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In this study, four different types of mould‐ripened Civil cheese were manufactured. A defined (nontoxigenic) strain of a Penicillium roqueforti (SC 509) was used as secondary starter for the manufacture of mould‐ripened Civil cheese with and without addition of the whey cheese Lor; in parallel, secondary starter‐free counterparts were manufactured. A total of 83 compounds were identified. Ketones, alcohols and esters were the principal classes of volatile components. Principal component analysis of the headspace volatiles grouped cheeses by age and type. P. roqueforti inoculated cheese was clearly separated from the other cheeses at 180 days of ripening, and these cheeses were characterised with high levels of ketones (e.g., 2‐butanone, 2‐heptanone). Differences in the panel scores between the cheese samples were not significant during the first stage of ripening (up to 60 days); as ripening proceeded, these differences were become evident and P. roqueforti inoculated cheeses received higher scores than others. Addition of Lor in the manufacture of mould‐ripened Civil cheese caused lower points by the sensory panel, and the cheese inoculated with P. roqueforti and Lor‐free was the best type of mould‐ripened Civil cheese. The results showed that the use of P. roqueforti in the manufacture of mould‐ripened Civil cheese has significant impact on the volatile profiles and sensory attributes.  相似文献   

Attenuated starter bacteria cannot produce acid during cheese manufacture, but contain enzymes that contribute to cheese ripening. The aim of this study was to investigate attenuation of starter bacteria using high pressure treatment, for use in combination with a primary starter for Cheddar cheese manufacture, and to determine the effect of such adjunct cultures on secondary proteolysis during ripening. Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris HP and L. lactis ssp. cremoris 303 were attenuated by pressure treatment at 200 MPa for 20 min at 20 °C. Cheddar cheese was manufactured using untreated cultures of both these starter strains, either alone or in combination with their high pressure-treated equivalents. High pressure-treated starters did not produce acid during cheese manufacture and starter counts in cheeses manufactured using high pressure-treated starter did not differ from those of the controls. Higher levels of cell lysis were apparent in cheese manufactured using high pressure-treated strains than in the controls after 26 d of ripening. Small differences were observed in the peptide profiles of cheeses, analysed by reversed-phase HPLC; cheeses manufactured using high pressure-treated starters also had slightly higher levels of amino acids than the relevant controls. Overall, addition of high pressure-treated starter bacteria as a secondary starter culture accelerated secondary proteolysis in Cheddar cheese.

Industrial relevance

Attenuated starters provide extra pool of enzymes, which can influence cheese ripening, without affecting the cheese making schedule. This paper presents an alternative method for attenuation of starter bacteria using high pressure treatment and their subsequent use to accelerate secondary proteolysis in Cheddar cheese during ripening.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of exopolysaccharide (EPS)‐producing or non‐EPS‐producing starters on proteolysis, physical and microstructural characteristics of full‐fat or low‐fat Tulum cheeses during ripening. For this purpose, Tulum cheese was manufactured using full‐ or low‐fat milk with EPS‐producing and non‐EPS‐producing starter cultures. Chemical composition, proteolysis, texture profiles and microstructure of the cheeses were studied during 90 days of ripening. Urea‐PAGE of water‐insoluble and RP‐HPLC peptide profiles of water‐soluble fractions of the cheeses showed that the use of starters resulted in different degradation patterns in all cheeses during ripening. Although β‐casein exhibited similar degradation patterns in all cheeses, small differences are present in αs1‐casein degradation during ripening. Reducing fat in Tulum cheese changed the RP‐HPLC peptide profile of the cheeses. The use of EPS‐producing cultures improved the textural characteristics and changed the microstructure and proteolysis of low‐fat Tulum cheese.  相似文献   

This paper reports the technological effects of inoculating Cabrales cheese (a traditional, Spanish, blue-veined cheese) with Penicillium roqueforti spores. Three batches of inoculated Cabrales cheese were manufactured and a number of their microbial and biochemical variables recorded. The results were compared with those obtained for three batches of control cheese made using traditional technology (i.e., adding neither starter cultures nor fungal spores). Although mould and yeast populations grew more quickly in the inoculated cheeses, their normally dominant and representative microbial populations were not affected neither was their gross biochemical composition changed. The variations observed were thought to be caused by the uncontrolled environmental conditions of manufacture and ripening. The development of free amino acids and volatile compounds was significantly increased at 30 days in the inoculated cheeses, although the values for both types of cheese were almost identical at 90 days. The inoculated cheeses obtained higher scores in a hedonistic sensorial evaluation. Thus, inoculation improved the standardization and quality of the cheese.  相似文献   

Penicillium roqueforti plays an important role in the ripening of blue-veined cheeses, mostly due to lactic acid consumption and to its extracellular enzymes. The strong activity of P. roqueforti proteinases may bring about cheese over-ripening. Also, free amino acids at high concentrations serve as substrates for biogenic amine formation. Both facts result in shorter product shelf-life. To prevent over-ripening and buildup of biogenic amines, blue-veined cheeses made from pasteurized ovine milk were high-pressure treated at 400 or 600 MPa after 3, 6, or 9 wk of ripening. Primary and secondary proteolysis, biogenic amines, and sensory characteristics of pressurized and control cheeses were monitored for a 90-d ripening period, followed by a 270-d refrigerated storage period. On d 90, treatments at 400 MPa had lowered counts of lactic acid bacteria and P. roqueforti by less than 2 log units, whereas treatments at 600 MPa had reduced lactic acid bacteria counts by more than 4 log units and P. roqueforti counts by more than 6 log units. No residual α-casein (CN) or κ-CN were detected in control cheese on d 90. Concentrations of β-CN, para-κ-CN, and γ-CN were generally higher in 600 MPa cheeses than in the rest. From d 90 onwards, hydrophilic peptides were at similar levels in pressurized and control cheeses, but hydrophobic peptides and the hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic peptide ratio were at higher levels in pressurized cheeses than in control cheese. Aminopeptidase activity, overall proteolysis, and free amino acid contents were generally higher in control cheese than in pressurized cheeses, particularly if treated at 600 MPa. Tyramine concentration was lower in pressurized cheeses, but tryptamine, phenylethylamine, and putrescine contents were higher in some of the pressurized cheeses than in control cheese. Differences in sensory characteristics between pressurized and control cheeses were generally negligible, with the only exception of treatment at high pressure level (600 MPa) at an early ripening stage (3 wk), which affected biochemical changes and sensory characteristics.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to compare the composition and changes in the concentration of volatiles in low‐fat and full‐fat Tulum cheeses during ripening. Tulum cheese was manufactured from low‐ or full‐fat milk using exopolysaccharide (EPS)‐producing or non‐EPS‐producing starter cultures. A total of 82 volatile compounds were identified belonging to the following chemical groups: acids (seven), esters (21), ketones (14), aldehydes (six), alcohols (14) and miscellaneous compounds (20). The relative amounts of acids, alcohols and aldehydes increased in the cheeses made with EPS‐producing cultures during 90 days of ripening. Differences were found in the volatile profile of full‐fat Tulum cheese compared with the low‐fat variant, especially after 90 days of ripening. Exopolysaccharide‐producing cultures changed the volatile profile, and the EPS‐producing cultures including Streptococcus thermophilus + Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus + Lactobacillus helveticus (LF‐EPS2) produced cheese with higher levels of methyl ketones and aldehydes than the non‐EPS cultures. In the sensory analysis, full‐fat Tulum cheeses and the cheese produced with the EPS‐producing culture containing Lb. helveticus (LF‐EPS2) were preferred by the expert panel. It was concluded that the use of EPS‐producing starter cultures in the manufacture of low‐fat Tulum cheese had the potential to improve the flavour.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine the effects of different ripening methods [brine salting, dry salting, incorporating with Lor cheese (LR) and vacuum packaging] of Civil cheeses on its microbiological, chemical and sensory properties. Civil cheeses were analysed on the 2nd, 30th, 60th and 90th day of ripening. Chemical compositions of the cheeses were significantly different. While the highest dry matter and titratable acidity values were determined on dry salted cheeses, the highest fat and fat in dry matter contents were found in Civil cheese ripened together with LR. The water-soluble nitrogen and ripening index values were lower in cheese ripened incorporating with LR. Excessive proteolysis was not seen in any of cheese samples. The ripening in different methods affected microbiological and sensory properties of Civil cheese. Panellists preferred vacuum packaging and dry-salting cheeses compared to the other samples on the 90th day of ripening.  相似文献   

Reggianito Argentino cheese is traditionally manufactured with whey starter cultures that provide typical and intense flavor but can cause poor quality standardization. In this study, the influence of natural and selected starters on Reggianito Argentino cheese proteolysis was investigated. Cheeses were manufactured with three strains of Lactobacillus helveticus (SF133, SF138 and SF209) cultured individually in sterile whey and used as single or mixed starters. Control cheeses were made with natural whey starter culture. Cheeses were analyzed to determine gross composition, as well as total thermophilic lactic flora. Proteolysis was assessed by N fractions, electrophoresis and liquid chromatography. Gross composition of the cheeses did not significantly differ, while viable starter cell counts were lower for cheeses made with strain SF209 alone or combined with other strains. Soluble N at pH 4.6 was the same for cheeses made with natural or selected starters, but soluble N in 12% trichloroacetic acid and 2.5% phosphotungstic acid was significantly higher in cheeses made with starters containing strain SF209. Nitrogen fractions results indicated that natural whey starter cultures could be replaced by several starters composed of the selected strains without significant changes to proteolysis patterns. Starter cultures prepared only with SF209 or with the three selected L. helveticus strains produced cheese products with significantly more proteolysis than control cheeses. Chromatographic profiles analyzed by principal components showed that three main peaks on chromatograms, presumptively identified as Tyr, Phe, and Trp, explained most of variability. Principal component scores indicated that cheese samples were grouped by ripening time, which was confirmed by linear discriminant analysis. On the contrary, samples did not cluster by Lactobacillus strain or type of starter.  相似文献   

Five batches of Cheddar cheese were manufactured containing different levels of isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) and a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus to study the effect of IMO on the survival of starter lactococci and probiotic micro‐organisms, on proteolytic patterns, cheese composition and sensory properties. The cheese was exposed to conditions simulating those found in the gastrointestinal tract to evaluate the survival of Lb. rhamnosus. Results demonstrated that the addition of Lb. rhamnosus and IMO did not affect the main compositional variables of Cheddar cheese. The counts of starter culture and probiotic organisms increased in cheese which contained Isomaltooligosaccharide (Batches 3, 4 and 5) more than in the control (Batches 1 and 2) during the fermentation. The probiotic counts in fresh cheese (B‐4) was 9.23 log10 cfu/g which was more than one log cycle greater than in the control (B‐2). The probiotic counts remained above 8 log10 cfu/g at the end of the manufacturing process. Primary proteolysis was not affected by the addition of probiotic bacteria and IMO, but the level of secondary proteolysis was slightly higher compared with the control group. The addition of IMO improved the texture and sensory quality of the cheese and the probiotic bacterium had the same effect. Under conditions that simulated the gastrointestinal tract, the probiotic bacteria in cheese (B‐4) exhibited good survival and remained above the recommended 6–7 log10 cfu/g.  相似文献   

White cheese samples were manufactured from bovine milk using three different commercial direct vat starter cultures (DVS-1, -2 and -3) and a lyophilized culture, and ripened at 4 ± 1°C for 90 days. The composition, titratable acidity and ripening indices of the cheese samples were determined on the 2nd, 30th, 60th and 90th days of ripening. The ratios of total solids, protein and fat were higher for cheeses manufactured using DVS-2 and lyophilized cultures but the titratable acidity in cheese produced using DVS-3 and lyophilized cultures was higher (P < 0.01). The mean value of the ripening indices of the cheese produced using the lyophilized culture was lower than the cheeses produced with added DVS cultures (P < 0.05). The total solids, ash, salt ratios, titratable acidity and ripening indices values increased for all types of white cheeses during ripening (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The texture and microstructure of white-brined cheeses similar to urfa (a traditional Turkish cheese) were studied. One batch of cheeses was made in the traditional manner and one batch was made from ultrafiltered (UF) milk. Samples from each batch were either ripened in brine after production or scalded in whey for 3 min at 90°C prior to ripening. The results showed only marginal differences in the ripening profiles of both batches of unscalded cheeses, but scalding slowed down the extent of proteolysis in both batches. The scalded cheeses had a firmer texture than the unscalded ones, and the unscalded UF cheese had a more 'springy' body than the unscalded traditional cheese. Overall, scalding resulted in a more homogeneous structure, but the unscalded UF cheese had a close texture that resembled the scalded samples. It was concluded that, with respect to texture and structure, cheeses made with UF milk do not need to be scalded after production.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to study the effects of application of natural wood smoke on ripening of Cheddar cheese, and to determine the effects of smoking before or after ripening on cheese quality. A 20-kg block of Cheddar cheese obtained immediately after pressing was divided into six approximately 3-kg blocks and ripened at 8 degrees C for up to 270 d. One 3-kg block was taken after 1 d, 1, 3, 6, or 9 mo and smoked for 20 min, then returned to the ripening room for further ripening. Cheeses were sampled at intervals for lactobacilli counts, moisture, pH, and proteolysis. Sensory analysis was conducted on 6 and 9-mo-old cheeses by a trained sensory panel (n = 7). Results show that application of natural wood smoke did not significantly affect cheese pH or primary proteolysis during ripening. However, secondary proteolysis as assessed by the concentrations of free amino acids was generally higher in smoked cheeses than in control cheeses after 6 mo of ripening. Cheese smoked after 6 mo of ripening had better smoked flavor than that smoked after 9 mo of ripening. Cheese smoked after 3 mo of age and further ripened for 6 mo had the highest smoked flavor intensity. It is concluded that it is best to smoke cheese after ripening for at least 3 mo.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess the impact of ripening at elevated temperatures on the survival of probiotic micro‐organisms and production of organic acids in Cheddar cheese. Cheese was manufactured from buffalo milk using lactococci starters along with different probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus LA‐5, Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb‐11 and Bifidobacterium longum BB536) as adjunct cultures. The cheeses were ripened at 4–6 °C or 12–14 °C for 180 days and examined for composition, organic acids and microbial survival. The production of organic acids was accelerated at 12–14 °C when compared to normal ripening temperatures. The probiotic bacteria increased production of lactic and acetic acids, compared to cheese made with lactococci alone. The survival of the mesophilic starters was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in all the cheese samples ripened at the higher temperature. However, the probiotic bacteria remained viable (>7.0 log10 cfu/g) throughout the 180 days of ripening, irrespective of temperature. It was concluded that Cheddar containing additional probiotic cultures can effectively be ripened at elevated temperatures without any adverse effects.  相似文献   

Improved cheese flavor has been attributed to the addition of adjunct cultures, which provide certain key enzymes for proteolysis and affect the dynamics of starter and nonstarter cultures. Infrared microspectroscopy provides unique fingerprint-like spectra for cheese samples and allows for rapid monitoring of cheese composition during ripening. The objective was to use infrared microspectroscopy and multivariate analysis to evaluate the effect of adjunct cultures on Swiss cheeses during ripening. Swiss cheeses, manufactured using a commercial starter culture combination and 1 of 3 adjunct Lactobacillus spp., were evaluated at d 1, 6, 30, 60, and 90 of ripening. Cheese samples (approximately 20 g) were powdered with liquid nitrogen and homogenized using water and organic solvents, and the water-soluble components were separated. A 3-μL aliquot of the extract was applied onto a reflective microscope slide, vacuum-dried, and analyzed by infrared microspectroscopy. The infrared spectra (900 to 1,800 cm−1) produced specific absorption profiles that allowed for discrimination among different cheese samples. Cheeses manufactured with adjunct cultures showed more uniform and consistent spectral profiles, leading to the formation of tight clusters by pattern-recognition analysis (soft independent modeling of class analogy) as compared with cheeses with no adjuncts, which exhibited more spectral variability among replicated samples. In addition, the soft independent modeling of class analogy discriminating power indicated that cheeses were differentiated predominantly based on the band at 1,122 cm−1, which was associated with S-O vibrations. The greatest changes in the chemical profile of each cheese occurred between d 6 and 30 of warm-room ripening. The band at 1,412 cm−1, which was associated with acidic AA, had the greatest contribution to differentiation, indicating substantial changes in levels of proteolysis during warm-room ripening in addition to propionic acid, acetic acid, and eye formation. A high-throughput infrared microspectroscopy technique was developed that can further the understanding of biochemical changes occurring during the ripening process and provide insight into the role of adjunct nonstarter lactic acid bacteria on the complex process of flavor development in cheeses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of beeswax coating on the microbiological, physicochemical and sensory properties of Kashar cheese during ripening (120 day). Kashar cheeses were coated with two different thickness of beeswax (single‐layer coating, BW1, and double‐layer coating, BW2). For comparison, vacuum packaged (VP) and without packaging material (control) were also studied. Generally, no differences were found in total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, LAB on M‐17 agar, coliform bacteria and S. aureus counts among cheeses. Microbiological analyses also showed the beeswax‐coated cheeses presented a decrease of 2.5 logarithmic units on mould counts compared to control at 120th day. The control cheese had significantly (P < 0.05) higher dry matter, fat and protein contents, followed by BW1. However, the coating reduced formation of a thick crust layer by delaying moisture loss. At the end of 120‐day storage period, no significant differences in pH and acidity values were observed among the cheeses studied. Compared to other cheeses, control and BW1 cheeses had higher levels of WSN and ripening index in the end of storage. In the result of sensory analysis, while cheese BW1 and control were more preferred by the panellists, cheese VP received the lowest scores.  相似文献   

 Picante da Beira Baixa (or Picante) cheese is a hard, piquant, salted traditional cheese manufactured in Portugal from raw sheep's and goat's milks. The purpose of this work was to quantitatively assess the influence of various ripening procedures on the final characteristics of Picante cheese. Two alternative ripening protocols were considered, the traditional one and another with controlled environmental conditions via use of maturation chambers set at different preselected temperatures. The experimental cheeses were characterised in terms of microbiological, physicochemical, biochemical, sensorial and textural properties. Ripening time and temperature were statistically significant parameters for all microflora. The two ripening methods led to statistically significant differences in all physicochemical and biochemical parameters, especially the moisture content and the soluble nitrogen fractions (i.e. water loss was slower and proteolysis was faster in cheeses ripened via the traditional method). Differences in microbiological, physicochemical and biochemical properties were probables implicated in differences in textural and sensorial properties, especially cheese hardness and flavour. It was concluded that the standard ripening method was closest to the traditional one in terms of final cheese characteristics when the ripening temperature was above 11.5  °C. Received: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Gouda cheese was manufactured with Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis IMAU60010, L. lactis ssp. cremoris IMAU40136 and L. helveticus ND01 isolated from the naturally fermented milk in China. Starter cultures added with L. helveticus ND01 produced Gouda cheese with dramatically more proteolysis than control cheeses. Compared with control cheese, experimental cheese with L. helveticus ND01 adjunct revealed dramatic increase in both Angiotensin I‐converting enzyme (ACE)‐inhibitory activity and γ‐aminobutyric acid content. The ACE‐inhibitory activity of Gouda cheeses with the addition of 1 × 105 CFU/mL L. helveticus ND01 increases from 53.7 to 83.1% at 6 weeks of ripening.  相似文献   

 Picante da Beira Baixa (or Picante) cheese is a hard, piquant, salted traditional cheese manufactured in Portugal from raw sheep's and goat's milks. The purpose of this work was to quantitatively assess the influence of various ripening procedures on the final characteristics of Picante cheese. Two alternative ripening protocols were considered, the traditional one and another with controlled environmental conditions via use of maturation chambers set at different preselected temperatures. The experimental cheeses were characterised in terms of microbiological, physicochemical, biochemical, sensorial and textural properties. Ripening time and temperature were statistically significant parameters for all microflora. The two ripening methods led to statistically significant differences in all physicochemical and biochemical parameters, especially the moisture content and the soluble nitrogen fractions (i.e. water loss was slower and proteolysis was faster in cheeses ripened via the traditional method). Differences in microbiological, physicochemical and biochemical properties were probables implicated in differences in textural and sensorial properties, especially cheese hardness and flavour. It was concluded that the standard ripening method was closest to the traditional one in terms of final cheese characteristics when the ripening temperature was above 11.5  °C. Received: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of capsular and ropy exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris on textural and microstructural attributes during ripening of 50%-reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Cheeses were manufactured with added capsule- or ropy-forming strains individually or in combination. For comparison, reduced-fat cheese with or without lecithin added at 0.2% (wt/vol) to cheese milk and full-fat cheeses were made using EPS-nonproducing starter, and all cheeses were ripened at 7°C for 6 mo. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains increased cheese moisture retention by 3.6 to 4.8% and cheese yield by 0.28 to 1.19 kg/100 kg compared with control cheese, whereas lecithin-containing cheese retained 1.4% higher moisture and had 0.37 kg/100 kg higher yield over the control cheese. Texture profile analyses for 0-d-old cheeses revealed that cheeses with EPS-producing strains had less firm, springy, and cohesive texture but were more brittle than control cheeses. However, these effects became less pronounced after 6 mo of ripening. Using transmission electron microscopy, fresh and aged cheeses with added EPS-producing strains showed a less compact protein matrix through which larger whey pockets were dispersed compared with control cheese. The numerical analysis of transmission electron microscopy images showed that the area in the cheese matrix occupied by protein was smaller in cheeses with added EPS-producing strains than in control cheese. On the other hand, lecithin had little impact on both cheese texture and microstructure; after 6 mo, cheese containing lecithin showed a texture profile very close to that of control reduced-fat cheese. The protein-occupied area in the cheese matrix did not appear to be significantly affected by lecithin addition. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains could contribute to the modification of cheese texture and microstructure and thus modify the functional properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese.  相似文献   

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