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论包豪斯教育思想与设计人才培养模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了包豪斯学院无论从专业设计还是艺术教育,都对现代社会有着不可磨灭的贡献,为现代设计教育建立了良好的规范,发展了现代设计风格,为现代设计指出正确的方向, 把人作为尺度平衡的全面发展在其教育体系中得到充分的体现, 总结出对今天的设计教育有启发性三位一体的现代设计教育模式,而这种模式既符合信息时代对人才培养的客观需要,又充分体现了包豪斯艺术设计教育原理.  相似文献   

This study was concerned with a comparative evaluation of students who used procedural guidelines (developed to help them cope with new technology) and those who did not. Typographic students from six colleges were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (who used the procedural guidelines) or to the control group (who were not exposed to the guidelines). All the students carried out the same design task. Each student's completed design was assessed by independent designers and compositors, who were unaware of the research intention or methodology or the particular students they were assessing. The students' work was evaluated in terms of 10 criteria variables by the designer and 10 different criteria variables by the compositor. In addition, the students were asked to fill in a 20 item self report user satisfaction questionnaire on how they felt about the design task. Data were also collected in respect to timekeeping, students' background and demographics, the particular courses they were following, etc. The data were analysed by t-tests for significant differences between the means and standard deviations of the experimental and control groups.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief review of recent trends in educational research, with some comments on applying research methods in the context of design education. The recent trends in educational research are identified as being linked with classroom practice, and include case studies, action research and phenomeno-logical methods. Some examples are given of these types of educational research. The paper concludes with suggestions for classroom-based research that teachers themselves can do.  相似文献   

陈楠 《包装工程》2023,44(10):12-23, 107
目的 立足设计学的研究视野,从传播学、美学等跨学科视角,梳理兼具信息传播与艺术审美双重功能的汉字文化发展历程,旨在建立新的汉字设计史观,将汉字从纯粹的美术学或文字学中独立出来,形成相对独立的设计研究体系,为汉字设计教育与设计实践提供更为系统完整的理论依据与学术支撑。方法 采用文献调研法、对比研究法、实证研究法等多学科研究方法,厘清汉字设计相关学术概念,梳理汉字形态与呈现载体的演变以及汉字文化与国计民生的逻辑关联,全面、系统地考察汉字发展中的设计问题。将汉字形态与设计形式的历史演变作为横向发展轴线,挖掘其中潜藏的文化脉络;将汉字设计思维、依托技术载体、实践应用作为纵向发展轴线,探索汉字发展中内在逻辑要素间的关系。结果 首先鲜明地提出“中国汉字设计史”的学术概念,其次从横向与纵向梳理汉字设计史的主体结构,在设计学的视角下建构史论体系,最后将汉字设计智慧与方法运用于艺术设计教学与具体的设计实践之中。结论 以“汉字设计史观”发掘汉字中蕴涵的中国传统文化深厚的设计智慧与文化内涵,提升其在艺术设计教育与设计实践领域的文化价值,拓展汉字设计的理论研究空间和实践创作场域,为构建中国汉字设计史的学科体系...  相似文献   

美育与人文教育对环境设计专业学生的实践能力具有重要作用,且与美术有着密切的联系。该文首先分析美术基础教育对环境设计专业学生的重要性,然后提出环境设计专业巩固美术基础教育的有效策略,举例说明美育与人文教育在包装设计上的具体表现,以期巩固美育和人文教育,提高环境设计专业学生的综合水平。  相似文献   

简要介绍了我国航天器发射场工程建设发展历史和设计中采用的几种主要形式,指出航天器发射不 应该存在一种固定不变的模式,要根据我国的国情,设计和建造与航天器和运载火箭技术发展相适应的发射工 程设施和设备。  相似文献   

Abstract: The development history of the project design of spaceflight launching site in China and the main forms used in these designs were introduced in this thesis, and it was pointed out that the spaceflight launch should not use only one fixed model. According to its nation condition, China should design and build the launching project facility and device which correspond to the technology development of spacecraft and carrier rocket.  相似文献   

Learning to mean     
This paper sets out to consider the nature of research or enquiry that is appropriate to the study of the design curriculum. It is suggested that the nature of educational enquiry is different from that of research in the natural sciences, which has often been mistakenly adopted as a paradigm. Educational enquiry must be based on educational practice and must start from the experience of educational action. Design activity is identified as a strand of human action, specifically concerned with ill-defined problems, and exercised through the cognitive modelling capacity of the mind. There is a fundamental semantic dimension to design activity and design educational activity, and thus enquiry into these activities is necessarily a semantic enquiry.  相似文献   

关于工业工程在近代中国的介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据作者们近年发掘的第一手史料 ,引述中国教育界和学术界在2 0世纪 2 0~3 0年代对“工业工程”概念和学科的介绍 ,并对其加以解释和评说 ,将中国的工业工程思想史向上推前了 40年。  相似文献   

On Photomorality     

Susan Sontag has been one of America's most influential and admired critics of literature, popular culture, and aspects of the fine arts. Her essays on pornography, 1950s science fiction films, and ‘new sensibilities’, are quoted on every college campus. Changes in her aesthetic or moral posture are registered by academicians with the same alarm with which financiers greet vacillations on Wall Street. For a trend-setting wordsmith, it is somewhat surprising that she comes so very late to photography, almost by accident, it would seem, into a field where Walter Benjamin, William Ivins, Jr., André Malraux, and other pioneering philosophers have already established the major parameters of commentary. What is astonishing, dismaying, and totally unexpected, is that she writes about photography as if she had just invented the subject.  相似文献   

加入WTO后我国工业设计体系的建构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
过山  胡俊红 《包装工程》2003,24(5):102-103,112
我国已加入WTO,工业设计将面临新的挑战。工业设计体系的建立,将有助于国民经济保持持久稳定的发展,有助于提高企业在全球经济上的竞争力。我国的工业设计体系必须从设计教育、设计管理、设计机构等多方领域着手,从而顺应时代潮流的发展,振兴民族工业。  相似文献   

随着国内设计产业、设计学的迅速发展,设计史在设计学研究领域的地位和价值进一步凸显,成为设计学研究领域的重要单元,以文献计量方法和知识图谱的形式分析和研究国内设计史现状与进展。以中国知网数据库收录的441条核心期刊论文数据为样本,应用CiteSpace文献计量数据分析软件,构建和分析国内设计史研究知识图谱,从文献数据的总体发文趋势、主题、引频、  相似文献   

丁粤红  吴斌  林鸿 《包装工程》2005,26(4):210-211
老庄思想作为一种古朴的哲学与美学,不但在中国古代文明中有着辉煌的成就,还广泛体现在人类设计史当中,在现代设计中起着直接的影响.从包豪斯、现代主义设计到后现代主义设计,都蕴含着老庄思想的观念主张或审美意识.  相似文献   

社会学语境下设计研究与设计管理的多重使命   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张妤静 《包装工程》2018,39(20):39-42
目的 明确设计研究与设计管理在当下的多重使命。方法 在纵向上,从设计史书写方式的嬗变,分析其对哲学、社会学观点和范式的借鉴;在横向上,主要以法国社会学理论家皮埃尔?布迪厄的“场域”、“习性”及“资本”社会学概念作为分析工具,阐释设计广泛参与社会建及社会关系的意义,通过经纬交织、层层递进的方式,结合后工业时代设计实践的具体情境,进一步剖析设计管理,设计领域的新兴学科对当代设计的具有经济价值、人文价值及伦理批判的多重意义。结论 结合当代设计理论与实践的现状进一步提出设计管理这一新兴学科应高度关照设计的社会责任与伦理价值,即通过与商业管理的结合,不是为了创造资本盈利,而是让设计更好地服务于社会。  相似文献   

The design of novel structural forms can happen either by a process of trial and error supported by testing, or by adopting some conceptual model of structural behaviour. These conceptual models are often simple analogies rather than sophisticated abstractions. This paper provides a case study of one particular example; a method used in the design of an unusually large roof structure during the eighteenth century. The study is a contribution from historical materials to the ‘natural history’ of design.  相似文献   

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