urethra and part of the prostate ducts. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is a malignant neoplasia that can appear in any site where urothelium is present, being the bladder the most frequently affected organ. We performed an analysis of our experience and conducted a literature-based metanalysis to evaluate the coexistence of tumoral lesions at different locations in the urinary tract. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 1983 and 1993, 397 patients with TCC lesions involving the upper urinary tract (UUT), bladder, urethra or prostate, were diagnosed and treated. Coexistence, either synchronic or metachronic, of several lesions in different sites of the urinary tract was considered as a multiple tumor. RESULTS: Overall, 440 tumors were diagnosed in 397 patients. A single lesion appeared in 360 patients, while 37 presented multiple locations with a total of 79 tumors. The lesions were located at the following levels: 17 renal, 21 uretheral, 372 vesical, 13 in the urethra and 17 in the prostate ducts. According to the location, the frequency of single lesions was: UUT 58%, bladder 91%, urethra 8% and prostate ducts 35%. Synchronic UUT and intravesical tract tumors develops in 1% and 4% of patients with bladder TCC, respectively. Two percent of vesical tumors showed metachronic relationship with UUT tumors and the same rate was seen for intravesical lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Urothelial UUT tumors have a typical nosologic entity with specific features. Their coexistence with vesical tumors is frequent. When tumors of the bladder occur after a UUT tumor the interval of highest incidence between diagnoses is 2-3 years, and there are no histological risk factors among them for prognosis. Transitional cell prostatic urethral tumors are most often secondary to histologically similar, poor prognosis, bladder tumors, and usually synchronic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of preserving the prostatic apex on continence and urinary flow in patients with post-cystectomy intestinal bladder substitutes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 38 male patients underwent radical cystectomy for bladder carcinoma and construction of a neobladder from ileum [9], sigmoid [9] or an ileocaecal segment [20]. The intestinal reservoir was anastomosed to the membranous urethra in 25 patients and to the apical prostatic capsule in 13. A subjective evaluation of urinary continence, uroflowmetry and urethral pressure profilometry were performed 1-3 years after surgery. RESULTS: The only variable which showed a significant difference between patients with and without preservation of the prostatic apex was the functional profile length (P < 0.05). Conversely, there was no statistically significant difference in the continence result, peak flow rate and maximum urethral pressure between these two groups. However, there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in peak flow rate among the three versions of neobladder in patients with a preserved prostatic apex (9.4 mL/s in ileal vs 15.8 mL/s in sigmoid and ileocaecal segments). CONCLUSION: Preservation of the prostatic apex does not improve urinary continence in patients with intestinal neobladders and may present an element obstructing the evacuation of ileal bladders.  相似文献   

Early radical cystectomy for a high-grade tumor invading the lamina propria (T1) remains controversial. In 1997, we cannot identify accurately which of these high-risk tumors will progress to muscle-invasive disease and metastases. In the near future, urologists may be able to use the presence of genetic alterations, such as p53 mutations, to help make therapeutic decisions. Previous reports on superficial bladder cancer treated with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunotherapy have demonstrated a decrease in recurrence and progression. Unfortunately, there is no reliable method to predict which patients with a high-grade T1 tumor will fail to respond to intravesical therapy. Failure of intravesical therapy to control these aggressive tumors is associated with a significant rate of pathological upstaging and metastases. Radical cystectomy will cure a high percentage of these T1 tumors with acceptable morbidity and low mortality. In an era of nerve-sparing cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder reconstruction, early radical cystectomy is an alternative that should be discussed with the patient before instituting intravesical therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the urodynamic characteristics of neobladders, we conducted a pressure-flow study in patients with orthotopic urinary reservoirs. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1986 to 1996, 90 patients underwent bladder replacement following cystectomy, using a right colonic, ileocolic, ileal, or sigmoid colonic segment. The subjects were 38 patients (31 men and 7 women) with stable urination and no evidence of cancer recurrence, urethral stricture, urinary tract infection or vesicoureteral reflux. Their mean age was 60.5 years, with a range of 38 to 77 years. Information on neobladder function, such as desire to void, force of micturition, urinary incontinence and other complaints, was obtained by questionnaire. A pressure-flow study was performed in all patients 3 months to 103 months postoperatively to evaluate total reservoir pressure, abdominal pressure and subtracted reservoir pressure during filling and voiding phases. RESULTS: Ten of 38 patients (26.3%) were dissatisfied with their neobladder function, due to weakness of urinary sensation, loss of urinary force and enuresis. In 6 of the 7 patients with enuresis, the urinary reservoir had been created by Heineke-Mikulicz's procedure of detubularization; 4 of these patients had a high degree (over 40 cmH2O) of phasic contraction during the filling phase. In only 2 of the 38 patients, a pressure-flow study showed an almost same pattern as that obtained with a normal urinary bladder. Twelve patients had increased electromyogram of the external urethral sphincter during the voiding phase, while half of the 38 patients showed a flat electromyogram during both the filling and voiding phases. Thus, 31 of 38 patients revealed a sphincter dyssynergia pattern. Mean total reservoir pressure at maximum cystometric capacity was 65.5 +/- 42.1, 48.4 +/- 19.0, 66.0 +/- 61.0 and 107.0 +/- 43.3 cmH2O in ileal, ileocecal, right colonic and sigmoid neobladders, respectively. The value for sigmoid neobladder was statistically different from that for ileocecal neobladder (p < 0.05). Mean total reservoir pressure at maximal flow was 73.1 +/- 42.4, 56.4 +/- 22.6, 88.9 +/- 69.4 and 94.0 +/- 31.8 cmH2O in ileal, ileocecal, right colonic and sigmoid neobladders, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among these values. The ratio of subtracted reservoir pressure to total reservoir pressure was lower at maximal flow than at onset. Subtracted reservoir pressure may contribute to total reservoir pressure to a greater extent in sigmoid neobladders than in other types of neobladder. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Enuresis may have various causes such as external sphincter dysfunction and involuntary contraction of the reservoir. 2. Urine is evacuated not only by abdominal pressure but also by subtracted reservoir pressure in neobladders. 3. Sphincter dyssynergia due to absence of the detrusor muscle may be one cause of dysuria.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We demonstrate how the combined use of detubularized and remodeled intestine with intact cecum in the construction of an orthotopic colonic neobladder determines different functioning. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Since February 1993, 11 men who underwent radical cystectomy due to invasive bladder carcinoma have received a new bladder substitute consisting of an upper component of ascending colon and a detubularized and remodeled right half of transverse colon, and a lower component with intact cecum. During postoperative years 1 and 4 all patients were evaluated with urodynamics and cystography. RESULTS: The detubularized upper component of the neobladder acts as a large capacity, low pressure filling reservoir, while the intact cecum with its haustral contractions (inverted milking action) contributes as an additional continence mechanism. The mass contractions (milking action) with abdominal wall tension actively collaborate to evacuate the reservoir completely. CONCLUSIONS: This new structural concept of a neobladder constructed from detubularized and intact intestine has a different functional behavior than neobladders described in literature. This neobladder enables complete evacuation and total continence in the immediate postoperative period.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate: (i) if early psychosocial intervention after cystectomy for bladder cancer can assist psychosocial rehabilitation; (ii) if the outcome of such intervention correlates with the patient's psychological defensive strategies as revealed with the meta-contrast technique (MCT); and (iii) if the patient's general philosophical outlook is important in this context. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Of 50 patients who had undergone radical cystectomy for bladder cancer, 17 received an ileal conduit, 17 a continent urinary reservoir with abdominal stoma and 16 an orthotopic neobladder. Twenty-four of the patients were randomized to psychosocial intervention, comprising weekly counselling 4-9 weeks after surgery. All patients were then evaluated with the Sickness-Impact Profile (SIP) standard questionnaire and the MCT (a projective test of percept-genetic model) was used to reflect individual defensive strategies at the subconscious or unconscious level. The patient's general philosophical outlook was recorded before and after surgery. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the results of the SIP between the intervention and the non-intervention group, as a whole or in its psychosocial dimension. However, intervention benefited patients with continent cutaneous diversion, whose scores on the psychosocial SIP dimension were lower than in the groups with ileal conduit diversion or orthotopic bladder replacement (P < 0.05). The MCT analysis of defensive strategies identified three clusters of patients characterized mainly by isolation and repression, repression and stereotypy or sensitivity and stereotypy. Analysis for cluster identification showed no significant SIP score differences between intervention and non-intervention groups. In an analysis of single defensive strategies, stereotypy was associated with higher total SIP score, but not significantly. Three clusters of philosophical outlook were identified; in one cluster, characterized by a belief in a supernatural power and philosophical interest, the psychosocial SIP scores were lower in the patients who obtained emotional support and the reverse in a cluster with contrary attitudes, although neither differences were significant. CONCLUSION: Psychosocial intervention assisted the psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with continent cutaneous urinary diversion. Defensive strategies and philosophical outlook generally did not influence the outcome of intervention. However, such programmes may be helpful for some patients, mainly those with a basically pessimistic disposition, a general interest in philosophical questions and often using defensive strategies of stereotypy and repression.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We determined if urethral preservation and orthotopic bladder replacement in patients with transitional cell carcinoma within the prostatic urethra or prostate placed these patients at risk for urethral recurrence or death. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical course of all patients undergoing urethral preservation and orthotopic bladder replacement was reviewed. The urethra was sacrificed only if the distal prostatic urethral margin was positive for transitional cell carcinoma. The pathological T stage and the grade of the primary malignancy, local recurrence, site of recurrence (urethral, pelvic, distant) and death were documented. RESULTS: Of 81 patients 70 were evaluable (June 1996) with a mean followup of 35 months. Of the 70 patients 48 were alive without evidence of disease for a mean of 38 months (range 8 to 107) and 5 died without evidence of disease. Eight of these 53 patients (15%) had prostatic involvement (carcinoma in situ in 6, intraductal carcinoma in 1 and stromal invasive transitional cell carcinoma in 1). Of the 70 patients 17 had disease recurrence (13 died of disease and 4 are alive, 1 of whom had urethral recurrence without initial prostatic transitional cell carcinoma). Of the 17 patients (35%) 6 had transitional cell carcinoma prostatic involvement (carcinoma in situ in 4 and stromal invasion in 2), and 5 of these 6 died, none with or of urethral recurrence but of the primary bladder pathology. Of these 5 patients 1 had stromal invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate and experienced a bulbar urethra recurrence at 1 month and a pelvic recurrence at 3 months, and died at 5 months. Death was not secondary to the urethral recurrence. Thus, of the 14 patients who had prostatic transitional cell carcinoma, only 1 had urethral recurrence (7%), and this recurrence did not present as the cause of death. CONCLUSIONS: The guidelines for urethral resection can be relaxed, increasing the opportunities for orthotopic reconstruction, without placing the patients at increased risk for death of transitional cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

The interposition of a bowel segment as a bladder substitute into the urinary tract may result in impaired calcium metabolism. We studied 25 male patients (aged 45 to 77 yr) who had undergone a Vescica Ileale Padovana (VIP) reconstruction following cystectomy 29 to 75 mo before. Bone mineral density of the spine and femur was measured by dual x-ray absorptiometry. Blood and 24-h urine samples were analyzed for the main parameters of bone metabolism. Sixteen healthy men were enrolled as a control group. Although blood pH did not differ between patients and control subjects, VIP subjects showed lower levels of plasma HCO3- (P < 0.005) and higher serum chloride (P < 0.001). Bone alkaline phosphatase was higher (P < 0.001), and urine calcium, phosphate, and creatinine levels were lower in VIP patients (P < 0.01, P < 0.01, and P < 0.05, respectively). Bone mineral density at the femoral neck (P < 0.03) and Ward's triangle (P < 0.05) was decreased in VIP patients. When subdivided according to time since operation, patients who had the ileal neobladder implanted for a shorter period of time showed lower blood pH (P < 0.03) and urine calcium (P < 0.05) levels and higher urinary hydroxyproline (P < 0.02). Duration of the ileal neobladder was positively correlated with PTH (r = 0.46, P < 0.03) and blood pH (r = 0.47, P < 0.02). Furthermore, pH values were positively correlated with urine calcium (r = 0.48, P < 0.02). In conclusion, in patients with ileal neobladder, a mild metabolic acidosis is responsible for an increased bone turnover and lower bone mass. Moreover, a decrease over time in the absorption capacity of the ileal pouch might result in calcium malabsorption, which represents an additional risk factor for reduced bone mass in these patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Interstitial cystitis is a chronic debilitating condition that mainly affects women. Accumulated evidence indicates that interstitial cystitis is a heterogeneous syndrome. The nonulcer type seems to respond less favorably to various conservative treatments than the classic type. Supratrigonal cystectomy with ileocystoplasty is established treatment for interstitial cystitis refractory to conservative treatment. We evaluate whether classic interstitial cystitis responds differently than nonulcer disease to subtotal bladder resection and ileocystoplasty. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 13 patients 27 to 79 years old with interstitial cystitis who underwent supratrigonal cystectomy and ileocystoplasty due to failure to respond to conservative treatment. RESULTS: In all 10 patients with classic interstitial cystitis symptoms were relieved after ileocystoplasty. In the 3 patients with nonulcer interstitial cystitis pain remained, while the frequency of voiding somewhat decreased. In these patients trigonal resection and urinary diversion with a Kock pouch resolved the symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms that supratrigonal cystectomy with ileocystoplasty results in a good outcome in classic interstitial cystitis. However, this method seems to be unsuitable for nonulcer disease. Identification of the relevant subtype of interstitial cystitis is of crucial importance for selecting the appropriate method of lower urinary tract reconstruction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to analyze the results achieved with the ileal bladder according to the VIP (vescica ileale Padovana) procedure. METHODS/RESULTS: We compared the results obtained in 31 patients with invasive bladder cancer who underwent radical surgery (22 underwent the ileal conduit procedure and 9 were treated by orthotopic bladder substitution) and analyzed the early complications, long-term results and physiological data of the group submitted to the VIP procedure. In the patient group submitted to the VIP procedure, there was only one case who required removal of the new bladder due to an enteroneovesical fistula. Another case developed medium serrate anular stricture of the bulbar urethra about 8 months postoperatively and was treated by endoscopic urethrotomy. The uroradiologic and urodynamic evaluations confirmed urinary tract stability integrity of renal function and good adaptation of the new reservoir. The andrological studies showed complete sexual potency in 2 of 9 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The VIP procedure appears to be a good technique, with complications no greater than those of traditional urinary diversion, and improves the quality of life of patients undergoing radical surgery for invasive bladder cancer.  相似文献   

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