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Basing on a constraint Jacobian induced orthogonal decomposition of the task space and by requiring the force controller to be orthogonal to the constraint manifold, the dynamics of the constrained robots under hybrid control is decomposed into a set of two equations. One describes the motion of robots moving on the constraint manifold, while the other relates the constraint force with the hybrid controller. This decomposition does not require the solution of the constraint equation in partition form. In this setting, the hybrid control of constrained robots can be essentially reduced to robust stabilization of uncertain nonlinear systems whose uncertainties do not satisfy the matching condition. A continuous version of the sliding-mode controller (from Khalil [12]) is employed to design a position controller. The force controller is designed as a proportional force error feedback of high gain type. The coordination of the position controller and the force controller is shown to achieve ultimately bounded position and force tracking with tunable accuracy. Moreover, an estimate of the domain of attraction is provided for the motion on the constraint manifold. Simulation for a planar two-link robot constraining on an ellipse is given to show the effectiveness of a hybrid controller. In addition, the friction effect, viewed as external disturbance to the system, is also examined through simulations.  相似文献   

变结构控制系统是一类特殊的非线性控制系统,滑模控制就是其中一种。滑模控制对系统参数及扰动的变化反应迟钝,具有很强的鲁棒性,该类控制方法特别适合于机械臂系统的控制。本文中采用奇异摄动方法将双连杆柔性机械臂系统分解为慢变和快变两个子系统,并对慢变子系统采用滑模控制方法设计了控制器。采用MATLAB进行的数值仿真结果表明了所设计控制器的有效性;  相似文献   

To get the best features of both deliberative and reactive controllers, present mobile robot control architectures are designed to accommodate both types of controller. However, these architectures are still very rigidly structured thus deliberative modules are always assigned to the same role as a high-level planner or sequencer while low-level reactive modules are still the ones directly interacting with the robot environment. Furthermore, within these architectures communication and interface between modules are if not strongly established, they are very complex thus making them unsuitable for simple robotic systems. Our idea in this paper is to present a control architecture that is flexible in the sense that it can easily integrate both reactive and deliberative modules but not necessarily restricting the role of each type of controller. Communication between modules is through simple arbitration schemes while interface is by connecting a common communication line between modules and simple read and/or write access of data objects. On top of these features, the proposed control architecture is scalable and exhibits graceful degradation when some of the modules fail, similar to the present mobile robot architectures. Our idea has enabled our four-legged robot to walk autonomously in a structured uneven terrain.  相似文献   

具有模糊二次补偿的柔性臂滑模控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提一种新双连杆柔性臂机器人位置控制算法,其特点是根据系统的滑模条件是否满足和关节角误差变化趋势对由柔性臂刚性模态求得的滑模控制实行二次模糊修正,以使系统趋于滑模面和误差收敛,通过将模糊修正规则定义为事件该系统便成为典型的离散事件系统,借助自动机和监督控制理论分析了该系统的稳定性,将控制律在包含柔性模态的完整模型上进行计算机仿真证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种无杆气缸驱动的柔性机械臂定位和振动抑制系统,采用脉冲码调制(pulse code modulation,PCM)方法实现.首先,推导了气动驱动柔性臂的系统模型,对采用的复合定位和振动抑制控制算法进行理论分析.其次,气缸行程长、气体具有压缩性以及气动驱动存在非线性和阀门开关有时延等因素会引起控制作用的滞后问题,容易激发高阶模态的极限环振荡,导致观测和控制溢出,这将影响控制系统的稳定性.为了克服上述问题,在控制算法中引入时延补偿、低通滤波法.最后,进行气动驱动柔性臂同时定位和振动抑制的试验研究.试验结果表明,采用的气动驱动控制方法可以有效地抑制柔性臂的低频模态振动,并同时实现定位.  相似文献   

本文针对具有两个回转关节的机械手,实现了自适应滑动模控制方法,试验结果证实了系统的良好跟踪性能和鲁棒性能。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a new finite-time convergence disturbance rejection control scheme design for a flexible Timoshenko manipulator subject to extraneous disturbances.To suppress the shear deformation and elastic oscillation,position the manipulator in a desired angle,and ensure the finitetime convergence of disturbances,we develop three disturbance observers(DOs)and boundary controllers.Under the derived DOs-based control schemes,the controlled system is guaranteed to be uniformly bounded stable and disturbance estimation errors converge to zero in a finite time.In the end,numerical simulations are established by finite difference methods to demonstrate the effectiveness of the devised scheme by selecting appropriate parameters.  相似文献   

基于压电陶瓷的柔性机器人主动抑振控制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柔性机器人因其轻质、高效、低能耗等优点已被广泛应用于航空航天,工业制造等诸多领域。然而,柔性机构易产生弯曲变形,引起系统振动而大大降低机器人的工作精度。为提高柔性机器人的工作性能,多种抑振策略得以研究与应用。提出了基于压电陶瓷(PZT)的柔性机器人振动主动抑制策略。其中,PZT传感器和PZT制动器分别被用来检测和抑制柔性臂的振动。本文构建了基于PZT材料的单自由度柔性机械臂的理论模型,并获得了传感电压与制动电压的传递函数。设计了一个可变控制方案的抑振器以抑制系统在不同频率下的振动。在COMSOL中进行仿真,获得了系统的抑振率。根据仿真结果显示,柔性臂在前三阶振动下,臂的末端位移分别得到了57.04%,57.76%与58.96%的抑制;系统的动能得到了57.95%,71.19%与87.81%的抑制。  相似文献   

柔性机构因其工作效率高,能量消耗低和结构简单等优点被广泛应用于机器人领域.但柔性机构由于刚度较低,易产生弹性振动,使机器人的定位精度和运动精度降低.为了验证在前期的工作中提出的柔性机械臂主动振动最优控制位置分析的正确性,搭建了一个基于Labview的测试系统.在柔性臂上不同位置粘贴压电片来实现对柔性臂不同位置的主动振动控制,通过测试系统得到最优控制位置处和最优控制位置附近的柔性机械臂振动的传感电压,根据控制前后传感电压的变化分析柔性臂抑制的强弱.根据实验结果显示,柔性臂在前三阶振动下,分别在其最优控制位置上获得最高的抑振率,从而验证了最优控制位置的有效性.  相似文献   

针对一种由一个车轮驱动并控制前向平衡、并由电机驱动惯性轮形成反力矩来控制侧向平衡的独轮机器人系统,提出了一种分组分层滑模变结构控制方法.该方法根据机器人动力学模型特点,将系统看作两个单输入系统组合,并分别针对每个单输入系统设计分层滑模控制器,从而实现机器人的运动平衡控制.从理论上证明了各层滑动平面的渐近稳定性,并通过仿...  相似文献   

针对机械臂关节运动的轨迹跟踪控制问题,研究了一种改进的递归滑模动态面抗扰控制方法。该方法考虑到机械臂系统存在的外部干扰,设计了一种基于非线性光滑函数的非线性扩张状态观测器(NLESO),对外部干扰进行估计并前馈至系统控制输出进行补偿;基于NLESO构造递归滑模动态面的控制策略,利用反双曲正弦函数和幂次函数构造一种新的非线性增益函数设计改进型动态面控制律。该方法避免了反推法存在的"微分爆炸"问题,有效解决了传统动态面控制存在的控制精度与动态品质之间的矛盾问题,基于Lyapunov理论方法分析证明了系统的稳定性。仿真结果表明,该方法响应速度快、控制精度高、抗扰能力强,抑制了滑模的抖振问题。  相似文献   

When using robots for heavy loads and huge operating ranges, elastic deformations of the links have to be taken into account during modeling and controller design. Whereas for conventional rigid multilink industrial robots modeling can schematically be done by standard techniques, it is a massive problem to obtain an accurate analytic model for multilink flexible robots. But an accurate analytic model is essential for most modern controller design techniques, and modeling errors can lead to instability of the controlled system due to spillover since the eigenvalues of the system are only slightly damped. A new approach to active damping control for flexible robots is presented in this paper where the actuators act like virtual spring-damper-systems. As the spring-damper-element is a passive energy dissipative device, it will never destabilize the system and thus the control concept will be very insensitive to modeling errors. Basically, the two parameters, spring stiffness and damping constant of this system, are arbitrary and model independent. To satisfy performance requirements they are adjusted using knowledge of the system model. The more it is known about the system model, the better these parameters may be adjusted. The new input of the controlled system is a virtual variation of the spring base. The paper illustrates this technique with the help of a simple and easy to model one link flexible robot which is also available as a real laboratory testbed.  相似文献   

针对伺服电动机、谐波齿轮减速器、柔性臂及压电致动器组成的智能柔性机械臂系统,基于假设模态法和Hamilton原理建立系统动力学方程.为了实现系统较高精度的位置控制,同时快速抑制柔性臂的弹性振动,提出了对伺服电动机采用PD(proportional derivative)控制、对压电致动器采用模糊(fuzzy)控制的复合控制策略.在数值仿真分析的基础上,搭建了智能柔性机械臂系统测控平台.数值仿真和实验结果表明所提出的控制策略是可行的:PD控制算法控制伺服电动机以较高的位置精度完成了系统运动控制,模糊控制算法控制压电致动器较快地抑制了柔性臂的弹性振动.实验中柔性臂的振动衰减时间由6.5s缩短为3.5s,提高了柔性臂末端的定位控制精度,改善了系统的操作效率.  相似文献   

本文基于Jean和Fu(1993)建立的受限机器人模型的降型阶形式,利用变结构系统理论,设计了具有未知动态的受限机器人轨道/力追踪控制,提出的学习方法仅仅利用了机器人动态模型的一般结构,不需要其精确信息,计算迅速,易于实现,仿真结果验证了提出的方法的有效性。  相似文献   

柔性空间机械臂的闭环方波序列控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将“输入成形”方法加以推广,提出一种方波序列控制,并利用幅值调制的思想,提出了一种闭环方波序列控制方法,在保证无余振的前提下,实现了柔性空间机械臂的高精度机动控制,并对系统惯量不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性,理论和仿真结果表明,该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

针对机器人这一高度非线性、强耦合的系统,首先着重从滑模面设计、滑模条件方面的工作进行了深入的探讨,利用滑模变结构控制方法设计了滑模面和控制律,接着进行了稳定性分析,最后在上进行了仿真实验,实验结果说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The hybrid control scheme is proposed to stabilize the vibration of a two-link flexible manipulator while the robustness of Variable Structure Control (VSC) developed for rigid manipulators is maintained for controlling the joint angles. The VSC law alone, which is designed to accomplish only the asymptotic decoupled joint angle trajectory tracking, does not guarantee the stability of the flexible mode dynamics of the links. In order to actively suppress the flexible link vibrations, hybrid trajectories for the VSC are generated using the virtual control force concept, so that robust tracking control of the flexible-link manipulator can also be accomplished. Simulation results confirm that the proposed hybrid control scheme can achieve more robust tracking control of two-link flexible manipulator than the conventional control scheme in the presence of payload uncertainty.  相似文献   

Hybrid Control Scheme for Robust Tracking of Two-Link Flexible Manipulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A hybrid control scheme is proposed to stabilize the vibration of a two-link flexible manipulator while robustness of Variable Structure Control (VSC) developed for rigid manipulators is maintained for controlling the joint angles. The VSC law alone, which is designed to accomplish only the asymptotic decoupled joint angle trajectory tracking, does not guarantee the stability of the flexible mode dynamics of the links. In order to actively suppress the flexible link vibrations, hybrid trajectories for the VSC are generated using the virtual control force concept, so that robust tracking control of the flexible-link manipulator can also be accomplished. Simulation results confirm that the proposed hybrid control scheme can achieve more robust tracking control of two-link flexible manipulator than the conventional control scheme in the presence of payload uncertainty.  相似文献   

朱彩红 《微计算机信息》2007,23(1Z):280-282
针对机器人这一高度非线性、强耦合的系统,首先着重从滑模面设计、滑模条件方面的工作进行了深入的探讨,利用滑模变结构控制方法设计了滑模面和控制律,接着进行了稳定性分析,最后在上进行了仿真实验,实验结果说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

高为炳 《自动化学报》1994,20(3):257-264
研究了机器人班组在执行各种任务时的协调控制.由于机器人班组是由多个能力有限的机器人组成的,被操作的对象可以是一个刚体、柔性体或机械系统,而且需要跟踪的运动也可以是各种各样的,所以整个系统是相当复杂的.这样的机械系统,按其力学性质可以将要实现的控制任务加以分解,从而实现递阶控制,各层的控制只完成被分解出来的特定的较简单的任务,而各机器人之间的协调由自组织算法自动完成.  相似文献   

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