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Transport-related social exclusion (TRSE) is a common problem across the globe. Despite TRSE has been identified to be a multifaceted concept, researchers often focus on a single dimension to identify individuals/groups facing exclusion, which leaves most of the at-risk groups unidentified – due to a lack of comprehensive empirical framework. This paper reports the development of a multidimensional framework through a review of the literature and based on a Delphi survey. A range of dimensions and indicators of TRSE were identified through the review. Their suitability was assessed by the experts through a two-round Delphi survey involving 33 international experts. These experts reached a consensus that individuals are likely to face TRSE in physical, economic, temporal, spatial, psychological, and information dimensions, which can be measured by 15 key indicators consisting of 47 sub-indicators. The findings of this research serve as a guide for scholars and policymakers to understand what constitutes TRSE and act accordingly.  相似文献   

Customers, the public generally, the water industry, its regulators and the government are aware that water can be a scarce and costly product. Resource planning and development must increasingly be viewed as a combined package of water efficiency in (a) use, (b) metering and tariff policy, (c) leakage reduction, and (d) physical schemes.
Droughts, fears over possible climate change, concerns about resources and the environment, a greater awareness of the role and costs of the water industry and statements by the Department of the Environment, the Office of Water Services, and the National Rivers Authority have added weight to this sensible shift in emphasis.
However, society needs reliable water supplies and cannot completely rely upon the uncertain impact that demand side-measures may bring about – nor, even where achieved and cost-effective, on the important savings in losses. New resource schemes can take many years to implement. Therefore, in order to ensure adequate and reliable supplies, plans for new schemes must be brought to a state of readiness, and, in many cases, implemented.  相似文献   

丁杰  王如明 《室内设计》2023,38(5):103-109
传统聚落包括城镇与乡村,是中国历史 建筑环境的重要组成部分,表现出多种独特的 空间特征。由于以往研究主要集中在城镇的空 间形态上,且多以描述性分析为主,导致人们对 传统乡村聚落空间形态特征理解不足。研究提 出一种新的方法理解中国传统乡村聚落空间特 征,基于句法原理分析中国传统乡村聚落空间模 式的差异,并选取三组(9个)地域特征明显的 乡村聚落作为研究对象,运用星形模型和分类 空间测度的方法解读中国传统乡村聚落的空间 特征。结果发现,中国传统乡村聚落的空间模式 主要分为轴线导向型与河流导向型,前者体现了 《考工记》中“理想城镇”的空间模式,后者则 反映了风水理论中人与自然和谐共生的思想。研 究运用一系列数学测度方法来探索中国传统乡 村聚落的空间特征,可以促进对中国传统文化 的拓展解读,结果有助于更准确地理解中国传 统乡村聚落的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

通过在某施工现场的单桩静载荷试验中的载荷板下埋设土压力盒的方法,测试出试验加载过程中的桩土应力比,并结合静载荷试验中记录的沉降数据推断桩土应力比与搅拌桩复合地基的承载力以及变形之间的关系,阐述搅拌桩复合地基的工作性状。  相似文献   

The range and variety of the career of Sir Raymond Unwin should be evidence of its permanent significance, but the same diversity has often inhibited a full understanding of his contributions. It has not been well enough realized, for example, that in depending upon Howard, Hinton, Carpenter, Ruskin, and Morris for much of his inspiration, he belonged well within a larger context of British social and artistic thought. World War I also brought on u change in the circumstances of his career, identifying him as an individualistic artist-architect before, and a governmental leader und technician afterward. Nevertheless, consistent themes run through both phases, among them the absolute right of public amenity, the priority of the community as a social ideal over the city as a physical reality, the house as the basis for sound planning because of its importance to family life, and the desirability of separating the concerns of land layout from those of building design. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he believed that tradition was an indispensable stimulus to creativity.  相似文献   

本文分析了国内会展中存在的问题,并把项目管理引入对大型会议的管理中,保证会议的质量,提高会议的效益。  相似文献   

本文通过分析荷兰公共土地开发模式应用于工业用地开发的背景、特征和改革方向,对比中国工业用地中土地开发模式同荷兰的差异和存在的问题,探讨其对中国工业用地市场化改革的启示。采用文献分析法和比较分析法进行研究,发现荷兰工业用地开发利用中公共土地开发模式在历史上发挥了积极作用,其改革方向聚焦于存量工业用地开发、可持续土地开发利用和提高工业物业质量。中国与荷兰在工业用地开发利用上的共同点在于政府主导工业用地供给,差异性在于中国工业用地的地价远低于土地成本价,无法实现成本回收。因此,中国工业用地政策需要改变定价方式、推动工业不动产的业态形式多样化并提升物业质量,新增工业用地面积应与存量工业用地面积相挂钩。  相似文献   

HOUSING SUBSIDIES IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND: by Daniel R. Mandelker: Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1973. 246 pp. $9.50

HOUSING THE URBAN POOR: A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF FEDERAL HOUSING POLICY: by Arthur Solomon MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974. 227 pp. $12.00 (Cloth)

ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF TELEVISION REGULATION: by Roger G. Noll, Merton J. Peck and John J. McGowan: The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1973. 342 pp. $8.95 (Cloth)

AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND CITY PLANNING: by Jean-Pierre Muret (editor), et. al: International Federation for Housing and Planning (IFHP); Centre de Reicherche d'Urbanisme (CRU), 1972, 226 pp.

TWO BRAZILIAN CAPITALS: ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM IN RIO DE JANEIRO AND BRASILIA: by Norma Evenson: Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1973. 225 pp. (Cloth)

KOMMUNALE ENTWICKLUNGANALYSE UND STADTEBAULICHE KALKULATION (Analysis of Municipal Development and Financial Evaluation of Urban Growth: A Study Related to Small Town Planning: By Herbert Grabe: Karl Kramer, Verlag, Stuttgart, 1970. 152 pp. 67 illustrations, 69 tables. DM 38.-(PB)

OPENING UP THE SUBURBS: ON URBAN STRATEGY FOR AMERICA: by Anthony Downs Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1973. 229 pp. $7.95 (Cloth)  相似文献   

Abstract:   Building transportation infrastructure requires careful planning and design with due consideration to land and environmental impacts. Imprecise assessments of detailed design requirements, and land and environmental impacts lead to frequent scope changes of transportation infrastructure improvement projects. Computer visualization (CV) and geographic information systems (GIS) can greatly assist in understanding the detailed design requirements as well as land and environmental impacts. However, the application of CV is quite limited in transportation primarily because of the limited knowledge of its benefits over cost. This study investigates the feasibility of CV in modeling highway improvement sections. Two potential benefits are realized through the proposed modeling: (1) better representation of future improvements resulting in enhanced public and political support and (2) early identification of adverse environmental and land impacts as well as detail design requirements resulting in fewer scope changes. A fuzzy logic-based general approach is proposed to calculate the expected benefits of CV. A computer code called the Projection Option Processor (POP) is developed in Microstation's BASIC language to automate repetitive tasks in the visualization procedure. Two real highway projects from Maryland are visualized and the benefits and costs of the visualization are estimated using the proposed fuzzy logic-based approach. The results indicate that using POP is cost-effective resulting in higher benefit-cost ratios (B/C). Increasing the number of views, alternatives, and reevaluations for visualization may increase the total visualization cost significantly.  相似文献   

21世纪的中国面临着空前的发展机遇,也面临着人口、能源与资源、生态环境、城市化、各地发展不均衡以及三农等诸多问题的严重挑战.大力发展紧凑新城镇,是实现节能省地与可持续发展战略目标的有效途径.我们提出的紧凑新城镇发展模式,旨在倡导越来越多有实力的企业参与到解决中国城市化问题中来,让从事传统房地产开发的企业以人居环境资源节约为重点的视角参与城市创新,参与建设节能省地城市,构建和谐社会.  相似文献   

开发区土地集约利用研究——以上海开发区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了上海开发区土地消耗的现状特点,并运用层次分析方法对其集约利用进行了定量评价.研究结果表明:(1) 开发区的耗地量与其行政等级、区位、行业类别密切相关;(2) 各开发区之间的土地集约利用程度差异较大,在所选取的 30 个市级以上开发区中,仅 1/3 的开发区土地集约利用程度超过平均水平,尤其是国家级开发区和部分市级开发区之间的差距明显;(3) 多数开发区的单位产出耗地量和人均耗地量处于下降态势,开发区土地集约利用水平总体上趋于上升.  相似文献   

Traffic signal systems serve as one of the most powerful control tools available to improve the efficiency of surface transportation travel. A large number of signal systems currently operate using the time–of–day (TOD) approach. In TOD systems, a day is segmented into a number of intervals in which a different timing plan is used. Thus, the challenge in operating a TOD system effectively is to (1) identify appropriate TOD intervals, and (2) develop optimal timing plans for each interval. The existing procedures used by traffic engineers to address these challenges are time consuming and use relatively small sets of data. This research effort developed a new timing plan development methodology that takes advantage of the large sets of archived traffic data (volume and occupancy) that modern systems are equipped to compile. Based upon statistical cluster analysis, this methodology (1) automates the identification of TOD intervals using a high–resolution definition of system state, and (2) provides representative volumes for plan optimization based on the set of archived data. The results of a case study reported in this paper demonstrate that the methodology supports the development of a TOD system that provides benefits when considering performance measures such as delay, when compared to currently used techniques.  相似文献   

城中村是我国城市化建设中的特有现象,其自身的发展对于城市化的进程有着重要的影响。本文从城中村的起源,特点进行分析,结合城市自身的发展要求,从城市整体规划层面提出治理建议。  相似文献   

阎季常 《工程机械》2006,37(11):48-50
该是作2006年6月27日在“首届小型液压挖掘机配套研讨会”上的发言,本刊略有删改。[编按]  相似文献   


In an era of rapid urbanization, there is a need for data-driven tools to guide long-term strategic planning. Online What If? (OWI) is a planning support system (PSS) that helps inform strategic planners about the impact of population growth and other socioeconomic factors will have on the future growth of cities. This research presents its application in metropolitan Perth with a two-part case study, demonstrating a first comprehensive application of the tool. First, OWI tests five scenarios for urban growth through the year 2050, allocating residential land use. Next, OWI alters land use allocations to align residential development with high frequency public transit, while also allocating commercial land use to support higher residential densities. Together, these data-driven scenarios inform city planners and policy makers in guiding the long-term, sustainable growth of Perth. The paper concludes with a review of OWI’s strengths, weaknesses and possibilities for continual development.  相似文献   

基于土地开发政策的城市用地适宜性评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出了一种以政策为评价因素的用地适宜性评价方法,适用于总规阶段用地布局方案的产生和评价.方法使用基于GIS的多准则评价(MCE)技术,将土地开发政策作为评价因素,选择城市规划区内不同土地用途,将政策因素落实到用地布局方案中,产生不同用地布局方案,模拟和评价不同政策实施对城市规划区内土地使用产生的影响.  相似文献   

This article examines an environmental psychological approach to exploring the attitudes of urban residents towards what they consider to be a ‘desirable dense’ neighbourhood. Socio-cultural expectations of high-density developments are explored through an analysis of residents’ perceptions of what constitutes a desirable high-density environment. The article presents specific findings identifying influences on residents’ attitudes to urban densification derived from three case studies of designated transit-oriented development (TOD) areas located in the Perth Metropolitan Region. It was found that community resistance towards future higher-density developments is rooted in the current socio-cultural context of the area. Community resistance may be driven by the physical quality of developments (such as building heights, overshadowing), however, deeper concerns are allied to the uncertain social outcomes that are the product of new development. A dominant cultural characteristic such as a disinclination to socialise with diverse people is found to be a negative response to dense neighbourhoods in all the case studies. This characteristic is more evident in populations of high socio-economic status. These areas are usually close to the central business district (CBD) where many infill high-density developments have been proposed.  相似文献   

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