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Due to the open nature of a sensor network, it is relatively easy for an adversary to eavesdrop and trace packet movement in the network in order to capture the receiver physically. After studying the adversary's behavior patterns, we present countermeasures to this problem. We propose a locationprivacy routing protocol (LPR) that is easy to implement and provides path diversity. Combining with fake packet injection, LPR is able to minimize the traffic direction information that an adversary can retrieve from eavesdropping. By making the directions of both incoming and outgoing traffic at a sensor node uniformly distributed, the new defense system makes it very hard for an adversary to perform analysis on locally gathered information and infer the direction to which the receiver locates. We evaluate our defense system based on three criteria: delivery time, privacy protection strength, and energy cost. The simulation results show that LPR with fake packet injection is capable of providing strong protection for the receiver?s location privacy. Under similar energy cost, the safe time of the receiver provided by LPR is much longer than other methods, including Phantom routing [1] and DEFP [2]. The performance of our system can be tuned through a few system parameters that determine the tradeoff between energy cost and the strength of location-privacy protection.  相似文献   

The viability and success of wireless sensor networks critically hinge on the ability of a small number of sinks to glean sensor data throughout the networks. Thus, the locations of sinks are critically important. In this paper, we examine the sink location privacy problem from both the attack and defense perspectives. First, we examine resource-constrained adversaries who can only eavesdrop the network at their vicinities. To determine the sink location, they can launch a Zeroing-In attack by leveraging the fact that several network metrics are 2-dimensional functions in the plane of the network, and their values minimize at the sink. Thus, determining the sink location is equivalent to finding the minima of those functions. We demonstrate that by obtaining the hop counts or the arrival time of a broadcast packet at a few spots in the network, the adversaries are able to determine the sink location with the accuracy of one radio range, which is sufficient to disable the sink by launching jamming attacks, for example. To cope with the Zeroing-In attacks, we present a directed-walk-based routing scheme and show that the defense strategy is effective in deceiving adversaries at little energy costs.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a mobile sink can help eliminate the hotspot effect in the vicinity of the sink, which can balance the traffic load in the network and thus improve the network performance. Location‐based routing is an effective routing paradigm for supporting sink mobility in WSNs with mobile sinks (mWSNs). To support efficient location‐based routing, scalable location service must be provided to advertise the location information of mobile sinks in an mWSN. In this paper, we propose a new hierarchical location service for supporting location‐based routing in mWSNs. The proposed location service divides an mWSN into a grid structure and exploits the characteristics of static sensors and mobile sinks in selecting location servers. It can build, maintain, and update the grid‐spaced network structure via a simple hashing function. To reduce the location update cost, a hierarchy structure is built by choosing a subset of location servers in the network to store the location information of mobile sinks. The simulation results show that the proposed location service can significantly reduce the communication overhead caused by sink mobility while maintaining high routing performance, and scales well in terms of network size and sink number. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

邹赛  汪文勇  唐勇  张骏 《通信学报》2013,34(Z1):36-275
在异构无线传感器网络模型下,针对采集节点发送数据能量消耗过高及路由时分组丢失率过大等情况,对数据汇聚节点的位置优化及路由进行了研究,提出了移动汇聚节点位置优化路由算法(MLOYIH)。先根据蚁群算法的原理对移动节点与静态节点进行分组,再在组内寻找适合的位置放置汇聚节点,最后根据供电情况,选择合适的跳算进行路由。经过仿真实验与性能分析表明,MLOYIH算法与传统算法比较,能量消耗降低到64%,分组丢失率不高于3%。  相似文献   

Relative location estimation in wireless sensor networks   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Self-configuration in wireless sensor networks is a general class of estimation problems that we study via the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB). Specifically, we consider sensor location estimation when sensors measure received signal strength (RSS) or time-of-arrival (TOA) between themselves and neighboring sensors. A small fraction of sensors in the network have a known location, whereas the remaining locations must be estimated. We derive CRBs and maximum-likelihood estimators (MLEs) under Gaussian and log-normal models for the TOA and RSS measurements, respectively. An extensive TOA and RSS measurement campaign in an indoor office area illustrates MLE performance. Finally, relative location estimation algorithms are implemented in a wireless sensor network testbed and deployed in indoor and outdoor environments. The measurements and testbed experiments demonstrate 1-m RMS location errors using TOA, and 1- to 2-m RMS location errors using RSS.  相似文献   

针对水下光无线传感器网络(UOWSN)节点的传输范围受限和间歇性连接的问题,利用多跳通信扩大传输范围来增强网络连接性,提出一种网络节点定位算法.首先,将UOWSN建模为三维(3D)随机缩放模型图,并根据网络节点数、通信范围以及光发散角推导了该模型下网络节点的连接性概率表达式;然后,利用接收信号强度(RSS)定位算法修正...  相似文献   

A novel topology scheme, cell with multiple mobile sinks method (CMMSM), is proposed in this article for the collection of information and for the environment monitoring in wireless sensor networks. The system consists of many static sensors, scattered in a large scale sensing field and multiple mobile sinks, cruising among the clusters. Conservation of energy and simplification of protocol are important design considerations in this scheme. The noninterference topology scheme largely simplifies the full-distributed communication protocol with the ability of collision avoidance and random routing. The total number of cluster heads in such a topology was analyzed, and then an approximate evaluation of the total energy consumption in one round was carried out. Simulation results show that CMMSM can save considerable energy and obtain higher throughput than low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and geographical adaptive fidelity (GAF).  相似文献   

Sink scheduling, in the form of scheduling multiple sinks among the available sink sites to relieve the level of traffic burden, is shown to be a promising scheme in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, the problem of maximizing the network lifetime via sink scheduling remains quite a challenge since routing issues are tightly coupled. Previous approaches on this topic either suffer from poor performance due to a lack of joint considerations, or are based on relaxed constraints. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to fill in the research blanks. First, we develop a novel notation Placement Pattern (PP) to bound time-varying routes with the placement of sinks. This bounding technique transforms the problem from time domain into pattern domain, and thus, significantly decreases the problem complexity. Then, we formulate this optimization in a pattern-based way and create an efficient Column Generation (CG) based approach to solve it. Simulations not only demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm but also substantiate the importance of sink mobility for energy-constrained WSNs.  相似文献   

This paper studies on delivery-guaranteed and effective data dissemination for mobile sink groups in wireless sensor networks. A mobile sink group denotes a set of tightly coupled mobile sinks for team collaborations such as a team of firefighters and a group of solders. The mobile sinks have a group movement feature. They thus randomly move in personal spaces as well as collectively move together as a single entity. To support such group mobility, previous studies provide circle-based protocols determining successive circular areas of a group continuously moving, and then propagate data in the areas by flooding. However, since a group is still moving during decision of each circle, they may cause asynchrony between circles and actual group positions. Eventually, it could harm reachability and energy-efficiency. We therefore propose a novel data dissemination protocol using motion properties of a mobile sink group: slowly varying and streamlike movement. By the slowly varying constraint, the protocol predictively and effectively delivers data to a group through a band of sensor nodes located in front of the streamlike trajectory of the group.  相似文献   

Controlled sink mobility for prolonging wireless sensor networks lifetime   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper demonstrates the advantages of using controlled mobility in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for increasing their lifetime, i.e., the period of time the network is able to provide its intended functionalities. More specifically, for WSNs that comprise a large number of statically placed sensor nodes transmitting data to a collection point (the sink), we show that by controlling the sink movements we can obtain remarkable lifetime improvements. In order to determine sink movements, we first define a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) analytical model whose solution determines those sink routes that maximize network lifetime. Our contribution expands further by defining the first heuristics for controlled sink movements that are fully distributed and localized. Our Greedy Maximum Residual Energy (GMRE) heuristic moves the sink from its current location to a new site as if drawn toward the area where nodes have the highest residual energy. We also introduce a simple distributed mobility scheme (Random Movement or RM) according to which the sink moves uncontrolled and randomly throughout the network. The different mobility schemes are compared through extensive ns2-based simulations in networks with different nodes deployment, data routing protocols, and constraints on the sink movements. In all considered scenarios, we observe that moving the sink always increases network lifetime. In particular, our experiments show that controlling the mobility of the sink leads to remarkable improvements, which are as high as sixfold compared to having the sink statically (and optimally) placed, and as high as twofold compared to uncontrolled mobility. Stefano Basagni holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas (December 2001) and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Milano, Italy (May 1998). He received his B.Sc. degree in computer science from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1991. Since Winter 2002 he is on faculty at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, in Boston, MA. From August 2000 to January 2002 he was professor of computer science at the Department of Computer Science of the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Basagni’s current research interests concern research and implementation aspects of mobile networks and wireless communications systems, Bluetooth and sensor networking, definition and performance evaluation of network protocols and theoretical and practical aspects of distributed algorithms. Dr. Basagni has published over four dozens of referred technical papers and book chapters. He is also co-editor of two books. Dr. Basagni served as a guest editor of the special issue of the Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Applications (MONET) on Multipoint Communication in Wireless Mobile Networks, of the special issue on mobile ad hoc networks of the Wiley’s Interscience’s Wireless Communications & Mobile Networks journal, and of the Elsevier’s journal Algorithmica on algorithmic aspects of mobile computing and communications. Dr. Basagni serves as a member of the editorial board and of the technical program committee of ACM and IEEE journals and international conferences. He is a senior member of the ACM (including the ACM SIGMOBILE), senior member of the IEEE (Computer and Communication societies), and member of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). Alessio Carosi received the M.S. degree “summa cum laude” in Computer Science in 2004 from Rome University “La Sapienza.” He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Rome University “La Sapienza.” His research interests include protocols for ad hoc and sensor networks, underwater systems and delay tolerant networking. Emanuel Melachrinoudis received the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering and operations research from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. He is currently the Director of Industrial Engineering and Associate Chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. His research interests are in the areas of network optimization and multiple criteria optimization with applications to telecommunication networks, distribution networks, location and routing. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Operational Research. He has published in journals such as Management Science, Transportation Science, Networks, European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics and IIE Transactions. Chiara Petrioli received the Laurea degree “summa cum laude” in computer science in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering in 1998, both from Rome University “La Sapienza,” Italy. She is currently Associate Professor with the Computer Science Department at Rome University “La Sapienza.” Her current work focuses on ad hoc and sensor networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, Personal Area Networks, Energy-conserving protocols, QoS in IP networks and Content Delivery Networks where she contributed around sixty papers published in prominent international journals and conferences. Prior to Rome University she was research associate at Politecnico di Milano and was working with the Italian Space agency (ASI) and Alenia Spazio. Dr. Petrioli was guest editor of the special issue on “Energy-conserving protocols in wireless Networks” of the ACM/Kluwer Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networking and Applications (ACM MONET) and is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, the ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks journal, the Wiley InterScience Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing journal and the Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal. She has served in the organizing committee and technical program committee of several leading conferences in the area of networking and mobile computing including ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE ICC,IEEE Globecom. She is member of the steering committee of ACM Sensys and of the international conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services (Mobiquitous) and serves as member of the ACM SIGMOBILE executive committee. Dr. Petrioli was a Fulbright scholar. She is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM. Z. Maria Wang received her Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering with the highest honor from Beijing Institute of Light Industry in China, her M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research from Dalhousie University, Canada and her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research from Northeastern University, Boston. She served as a R&D Analyst for General Dynamics. Currently MS. Wang serves as an Optimization Analyst with Nomis Solutions, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present new analytical, simulated, and experimental results on the performance of relative location estimation in multihop wireless sensor networks. With relative location, node locations are estimated based on the collection of peer-to-peer ranges between nodes and their neighbors using a priori knowledge of the location of a small subset of nodes, called reference nodes. This paper establishes that when applying relative location to multihop networks the resulting location accuracy has a fundamental upper bound that is determined by such system parameters as the number of hops and the number of links to the reference nodes. This is in contrast to the case of single-hop or fully connected systems where increasing the node density results in continuously increasing location accuracy. More specifically, in multihop networks for a fixed number of hops, as sensor nodes are added to the network the overall location accuracy improves converging toward a fixed asymptotic value that is determined by the total number of links to the reference nodes, whereas for a fixed number of links to the reference nodes, the location accuracy of a node decreases the greater the number of hops from the reference nodes. Analytical expressions are derived from one-dimensional networks for these fundamental relationships that are also validated in two-dimensional and three-dimensional networks with simulation and UWB measurement results.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the use of mobile sink has drawn enormous attention for data collection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Mobile sink is well known for solving hotspot or sinkhole problem. However, the design of an efficient path for mobile sink has tremendous impact on network lifetime and coverage in data collection process of WSNs. This is particularly an important issue for many critical applications of WSNs where data collection requires to be carried out in delay bound manner. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for delay efficient trajectory design of a mobile sink in a cluster based WSN so that it can be used for critical applications without compromising the complete coverage of the target area. Given a set of gateways (cluster heads), our scheme determines a set of rendezvous points for designing path of the mobile sink for critical applications. The scheme is based on the Voronoi diagram. We also propose an efficient method for recovery of the orphan sensor nodes generated due to the failure of one or more cluster heads during data collection. We perform extensive simulations over the proposed algorithm and compare its results with existing algorithms to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in terms of network lifetime, path length, average waiting time, fault tolerance and adaptability etc. For the fault tolerance, we simulate the schemes using Weibull distribution and analyze their performances.  相似文献   

媒体访问控制(MAC)协议对无线传感网的性能具有重要影响。根据无线传感网在网络性能方面的要求,针对现有无线传感网协议在节点能耗和时延方面的不足,提出了一种IM-TDMA方案,根据节点流量的变化,动态地调节帧长,提高信道利用率;同时采用计数器管理及续传优先的调度方式,简化了调度复杂度,降低了节点能耗。仿真结果表明:IM-TDMA方案能有效地节约能耗、降低时延,可运用于实际无线传感网的MAC协议方案中。  相似文献   

As a special type of wireless sensor network, the chain‐type wireless sensor networks can be used to monitor narrow and long regions, such as roads, underground mine tunnels, rivers, and bridges. In this study, a perpendicular bisector division (PB) method was first presented, in which the location may be divided into more location sub‐areas by a perpendicular bisector of each of two location nodes. Compared with the triangulation division method in Approximate Point‐in‐Triangulation Test (APIT), the computable complexity of PB is lower, and the number of division areas is larger. Furthermore, in order to locate targets under rare location nodes, a virtual location node‐perpendicular bisector division (VPB) was presented by a virtual location node based on the geographic shape of the monitored area. Virtual location nodes increase the density of location nodes, which can improve the accuracy of the location in the location algorithm. Second, two range‐free location algorithms were proposed: the location algorithm based on PB (LAPB) and the location algorithm based on VPB (LAVPB). In the end, the location errors performance of APIT, LAPB, and LAVPB for locating miners in an underground mine tunnel was tested. The results show that LAPB and LAVPB have higher location accuracy and are more robust than APIT. LAVPB is more suitable for locating targets in harsh environments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an IPv6 address configuration scheme for wireless sensor networks based on sensor nodes’ location information. The scheme divides WSN into multiple clusters based on sensor nodes’ location information and proposes the IPv6 address structure for sensor nodes based on their location information. In the scheme, a cluster head combines the stateless configuration strategy and the stateful configuration strategy to assign the IPv6 addresses for the cluster members in the same cluster. In the stateless configuration strategy, a cluster head employs the hash division method to configure the IPv6 addresses for the cluster members and utilizes the linear probing method to solve the address collision, and the DAD for the IPv6 addresses assigned for the cluster members is only performed within the cluster where the cluster members locate. In addition, the IPv6 address configuration for the cluster members in the different clusters can be performed simultaneously, so the IPv6 address configuration delay time is shortened and the IPv6 address configuration cost is reduced. The paper analyzes the performance parameters of the proposed scheme, Strong DAD and MANETConf, including DAD cost, address configuration cost and address configuration delay time, and the analytical results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is better than Strong DAD and MANETConf.  相似文献   

由于传感器中定位节点成本相对较高且系统繁杂,易导致节点自我定位功能的误差甚至失效等问题。为了更好地对无线传感网络系统进行设计,以实现高精度定位的系统设计为目标,主要对无线传感网络系统的软件部分进行改进。结合嵌入式节点定位系统进行创新和优化,建立了一种嵌入式无线传感网络控制节点定位系统。从而提高定位系统运行的可靠性、准确性和灵活性,以便使系统能够更好地适用于不同的应用检测定位环境。为验证系统的有效性进行仿真实验,实验结果证明,该方法可有效提高无线传感网络技术定位的精准性和可靠性,有效弥补了传统定位系统中存在的不足,具有更高的参考和实用价值。  相似文献   

涂朴 《现代电子技术》2012,35(11):97-98,101
KeyRev密钥撤销方案可以在一定程度上销毁无线传感网络中的受损节点,并可以生成新一轮通信中会话密钥,已生成会话密钥的节点即可生成数据加密密钥和MAC校验密钥。但因其是采用明文广播受损节点信息。使遭受攻击的节点很容易发现自己身份暴露,从而采取欺骗、篡改等手段依然参与网络通信。对此方案予以改进优化,对广播信息隐蔽处理,更加安全有效地剔除网络中的受损节点。  相似文献   

Network performance can be improved by using a mobile sink (MS) to collect sensed data in a wireless sensor network. In this paper, we design an efficient trajectory for MS, collecting data from sensor nodes in a multihop fashion, with the aim of prolonging the network lifetime. Considering event‐driven applications, we present an approach to jointly determine the optimal trajectory for MS and data paths and transmission rates from source nodes to MS, without considering any rendezvous points. In these applications, an MS is supposed to harvest the data from source nodes in a given time‐slot. We first show that this problem is in form of a mixed integer nonlinear programming model, which is NP‐hard. Then, to achieve an approximate solution, we divide the mentioned problem into 2 simple subproblems. In fact, after determining an approximate zone for the trajectory of MS, the optimal data paths and transmission rates from source nodes to the MS are obtained through a mathematical optimization model. Finally, to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, we compare the performance of our algorithm to an rendezvous point–based and also the state‐of‐the‐art approach in different scenarios.  相似文献   

In challenging environment, sensory data must be stored inside the network in case of sink failures, we need to redistribute overflowing data items from the depleted storage source nodes to sensor nodes with available storage space and residual energy. We design a distributed energy efficient data storage algorithm named distributed data preservation with priority (D2P2). This algorithm takes both data redistribution costs and data retrieval costs into account and combines these two problems into a single problem. D2P2 can effectively realize data redistribution by using cooperative communication among sensor nodes. In order to solve the redistribution contention problem, we introduce the concept of data priority, which can avoid contention consultations between source nodes and reduce energy consumption. Finally, we verify the performance of the proposed algorithm by both theory and simulations. We demonstrate that D2P2's performance is close to the optimal centralized algorithm in terms of energy consumption and shows superiority in terms of data preservation time.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络混合定位技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大规模复杂无线传感器网络中往往采用多种节点定位技术,在此结合现有无线传感器定位技术的现状,提出了一种混合定位技术以实现不同定位方法之间的互补。一方面利用RSSI定位弥补TDOA定位覆盖范围小的缺点;另一方面将测距信息引入到非测距定位DV—Hop算法中,用RSSI测距模型来提高DV-Hop算法中定位节点与信标节点间有效距离的精度。实验结果表明,该混合定位技术实现了TDOA,RSSI以及DV-HOP等定位技术的融合,有效地提高了复杂大规模无线传感器网络的节点定位精度。  相似文献   

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