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Practical applications of the electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) rely mainly on the effectiveness of reconstruction algorithms. In this paper the solution of the inverse problem with the focus on the ECT imaging is reformulated to be an optimization problem by introducing a new loss function with regularizes encoding multiple features of solution. An iterative scheme that decomposes a complex optimization problem into several simpler sub-problems is developed to solve the proposed loss function, in which the linearization approximation and the acceleration strategy are introduced to improve numerical performances. Numerical experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed imaging method in tackling the ECT inverse problem.  相似文献   

Imaging objects in electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) measurement are often in a dynamic evolution process, and exploiting the spatial–temporal properties of the dynamic reconstruction objects is crucial for the improvement of the reconstruction quality. Based on the multiple measurement vectors, in this paper a robust dynamic reconstruction model that incorporates the ECT measurement information and the dynamic evolution information of a dynamic object, in which a series of dynamic images is cast as a third-order tensor that the first two dimensions are space and the third is time, is proposed. Under the considerations of the two-dimensional spatial structure property of a difference image and the spatial–temporal property of a third-order image tensor, a new objective functional that fuses the ECT measurement information, the dynamic evolution information, the temporal constraint, the spatial constraint, the low rank constraint of a difference image and the low n-rank constraint of a third-order tensor is proposed, where the images are reconstructed by a batching pattern. The split Bregman iteration (SBI) algorithm is developed for solving the proposed objective functional. Numerical simulations are implemented to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed algorithm on improving the reconstruction quality and the robustness.  相似文献   

Image reconstruction for electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is to retrieve the permittivity distribution of materials inside the sensor from the capacitance measurements outside. It is a typical inverse problem and has long been a challenge for its nonlinearity and ill-posedness. This paper discusses the application of Tikhonov regularization, widely used for ill-posed problems, to the image reconstruction for electrical capacitance tomography. Two methods using different regularizations are investigated, which are the standard Tikhonov regularization and the Tikhonov regularization based on the second order derivative operator. Particularly, a combined method using the linear back projection (LBP) result as the prior constraint for the Tikhonov regularization with the second order derivative operator is suggested. Simulation and experiment results show that this combined method takes advantages from both the linear back projection and the Tikhonov regularization and provides reconstructions better than those from the LBP and the Tikhonov regularization. In addition, considering the essence that the Tikhonov regularization can be described as a spectral filter characterized by its corresponding window function, we propose the possibility of applying other window functions to the ECT image reconstruction, which include the Gauss window, the Hanning window, the Blackman window, and the cosine window. Results also show the feasibility of using window functions as regularization, which presents a new strategy for the regularization of ECT image reconstruction.  相似文献   

Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is a visualization measurement method for two-phase flow. Imaging permittivity distributions using electrical capacitance tomography has always been one of the most significant issues studied by scholars, and the algorithm will have a great impact on the accuracy of image reconstruction result. This paper applies simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to image reconstruction in ECT. However, some parameters of SA algorithm need to be optimized in order to obtain better reconstructed images in ECT. The influence of different parameter values in SA algorithm for image reconstruction in ECT is studied, and a set of optimal parameters of the SA algorithm is obtained based on the orthogonal experimental design method in this paper. At the same time, simulation and static experiments are conducted. Reconstructed images by SA algorithm with optimized parameter are compared with the linear back projection (LBP) and Landweber iterative algorithms. The results show that better images can be obtained for typical oil-gas two-phase flow using SA algorithm. The quality and shape fidelity of reconstructed image for the central object are obviously improved.  相似文献   

Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is a non-invasive measurement technique that estimates the dielectric permittivity distribution of an inhomogeneous object from the boundary potentials at floating electrodes or mutual capacitances. In this paper, a stochastic inverse technique based on genetic algorithm (GA-ECT) is developed, which is adapted to the two different methods, i.e. potential measurement and capacitance measurement. Numerical simulation results are presented to evaluate the inverse technique both for noise free and noisy data and the results show that quantitative image can be reconstructed not only with the low permittivity contrast but also with the high contrast. Furthermore, the influence of a priori knowledge to image reconstruction is discussed.  相似文献   

Image reconstruction algorithms play an important role in practical applications of electrical capacitance tomography. In the present paper, a combined image reconstruction method is proposed, which takes the results of Landweber algorithm as the constraint condition of Tikhonov algorithm's regularization parameter, calculates the regular parameter, inverts the inverse matrix of sensitivity matrix, and finally obtains the dielectric constant distribution; thus, reconstructed images with improved clarity were obtained. Simulation test are carried out to evaluate and analyze the proposed method from image error, correlation coefficient, image reconstruction time, and anti-noise ability. The results revealed that the Tikhonov regularization algorithm had excellent anti-noise ability; thus, it significantly improved the clarity of reconstructed images and clearly distinguished the multi-phase flow pattern and distribution.  相似文献   

基于预优化变换的电容层析成像图像重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新型快速电容层析成像的图像重建算法。该方法首先将图像重建的病态问题转化为泛函极小化问题,然后采用Fletcher-Reeves算法(FR)有效地求解该泛函,并在求解的过程中引入物理意义上的约束使获得的解更符合实际情况。数值实验表明该算法的图像重建效果优于线性反投影法、Tikhonov正则法和Landweber迭代法,而且该算法具有较强的抗噪声能力。  相似文献   

Sensor sensitivity field in electrical capacitance tomography is affected by the distribution of multiphase medium, which is the peculiarity of soft field. This brings great difficulty for image reconstruction. To improve the quality of image reconstruction, it is important to analyze the distribution of the sensitivity field. In this article, using the finite element method, we expound a kind of novel plotting pattern to field, which is the distribution of sensitivity field through computer simulation. From experiments and results of sensitivity field analysis, a novel method of image reconstruction based on genetic algorithms is presented. The finite element model is correct and simulation result is fine by adopting unequal interval plotting patterns. At the same time, the result of image reconstruction has high precision. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2005, 26(3) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

研究基于概率统计的电容成像图像重构算法,以马尔科夫随机场的方式给出介电常数分布的先验概率,利用电容成像(electrical capacitance tomography,ECT)线性模型得到似然函数,通过马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov chain Monte Carlo,MCMC)方法对介电常数分布的后验概率密度进行采样,马尔科夫链的转移核利用Metropolis-Hastings方法得到,结合嵌套迭代提高计算效率。仿真结果表明,嵌套迭代-MCMC方法在正则化参数设置合适的条件下,可以得到较好的图像质量,基于MCMC方法图像重构算法为解决ECT图像重构问题提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

基于加权奇异值分解截断共轭梯度的电容层析图像重建   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
针对电容层析成像技术(ECT)中的"软场"效应和病态问题,提出了一种基于加权奇异值分解(SVD)截断共轭梯度的电容层析(ECT)图像重建算法。阐述了电容层析成像工作原理,提出了12电极ECT系统的测量方法。在分析灵敏度矩阵的奇异值分解理论的基础上,推导出了加权SVD截断共轭梯度的数学模型,并利用Tikhonov方法进行正则化加权处理。最后,分析了算法的收敛性,并将其应用于电容层析成像系统的图像重建中。实验结果表明,对于层流,截断共轭梯度算法的平均误差能达到27.54%,全部流型平均迭代步数达到13步,与LBP、Landweber和CG算法比较,该算法具有成像效果好,成像速度快,易于实现等特点。  相似文献   

Electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is considered as a promising visualization measurement technique, in which reconstructing high-quality images is crucial for real applications. In this paper, a robust dynamic reconstruction model, which incorporates the ECT measurement information and the dynamic evolution information of a dynamic object, is presented. Under the considerations of the low rank property of an ECT image and the inaccuracies on the sensitivity matrix, the reconstruction model and the measurement data, an objective functional that fuses the ECT measurement information, the dynamic evolution information of a dynamic object, the spatial constraint, the temporal constraint and the low rank constraint is proposed. An iteration scheme that integrates the advantages of the fast composite splitting (FCS) algorithm is developed for solving the proposed objective functional. Numerical simulations are implemented to validate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

电容层析成像系统图像重建新算法的研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
快速而又具在一定精度的图像重建算法是电容层析成像(ECT)技术的关键。本文提出一种用多元线性回归法建立ECT系统正向模型,用正则化法获得图像重建这一不适宜逆问题稳定解的图像重建新算法。仿真结果表明该方法能快速而较高精度地重建出两相流断层图像。  相似文献   

Capacitively Coupled Electrical Resistance Tomography (CCERT), which is on the basis of Capacitively Coupled Contactless Conductivity Detection (C4D), is a novel electrical tomography technique. As a developing technique, more research work should be undertaken. This work focuses on the study of image reconstruction algorithm of CCERT. Combining Tikhonov regularization principle and Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT), a new hybrid image reconstruction algorithm is proposed. Tikhonov regularization is introduced to obtain the initial reconstructed image. SIRT is used to obtain the final reconstructed image. With a 12-electrode CCERT prototype, image reconstruction experiments are carried out. Experimental results show that the images reconstructed by the proposed image reconstruction algorithm are satisfactory and are in accord with the actual distributions of two-phase flows. The research work also indicates that the proposed image reconstruction algorithm is more suitable for image reconstruction of CCERT, comparing with the conventional image reconstruction algorithms of Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) and Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT).  相似文献   

电容层析成像系统传感器设计新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电容层析成像系统中,为了提高重建图像的精度,常用的方法是提高成像传感器的极板数目,以获得较多的图像重建所需的独立电容测量值数目,但这种方法是以牺牲检测场的灵敏度为代价的。该文提出了一种在有限极板数条件下通过改变极板的组合方式成倍提高成像系统的独立电容测量值数目的方法。仿真结果表明该方法在不降低检测场灵敏度的前提下提高了电容测量值数目,从而提高了图像重建质量。  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust image reconstruction algorithm for electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is proposed. The key feature of the algorithm is the use of adaptive mesh refinement based on total variation (TV) in solving the inverse problem. It keeps the edge preserving and scale-dependent properties of total variation regularization, and enhances the distinguishability by using adaptive mesh refinement. This strategy improves the spatial resolution efficiently with less calculation and is less underdetermined than uniform refinement. Simulation and experimental results show that the algorithm performs better than both standard Tikhonov regularization and the conventional total variation method.  相似文献   

We present a new image reconstruction method for Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT). ECT image reconstruction is generally ill-posed because the number of measurements is small whereas the image dimensions are large. Here, we present a sparsity-inspired approach to achieve better ECT image reconstruction from the small number of measurements. Our approach for ECT image reconstruction is based on Total Variation (TV) regularization. We apply an efficient Split-Bregman Iteration (SBI) approach to solve the problem. We also propose three metrics to evaluate image reconstruction performance, i.e., a joint metric of positive reconstruction rate (PRR) and false reconstruction rate (FRR), correlation coefficient, and a shape and location metric. The results on both synthetic and real data show that the proposed TV-SBI method can better preserve the edges of images and better resolve different objects within reconstructed images, as compared to a representative state-of-the-art ECT image reconstruction algorithm, Projected Landweber Iteration with Linear Back Projection initialization (LBP-PLI).  相似文献   

电容层析成像图像重建是一个典型的病态问题,它的解是不稳定的。为了获得有意义的重建结果,能够保证解的稳定性而又能提高重建图像质量的方法应该被采用。本文提出了一个新的电容层析成像图像重建算法。在分析标准Tikhonov正则法的基础上,针对ECT逆问题的病态特点利用Quantile估计和加权l_p范数构建扩展的目标泛函,将图像重建问题转化为一个最优化问题;在此基础上用Newton法求解该泛函。数值实验表明该算法是可行的,能够有效克服ECT图像重建的数值不稳定性。就本文所考察的重建对象而言,该法所重建图像的空间分辨率得到了提高。而且该算法计算直接、无需任何复杂的技巧,从而为ECT图像重建提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

The image reconstruction of the electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) is an ill-posed and sparse problem. In order to increase the accuracy and speed of the image reconstruction, this paper proposes a new reconstruction algorithm which is based on the extreme learning machine (ELM) with the Landweber iteration method. Firstly, a nonlinear mapping model is established between the pixel gray-scale values and the interelectrode capacitances by using the ELM which has a good learning ability and high speed. Secondly, the Landweber iteration method, which has a good performance in convergence and stability, is applied to calculate the output weight matrix of ELM. Finally, a convergence and stable mapping model of ELM with the Landweber iteration algorithm (L-ELM) for ECT image reconstruction is trained on Matlab platform. Both simulation and measurement tests are carried out to evaluate and analyze the proposed method. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm has good generalization ability and high image reconstruction quality which are better than those of conventional ELM algorithm.  相似文献   

An innovative method using electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) to trace a large object's motion on an air distributor in a fluidized bed is described here. The method fills the large object to be traced with a high permittivity material, and then a recalibration process is applied to reduce the nonlinearity caused by the large permittivity difference between the tracer particle and other fine particles in the measurement zone. The local dynamic threshold selection method is performed on the reconstructed image to locate the tracer particle's position.Static simulations and dynamic experiments testify that tracer particles with a diameter of one ninth of the measured cross-section and a fluidization velocity v/vcr≤4.2 can be accurately located and traced. Employing this method to trace the motion of a spherical object in a bed shows that the fluidization velocity significantly influences the directional motion of a large, heavy object on an inclined air distributor.  相似文献   

动态电容层析成像图像重建算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘靖  王雪瑶  刘石 《仪器仪表学报》2015,36(10):2355-2362
提出了融合ECT测量信息和被测对象动态演化信息的新型图像重建模型;基于Tikhonov正则化方法,建立一个同时考虑了ECT测量信息、被测对象动态演化信息、时间与空间约束的新型图像重建目标泛涵,将图像重建问题转化为最优化问题;提出了集成分裂Bregman迭代法优势的新型算法求解该目标泛涵。数值仿真结果表明,所提出的图像重建算法其图像重建质量均优于OIOR算法、STR算法及PLI算法;同时由于所提出的图像重建算法同时考虑了测量数据和重建模型的不精确性,其抵抗测量噪声的能力得以提高。  相似文献   

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