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开目CAD/CAPP系统是华中理工大学开自软件中心开发的集工程绘图、工艺决策、工序图绘制、图纸管理等模块为一体的集成化软件系统。从正式推向市场以来,开目CAD/CAPP系统以其独特的基于画法几何的用户界面、模拟人类思维的软件设计思想、参数化的图形结构、经济实用的输出形式和比国外软件高得多的绘图速度引起了学术界和工程界的广泛关注,并获得了用户广泛一致的好评,在短短的一年多时间里,开目CAD/CAPP系统的用户已遍布全中国,目前已装机1000套。开目CAD/CAPP系统V5.0版集400家用户使用开目软件的经验,较4.0版增加…  相似文献   

开目CAD98是开目系统产品家族的新成员,它采用面向对象的编程技术,基于WINDOWS95,使用全32位的VisualC++语言重写了全部程序,使开目CAD98一经推出,就成了抢手的热门软件。开目CAD98具有以下新特色:一、增加了智能对齐功能。结合了开目CAD的对齐功能、上线功能以及动态导航功能的优点。鼠标移动时,可以自动对齐各个视图的端点、中点、切点、交点、圆心等特殊点。在标注尺寸时,同样可以使用智能对齐功能,使开目CAD本来就十分方便的尺寸标注更加简洁,只要在需标注尺寸的位置用鼠标左键点一下,各类尺寸就可以一气呵成。…  相似文献   

继《开目CAD三日通》及《开目CAPP软件自学教程》出版后,开目公司将继续与机械工业出版社合作,推出《开目CAD软件自学教程》和《开目PDM软件自学教程》。这标志着开目软件在出版物上迈出了一大步,今后更多人士可从书刊上了解到开目公司和开目软件。  相似文献   

开目公司近日宣布:自2012年10月1日起,开目CAD产品(KMCAD3.8~KMCAD2012)的价格降为500元/套(全国统一价)。开目CAD是国内最早的商品化CAD软件之一,也是全球唯一一款完全基于画法几何设计理念的工程设计绘图软件,目前拥有5000余家企业用户,装机量超过40000套。开目CAD自1994年正式推向市场以来,凭借绘图快、学习快和见效快等显著特点,迅速在机械、机床、纺机、汽车、航天、装备和机车等行业得到了广泛的普及和应用。据称,开  相似文献   

开目CAD 2005发布开目公司于2004年8月16日正式推出开目CAD 2005,新版本在保持老版本操作简便、绘图速度快、三视图绘制及参数化功能的基础上,对产品的性能、效率进行了大幅度提升,兼容性也得到了进一步加强。新版本不仅兼容AutoCAD R12、R13、R14、2002等老版本的DWG、DXF格式,同时提供了对AutoCAD2004文件格式的兼容。此外,开目CAD 2005新增的智能尺寸标注及自动约束、格式刷、操作习惯记忆及自动切换、快速明细栏信息提取等功能,方便了用户进行草图及工程图的绘制,是开目企业信息化解决方案的核心成员之一。国家三维CAD哈尔…  相似文献   

华工科技开目公司,数年来一直扎根于中国制造业,开发出了自主版权的CAD/CAPP/BOM/PDM/MIS(ERP)/OA等系列集成化软件,目前拥有如格力空调、四川电气集团、陕汽集团、柳工集团等千余家用户。在长期的CAD开发、宣传、推广和培训的过程中,开目公司不仅积极与企业和有关部门推广CAD技术培训工作,并认真尝试与一些高校联合,进行CAD应用技能培训的探索。在与高校教育机构合作的过程中分别配合《画法几何》、《机械制图》、《机械设计基础》、《机械设计》等课程进行CAD技术培训,因此,学习十分简便快捷,被认为是我国目前绘图…  相似文献   

智能CAD专家系统开发平台的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
林萍 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(12):2151-2153
在开目二维和三维CAD的基础上,将专家系统的推理引擎嵌入CAD软件中,研究并开发出智能CAD开发平台,该平台将推理功能和参数化绘图功能融合在一起。另外该平台用到了自主开发的语言解释器(DPL),从而使得该平台具有较好的可扩展性和自适应性。通过该平台,我们在较短时间内开发出哈空调管束CAD专家系统,取得预期的目标。  相似文献   

以开发销售二维CAD软件起家的武汉开目集成技术有限责任公司,经过9年3个阶段的发展,并与Unigraphics Solutions和惠普联手,目前可以向制造业提供集成CAD、CAPP、PDM、MIS/ERP的一体化  相似文献   

国内自主版权CAD软件的先驱者;开目:开拓国际,目标全球;开目:CAM的音译,意指面向制造业提供CAD/CAPP/PDM/BOM/ERP的全面软件解决方案。总之,开目已经是家搞制造业信息化的大公司了。这是记者在受邀采访武汉开目信息技术有限公司总经理耿标之前,通过一些资料,对开日产生的最初印象。  相似文献   

经过多年的推广,CAD技术已经广泛地应用在机械、电子、航天、化工、建筑等行业。应用CAD技术起到了提高了企业的设计效率、优化设计方案、减轻技术人员的劳动强度、缩短设计周期、加强设计的标准化等作用。近年来,我国CAD技术的开发和应用取得了长足的发展,除对许多国外软件进行了汉化和二次开发以外,还诞生了不少具有独立版权的CAD系统,如开目CAD、高华CAD、DICAD等,由于这些软件价格便宜,符合我国国情和标准,所以受到了广泛的欢迎,赢得了越来越大的市场份额。这些CAD软件为企业实现设计现代化提供了支持。由于CAD技…  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw on the knowledge market analogy and integrate the considerations of organizational culture and attributes, knowledge management (KM) guiding principles and continuous learning-based systems development into the design of a model for KM initiatives. This model has been implemented in a small medical consulting firm for its KM initiative. The successful implementation of this model indicates the possible applicability of our model to other knowledge-intensive small firms and the feasibility of applying the same concepts used in larger KM implementations to small companies.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2004,41(4):445-456
Knowledge management (KM) has been receiving considerable attention in the human-systems research community in the past few years. This paper discusses the key concepts of user–computer interaction for knowledge development and proposes a model of an information schema. Such an information repository for KM must be organized into a domain schema. Users of an information repository play an active role in searching through information to coordinate their actions. An example of information schema for KM can be found in a student advising system. This will be used to illustrate the concept of the development of an information schema.  相似文献   

A significant amount of work has been done to better understand the barriers to knowledge flow and develop models of KM maturity; this was intended to help in assessing the progress of KM initiatives in the firm. However, to date there has been no comprehensive research that considers both these issues at the same time, and thus it is still necessary to explore the evolution of barriers to knowledge flow when the level of KM maturity is changing. We reviewed the progress of KM initiatives in recent years, categorized the barriers to knowledge flow according to the cultural historical activity theory (CHAT), and used one of the existing models of KM maturity (the Knowledge Navigator Model—KNM), to address gaps in the current literature. As part of our exploratory study, a longitudinal survey, involving constant observation, development and use of questionnaires and qualitative interviews with managers of seven firms were conducted. We selected the firms so they covered a wide range of KM maturity levels; triangulation was adopted to enhance the quality of the process. The major findings indicated that: (1) barriers to knowledge flow were inherently different at different KM maturity levels; and (2) various changes in the barriers to knowledge flow were associated with the maturity of the KM.  相似文献   

The dynamic capabilities view (DCV) focuses on renewal of firms’ strategic knowledge resources so as to sustain competitive advantage within turbulent markets. Within the context of the DCV, the focus of knowledge management (KM) is to develop the KMC through deploying knowledge governance mechanisms that are conducive to facilitating knowledge processes so as to produce superior business performance over time. The essence of KM performance evaluation is to assess how well the KMC is configured with knowledge governance mechanisms and processes that enable a firm to achieve superior performance through matching its knowledge base with market needs. However, little research has been undertaken to evaluate KM performance from the DCV perspective. This study employed a survey study design and adopted hypothesis-testing approaches to develop a capability-based KM evaluation framework (CKMEF) that upholds the basic assertions of the DCV. Under the governance of the framework, a KM index (KMI) and a KM maturity model (KMMM) were derived not only to indicate the extent to which a firm’s KM implementations fulfill its strategic objectives, and to identify the evolutionary phase of its KMC, but also to bench-mark the KMC in the research population. The research design ensured that the evaluation framework and instruments have statistical significance and good generalizabilty to be applied in the research population, namely construction firms operating in the dynamic Hong Kong construction market. The study demonstrated the feasibility of quantitatively evaluating the development of the KMC and revealing the performance heterogeneity associated with the development.  相似文献   

The paper targets to devise a genuine Knowledge Management (KM) performance measurement model in a stochastic setting based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Monte Carlo simulation and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The proposed model evaluates KM using a set of proxy measures correlated with the major KM processes. Data Collection Budget Allocation (DCBA) that maximizes the model accuracy is determined using GA. Additional data are generated and analyzed using a Monte-Carlo-enhanced DEA model to obtain the overall KM efficiency and KM processes’ efficiency scores. An application of the model has been carried out to evaluate KM performance in higher educational institutions. It is found that with GA, the accuracy of the model has been greatly improved. Lastly, comparing with a conventional deterministic DEA model, the results from the proposed model would be more useful for managers to determine future strategies to improve their KM.  相似文献   

Although there is much literature on the relationship between KM strategies and organizational performance, the benefit of KM strategies is not well understood. We addressed this issue by exploring how KM strategies influence a firm's market value using event study methodology. We evaluated the cumulative abnormal returns for KM strategies announced by U. S. firms from 1998 to 2003. Our findings supported the hypothesis that firms’ announcements about their KM strategies provoked positive reactions in the market. More specifically, strategies that focus on either (i) knowledge reusability through IT or (ii) knowledge sharing through informal discussions among employees contributed to higher performance than strategies that emphasized both. This outcome empirically supported our argument that the emphasis on either tacit or explicit knowledge results in a better market value of the firm. Furthermore, the market's reaction to the announcement is dependent on the firm's industry classification. The findings of this study offer insights that may help managers maximize the market impact of their KM strategies.  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is very important in the business world of today. The Taiwanese government has recognized the importance of KM in helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to innovate through both their internal core competencies and external resources. They have the KM promotion project to combine resources from the information service industry and the academic sector in order to assist SMEs, and have been attempting to introduce the process of KM since 1993. The motivation, opportunity, and ability (MOA) framework has been applied to study how this MOA availability drives knowledge sharing in large enterprises. This study investigates the factors or barriers that influence the intention of knowledge sharing in Taiwanese SMEs through the MOA framework. It should help business managers identify the motivational elements that can encourage investment in it, and then propose pragmatic suggestions for introducing KM initiatives in order to reinvigorate the numbers of KM‐implementing SMEs in Taiwan. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In practical, commonly the component structure design needs to begin from assemble. During the early design phase, it requires an initial correlation definition and configuration form definition for those important components and the spatial orientation layout design. In the following stages, the component structure details are gradual refined based on those pre-defined constraints and layout scheme, e.g. hole-and-cylinder mating, slot-and-key coupling etc. The design scheme ne…  相似文献   

The current 3D CAD/CAM system, both research prototypes and commercial systems, based on traditional feature modeling are always hampered by the problems in their complicated modeling and difficult maintaining. This paper introduces a new method for modeling parts by using adaptability feature (AF), by which the consistent relationship among parts and assemblies can be maintained in whole design process. In addition, the design process, can be speeded, time-to-market shortened, and product quality improved. Some essential issues of the strategy are discussed. A system, KMCAD3D, by taking advantages of AF has been developed. It is shown that the method discussed is a feasible and effective way to improve current feature modeling technology.  相似文献   

The relationship between knowledge management (KM) and firm performance has been the subject of discussion in management literature. However, certain studies have found a significant link between KM and firm performance, whereas others have not. Thus, to better understand the effect of KM on firm performance, this study focuses on the performance effects of KM with information technology support (KMIT). The model of this paper includes three organizational factors: structure, culture, and incentive. Surveys collected from 119 high tech firms were analyzed to test the model. The results confirmed the effect of organizational factors on overall KMIT, which was found to be critical for improving firm performance. Our study has implications for academics and practitioners by providing a better understanding of the importance of KM in explaining firm performance.  相似文献   

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