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曾几何时,托管服务只是新进入者或备选网络运营商的选择.但今天,外包已经更多地被移动和无线服务提供商所采用;在被广泛接受的同时,它也将迈向一个新的更重要的层次.这是摩托罗拉服务部门公司副总裁兼总经理Eric Pradier的观点.他强调了正在发生的行业技术变革,这些变革将使托管服务公司更多地参与到运营商业务的战略领域.文章分析讨论了将被外包的项目种类,以及这些外包项目将如何影响服务提供商与其托管服务合作伙伴之间的关系.  相似文献   

曾几何时,托管服务只是新进入者或备选网络运营商的选择。但今天,外包已经更多地被移动和无线服务提供商所采用;在被广泛接受的同时,它也将迈向一个新的更重要的层次。这是摩托罗拉服务部门公司副总裁兼总经理Eric Pradier的观点。他强调了正在发生的行业技术变革,这些变革将使托管服务公司更多地参与到运营商业务的战略领域。文章分析讨论了将被外包的项目种类,以及这些外包项目将如何影响服务提供商与其托管服务合作伙伴之间的关系。[编者按]  相似文献   

盛磊  李文郁 《信息通信》2014,(9):185-186
介绍了河南电力通信网综合业务管理系统的设计实现,对其需求背景、功能设计、技术架构、实现方法及性能优势进行主要阐述。该系统实现了CRM用户关系管理、综合营账计费、客服呼叫中心等八项主要功能,具备较完善的综合客服、营账计费及经济分析功能,基本达到电信运营商级别的综合业务管理能力。  相似文献   

从全球范围来看,电信运营商正加快进入战略转型期,这种转型将是围绕着业务、网络、运营3个环节进行的紧密结合而又相互影响促进的长期系统工程。面对越来越复杂的网络,运营商希望获得合作伙伴的更多服务来提升他们的效率和业绩,而当他们将内部的成本支出转化为托管或外包的形式后,较高的运营增长即可出现。阿尔卡特朗讯中国的《实现网络最大价值新方略》一文,分析了全球电信市场的需求,详细介绍了阿尔卡特朗讯托管及网络管理外包服务,其中通过介绍美国Sprint和新西兰电信的案例,表明引入阿尔科特朗讯的专业管理服务使得运营商大幅提高业务部署能力,并推动了其运维新模式的创新。文章内容详实,可供各运营商参考。  相似文献   

随着电信运营商业务的不断发展、用户数量的不断增加,支撑其业务的计费账务系统也将会越来越复杂、庞大,为系统运维和业务支撑带来了新的挑战。因此,在全网全业务的发展形势下,研究和开发全业务计费账务系统成为了电信运营商最为重要的工作。文章从电信运营商计费帐务系统现状出发,详细地研究和探讨全业务电信运营商计费帐务系统建设方案,有效支撑电信运营商的高速发展。  相似文献   

舒文琼 《通信世界》2013,(14):28-28
与第三方厂商合作是运营商在集客市场的必然选择,但在合作的同时其相互竞争的关系依旧存在,在这种既竞争又合作的博弈中,运营商的核心优势在于强大的计费能力。传统意义上,运营商面向集团客户提供的业务以固定通信、宽带网络、数据中心、服务器托管、呼叫中心等为主,现在随着移动技术的发展和终端的逐渐智能化,移动业务开始渗透进入集团用户,不仅改变了传统的  相似文献   

耿岩 《通信世界》2008,(30):I0003-I0005
随着电信行业的重组、三大国内运营商都将能够提供传统的移动/固定语音业务和基于IP的多媒体业务,业务的多样化和复杂化空前提高,这就对运营商的计费系统提出了越来越严峻的挑战。为此,运营商需要构建一个能够支持下一代网络多业务发展的融合计费系统,满足复杂的资费套餐以及多业务融合的需求。本期专题重点介绍传统移动运营商和固网运营商现有计费系统向全业务融合计费的演进。  相似文献   

针对运营商大小视频运营现状,细化分析内容、产品、分账三个计费要素,归纳总结视频业务、应用业务、游戏业务、电商业务四种计费模式。然后剖析主动掌控计费点、代计费、被分账三种运营商计费点管控模式,探索融合内容计费、家庭体系内容计费、灵活营销内容计费、多产品形态内容计费、大小屏协同内容计费等运营商融合计费模式。最后展望运营商内容计费前景,提出四个"统一":统一账号体系、统一内容管理、统一计费收敛、统一数据支撑。  相似文献   

目前,传统电信运营商面临着向综合信息服务提供商转变的历史性挑战,运营商将提供更加灵活、个性化、差异化的新业务,实施丰富的营销策略,而作为运营企业核心业务支撑系统的计费账务系统也将面临复杂的变化。计费账务系统作为整个运营支撑体系的重要组成部分,新一代计费账务系统是对现有计费账务系统的重新梳理和整合,既要完整承接原有计费系统,保证原有系统的功能和数据平滑迁移和割接到新系统中,又要支撑运营商新的运营模式。在我国最近的电信增值应用中,支持手机增值应用的需求快速增长,其中手机游戏尤其是一个高速增长点。由于手机用户难…  相似文献   

构建融语音,数据、视频于一体的下一代网络是电信业界多年的梦想。宽带的普及,应用的融合,托管和外包业务的流行以及移动技术的发展正在使这一梦想成真。电信运营商需要创新和融合的基础设施,在提高现有业务供应水准的同时,为未来的业务提供生命力更长久的框架,此外还必须拥有提供增值和个性化的手段,为用户带来全新的通信体验。从“单一语音供应商”走向“综合电信运营商”已成为电信运营商的必由之路。  相似文献   

电话号码查询是一种基本电信业务,不但可服务于用户,甚至可成为一项赢利的业务。电话号码查询按查询方式可分为非在线号码查询(包括白页和黄页)及在线号码查询。目前一些国家和地区的号码查询业务随着更多运营商的加入而变得复杂,因此,管制机构开始重新修订规则,出台了一系列的规定和规范,以便提高号码查询业务的服务质量。  相似文献   

移动资费套餐面面观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国外的经验看,资费套餐最早出现在长途业务领域,但真正得到大范围推广是在移动通信领域。目前移动通信公司采用的资费套餐多具备以下的特点:低门槛进入策略,针对不同的用户群、使用时间、使用量采用业务优惠政策,对企业用户采用折扣方案,根据拨打电话对象的属性确定资费套餐,围绕品牌制定资费套餐。美国移动运营商的价格策略基本上分为三类:本地或区域服务方案、全国服务方案和预付费服务方案。  相似文献   

光缆传输网是我国信息化建设的基础网络,其运行和维护水平直接影响服务质量.但相对于其它主通信设备而言,光缆线路是非核心设备,其维护技术含量较低、劳动密集程度高,企业易控制,适宜外包维护.分析了光缆线路维护的问题、外包决策动因,讨论了外包维护的内容与方式,并对外包维护的过程管理和改进措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The BT HP alliance was established to address the challenges that arise with global ICT outsourcing, bringing together the world-class capabilities of BT and HP to provide a full service outsource capability — where such an arrangement would yield benefit to BT, HP and clients. This paper will look at some of these challenges and in particular those which relate to the provision of ‘end-to-end’ service management. It describes the BT HP alliance’s approach to the delivery of an integrated service, and how the issues raised can be addressed using an integrated service architecture (ISA). The core components of the ISA, namely the customer portal, the service catalogue, the joint service delivery model (JSDM), the joint service delivery architecture (JSDA), and the supporting data storage, are identified and described. In order to describe the approach taken to develop the ISA, incident management is used as an example to show how the existing service delivery processes are aligned in the joint service delivery model. It is recognised that there are existing process standards and frameworks within both companies, and hence, in the early stages of establishing a joint service delivery capability, the approach is to rely on these existing processes and identify and harmonise the necessary interfaces between them. The overall effect of this is to provide a seamless view of service delivery from the customer perspective. As well as aligning these processes, in some cases they are also bonded together, where it is appropriate and where there is an identified benefit. The paper will also describe the infrastructure and systems that have been put in place in order to electronically bond and automate processes by using the JSDA, taking the incident management process as an example. HP  相似文献   

Due to the problem of high cost and limited scalability of dedicated hardware middleboxes,it is popular for enterprises to outsource middleboxes as software processes to the cloud service provider.In the current network function outsourcing schemes,the cloud service provider requires the enterprise’s communication traffic and network strategy which poses a serious threat to the enterprise’s piracy.Based on prefix-preserving encryption,a privacy preserving network function outsourcing system was proposed.Compared with other similar schemes,the system not only realizes the privacy protection of communication traffic,but also has higher throughput and lower delay.  相似文献   

In order to make computationally weak cloud tenants can reconstruct a secret with efficiency and fairness,a cloud outsourcing secret sharing scheme was proposed,which combined cloud outsourcing computation with secret sharing scheme.In the process of outsourcing secret sharing,cloud tenants just need a small amount of decryption and validation operations,while outsource expensive cryptographic operations to cloud service provider (CSP).The scheme,without complex interactive augment or zero-knowledge proof,could detect malicious behaviors of cloud tenants or cloud service providers.And the scheme was secure against covert adversaries.Finally,every cloud tenant was able to obtain the secret fairly and correctly.Security analysis and performance comparison show that scheme is safe and effective.  相似文献   

通过剖析知识服务的内涵和特征,梳理知识服务中存在的问题,结合云计算的特性,给出共享学习模式下知识服务的新模式。构建了知识服务云平台体系结构,设计了知识资源层、知识融合层、知识服务层、运营服务与计费保障体系、客户应用层5个知识服务功能模块,实现了知识资源的共享和协同。  相似文献   

Technical communication appears to be crucial in research and marketing, but it is also vital in customer service and applications engineering. Perhaps most technical communicators are involved in customer service, where their skills are put to use in preparing reports of test results or business proposals. For OEMs in many industries, the trend is towards outsourcing the manufacturing of parts and concentrating on assembly. Most businesses succeed on the basis of how effectively they communicate with other businesses through their customer service departments. Vendors who supply parts in low volume and high complexity must be able to communicate effectively with their OEM customers. Using an actual example, the article summarizes the most important aspects of communication between the vendor and OEM  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) service availability is at the core of customer satisfaction and business success for today's organisations. Many medium‐ to large‐size organisations outsource part of their IT services to external providers, with service‐level agreements describing the agreed availability of outsourced service components. Availability management of partially outsourced IT services is a non‐trivial task since classic approaches for calculating availability are not applicable, and IT managers can only rely on their expertise to fulfil it. This often leads to the adoption of non‐optimal solutions. In this paper we present A 2thOS , a framework to calculate the availability of partially outsourced IT services in the presence of SLAs and to achieve a cost‐optimal choice of availability levels for outsourced IT components while guaranteeing a target availability level for the service. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The delivery of next generation IT and communications services to corporate customers is a principal part of BT’s growth strategy. These services range from IP virtual private networks, to hosted applications, through to fully managed solutions spanning complex IT and network infrastructures. The cost and flexibility of such services is increasingly dependent on the operational support systems (OSS), which automate activities such as provisioning, change, billing, and incident management. However, the OSS challenges for the service provider have never been so great — not only to support a wide-ranging portfolio of legacy products, but also a new generation of convergent products, while at the same time trying to deliver both improved service and cost savings. Moreover, in the corporate sector, large contracts are typically won in partnerships, and through outsourcing. The OSS must therefore interwork seamlessly with the counterpart OSS in each of the partner’s operations, pulling together to deliver a single managed service to the customer. This paper outlines BT’s solution to these complex OSS challenges, the application of its systems capability matrix to corporate customers, the relationship to its alliance with HP, the importance of standards such as ITIL, and how BT is levering its research and venturing capabilities to deliver a competitive edge through OSS.  相似文献   

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