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林勇 《电力建设》2006,27(5):68-0
为了清洗凝汽器铜管,提高汽轮机的效率,现在普遍采用胶球清洗的方式来保持凝汽器铜管内表面的清洁。采用组态王K ingview6.01组成汽轮机凝汽器胶球清洗控制系统,利用PLC控制电动阀门等设备的运行,利用微机进行远程监视和控制,可明显缩短设计周期,提高工作效率。该系统界面直观友好,操作简单易学,控制安全可靠,容错性强。  相似文献   

前言凝汽器胶球清洗系统是提高汽轮机循环热效率的重要辅助设备之一,此装置在不停机的条件下,在运行的凝汽器循环水中投入胶球,胶球随水流进入凝汽器铜管内变形,与铜管内壁接触,使管子内壁不易结垢,保持了凝汽器铜管内侧一定的清洁度,带来了凝汽  相似文献   

本文叙述在电厂广泛采用的胶球清洗凝汽器装置的球自动计数器的研究成果。 1.研究背景胶球清洗装置,广泛应用于发电厂清洗凝汽器铜管内表面的脏污。是在凝汽器冷却水系统内加入比被清洗管内经稍大一些的海绵状球,利用海绵球外表面和管子内表面的摩擦作用清洗管子内表面的污物。以前的清洗装置完全依靠人工对球数量进行管理。这样要准确地计量数以千计的球需要  相似文献   

旋转式反冲洗二次滤网及监控系统东北电力试验研究院刘欣1引言在发电厂中提高汽轮机效率的途径很多,而凝汽器的工作效率直接影响整个汽轮机组的热经济性。目前在电厂中普遍采用胶球清洗装置,进行凝汽器铜管内部清洗,使其保持原有的洁净状态,维持较高的真空,不至于因...  相似文献   

一、前言为了使凝汽器铜管保持清洁,提高汽轮机组的热效率,必须对污染的凝汽器铜管进行清洗。过去常采用的人工清洗、刷子清洗、干洗或化学清洗等方法,,都因为有较多的缺点而逐渐被胶球清洗所代替。胶球清洗凝汽器具有许多优点,主要是:(1)可以不停机清洗,从而提高机组的可用率,并能减轻工人的劳动强度;(2)经常保持凝汽器铜管清洁,保证凝汽器具有高的热交换效率,达到节省燃料的目的;(3)有效地防止沉积物造成的局部腐蚀,使机组运行安全,可靠。上述三个优点只有在清洗系统正常工作时才能得以实现。为此,需要具备多方面的条件,如良好的运行维护;适合清洗系统要求的凝汽器结构;设计和制造良好的胶球清洗装置及其部件;能对循环水进行适当过滤的一次滤网及二次滤网等等。  相似文献   

介绍了发电厂重要设备凝汽器的作用,凝汽器运行过程中其传热管结垢的原因、危害及清洗方法,论述了凝汽器的在线清洗—胶球清洗装置的机理及特点。阐述了胶球清洗装置的运行指标,从保持冷却水的清洁和流速、胶球的选用标准以及胶球清洗装置的运行等几个方面综合入手,说明了如何充分发挥出胶球清洗装置的作用,从而保持凝汽器在高效率下工作,提高汽轮机组热经济性。  相似文献   

提高凝汽器胶球清洗系统可靠性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高凝汽器冷却水管内壁的洁净,保持凝汽器较高的真空和较小的端差,是提高汽轮机组热效率的主要方法之一。文章以125MW机组为例,介绍了汽轮机组胶球自动清洗系统的改造情况。实践证明:改造后的胶球清洗系统,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

凝汽器胶球清洗技术是凝汽器冷却管束保持清洁的重要手段,如胶球清洗效果变差,会造成冷却管束表面结垢、凝汽器端差增大、机组凝汽器真空降低。针对某电厂1 000 MW超超临界机组传统凝汽器胶球清洗技术存在的缺点,采用多点集中发球清洗技术进行了改造。结果表明,在机组平均负荷860 MW,冷却水入口温度24.3℃时,低压缸排汽温度同比降低1.33℃,凝汽器端差降低1.34℃,凝汽器真空升高0.52 kPa,发电煤耗降低1.2 g/kWh。  相似文献   

一、前言为确保汽轮机组的安全、经济、满发,当前国内外广泛采用胶球清洗凝汽器这项技术革靳。它可以在不停机或不减负荷的情况下达到清洗凝汽器的目的,使铜管经常保持干净,维持机组额定真空,为国家节省大量的煤炭,又能防止铜管结垢,避免垢下腐蚀,延长了铜管的使用寿命;最主要的优点是能节约煤、多发电、节省大量的劳动力,减轻工人的劳动强度、改善工人的劳动条件。对于大功率汽轮机组,凝汽器铜管长度超过10米、铜管根数超过万根,用人工清洗非常困难,必须采用胶球清洗或其它更好的方法才能满足发展的需要。  相似文献   

高建岭  张国平 《热力发电》2007,36(1):85-86,89
针对半山发电有限公司凝汽器铜管泄漏问题,分别采取了提高循环冷却水处理水平,提高机组运行水平,完善胶球清洗工艺及对铜管内表面进行酸洗和镀膜等措施,使凝汽器铜管泄漏现象明显减少,凝结水合格率大大提高。  相似文献   

胡幼平 《湖南电力》2003,23(3):41-43
对湘潭电厂存在已久的胶球清洗装置收球率低的问题进行了深入探讨,结合电厂对胶球清洗系统的改造、试验过程,分析并提出了影响胶球清洗装置清洗效果及收球率的诸多原因及其解决方法。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,新型智能化胶球清洗装置诞生了,下花园发电厂对3台机组的胶球清洗装置进行了更换。这对改善该厂的真空起到了良好作用,但是还存在着收球率低的问题,需要从设备、管理方面加以改进。  相似文献   

火电站直接空冷凝汽器设计及校核计算和性能分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
掌握火电站直接空冷凝汽器的设计和校核计算方法并进行性能分析,对于提高我国直接空冷机组的设计和运行水平具有重要意义。以600MW机组直接空冷凝汽器为例,在传热理论模型分析的基础上,分别对其设计和校核计算过程进行了讨论,对直接空冷凝汽器性能影响因素进行了分析,对性能变化规律进行了研究。结果表明直接空冷凝汽器的设计过程要综合考虑气象条件尤其是环境大风的影响、换热要求和空冷电站的平面布局,而校核计算则需充分考虑凝汽器积灰的影响,并建立汽轮机背压和凝汽器积灰厚度之间的关系,为凝汽器清洗提供理论依据。冷却空气流量、凝汽器凝结蒸汽量、空冷凝汽器积灰会显著影响空冷凝汽器的性能,进而影响汽轮机背压,影响机组运行的经济性。  相似文献   

城市污水再生水回用电厂循环水的系统腐蚀及防护措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙心利 《中国电力》2007,40(6):28-31
针对城市污水再生水的水质,结合电厂循环水系统的工艺特点、材料特性,从凝汽器材质、循环水管道及凝汽器管板材料、冷却塔水泥构件、工业冷却水系统4个方面分析了中水回用对循环水系统可能发生的腐蚀问题;根据分析结果,从凝汽器选材、循环水阻垢工艺、杀菌灭藻方案、胶球清洗、凝汽器运行和停用管理、碳钢管路防腐工艺的确定、氨氮去除、工业冷却水工艺选择等方面对解决腐蚀问题提出了相应方案。  相似文献   

Designs and technical characteristics of the condensers of large steam turbines for thermal and nuclear power stations operating in Russia and abroad are described. New technical solutions used in designing them are considered.  相似文献   

We present the results of investigations carried out during the development of steam turbine condensing systems comprising a condenser, an air removing device, and condensate and circulation systems. It is found that the tube bundle layout and the characteristics of devices for removing noncondensable gases have an essential effect on the heat transfer intensity and pressure in the condensers. The design of the heat-transfer surface of a condenser operating with constant velocity of steam during its condensation is described, and the procedure for calculating the area and configuration of such heat-transfer surface is outlined. Results from tests of such apparatuses are presented. It is shown that the heat-transfer coefficients in them are a factor of 1.5–3.0 higher than those in the existing condensers at a moderate velocity of cooling medium. A qualitative pattern of a change in the volume filled with noncondensable gases that occurs during a decrease of thermal load or drop of cooling medium temperature is shown taking as an example condensers with steam flowing inside the condenser tubes.  相似文献   

The analysis of factors affecting the growth of shortage of freshwater is performed. The state and dynamics of the global market of dry coolers used at electric power plants are investigated. Substantial increase in number and maximum capacity of air-cooled condensers, which have been put into operation in the world in recent years, are noted. The key reasons facilitating the choice of developers of the dry coolers, in particular the independence of the location of thermal power plant from water sources, are enumerated. The main steam turbine heat removal schemes using air cooling are considered, their comparison of thermal efficiency is assessed, and the change of three important parameters, such as surface area of heat transfer, condensate pump flow, and pressure losses in the steam exhaust system, are estimated. It is shown that the most effective is the scheme of direct steam condensation in the heat-exchange tubes, but other schemes also have certain advantages. The air-cooling efficiency may be enhanced much more by using an air-cooling hybrid system: a combination of dry and wet cooling. The basic applied constructive solutions are shown: the arrangement of heat-exchange modules and the types of fans. The optimal mounting design of a fully shopassembled cooling system for heat-exchange modules is represented. Different types of heat-exchange tubes ribbing that take into account the operational features of cooling systems are shown. Heat transfer coefficients of the plants from different manufacturers are compared, and the main reasons for its decline are named. When using evaporative air cooling, it is possible to improve the efficiency of air-cooling units. The factors affecting the faultless performance of dry coolers (DC) and air-condensing units (ACU) and the ways of their elimination are described. A high velocity wind forcing reduces the efficiency of cooling systems and creates preconditions for the development of wind-driven devices. It is noted that global trends have a significant influence on the application of dry coolers in Russia, in view of the fact that some TPP have a surface condensers arrangement. The reasons that these systems are currently less efficient than the direct steam condensation in an air-cooled condenser are explained. It is shown that, in some cases, it is more reasonable to use mixing-type condensers in combination with a dry cooler. Measures for a full import substitution of steam exhaust heat removal systems are mentioned.  相似文献   

对于汽轮发电机组,采用胶球清洗系统不仅使凝结器内部管束表面度清洁,减少凝结器的端差,还提高了凝结器的真空和汽轮机热效率,降低了发电煤耗。通过对本厂胶球清洗装置收球率低事件的原因分析及处理,找出影响收球率的主要因素,并针对影响因素提出如何提高收球率的措施。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of using steam for cooling the first-stage nozzle vanes, one of the most thermally stressed components of gas turbines, is analyzed. Results obtained from calculation of the designed vane furnished with a cyclone-vortex cooling system carried out in the ANSYS CFX software package are presented. It is shown that use of steam in combination with flow swirling in the cooling system channels makes it possible to achieve essential enhancement of heat-transfer processes and better efficiency of cooling averaged over the vane profile.  相似文献   

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