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The fabrication of enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by fluorine plasma treatment on sapphire substrates is reported. A new method is used to fabricate devices with different fluorine plasma RF power treatments on one wafer to avoid differences between different wafers. The plasma-treated gate regions of devices treated with different fluorine plasma RF powers were separately opened by a step-and-repeat system. The properties of these devices are compared and analyzed. The devices with 150 W fluorine plasma treatment power and with 0.6 μm gate-length exhibited a threshold voltage of 0.57 V, a maximum drain current of 501 mA/mm, a maximum transconductance of 210 mS/mm, a current gain cutoff frequency of 19.4 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 26 GHz. An excessive fluorine plasma treatment power of 250 W results in a small maximum drain current, which can be attributed to the implantation of fluorine plasma in the channel.  相似文献   

我们设计并且制备了GaN基增强型/耗尽型(E/D 模)直接耦合6管静态随机存取存储器(SRAM)单元电路和电平转换电路。利用氟等离子处理工艺,使用适中的AlGaN势垒层厚度异质结材料,增强型和耗尽型铝镓氮/氮化镓 HEMTs被集成在了同一个晶片上。六管SRAM单元由对称的两个E/D模反相器和增强型开关管组成。在1V的工作电压下,SRAM单元电路的输出高电平和低电平分别为0.95V和0.07V。电平转换电路的工作电压为+6V和-6V,通过4个串联的镍-铝镓氮/氮化镓肖特基二极管使电压降低。通过轮流控制电平转换电路的两个反相器模块的开关状态,电平转换电路输出两路电压,分别为-0.5V和-5V。电平转换器的翻转电压为0.76V。SRAM单元电路和电平转换电路都能正确地工作,展现了氮化镓基E/D模数字和模拟集成电路的潜力。提出了几条设计上的考虑,以避免阈值电压的漂移对电路工作造成的影响。  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)以其高输出功率密度、高电压工作和易于宽带匹配优势将成为下一代高频固态微波功率器件.  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)以其高输出功率密度、高电压工作和易于宽带匹配等优势将成为下一代高频固态微波功率器件.微波功率器件主要有内匹配功率管和功率单片微波集成电路(MMIC)两种结构形式,功率MMIC尽管其研制成本相对较高,但功率MMIC可实现宽带匹配,同时功率MMIC的体积较内匹配功率管小得多,是满足诸如X波段TlR组件应用不可或缺的结构形式.功率MMIC的结构形式主要有微带和共面波导(CPW)两种,相比于CPW结构,微带结构的MMIC芯片面积更小,特别是对于大栅宽器件,微带结构的通孔接地更有利于寄生参量的减小,有利于提高MMIC的性能,因此微带结构也是应用更为广泛的MMIC结构形式.  相似文献   

增强型p-GaN栅AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的栅与源漏之间的沟道特性对器件性能具有重要的影响.在同一晶圆衬底上,采用干法刻蚀和氢等离子体处理栅与源、漏之间的p-GaN,制备增强型p-GaN栅AlGaN/GaN HEMT.对器件静态、动态特性和栅极漏电特性进行研究,采用两种方法制备的器件均具有较高的击穿电压(>850 V@10 μA/mm).通过氢等离子体处理制备的器件的方块电阻较大,导致输出电流密度较低,在动态特性和栅极漏电方面具有明显的优势,氢等离子体处理技术提高了界面态的缺陷激活能,从而实现了较低的栅极反向漏电.  相似文献   

<正>AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)以其高输出功率密度、高电压工作和易于宽带匹配等优势将成为下一代高频固态微波功率器件。微波功率器件主要有内匹配功率管和功率单片微波集成电路(MMIC)两种结构形式,功率MMIC尽管其研制成本相对较高,但功率MMIC可实现宽带匹配,同时功率MMIC的体积较内匹配功率管小得多,是满足诸如X  相似文献   

提出了一种利用薄势垒结构制造增强型AlGaN/GaN HEMT的方法。研究了SiN钝化对薄势垒AlGaN/GaN异质结的影响,并利用其控制沟道中的二维电子气密度。具有10nm SiN介质插入层欧姆接触在800℃下退火可以得到较好的接触性能。栅极区域中的SiN被刻蚀,以耗尽下面的二维电子气,从而使薄势垒AlGaN/GaN HEMT实现增强特性,其阈值电压为50 mV。对介质刻蚀后暴露的AlGaN表面进行氧等离子体处理,与未经处理的器件作对比,发现阈值电压提升到0.5V,栅漏电降低了一个数量级,击穿特性得到改善,但是最大饱和电流密度降低了。  相似文献   

高性能的增强型AlGaN/GaN HEMT   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用氟离子处理的方法实现了阈值电压0.35V的增强型AlGaN/GaN HEMT 器件。该器件展示了高性能直流特性,最大饱和电流 667mA/mm,器件的峰值跨导达到203ms/mm。 1μm栅长电流增益截止频率和最大振荡截止频率分别为10.3GHz和12.5GHz,并且小信号特性在器件氟离子处理后并没有出现衰退。最后,采用SIMS的实验结果辅助进行了数值仿真,对氟离子在势垒层中起受主缺陷的理论给出了合理的解释。  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体(ICP)刻蚀系统,研究了氧等离子体表面处理对AlGaN/GaN HEMT欧姆接触电阻的影响。利用能量色散X射线光谱仪、光致发光谱和原子力显微镜以及电学测试设备对处理前后样品进行表征分析。结果表明,在最佳的氧等离子体处理条件(ICP功率250 W,射频功率60 W,压强0.8 Pa,氧气流量30 cm3/min,时间5 min)下,欧姆接触电阻为0.41Ω·mm,比参照样品接触电阻降低了约69%。分析认为经过氧等离子体处理后,在近表面处产生了一定数量的N空位缺陷,这些N空位表现为浅能级施主掺杂,有利于欧姆接触的形成。通过采用氧等离子体表面处理工艺制备的AlGaN/GaN HEMT,在+2 V的栅极偏压下获得了0.77 A/mm的最大漏极饱和电流。  相似文献   

研制了一款X波段增强型AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)。在3英寸(1英寸=2.54 cm)蓝宝石衬底上采用低损伤栅凹槽刻蚀技术制备了栅长为0.3μm的增强型AlGaN/GaN HEMT。所制备的增强型器件的阈值电压为0.42 V,最大跨导为401 mS/mm,导通电阻为2.7Ω·mm。器件的电流增益截止频率和最高振荡频率分别为36.1和65.2 GHz。在10 GHz下进行微波测试,增强型AlGaN/GaN HEMT的最大输出功率密度达到5.76 W/mm,最大功率附加效率为49.1%。在同一材料上制备的耗尽型器件最大输出功率密度和最大功率附加效率分别为6.16 W/mm和50.2%。增强型器件的射频特性可与在同一晶圆上制备的耗尽型器件相比拟。  相似文献   

Depletion-mode and enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using fluorine plasma treatment were integrated on one wafer.Direct-coupled FET logic circuits,such as an E/D HEMT inverter,NAND gate and D flip-flop,were fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.The D flip-flop and NAND gate are demonstrated in a GaN system for the first time.The dual-gate AlGaN/GaN E-HEMT substitutes two single-gate E-HEMTs for simplifying the NAND gate and shrinking the area,integrating with a conventional AlGaN/GaN D-HEMT and demonstrating a NAND gate.E/D-mode D flip-flop was fabricated by integrating the inverters and the NAND gate on the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.At a supply voltage of 2 V,the E/D inverter shows an output logic swing of 1.7 V,a logic-low noise margin of 0.49 V and a logic-high noise margin of 0.83 V.The NAND gate and D flip-flop showed correct logic function demonstrating promising potential for GaN-based digital ICs.  相似文献   

Depletion-mode and enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using fluorine plasma treatment were integrated on one wafer. Direct-coupled FET logic circuits, such as an E/D HEMT inverter, NAND gate and D flip-flop, were fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. The D flip-flop and NAND gate are demonstrated in a GaN system for the first time. The dual-gate AlGaN/GaN E-HEMT substitutes two single-gate E-HEMTs for simplifying the NAND gate and shrinking the area, integrating with a conventional AlGaN/GaN D-HEMT and demonstrating a NAND gate. E/D-mode D flip-flop was fabricated by integrating the inverters and the NAND gate on the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. At a supply voltage of 2 V, the E/D inverter shows an output logic swing of 1.7 V, a logic-low noise margin of 0.49 V and a logic-high noise margin of 0.83 V. The NAND gate and D flip-flop showed correct logic function demonstrating promising potential for GaN-based digital ICs.  相似文献   

Low-density drain high-electron mobility transistors (LDD-HEMTs) with different F- plasma treatment were investigated by simulations and experiments. The LDD region was performed by introducing negatively charged fluorine ions, which modified the surface field distribution on the drain side of the HEMT, and the enhancement of breakdown voltage were achieved. With the increased fluorine plasma treatment power and LDD region length, the breakdown voltage can be maximumly improved by 70%, and no severe reductions on output current and transconductance were observed. To confirm the temperature stability of the devices, annealing experiments were carried out at 400℃ for 2 min in ambient N2. Moreover, the gate leakage current and breakdown voltage before and after annealing were compared and analyzed, respectively.  相似文献   

Quan Si  Hao Yue  Ma Xiaohua  Xie Yuanbin  Ma Jigang 《半导体学报》2009,30(12):124002-124002-4
The fabrication of enhancement-mode A1GaN/GaN HEMTs by fluorine plasma treatment on sapphire substrates is reported. A new method is used to fabricate devices with different fluorine plasma RF power treatments on one wafer to avoid differences between different wafers. The plasma-treated gate regions of devices treated with different fluorine plasma RF powers were separately opened by a step-and-repeat system. The properties of these devices are compared and analyzed. The devices with 150 W fluorine plasma treatment power and with 0.6μm gate-length exhibited a threshold voltage of 0.57 V, a maximum drain current of 501 mA/mm, a maximumtransconductance of 210 m S/mm, a current gain cutoff frequency of 19.4 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 26 GHz. An excessive fluorine plasma treatment power of 250 W results in a small maximum drain current, which can be attributed to the implantation of fluorine plasma in the channel.  相似文献   

The fabrication of AlGaN/GaN double-channel high electron mobility transistors on sapphire substrates is reported. Two carrier channels are formed in an AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN/GaN multilayer structure. The DC performance of the resulting double-channel HEMT shows a wider high transconductance region compared with single-channel HEMT. Simulations provide an explanation for the influence of the double-channel on the high transconductance region. The buffer trap is suggested to be related to the wide region of high transconductance. The RF characteristics are also studied.  相似文献   

An enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a threshold voltage of 0.35 V was fabricated by fluorine plasma treatment.The enhancement-mode device demonstrates high-performance DC characteristics with a saturation current density of 667 mA/mm at a gate bias of 4 V and a peak transconductance of 201 mS/mm at a gate bias of 0.8 V.The current-gain cut-off frequency and the maximum oscillation frequency of the enhancement-mode device with a gate length of μm are 10.3 GHz and 12.5 GHz,respectively,which is comparable with the depletion-mode device.A numerical simulation supported by SIMS results was employed to give a reasonable explanation that the fluorine ions act as an acceptor trap center in the barrier layer.  相似文献   

正The fabrication of AlGaN/GaN double-channel high electron mobility transistors on sapphire substrates is reported.Two carrier channels are formed in an AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN/GaN multilayer structure.The DC performance of the resulting double-channel HEMT shows a wider high transconductance region compared with single-channel HEMT. Simulations provide an explanation for the influence of the double-channel on the high transconductance region.The buffer trap is suggested to be related to the wide region of high transconductance.The RF characteristics are also studied.  相似文献   

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