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低品位铁矿石直接还原新工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对多种难选铁矿石进行了煤基直接还原和渣铁分离研究,提出了煤基直接还原──渣铁分离──还原铁粉冷固结成型的新的工艺流程。所得产品的铁品位、金属化率和铁回收率分别在90%、92%和84%以上。直接还原铁粉经冷固结成型后即为电炉炼钢的优质原料。该工艺为利用我国大量尚未开发的低品位难选铁矿石提供了新的途径。  相似文献   


Techniques for dry processing low-grade iron ores and tailings are being investigated. Dry desliming tests using a rotating wheel air classifier and factorial design were performed on a difficult-to-treat low-grade high-goethite Australian iron ore tailings. The results were compared with theoretically ideal size separation and a hydrocyclone desliming study using the same tailings. The air classifier performance was poorer than the hydrocyclone due to agglomerated particles in the feed, including fines coating coarser particles. The “fish hook” effect was observed and discussed. After dry desliming, the silica and alumina contents of a selected product were 30% and 26% lower, respectively.  相似文献   

高铝铁矿和高锰铁矿是两种储量丰富但又极难分选的铁矿资源,实现铁、锰、铝的高效综合利用具有重要意义.本文研究了这两种铁矿石工艺矿物学,考查了单矿种及两者的混合矿种的直接还原行为及还原过程中的矿物组成演变,揭示了相应的还原机理.结果表明:高铝铁矿难还原,其机理为经还原后仅部分铁氧化物转化为金属铁,其余的铁与铝、硅矿物形成难还原的铁橄榄石和铁尖晶石;高锰铁矿易还原,其中的铁氧化物大部分被还原成金属铁,锰氧化物与铝、硅矿物结合形成锰尖晶石和锰橄榄石,促进了铁氧化物的还原.而且在相同还原条件下,高锰铁矿球团金属化率比高铝铁矿高30个百分点,前者还原性明显优于后者.两种矿进行共还原,当高锰铁矿配比达到60%时,球团金属化率就可大于90%.锰氧化物的存在对高铝铁矿石中铁氧化物的还原具有显著的促进作用.  相似文献   

高炉炼铁合理配矿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年中国的生铁产量超过2亿t,作为炼铁原料的国产铁精矿和进口铁矿几乎各占一半;国产铁精矿是细粒度的磁选精矿,进口铁矿则以粉状赤铁矿为主.如何合理配矿,成为当前必须认真研究的课题.回顾了我国炼铁工作者贯彻"精料"方针取得的成就,并就国内外铁矿资源的状况、特点及合理配矿进行探讨.  相似文献   

Shift From Coke to Coal Using Direct Reduction Method and Challenges   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Ironmaking involves the separation of iron ores. It not only represents the first step in steelmaking but also is the most capital intensive and energy intensive process in the production of steel. The main route for producing iron for steelmaking is to use the blast furnace, which uses metallurgical coke as the reductant. Concerns over the limited resources, the high cost of coking coals, and the environmental impacts of coking and sinter plants have driven steelmakers to develop alternative ironmaking processes that can use non coking coals to reduce iron ores directly. Since the efficiency and productivity of modern large capacity blast furnaces will be difficult to surpass, blast furnaces will continue to retain their predominant position as the foremost ironmaking process for some time to come. The alternative ironmaking processes are therefore expected to play an increasingly significant role in the iron and steel industry, especially in meeting the needs of small sized local and regional markets. It is likely that the importance of direct reduced iron (DRI) and hot metal as sources of virgin iron will continue to increase, especially in the developing countries where steelmaking is, and will be, primarily based on electric arc furnace (EAF) minimills. Consequently, the challenges that are faced by the new technology have to be embraced.  相似文献   

The performance of floc magnetic separation (FMS) has been compared with wet high-intensity magnetic separator (WHIMS). This study was performed on low-grade iron ore slime contained 59.58% Fe with 4.57% silica and 3.78% alumina. Detailed characterization data indicated that a substantial amount of the slime was below 20 µm in size. Beneficiation studies indicated that the FMS process is effective to recover fine hematite and goethite particles, compared with the conventional magnetic separation. In conventional magnetic separation, the extent of the fluid drag force exceeds the magnetic force exerted on ultrafine particles. Thus, ultrafine magnetic particles were usually not recovered effectively by magnetic separators, resulting in the loss of valuable ultrafine slime particles. The FMS process significantly increases the magnetic force on the ultrafine iron ore in the form of hydrophobic flocs in a magnetic field, thus the ultrafine particles can be picked up effectively as magnetic concentrates. The FMS process improved the Fe recovery from 37.35% to 79.60%.  相似文献   

我国许多钢铁矿山企业铁矿石中伴生有云母,但在选铁过程中通常将其作为脉石矿物而随尾矿排放。某铁尾矿通过脱泥-碱性浮选选矿工艺研究可以回收产率10.17%,云母矿物含量96.19%的高纯度云母,有效地回收其中的云母资源,降低了尾矿排放量,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

High-aluminium-content iron ore is one of typical intractable iron ores, and magnetic separation and floatation processes are found impracticable to remove alumina from the ore effectively. In this article, a new process, roasting with addition of soda followed by leaching, is developed to remove aluminium from the ore. Results show that Al2O3 content decreases from 8.16% in raw ore to 2.13% in iron concentrate, and total iron grade increases from 48.92 to 63.21% when the ore is roasted at 1000°C for 15 min with the addition of 14.0% (wt.) sodium carbonate. Mechanisms of aluminium–iron separation were studied by using XRD, SEM, and thermodynamic methods, and it is shown that aluminium is transformed into sodium aluminosilicate, sodium aluminate, and corundum during roasting; sodium aluminate is able to be leached by water, so is sodium aluminosilicate by dilute acid solution, while corundum remains in the iron concentrate.  相似文献   

高炉使用含碳复合炉料的原理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
储满生  赵伟  柳政根  王宏涛  唐珏 《钢铁》2015,50(3):9-18
 高炉炼铁正朝着高产、低污染、低能耗的方向发展,为了实现这一目标,包括高炉使用含碳复合炉料等一些革新的炼铁技术已经被提出或实际应用。铁焦、热压含碳球团是将铁矿粉和煤粉按一定比例混合后制成的新型含碳复合炉料。研究结果指出,含碳复合炉料相比于传统的高炉炉料(烧结矿和球团矿)具有高温强度高、还原性能好以及原料适应性强等优势。阐明了高炉使用含碳复合炉料的基本原理,介绍了铁焦制备的工艺流程及应用情况,重点进行了热压含碳球团制备工艺流程、冷态冶金性能、高温冶金性能、高炉使用热压含碳球团等试验研究,最后利用多流体高炉数学模型对高炉使用热压含碳球团操作进行了模拟研究。研究表明,高炉使用一定量的含碳复合炉料可以降低热空区温度,增加产量,降低焦比,高炉热利用效率明显提高,操作性能得到有效改善。  相似文献   

Cationic reverse flotation of quartz is the standard or reference concentration route for itabirites containing at least 45% iron. Preceding the flotation stage, desliming in hydrocyclones must be conducted to remove ultrafine and colloidal particles from the flotation feed. The flotation performance assessed by weight and metallurgical recoveries and silica contamination in the concentrate is impaired by lower iron feed grades. Exploratory experiments of magnetic separation indicated that iron oxide particles in the size range <37 µm are entrained toward the non-magnetic product. This finding suggested a campaign of testing an alternative circuit consisting of magnetic separation preceding reverse flotation. Magnetic separation plays the roles of desliming and pre-concentration. The achieved content of silica in the alternative route concentrate was 1.46%, meeting the market specification for blast furnace pellet of 2%. The alternative route yielded significant gains in weight and metallurgical recoveries, reaching values 3.3% and 4.4% higher, respectively.  相似文献   

Sintering is a thermal agglomeration process that is applied to a mixture of iron ore fines, recycled ironmaking products, fluxes, slag-forming agents, and solid fuel (coke). The purpose of the sintering process is manufacturing a product with the suitable characteristics (thermal, mechanical, physical and chemical) to be fed to the blast furnace. The process has been widely studied and researched in the iron and steelmaking industry to know the best parameters that allow one to obtain the best sinter quality. The present article reviews the sintering process that the mixture follows, once granulated, when it is loaded onto the sinter strand. There, the sinter mixture is partially melted at a temperature between 1300-1480°C and undergoes a series of reactions that forms the sinter cake to be loaded into the blast furnace to produce pig iron.  相似文献   

于峰 《有色矿冶》2010,26(3):53-54,56
介绍了一种处理较大尺寸铁矿物的湿式筒型磁选机。它处理粒度介于湿式磁选机和干式磁选机处理粒度之间,适用于低品位或低磁性铁含量的铁矿石,以及尾矿再选,具有较高分选效率和处理能力,提高了产量,降低了成本。  相似文献   

以铁品位为58.58%、TiO2品位为12.04%的海滨钛磁铁矿精矿为试样,进行煤基直接还原–磁选试验。从反应产生的CO和CO2气体组成、总反应的气化速率、CO分压值、金属化率、矿物组成等角度进行分析,查明了CaO在海滨钛磁铁矿精矿直接还原?磁选工艺中的作用机理。研究结果表明,CaO可以提高还原剂的气化速率,促进钛磁铁矿的还原,增加CO2气体的产生量,从而降低CO分压值。同时发现CaO可以参与固固反应,降低含钛矿物中的FeO含量,也有利于钛、铁组分的迁移和富集,促进金属铁颗粒的聚集长大。因此,添加CaO有利于通过磨矿?磁选促进钛铁分离与回收。   相似文献   

转底炉工艺处理含铁尘泥关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛瑞  王飞  金海  茅沈栋 《钢铁》2020,55(8):199-205
 转底炉是当前用于处理钢铁厂含铁锌尘泥工艺的典型代表,能有效利用尘泥中的铁、碳和氧化锌等物质,生产金属化球团,同时产生副产物氧化锌粉,具有较好的处理效果和经济效益,是未来钢铁企业含铁尘泥处理技术发展的趋势之一。基于转底炉处理含铁尘泥工艺,对转底炉工艺涉及的诸多关键技术进行分析和讨论,结合转底炉生产实践和实验室研究成果,在转底炉原料选择、成型技术、优化配矿、渣系优化以及锌的控制等方面提出建议,以期为转底炉处理含铁尘泥工艺的改进和创新提供参考。  相似文献   

改性油酸浮选性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应钢铁工业节能减排的发展趋势,铁矿石的"提铁降硅"已经成为选矿界的重要研究课题。针对油酸选择性差和捕收能力弱的缺点,开展油酸改性研究,是阴离子反浮选对铁矿石进行"提铁降硅"研究内容之一。试验对油酸、改性油酸进行了单矿物可浮性试验、人工混合矿物浮选分离试验、铁矿石浮选分离试验以及流程试验。铁矿石试验结果表明,改性油酸YS-1的捕收效果最好、YS-2次之,油酸最差。文中讨论了在铁矿石反浮选过程中,油酸作为捕收剂与矿物的作用机理。  相似文献   


Tin, zinc bearing complex iron ores are typically intractable and have not been efficiently utilised in China. In this investigation, the process mineralogy of the tin, zinc bearing iron ores and reduction behaviours of iron, tin and zinc oxides by CO were investigated. A selective reduction roasting process was initially developed to separate tin and zinc from the complex iron ores. Under optimum conditions, most of the tin and zinc were effectively removed from the iron ore pellets, and the roasted pellets could be used as high quality ironmaking burdens for large scale blast furnaces.  相似文献   

汪寅夫 《冶金分析》2020,40(1):22-27
磁性铁含量的测定是铁矿勘查中的基本分析项目之一。以往常采用手工磁选法对磁性铁分离后再进行测定,但手工磁选法不仅容易出现清洗不彻底或由于水流难以控制使磁性铁流失等现象,而且各实验室采用的永久磁铁规格不统一也会导致测定结果的重现性较差。实验自主设计了由框架、传动及淋洗系统3大部分组成的磁性铁分离装置,不仅提高了分离效率,还可一人对多个样品同时操作。对该装置应用于磁性铁分离时的条件进行了单因素和正交试验,并将其应用于铁矿石中磁性铁含量的测定。结果表明,磁性铁分离装置对磁性铁分离的最佳条件是磁场强度为80Gs,水流速度为30mL/min,翻转速度为70r/min,淋洗时间为3min;样品中磁性铁的含量对测定结果的影响较小。采用实验方法对铁矿石物相成分分析标准物质中磁性铁含量进行测定,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=8)为0.80%和1.0%。采用实验方法对2个铁矿石实际样品进行测定,测定结果与标准方法YS/T 1047—2015基本吻合。  相似文献   

The consumption of iron ore has increased rapidly over the past decade due to the tremendous growth of the iron and steel industry. The depletion of high-grade iron ore resources makes it inevitable to utilise the existing low-grade iron ores/fines/tailings with proper beneficiation to meet the present specification and demand. Beneficiation and utilisation of these fines/tailings still remains a challenging task. In order to find out an effective way of utilisation of these fines, an in-depth characterisation study is essential. A detailed insight into the different mineralogical attributes involving microscopic (both optical and electron), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, physical and chemical characterisation, are undertaken on the Barsua iron ore fines. These studies revealed that haematite and goethite are the major iron-bearing minerals with gibbsite, kaolinite and quartz present as gangue. Traces of magnetite are also observed. The liberation size of the sample is found to be below 150?µm. The bulk chemical composition shows around 57.67% Fe, 6.29% Al2O3, 3.52% SiO2 and 6.93% LOI. Based on the detailed characterisation, a possible route of beneficiation of these iron ore fines is discussed and successful implementation of the beneficiation strategies is envisaged.  相似文献   

汪寅夫 《冶金分析》1982,40(1):22-27
磁性铁含量的测定是铁矿勘查中的基本分析项目之一。以往常采用手工磁选法对磁性铁分离后再进行测定,但手工磁选法不仅容易出现清洗不彻底或由于水流难以控制使磁性铁流失等现象,而且各实验室采用的永久磁铁规格不统一也会导致测定结果的重现性较差。实验自主设计了由框架、传动及淋洗系统3大部分组成的磁性铁分离装置,不仅提高了分离效率,还可一人对多个样品同时操作。对该装置应用于磁性铁分离时的条件进行了单因素和正交试验,并将其应用于铁矿石中磁性铁含量的测定。结果表明,磁性铁分离装置对磁性铁分离的最佳条件是磁场强度为80Gs,水流速度为30mL/min,翻转速度为70r/min,淋洗时间为3min;样品中磁性铁的含量对测定结果的影响较小。采用实验方法对铁矿石物相成分分析标准物质中磁性铁含量进行测定,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD,n=8)为0.80%和1.0%。采用实验方法对2个铁矿石实际样品进行测定,测定结果与标准方法YS/T 1047—2015基本吻合。  相似文献   

在全面分析研究国内外铁矿石产品品质的基础上,提出了铁矿石产品等级的划分标准,包括块矿、粉矿和精矿产品,不包括烧结矿和球团矿产品,同时确定了铁矿石产品的化学成分测定方法。  相似文献   

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