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The study evaluated the current situation in Cyprus elementary classrooms regarding computer technology integration in an attempt to identify ways of expanding teachers’ and students’ experiences with computer technology. It examined how Cypriot elementary teachers use computers, and the factors that influence computer integration in their classroom practices. To address the study’s research questions, an evaluative case study design was applied. It employed a mixed method approach through the usage of structured questionnaires and semi-structured, open-ended interviews as the major methods of data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data gathered from a sample of Cypriot teachers who where identified as high and low computer use ones.  相似文献   

A three phase Sequential Mixed Method Design was utilized to propose and test a research-based model explaining the relationships between technology integration in Elementary Schools and a defined set of teacher and school-related factors. In the first phase, interviews were conducted with 20 elementary school teachers to identify critical factors influencing their technology use. The qualitative findings guided the development of a survey instrument in the second phase. In the final phase, the survey was administered to 1030 classroom teachers in eight districts of Ankara, Turkey. The direct and indirect effects of these factors on technology integration were explored. Factors included years of teaching experience, years of computer use, principal support, colleague support, technology competency, attitudes and beliefs toward using technology, and lack of time. The model showed technology integration as a complex process involving many interrelated factors, with particular importance placed on competency, support, experience, and attitudes. This comprehensive model of technology integration in elementary schools will be especially useful for practitioners and researchers in developing countries as they face the challenge of adapting instructional technologies in their frequently evolving curriculums and education systems.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on the question of why some bachelor's students have more proficiency in ICT skills and use computers and the Internet more frequently than other students do. To answer this question, we rely on the core variables of the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), on the orientation of students toward scientific research, and on contextual factors. TAM has been applied successfully in research before, but in this article, the model is expanded with variables regarding the orientation of students toward scientific research, and is geared towards the relationship to basic ICT skills and the sustained use of these skills. In order to attain a more reliable instrument to measure proficiency in ICT skills and the frequency of ICT use, several new instruments are constructed. The results show that this model, a combination of four basic TAM variables, together with the identity commitment of students focused on the appreciation of scientific research and some context variables, can explain a substantial proportion of the variance in different ICT skills, but considerably less of the frequency of ICT use.  相似文献   

ICT & learning in Chilean schools: Lessons learned   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By the early nineties a Chilean network on computers and education for public schools had emerged. There were both high expectancies that technology could revolutionize education as well as divergent voices that doubted the real impact of technology on learning. This paper presents an evaluation of the Enlaces network, a national Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and education initiative designed as part of a series of programs to overcome inequity and quality issues of public education in Chile, by integrating teachers and learners into the knowledge society. Data gathered and the results obtained in four major areas of educational policies – infrastructure, digital literacy, conditions of learning, and the impact on school learning of major national and international tests – are presented and fully analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of Enlaces as a visible component of the educational system and educational reform are also discussed. Enlaces has provided basic infrastructure tools, connectivity, ICTs, and teacher training to a huge number of schools, but critical results are narrow in terms of classroom learning and no additional competencies have been observed. Data and results are limited by structural bottlenecks in the educational and social system. Finally, the lessons learned after more than 15 years of implementing technology in Chilean schools are presented and fully discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have pointed out that computer games could improve students’ motivation to learn, but these studies have mostly targeted teachers or students in elementary and secondary education and are without user adoption models. Because business and management institutions in higher education have been increasingly using educational simulation games in recent years, factors influencing the continuing use of business simulation games by higher-education students are worth probing into. This research adopted the technology acceptance model, expectation confirmation theory, and agency theory as its theoretical base. Moreover, learning motivation and classroom climate from the perspective of learning, as well as perceived attractiveness and perceived playfulness from the perspective of playfulness and attractiveness were also added to the final research model. A total of 185 valid student respondents in Taiwan’s higher education who have used business simulation games in their classes participated in the survey. The results show that perceived playfulness and learning performance positively influence students’ satisfaction, which further influence the intention to use computer simulation games. Furthermore, perceived ease of use and perceived attraction play a critical role in determining perceived playfulness. Perceived ease of use was also positively influenced by perceived attraction. The research results on the students’ perspective provide a strong support for the teachers to adopt or continue using computer simulation games in classrooms. However, the agency theory failed to be sustained as a useful tool in motivating students’ learning activities, which is worthy of further research.  相似文献   

Research has shown that will (positive attitudes), skill (technology competency), and tool (access to technology tools) are all essential ingredients for a teacher to effectively integrate information technology into classroom practices. This study focuses on the will, skill and tool as essential measures for the predictability of technology integration, reported by the study participants and measured by stages of adoption of teachers in Ghana. Attempts are made to explore the extent to which these parameters differ among the teachers and also influence technology integration. Furthermore, the parameters are proposed for use in modelling the process of technology integration for these teachers. Well validated instruments spanning the areas of attitudes, competencies, access and technology integration proficiencies were used to collect data from 120 mathematics prospective teachers and 60 practicing mathematics teachers from Ghana. The data was analyzed using regression analysis. The results indicated that lack of teacher anxiety was the most important dimension of attitudes, and that skill is the strongest predictor of classroom integration of technology for the teachers. Significant differences existed between practicing and prospective teachers’ computer anxieties, competencies, and access levels.  相似文献   

The passage from secondary school to university puts students in an environment with different expectations. Not only the expectations towards learning might change, but also towards ICT competences and computer use. The purpose of this article is to find out whether freshmen, after 6 months at the university, changed their self-perception of ICT competences and computer use in comparison with their behaviour at secondary school, and what factors can explain the self-perception of ICT competences and computer use in secondary school, in the university and their possible change. Based on a panel research among 714 freshmen of a large university, this article answers the following questions: (1) What is the self-perception of ICT competences among freshmen and is there a change in this self-perception 6 months after entering the university? (2) How often and for what purpose do freshmen use a computer and is there a change in the frequency of the use of a computer? (3) What factors might influence this attitude, behaviour, and possible change? In function of the basic components of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003) hypotheses was developed and tested to answer these questions. Students who consider the computer to be a useful instrument, have control over the computer, possess a certain level of Internet competence, and are at ease with computers are more likely to have the skills needed to maintain a computer, to develop a web site, and to use basic ICT skills. The predictors have little influence on Internet usage. The same predictors contribute modestly to the explanation of the different frequencies of computer use, and a few of the predictors explain parts of change in ICT skills and frequency of computer use.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, integration of ICT is a key component of an educational reform agenda. These countries can draw on a tradition of research in the developed world on factors determining integration of ICT in education. In this tradition, this study investigates the current situation of ICT integration in teacher education in Vietnam, an emerging developing country at the beginning of integrating ICT in education. 783 educators of five Vietnamese teacher education institutions completed a questionnaire. This analysis illuminates teacher educators’ access to ICT, their intensity of use, their related skills, and their confidence in using ICT, as well as their conceptions of learning. Exploratory multiple regression analysis addresses the importance of these different factors at the level of the educator for use of ICT in teaching practice. Even though teacher educators adhere to a constructivist approach to student learning, the use of ICT applications in teaching practice remains limited, mostly replacing traditional teaching practices. The factors currently determining the use of ICT in teaching practice are ICT skills (β = .522) and computer confidence (β = .158). Suggestions are provided for the country to move beyond an access and skills based approach of integration of ICT in education and for emerging developing countries to cease the promise of ICT for education.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of ICT by teachers in selected secondary schools. It considers both the extent and type of use and the factors that may influence such use through the statistical analysis of data from a 30-section survey containing 185 items. First, exploratory maximum-likelihood factor analysis was used to identify five distinct categories, or types of use. Second, path analyses assisted in determining ten antecedent factors which significantly impacted on use from a total of 16 factors considered. These factors were confirmed using scale analyses. Finally, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine whether demographic/context variables were related both to use and to those factors directly influencing usage. Findings suggest a variety of types of professional development, as well as a range of infrastructural options, are needed to meet not only the varying needs of individual teachers, but also the varying ways in which ICT can be used. The implication is that the key outcomes for any professional development must be to increase teacher confidence in their ability to facilitate student learning with computers, along with the provision of stronger pedagogical motivation for teachers to integrate ICT.  相似文献   

This article is the result of a study carried out in 2008 and 2009 by a team from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in order to evaluate the implementation of the Digital Whiteboard Program in public schools in the region of Aragón (Spain).  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the development of students’ high-level computer skills and competence (student expertise) in information and communication technology (ICT), and to examine the characteristics of such expertise. Eighteen lower secondary school students, selected to represent both genders and all school achievement levels, were given laptops for three years to be used both at school and at home. The data of the longitudinal study consisted of a test on ICT skills; self-evaluation questionnaires on ICT competence, thoughts about their own expertise, ICT-related activities and task, interest in ICT, and classroom observations. The results of the study indicated that the intensive use of ICT and the process-oriented learning environment supported the development of student expertise. In the analysis, three groups were identified, which oriented themselves somewhat differently in relation to ICT: student experts (n = 6), advanced users (n = 8) and non-interested users (n = 4). The experts differed from the other groups in respect of especially focusing on advancing their ICT skills; they had undertaken ICT-related tasks outside the school, they had metacognitive consciousness about their competence, and they had future plans concerning ICT in their further education and profession.  相似文献   

Many lecture halls today have two or more screens to be used by instructors for lectures with computer-supported visual aids. Typically, this additional screen real estate is not used to display additional information; rather a single stream of information is projected on all screens. We describe a controlled laboratory study that empirically assesses the effect on students learning of using the increased classroom screen real estate to project an additional stream of information. We measured how well participants learned from a two-stream presentation compared to a one-stream presentation duplicated on both screens. Data indicate that using extra screen real estate can indeed improve learning. In particular, learning was most improved when pertinent prior information was shown alongside currently explained information. There is also evidence that visual comparisons were improved with parallel viewing using extra screen real estate. Subjective data gathered from participants showed a strong preference for learning with two streams of content over a regular one-stream presentation.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been widespread interest in the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools. While most studies primarily focus on the use of ICT in teaching and learning, little attention has been given to their incorporation as a professional tool outside the classroom. Using a digital inequality approach, the aim of this paper is to develop and test a model of the factors that affect teachers' professional use of ICT, particularly the Internet, in primary and secondary schools. One thousand four hundred and five (1405) teachers from a representative sample of 536 primary and 273 secondary schools in Spain were surveyed. The dependent variables include attitudes towards the professional use of ICT and the use of the Internet in professional practice. The explanatory variables are the socio-demographics, school-level information, frequency of Internet access within and outside the school, educational ICT training, digital literacy, and organisational development. Controlling for socio-demographics and school-level information, multiple regression analyses are used to make inferential judgements and test the separate effects of the independent variables. Findings suggest that technological factors and organisational practices are important predictors of ICT appropriation for professional purposes.  相似文献   

With the expansion of digital content, academic integrity has been facing the growing threat of cyber-plagiarism. In the present research, we address young Taiwanese students' perceptions of cyber-plagiarism. Our research included two related studies: in study 1, we collected data through a national survey on a probability sample of 41,911 (4th–12th graders) and analyzed the prevalence and alternative thinking about cyber plagiarism among these students; in study 2, we collected 113 young students' anonymous questionnaires inquiring into the reasoning that the students applied to their own use of online resources for homework. The results of our research show that the prevalence of frequent copy-and-paste students was less than 3% of the surveyed 4th–12th graders in Taiwan. Moreover, we have found that copy-and-paste practices were more prevalent among the 10th and 12th graders than among students in the other grades, and that more male students than female students engaged in copy-and-paste behavior. We have also found that these students’ concept and their ways of using Internet information properly seem incorrect. We suggest that educators implement copy-and-paste prevention curriculum throughout elementary, junior high, and high schools. We offer teaching advice for the prevention of cyber plagiarism, encouraging educators to teach students appropriate ways to resolve copy-and-paste problems.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to investigate how national ICT development level and individual ICT usage will influence achievements in reading, mathematics, and science for 4th and 8th grade school students. Large-scale international databases, including TIMSS 2011, PIRLS 2011, and PISA 2012, were employed in the current study. Hierarchical linear models (HLM) were applied to examine both country- and individual-level variables. According to the findings of this study, the national ICT development level is a significant positive predictor for individual academic performance in all three subjects for both 4th grade and 8th grade students, while the national economic development level was controlled for. Such finding indicates a similar trend of the ICT influences for both groups, although there exists a difference in terms of the extent of the relationships. In addition, individual-level ICT use is a significant predictor, even if students' gender and socioeconomic status are controlled for; however, its influence is mixed across different student groups and subjects depending on the ICT usage type.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a Department of Culture, Museums and Sport (DCMS) funded project which provided modest amounts of time for teachers to be freed from their classroom teaching to explore the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in their subject teaching, and to meet up together to discuss their use of new technology. The funding was sufficient to provide a day of supply cover for two groups of secondary teachers in different curriculum subjects (history and science) to meet towards the start of the academic year to discuss their use of ICT, a day of supply cover to work on their ideas and interests, and a day to meet together again towards the end of the year to share ideas and experiences.  相似文献   

To investigate the benefits and perceived effectiveness of instructional technology, students enrolled in several courses were compared on student evaluations of instruction, grades and an attitudinal questionnaire. The instructors of the courses taught the same course across two successive semesters, using traditional “chalk-and-talk” methods the first semester, and PowerPoint the next; all other techniques (e.g., exams, lecture material) were held constant. Results suggest that organization and clarity, entertainment and interest, professor likeability, and good professor behaviors were enhanced with PowerPoint although final grades were not.  相似文献   

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