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"两江四湖"一期工程的建设实施,使内湖与漓江、桃花江相互贯通,彻底改善了内湖水质,并通过对"两江四湖"周边景观的改造,构建了桂林"城在景中,景在城中"的城市风貌。"两江四湖"二期建设——桃花江环境综合整治工程,可进一步改善桂林市生态环境。通过对桃花江肖家船闸施工条件的调查,确定采用闸室底部长廊道分散输水系统布置型式,就输水系统廊道、阀门、闸首进出口布置等问题进行综述,以供参考。  相似文献   

桂林市环城水系水环境整治和通航工设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂林市抓住了山水名城的特征,从“水”字上做文章,对环城水系进行整治,兴建两江四湖工程,使漓江、桃花江的游船经船闸或升船机驶入中心城市的木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖和杉湖,更添山水城市独特景观。本文据作者1999-2001年在桂林参与该工程规划设计及工程实施,概要地阐述了两江四湖整治和通航设计中的主要问题,以有对环境景观的要求。这是水利工程服务城市环境的一项环境水利工程,也是新世纪水利工程的一项新课题。  相似文献   

桂林中心城市环境水利规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂林抓住山水名城的特点,在“水”字上做章,对环城水系进行整治,兴建两江四湖工程,从漓江、桃花江的游船经船闸或升船机驶入中心城市的木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖和杉湖,增添山水城市的独特景观,根据1999年以来在桂林参与该工程规划设计及工程实施的经验,概要阐述两江四湖整治和通航设计中的主要问题以及对环境景观的要求,这是水利工程服务城市环境的一项环境水利工程,也是新世纪水利工程的一项新课题。  相似文献   

桂林市"两江四湖"工程水环境论述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了桂林市“两江四湖”环境综合整治工程中水环境的治理措施及治理效果,探讨了进一步促进水资源、水环境工作的意义。  相似文献   

桂林市春天湖船闸处于碳酸岩分布地区,碳酸岩由于受到地表水和地下水的侵蚀,岩溶、岩洞、溶槽现象普遍存在。基岩上覆土层含水量丰富,呈软塑、流塑和强透水夹层分布,且薄厚不均,建筑物的地基处理十分困难,文中通过对桂林“两江四湖”中的春天湖船闸地基的处理,总结了岩溶区上覆富含水软弱地层的闸基处理和基坑稳定设计的经验。  相似文献   

桂林市城市环境水利建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水利是国民经济的基础产业 ,与人们的生存环境和生活质量息息相关 ,近两年来桂林市以“水”为核心开展的大规模城市建设和改造取得极佳效果 ,开创了我区城市环境水利建设的新篇章 ,推动着桂林从工程水利向资源水利、环境水利过渡。结合水利专业特点 ,介绍桂林城市建设中的最大项目———中心城环城水系的简要情况。  相似文献   

城市河、湖水系连通工程设置过船建筑物,大多是为增加城市旅游亮点、开发旅游资源而设置的通航设施,除有其功能性要求外,尚包括水资源调配、水生态保护、景观视觉效果等特殊性要求。文中以桂林市"两江四湖"环城水系工程为例,论述了过船建筑物的布点原则,分析了不同类型过船建筑物的应用特点,提出了在不同环境条件及景观要求下过船建筑物的选型思路和理念,对创造人水和谐城市、开发旅游资源具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,岱岳区从实际出发,紧紧围绕"山—城—河—湖—田—文"建设,以争创水生态文明城市为抓手,以普及水生态和谐理念为基础,以建设现代水利、城市水利、生态水利、实现水资源的可持续利用为突破口,全面提升泰安水生态安全保障和社会公共服务能力,打破了泰安市"一山独秀"的传统格局,逐步打造出一座山水相映、城水相融、依山傍水城美村秀的现代新泰安。  相似文献   

浅谈城市水利工程规划的特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为城市现代化的前景和基础,城市水利越来越受到人们的关注。本文从桂林市中心城环城水系水利工程规划,分析了目前城市水利规划的特点,提出现代化的城市要从生态环境的要求,从城市可持续发展的战略高度出发,要全面规划、统筹兼顾、综合开发、妥善处理各项建设与水利的关系。应将水利工程在发挥防洪、排涝效益的同时如何发挥其改造环境及增加旅游效益作为一个必须遵循的重要原则。  相似文献   

<正>"水在城中,城在水中",这是记者踏上淮安后的最大感受。从住地的窗外望去,一洼清澈的湖水,对面高楼大厦、蓝天绿树倒映在水中,好似一幅美丽的山水画卷。淮安地处淮河下游,过境客水占70%以上,一直有"洪水走廊"之称。境内水网密布、河湖众多,洪泽湖、白马湖、宝应湖、高邮湖"四湖"镶嵌,盐河、古黄河、里运河、大运河"四河"穿城而过;加之淮安市"居天下之中""扼漕运之冲",历史上极具战略、经济价值的漕运、治河均有总督府设于此,给淮安留下了丰富的水利文化遗产,增添了淮安古城浓重的运河人文色彩。因此,淮安是一座因水得名、因水而兴的典型水城。也由于特殊的地理位置和水情、水貌,决定了水利对支撑保障淮安经济社会发展有着重要的地位和作用。  相似文献   

汪健  黄健勇 《中国水利》2010,(15):45-47
进入新世纪以来,杭州市委市政府提出了江、河、湖、海、溪"五水共导"发展战略,加快了城市水系建设步伐,实施了西湖、西溪、运河、市区河道等一系列水体综合保护工程,不仅实现了城市水系的完善和优化,而且促进了城市总体格局的调整和转变。通过对杭州水系建设所取得的成就和存在问题的分析,对今后如何更好地推进城市水系建设提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples were collected from 45 lakes along the middle-lower Yangtze River, China. Each lake was sampled seasonally, over a period of one year. Water quality variables and metals in sediments were measured. Lakes along the lowest part of the river, within the Yangtze River Delta, had highest nutrient concentrations and were eutrophic or hypereutrophic. Lakes displayed a gradient in many water chemistry variables, from the middle to the lower Yangtze River. Lakes of the Delta region had the highest conductivity, sulfate, turbidity, and Chl-a values, and the lowest dissolved oxygen concentrations. A number of lakes near urban areas in the study region also displayed similar conditions. Lakes polluted by heavy metals were found in the upper part of the lower Yangtze River and had high Cu, Cr, and Co concentrations in sediments. The mean Igeo (index of geoaccumulation) values for Cu, Cr, and Co classes ranged from 0 to 4, indicating moderate to heavy contamination, contributed mainly from untreated industrial waste water produced within the lake catchments. Lakes of the middle Yangtze River are generally in relatively better condition, except for those around urban zones, which experience higher nutrient and heavy metal loading. The spatial distribution of lake conditions in the area can be related to the policy of regional economic development. The Delta region in China is developed and includes such cities as Shanghai and Suzhou. Heavy industries have moved into the interior region of China too, and development of modern cities is now occurring under some level of environmental protection. Nevertheless, lakes in the central part are becoming seriously polluted with both heavy metals and nutrients because local authorities promote industrialization and urbanization to improve economic conditions, while often ignoring environmental protection. Pollution is increasingly occurring in upstream reaches, a tendency that will bring more environmental problems. Interior lakes of China require immediate attention to prevent further declines in water quality.  相似文献   

重建江(河)湖动态联系修复水网生态环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
受围湖造地、污水直排、无序养殖等人为活动的影响,湖北地区的湖泊数量及面积急剧下降,江(河)湖阻隔日趋严重,水系日益破碎,湖泊生态功能日渐萎缩,生物多样性逆向演替.从分析湖北地区湖泊生态水环境的问题入手,讨论了水系网络修复的必要性,提出重建江(河)湖动态联系、修复水网生态环境的理念和方法,同时介绍了武汉市汉阳地区四湖连通水力调度工程和新洲县涨渡湖引水工程两个实例以及所取得的成效.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes are North America's largest water resource, and include six large water bodies (Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Georgian Bay), Lake St. Clair, and their connecting channels. Because of the relatively small historical variability in system lake levels, there is a need for realistic climate scenarios to develop and test sensitivity and resilience of the system to extreme high lake levels. This is particularly important during the present high lake level regime that has been in place since the late 1960s. In this analysis, we use the unique climate conditions which resulted in the 1993 Mississippi River flooding as an analog to test the sensitivity of Great Lakes hydrology and water levels to a rare but actual climate event. The climate over the Upper Mississippi River basin was computationally shifted, corresponding to a conceptual shift of the Great Lakes basin 10̊ west and 2̊ south. We applied a system of hydrological models to the daily meteorological time series and determined daily runoff, lake evaporation, and net basin water supplies. The accumulated net basin supplies from May through October 1993 for the 1993 Mississippi River flooding scenario ranged from a 1% decrease for Lake Superior to a large increase for Lake Erie. Water levels for each lake were determined from a hydro-logic routing model of the system. Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie were most affected. The simulated rise in Lakes Michigan and Huron water levels far exceeded the historically recorded rise with both lakes either approaching or setting record high levels. This scenario demonstrates that an independent anomalous event, beginning with normal lake levels, could result in record high water levels within a 6- to 9-month period. This has not been demonstrated in the historical record or by other simulation studies.  相似文献   

自然-亲水-文化的城市河流评价指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"自然、亲水、文化"是现代城市河流的重要治理理念,针对如何将该理念落实到具体实际工作中,指导目前的城市河流治理工作,本文提出了"自然-亲水-文化"的城市河流的内涵和应具备的要素,并构建了城市河流"自然-亲水-文化"内涵的指标体系及各指标的赋分方法和评价标准。以哈尔滨市阿什河为案例,应用上述指标体系评价了其现状,明确各指标的分值,进而确定今后应加强的治理方向,评价结果能够为阿什河整治方案的制定提供依据,同时也提高了"自然-亲水-文化"的理念在我国城市河流治理工作中的可操作性。  相似文献   

水系规划在城市建设中的作用和地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张向东 《水利水电技术》2007,38(5):16-19,22
在城市建设中,水系规划涉及了城市、水利、环境等多方面内容。在水系规划中应着重研究城市生态的水环境容量、湖泊蓄水条件和布局、水体连接与流动、以及水系的连接建筑物与观赏设施等问题。文中重点研究了桂林市中心城水系中水环境容量、水体的连接与流动、水系之间的连接建筑物以及城市水系的防洪规划等内容。  相似文献   

河湖健康评估是河湖生态保护管理的重要基础性技术工作,是全面推行河(湖)长制建设的重要任务。本文重点介绍全国河湖健康评估工作的技术成果,主要内容包括:构建了包括水文水资源、河湖物理形态、水质、水生生物及河湖社会服务功能五个方面的健康评估指标体系,提出了5个等级的河湖健康分级标准,形成了系统的河湖健康调查评价方法,采用该标准与方法,在全国36个河湖(库)水体进行了河湖健康评估。实践证明,全国河湖健康评估提出的河湖健康内涵及评估指标体系能够系统表征我国河湖生态及功能特点,指标总体科学合理,整套技术方法具有很好的操作性。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hydro-climatic reasons behind the desiccation of the Hamun Lakes in the Iran-Afghanistan border. We analyzed changes in the flow of the Hirmand River (90 percent of the total inflow to the lakes) at the international border, and precipitation over this river’s sub-basin during 1960–2016 by calculating standardized indices for precipitation (SPI) and discharge (SDI). We applied Normalized Difference Spectral Indices using satellite images from 1987 to 2021 to observe monthly areal change of the lakes. The results show that the major cause of desiccation is upstream water regulation which severely reduced the Hirmand River inflow delivery to the lakes. Constructed reservoirs near the lakes by Iran in 2008, compounded the effect of Afghanistan water regulation to aggravate the situation. There is a discernible shift in the relation between the Hirmand River flow at the border and upstream precipitation before and after 2004. In 1960–2003, high Hirmand River inflows were expected due to high precipitation, while the flow declined after 2004 despite large amounts of upstream precipitation. Although a long period of drought from 1998 to 2004 decreased the lakes’ area, the lake system is primarily falling victim to anthropogenic flow reduction recently. Increased regulation of flows and use of water for irrigation in Afghanistan and Iran underscores the necessity of bilateral dialogues between the two countries to consider environmental flow for the lakes. The lakes’ shrinkage places socio-economic stress on an already-vulnerable region with public health implications as the exposed lake beds turn into major sources of dust storms.  相似文献   

东平湖水库未来战略地位探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东平湖水库无论其地理位置与确保黄河下游防洪安全方面,还是在水资源综合利用布局中,都具有十分重要的战略地位,但其目前存在的一些问题制约了水库综合效益的发挥。面对小浪底水库的建成运行、洪水管理理念的转变与全国水网的逐步形成等新形势,面对南水北调东线工程建设的新机遇,赋予东平湖水库未来战略地位新的内涵十分必要,比如利用其分滞黄河洪水、接纳汶河来水、调蓄东线调水、调配极端气候下南方涝水,并适时补水补峰以冲刷山东河道等。数学模型初步计算表明,改变东平湖的运用模式,有效管理洪水,不但对改变山东河道的淤积状况作用明显,还对“驼峰河段”的不利态势有一定的改善。  相似文献   

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