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一直增长强劲的中国视讯市场吸引了国内外众多厂商投身其中.就国内市场而言,专注于视频通信"高端领域"摄像头研发生产的厂商为数不多,深圳市麦德科技有限公司就是其中的一家.  相似文献   

2013年即将走过,众所周知.最近几年国内外经济形势波澜起伏.通信行业最近几年表现不佳.市场趋于饱和状态,各大运营商的需求放缓.导致通信设备商设备销售下降.研发没有新的突破和创新,整个行业呈现一种疲软状态,但随着中国LTE牌照的发放,中国将会成为世界上最大的通信产业国.无不给通信设备厂商带来~场革命性的胜利。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的通信事业迅速发展。带动了通信测试市场的高速增长。移动通信、数据传输、网络检测及光纤方面的测试市场增长极为迅速,而且今后几年内这些领域的测试市场也还将保持高速增长。泰克公司作为全球测试测量和检测的领先厂商,在通信和网络测试业界取得了公认的领先的地位。同时,由于移动通信协议测试业务在泰克公司的业务架构中占据的重要的核心地位.泰克长期投入大量的资源进行技术和产品的研发确保满足来自中国市场的需求。为了更深入了解泰克公司在通信和网络测试领域的最新技术进展以及泰克在中国通信测试市场上最新产品和方案。记者近日采访了泰克公司通信市场亚太地区市场部经理孙勇:  相似文献   

徐俊毅 《电子与电脑》2004,(11):59-61,66
在中国,泰克的产品已经成为众多电子设计工程师以及研发人员不可少的工具之一,同时泰克也被众多半导体、计算机产品以及通讯行业的主要厂商确定为标准的产品开发和测试工具。从1983年泰克在中国成立第一个办事处以来,消费类电子、计算机通信、无线网络测试、教育行业、政府科研以及广播电视这些领域已经成为泰克的主要市场,同时泰克在这些领域将会进一步增加投入并同本地的客户开展深入合作。为此,我们专访了泰克亚太区市场经理邓锦辉先生。看好国内半导体、数字电视、通信应用等市场,加速本地化进程泰克自从70年代向中国引入第一台示波器以…  相似文献   

近两年来,数字集群通信网络的建设速度虽然没有想象的那么快,但还是在发展了,这确实是件好事情。随着市场需求的升温,国外的生产商将跻身进入中国市场,而我国自主研发的数字集群通信系统——GoTa和GT800两个系统也于今年初正式亮相。因此目前在我国数字集群通信市场上国内外厂商将有十几家,一番竞争自然是不可避免的。经过这几年人们对数字集群通信的深入理解和认识,生产厂商必须依靠自己系统和设备的先进  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2006年,通信设备市场可以说波澜不惊、毫无特色。受中国3G市场迟迟不启动的影响,各大制造商的日子都不好过。但“筷子里面拔旗杆”,也有厂商在这个年份表现不俗,诺基亚在中国市场进行了持续投入,中国市场回报的,则是诺基亚市场份额的不断攀升。  相似文献   

2012年,受美国次贷危机以及欧债危机影响,国内外宏观经济形式持续严峻,用户通信费用支出持续下滑,运营商收入大幅下降。同时,激烈的3G竞争使得运营商不得不投入更大的人力与财力对网络、终端、市场等各方面进行部署和优化,使得运营商的运营成本不断攀升,进一步削弱了运营商的利润。作为通信产业链的核心,运营商的变化也影响到了设备制造商、终端厂商、业务服务提供商以及支撑系统提供商等上下游诸多企业。中兴、华为等主流电信  相似文献   

畅秋 《电子设计应用》2005,(10):115-115
随着通信和消费类电子市场的不断壮大,网络运营商、设备提供商、系统集成商和IC厂商等都在全力以赴地拓展相关市场。应用和功能的发展促使处于产业链前端的IC厂商必须将更多的精力投入到新产品的研发当中,以使IC在性能和应用方面更具有竞争力;此外,电子和半导体市场的周期性变化也使得这些厂商必须重新考虑发展策略,以增强市场处于低谷时期的应对能力。基于以上两个因素,诸多IC厂商都已开始着手技术和产品的转型工作。  相似文献   

统一通信产业目前发展已处于成熟期,虽然在全球统一通信市场部分地区年增长率出现减缓,但中国市场却一直保持着高增长率。。这在致力于提供创新耳麦解决方案的制造商捷波朗公司中国区总经理李倬看来,正是厂商实现增长的市场良机。在中国统一通信市场,随着产业链各方面的加入、协作与整合,相关产品及解决方案不仅在技术方面更趋成熟,也更注重用户体验的提升。作为产业链中最贴近用户的一环,像捷波朗这样的终端厂商,不仅需要将产品与各统一通信提供商完全集成,更需要通过技  相似文献   

张健 《电子设计应用》2005,(12):135-135,144
10月18-22日,2005年中国国际通信展在北京举行,各通信IC厂商、设备和终端制造商以及网络运营商等再一次齐聚一堂,共同演绎了中国通信产业发展的新篇章。3G依然是此次通信展最受关注的话题,虽然信息产业部依然对3G牌照发放的问题保持低调,并未在展会期间发布关于这方面内容的具体信息,但各参展商都已做好了充足的准备,以迎接中国3G时代的到来。HSDPA是今年通信展上的亮点,国内外各大厂商都推出了自己的HSDPA解决方案,包括中兴等在内的国内厂商更是进行了现场演示。大唐还宣布其HSDPA在5MHz频率下实现了8.4Mbps的传输业务。作为拥有…  相似文献   

This paper, as a preface to this special issue, gives an overview of recent developments in Korean telecommunication market and industry. It provides background information that is helpful for understanding the motivations behind research papers contained in this issue. In particular, we discuss the transition of the market structure from monopoly to deregulated competition, the activities in telecommunications R&D, and the building of nationwide telecommunication infrastructure in Korea. A taxonomy of the papers presented in this issue is given at the end. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文回顾了近50年来我国电信科研和产业的成果,重点介绍了列入国家计划的正在进行的课题,展望电信技术的发展方向和研究开发任务。  相似文献   

NERS认证是电信设备进入美国市场的通行证,该认谖从安全、电磁兼容和环境可靠性等方面对电信设备提出了严格要求。国内太部分电信设备制造商尚不熟悉认证标准要求,导致产品出口受阻。该文讨论的GR-63-CORE标准中的燃烧试验,是整个NEBS认证中最难通过,最关键的测试项目之一。  相似文献   

NEBS认证普遍被美国电信运营商所要求,客观上是电信设备进入美国市场的通行证。该认证从安全、电磁兼容和环境可靠性等方面对电信设备提出了严格要求。国内大部分电信设备制造商尚不熟悉认证标准要求,从而导致产品出口受阻。文章针对该认证对产品防火性能的要求,进行了详细的解析,在此基础上对如何使产品符合标准要求给出了几点建议。  相似文献   

全球3G终端市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐玉  郑放 《世界电信》2004,17(7):28-30
截至2004年3月,全球共有24款WCDMA商用终端上市。2004年5月,全球已经开通的3G网络在到29个,3G终端开始走向良性循环发展阶段。从3G终端的角度,分析了3G的业务与市场,并且指明移动运营商的市场决策定位会影响手机厂商的3G手机生产策略。最后从手机芯片的自主研发能力、3G终端协议、3G终端的研发团队、终端的设备认证及手机销售与营销模式等方面阐明了我国终端厂商在新的市场机会面前,机会与挑战共存。  相似文献   

The consumer surplus under the open economy is greater than that under the closed economy from the viewpoint of social welfare. This indication has been proved when only the product market is considered. This article is to show how this result is changed if the R&D market as well as the product market is considered. We find the possibility that the closed economy is preferred to the open economy in case of the (international) R&D joint venture.  相似文献   

World-wide, telecommunication is marked by three basic conditions:
  1. the market demand of new services;
  2. the politically stimulated liberalization of the telecommunication market and
  3. the technical possibilities of new telecommunication technologies.
Network operators are confronted with the task to yield high interests within a short time with limited investment possibilities. Therefore, the access network and the technologies linked to it have an increasing importance for the economic success on a liberalized telecom market. This article describes the most distinguishing aspects of an access network, its positioning within a telecom system, and the most important technological developments in this field: use of fibres in the access area, FITL systems, multimedia transfer via the copper twisted pair by means of xDSL technologies and via CATV networks by means of HFC technologies.  相似文献   

针对3G移动通信产业的发展问题,运用博弈论方法分析了政府、电信运营商、本土制造商和外国制造商在3G标准选择中的博弈过程,并通过研究表明:政府应该以实现国家利益最大化为前提,充分运用决策机制改变各博弈方的收益,使博弈达到均衡。  相似文献   

Innovation is not only a technological but also a sociopolitical process of contested change, which implies that the fate and the result of an R&D project are shaped by how influence is exercised. As a means of encouraging internal entrepreneurial efforts, the capacity of project leaders to successfully influence others has been widely discussed. Nevertheless, only a few studies have systematically investigated the influence behaviors of project leaders. Due to the lack of previous empirical research, we do not know much about the influence behaviors of project leaders, nor about how to manage this phenomenon, if it can be done at all. To address this gap, this study draws on a social influence framework for understanding the upward influence behaviors of the R&D project leaders. The authors propose and test a model that the influence styles used by project leaders are affected by personal, task, and relational factors and in turn affect the project performance. The empirical data of 83 ongoing projects collected from 22 Korean public and private R&D institutes in the electronics/telecommunication, machinery, and chemical industries are analyzed. The results reveal that: (1) project leaders differ not only in the general level of influence but also in how to mix various influence tactics; (2) personal characteristics (need for achievement and self-monitoring) affect the selection of influence styles (that is, tacticians, shotguns, and bystanders) of project leaders; and (3) the influence styles used by project leaders, in turn, have an effect on team performance through the influence that project leaders have on other people. Based on these findings, several theoretical and practical implications related to upward influence behaviors of project leaders and some areas for future research are discussed  相似文献   

In our study, we extracted the market, finance, and government factors determining R&D investment of individual firms in the IT industry in Korea. We collected the financial data of 515 individual firms belonging to IT and non‐IT industries between 1980 and 1999 from the Korea Investors Service's database and investigated the empirical relationship between the factors using an ordinary regression model, a fixed effects model, and a random effects model. The main findings of our study are as follows: i) The Herfindahl Index variable representing the degree of market concentration is statistically insignificant in explaining R&D expenditures in the IT manufacturing industry. ii) Assets, which is used as a proxy variable for firm size, have a positive and statistically significant coefficient. These two results suggest that the Schumpeterian Hypothesis may be only partially applied to the IT manufacturing industry in Korea. iii) The dividend variable has a negative value and is statistically significant, indicating that a tendency of high dividends can restrict the internal cash flow for R&D investment. iv) The sales variable representing growth potential shows a positive coefficient. v) The subsidy as a proxy variable for governmental R&D promotion policies is positively correlated with R&D expenditure. This suggests that government policy has played a significant role in promoting R&D activities of IT firms in Korea since 1980. vi) Using a dummy variable, we verified that firms reduced their R&D investments to secure sufficient liquidity under the restructuring pressure during Korea's 1998 and 1999 economic crisis.  相似文献   

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