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以温州市泰顺县为研究范围,深度调研县内现存118栋传统民居,分析并阐述该地区传统榴式民居建造现象,通过类型学方法,对榴式民居进行空间分型与年代分期,梳理传统榴式民居的分化以及当代的转化过程,并探讨榴单元作为传统空间中的营造模数在现代标准化和多样化住宅设计中的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

引入建筑现象学作为认识论,运用建筑现象学研究内容和方法,对晋中地区传统民居的建筑形式及其人文背景进行系统分析,探求明清时期晋中地区商儒文化背景下晋中民居独特的场所精神.通过对晋中地区传统民居进行现象学本质的探讨,进而探求现代人实现"诗意栖居"的可能.  相似文献   

摘要 以建构“民居建筑学”学科为出发点,通过回顾 20 世纪初至今的国内民居建筑研究历程,梳理及确定“民居建 筑学”学科层面上的研究内容、对象、方法等核心内容。国内民居建筑研究在近百年的发展历程中,逐渐呈现出其既 有的研究对象、研究内容与研究方法,使民居建筑学的学科属性逐渐明晰。今日所提出为抛砖引玉,展开争鸣,恳望 学界、业界对此展开广泛讨论,批评指导,唯望共同推进民居建筑学学科的发展。  相似文献   

芦正懋 《山西建筑》2009,35(17):15-16
介绍了结构主义是一种认识事物、解析现象的方法,指出民居独特的文化地理因素有着原型的价值,对结构主义与中国传统之民居建筑进行了分析,从民居建筑空间进行了论述,以达到重新思考结构主义建筑的效果。  相似文献   

类型学下的传统徽州民居解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭茜  程悦 《安徽建筑》2008,15(2):18-20
文章通过对传统的徽州民居进行类型学分析,试图探索其文化传统中相应的精神原动力,注重传统民居中内在不变的"原型",以类型学的研究方法来解析当代地域主义建筑创作实践,以期在我们的城市化过程中能传承和发展我们的传统。  相似文献   

戴海鹤  陈旭娥  郑亚男 《华中建筑》2008,26(12):248-249
简要阐述建国后民居研究发展50年的成就,以及如今研究遭遇的瓶颈。在研究的力度、系统性和研究的整体规划三个方面详细分析以省级行政区域划分民居研究区域的意义,以此拓展民居研究的观念和方法。  相似文献   

范涛  王欢  刘人恺  王健  江潮 《工业建筑》2019,(8):197-201
通过对新疆传统绿洲民居的建筑研究,从类型学角度出发,尝试通过转换模糊等手法将绿洲民居中的屋顶形式、阿以旺厅、双中庭、柱廊及灰空间、过街楼和荫房式光影运用到喀什远方物流港的电商货运信息中心的方案设计中。使其保留传统民居类型的基本特征,将传统民居结合地域特色的生态自然环境方面的本质得以延续,同时又能使传统民居中的空间感受在新的设计中呈现,可以增添使用者的归属感。  相似文献   

该文运用类型学的研究方法,通过对云南各地傣族传统民居进行分类研究和抽象提炼,将云南傣族传统民居建筑的"原型"——正房与前廊的二元空间构成进行横向对比分析,试图找出其空间构成的共性与特性,进而深入了解这些建筑特征的演变方式及本质原因。在此基础上,以便能更好地认识和传承傣族传统民居建筑空间的构成精华及其所承载的建筑文化内涵。  相似文献   

最初的黔中屯堡形成于明朝初年,是“卫所制度”下由外地征发至黔的军士就地屯驻营建、并经过600余年发展演变而成,其民居非常具有特色。为了总结屯堡民居的系统化、类型化特征,文章通过实地调研、详细测绘、空间分析等研究方法,概括了贵州安顺地区屯堡民居的建筑特色和基本形制,分析了各种民居类型的形成演变过程。文章的主要结论是:当地民居普遍形成了以“三合院”、“四合院”为基础的平面布局和石木结合的结构与立面形式,合院式民居是构成聚落的基本单元;铺面、随地形变化的院落、组合院落、碉楼-院落体系、外来文化影响下的院落等是基本形式的演变和发展;屯堡村落还形成了一种由“小院”而“大院”最终构成“村落”的构成方式。  相似文献   

李田颖 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):10-11
通过对晋南农村二十世纪五六十年代到现今各个时期民居的比较分析,论述了其"类型学"的发展原理以及现代技术的发展对其造成的影响,并在此基础上延伸探讨了继承古典的精神营养与现今的传承创新之间的关系,从而提升民居建筑的设计品质。  相似文献   

经济转轨背景下城市设计的演变历程和规律探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘代云  邱志勇  董禹 《规划师》2008,24(7):91-95
我国经济体制的转轨和建设机制的转型引发了城市设计的演变,促使城市设计在认识论层次上从思想理念向社会实践、从产品主导向过程主导演变,在方法论层次上从指令性控制向弹性引导、从“家长式”管理向制度化管理演变,在价值论层次上从粗放生产向有机生长、从技术工具向价值倡导演变。从总体上说,在经济转轨背景下,我国城市设计呈现从静态到动态、从工具理性到价值理性的演变规律。  相似文献   

现代生态规划对传统城市规划的启迪   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
鄢泽兵  万艳华 《规划师》2004,20(6):71-73
传统的城市规划至少可以从思想和方法两个方面,从现代生态规划中得到启迪。规划思想应从线性思维转向网络性整体思维,从人类中心论转向生态文明观,从以“为经济建设服务”转化为可持续发展。规划方法的启迪有:规划手段应由“硬”变“软”,规划依据应由“自上而下”变为“自下而上”,规划任务应由安排到引导,用地布局应由均质到异质。  相似文献   

随着科技发展与实践的深入,人们从追求简单性转向探索复杂性,科学思维方式由线性思维转向非线性思维。这启示我国大学管理思维要从封闭思维走向开放思维,从简单性思维走向复杂性思维,从确定性思雏走向随机性思雏。从经验性思维走向前瞻性思维。  相似文献   

自从1960与1970年代以来,更多的欧洲国家放松了它们的住宅政策。我们注意到从公共融资向私人融资的转变、从社会住宅向商业住宅的转变、从住房建设补贴向住房人头补贴的转变、从管制租金向市值租金的转变、以及从租赁房向自有房的转变。大部分这些转变都可以统称为"私有化"以及"自由化"这些定义不明的词语。然而,欧盟大部分国家的住宅金融体系仍然复杂而不合理,需要更多的住宅金融改革。我们将详述一种住宅金融改革的核心内容,包括如下几点:住房建设补贴、租户的住房人头补贴、自有房的税收优惠、房屋租赁政策、以及住宅联盟的角色。通过这种分析,我们勾画出欧盟国家住宅金融深入改革的轮廓。在不久的将来,中国也会考虑相似的住宅金融改革。  相似文献   

钱仁卫 《山西建筑》2004,30(19):7-7
针对上海地区文化复兴这一现象,利用以人为本的理念,着眼于整体的方法,运用系统理论,建立了从认识到方法,从分析到设计,全方位地开敞框架系统。  相似文献   

湖岽矿区处于南岭东西向构造带与武夷山北北东向断褶带的复合部位。区内有夕卡岩型、石英细脉带型和石英大脉型3类钨锡多金属矿化体;夕卡岩型钨锡多金属矿化体1条,呈似层状,长600 m,铅直厚度6~18 m,钨品位0.084%~0.256%,锡品位0.194%~0.41%;石英大脉型钨锡多金属矿化体17条,延长100~400 m,厚度0.05~0.5 m,钨品位0.024%~1.580%,锡品位0.104%~0.152%;石英细脉带型钨锡多金属矿化带6条,长320~550 m,宽12.6~41 m,钨品位0.021%~0.113%,锡品位0.025%~0.143%。文章重点阐述了矿床的地质特征,分析了成矿条件和成矿机理,建立了多位一体成矿模式,探讨了矿床成因,以期对矿区进一步找矿及外围找矿等有一定意义。  相似文献   

以广度、速度、高度、尺度、态度等5个因素作为建筑量度,总结了30年来中国建筑领域的发展脉络,并探讨了从"广度"覆盖到特色创造、从"速度"追求到品质提升、从"高度"膜拜到宜居探索、从"尺度"巨大到空间关怀、从"态度"转变到持续发展等5个建筑方向,展望了迈向美好人居的建筑文化发展前景。  相似文献   

Chicken litter is produced in large quantities from all types of poultry raising activities. It is primarily used for land application, thus it is essential to analyze its properties before it is released to the environment. The objective of this study is to compare the microbiological and chemical properties of litter generated from layer and broiler chickens reared under intensive and free-range production systems. The microbiological analysis consisted of the enumeration of total bacteria, total coliforms, Staphylococcus species, Salmonella species and Clostridium perfringens. Chicken litter from layers reared under intensive and free range systems showed lower mean total bacterial count than the litter collected from chicken broilers reared under either of the two systems (P=0.0291). The litter from intensive layers had the lowest mean total coliform counts (P=0.0222) while the lowest Staphylococcus species count was observed in the litter from free-range layers (P=0.0077). The C. perfringens count was the lowest in chicken litter from intensively raised broilers and layers (P=0.0001). The chemical properties of litter from the different chicken types and production systems were compared based on determination of pH, electrical conductivity, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, cadmium and zinc. Litter from free-range broilers showed the highest pH value (P=0.0005); however, the electrical conductivity was higher in the litter from both intensive and free-range layers compared to the litter from both broiler production systems (P=0.0117). Chicken litter from intensive systems had higher nitrogen content than litter from free-range systems (P=0.0000). The total phosphorus was the lowest in free-range broiler litter (P=0.0001), while the total potassium was the lowest in litter from intensively managed broilers (P=0.0000). Zinc appeared higher in litter from layers compared to that from broilers (P=0.0101). The cadmium content was higher in the litter from free-range broilers and layers compared to that in the litter from intensively managed systems (P=0.0439). Staphylococcus species in the litter as well as cadmium concentrations seem to be the most critical parameters presenting risks on the environment and on human health. Based on the lowest coliform counts (an indication of water pollution), the high nutrient levels and the low cadmium values, litter from intensively managed layers appears as the most suitable for application on agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are readily detected in biological samples at remote sites in the Arctic and sub-Arctic due to long-range transport from source areas. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of POPs, polybrominated contaminants and their metabolites in guillemot (Uria aalge) eggs from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway and Sweden to assess spatial trends of these compounds in the Arctic and sub-Arctic areas of Europe. Egg samples were extracted, and cleaned for chemical analysis. Concentrations of PCBs, 4,4′-DDE and β-HCH were an order of magnitude higher in eggs from the Baltic Proper compared to eggs from the North Atlantic. Concentrations of HCB were of the same magnitude at all sites, ranging from 160 to 520 ng/g fat. Concentration of BCPS was 100 times higher in eggs from the Baltic compared to eggs from the North Atlantic and seems therefore to be special regional problem. Concentrations of PBDEs were lower in eggs from the North Atlantic compared to eggs from the Baltic Proper but the difference was not as large as for PCBs and 4,4′-DDE. HBCDD showed the same spatial trend as PCBs, where the concentrations in eggs from the Baltic Proper were an order of magnitude higher than in eggs from the North Atlantic. OH-PCB and MeSO2-PCB metabolites of PCBs, showed the same trend as the parent compounds while spatial trends of MeSO2-DDE and OH-PBDEs, metabolites of 4,4′-DDE and PBDEs, respectively, differed from the trend of the parent compounds. This may be due to two factors; firstly, the limited ability of birds to metabolise DDT, and secondly, to natural production of OH-PBDE, respectively. Guillemot is suggested as a monitoring species for circumpolar monitoring.  相似文献   

以岭南为起点探析地域建筑实践的新动向,指出地域建筑实践从符号象征到形式抽象、由装饰表现到材料表现、由技术完备走向乡土低技、由简单分析走向多维定量等转变,并分析其积极意义及其局限。  相似文献   

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