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穆祥纯  刘能文 《特种结构》2011,28(3):111-118
本文系统地介绍了笔者在加拿大考察期间,对渥太华、蒙特利尔、多伦多和温哥华等地的城市桥梁建设的总体印象和分类考察情况。其中,阐述了加拿大在城市桥梁建设上体现传统与创新的成功经验,并介绍了其在城市古老和近代桥梁、城市大跨径桥梁和其它现代城市桥梁的建设情况。笔者希望为国内同行提供有借鉴意义的资料和相关启示,以期促进我国城市桥梁建设的健康发展。  相似文献   

多伦多滨水区之东部湖湾区复兴改造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1多伦多城市滨水区复兴改造概况多伦多是加拿大最大的城市.是安大略湖北岸一个迅速成长的大都市。为防止城市无序蔓延,多伦多市从1999年开始致力于滨水地区的复兴与改造工作。2001年,加拿大联邦、安大略省及多伦多市三级政府成立了多伦多滨水复兴公司(Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation,以下简称TWRC公司).负责协调.管理与多伦  相似文献   

一、多伦多市的郊区(一)大多伦多地区的人口和土地多伦多市是加拿大人口最多的城市和北美第五大城市,是加拿大的金融中心,也是多伦多都市区和大多伦多地区经济、文化和政治中心。整个城市南北宽20公里,沿安大略湖东西长43公里,辖区面积630平方公里。2006年统计人口为250.3281万人,人口密度每平方公里3972人,地区编码为416。这里之所以提到地区编码是因为当地人十分看重地区编码,这个编码只在多伦多市里使用,而多伦多大部分郊区则使用905的地区编码。  相似文献   

正一多伦多位于安大略湖西北岸,与纽约城只有1小时的飞行距离,是加拿大最南的城市之一。事实上,其纬度几乎与北加州相当。因此,多伦多气候颇为温和,拥有加拿大最暖和的春季及夏季。多伦多是全球著名的多元化都市,其丰富多彩的族裔特色,令这座城市缤纷绚丽,绽放无穷魅力。多伦多拥有傲人的城市风景线,包括美丽迷人的安大略湖,全世界第二高的建筑、现代奇观之一的加拿大国家电视塔,延绵数里的湖滨走廊,众多世界著名的建筑设计师在这里留下大手笔。多伦多是集欧陆风情、北美风光和东方风格于一体的城市,融合欧洲和亚洲风格的建筑和广告招牌,闪烁着异样光芒的摩天  相似文献   

Pedro  F  Marcelino  刘建明 《景观设计》2008,(2):28-35
众多国际性城市的评定标准都将多伦多市列为全球最适宜居住的城市之一.而多伦多的城市形象也完全符合这一殊荣。作为带动加拿大经济发展的领军城市,有260万常住人口的多伦多市被公认为北美地区绿化范围最广、最具经济活力和最具创新意义的城市。在过去的3年半里,多伦多市荣唐过的奖项达50项之多。  相似文献   

始于1980年代的健康城市项目正逐渐成为一个促进城市可持续发展、推动健康促进、改善人民生活质量的新途径。欧洲作为健康城市项目进展较好的地区,近几十年健康城市及健康城市项目在不断的实践和发展过程中出现了一系列变化,如健康城市特征的变化,健康城市项目内涵的演变等。本文结合大量文献资料对欧洲健康城市运动进行分析和剖解,并重点介绍英国、波罗的海地区等案例,为我国健康城市运动建设及城市规划实践提供了借鉴性的框架。  相似文献   

始于1980年代的健康城市项目正逐渐成为一个促进城市可持续发展、推动健康促进、改善人民生活质量的新途径.欧洲作为健康城市项目进展较好的地区,近几十年健康城市及健康城市项目在不断的实践和发展过程中出现了一系列变化,如健康城市特征的变化,健康城市项目内涵的演变等.本文结合大量文献资料对欧洲健康城市运动进行分析和剖解,并重点介绍英国、波罗的海地区等案例,为我国健康城市运动建设及城市规划实践提供了借鉴性的框架.  相似文献   

2007年11月20日至12月6日,我们一行对美国和加拿大进行了为期15天的参观、考察。先后参观了美国的旧金山、洛杉矶、圣迭哥、拉斯维加斯、华盛顿、费城和纽约,以及加拿大的多伦多、温哥华等主要城市.重点考察了城市街区、市政中心、中央商务区、规划区范围的城市基础设施及人居环境建设发展情况等.传承英、法文化和体现北美区域特点的美国和加拿大,在规划理念的人本性、  相似文献   

刘建明 《景观设计》2010,(3):I0022-I0025
多伦多是加拿大最大的城市,有“加拿大经济引擎”之称。制砖厂的转型是多伦多后工业时代的标志性景观干预之作。在多学科团队的通力协作下,一块占地约650万平方米的东谷制砖厂和一块后工业时代旧址被改造成为新兴的注重环保的社区中心。该项目由多伦多一个名为“常青树”的非营利组织发起,该组织致力于将城市社区再次完美融入当地生态系统的各种项目。  相似文献   

为了解加拿大在城市古老桥梁、城市大跨径桥梁和其他现代城市桥梁的建设情况,以及该国如何在城市桥梁建设上体现传统与创新的相关经验,借鉴其成功做法,更好地从事我们的桥梁设计工作,2010年9月中旬笔者曾对加拿大的渥太华、多伦多、蒙特利尔和温哥华等城市的城市桥梁建设进行了实地考察,考察团与加方相关的人员进行了业务交流。  相似文献   

在城市公共健康问题日益受到关注的今天,城市的发展是否充分考虑并满足健康城市的需求逐渐成为评价城市品质的重要指标。城市公园作为与居民最密切的城市公共空间之一,是健康城市建设的重要内容。以加拿大温哥华为例,通过分析城市公园与运动设施在城市与社区中的布局、建设、管理模式的成功经验,并通过典型案例分析,说明温哥华如何通过公园系统创造更好的运动条件和设施,来培养市民健康生活习惯,激发居民的运动热情。通过这些经验的借鉴,让我们能够从公共健康的视角,更好地提升和优化中国目前在城市公园定位、规范指标研究、部门统筹及设施管理上的不足,从而营造更健康积极的环境,为公园城市的建设与发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

"健康城市"是当前国际上兴起的城市营建理念,它以人的身心健康作为城市规划建设的核心。本文基于这一独特视角针对加拿大城市中慢行环境的营建进行了分析。加拿大城市以"健康城市"理念为出发点,以整合城市慢行空间和提升城市健康水平为目标。据此本文对中国健康城市的建设提出了完善慢行系统所应采取的规划策略,从而促进城市的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

The theoretical basis for analysing the role of innovation in economic development is assessed, as is the application of such theories to urbanisation processes. It is concluded that innovation lies at the heart of economic development and that urban development has important feedback effects on national economic development. Analysing these feedbacks requires a sophisticated data set allowing the analysis of input-output relationships in urban systems over time. In the absence of such data, industry employment classifications are used as a proxy for economic structure in an analysis of United States and Australian cities. Particular kinds of cities in the urban hierarchy can be analysed in terms of their economic structure and this can then be related to national economic development trends. The contributions of categories of city (particularly by size class) to economic development can then be explored. Obviously, results will vary with the era of economic development covered by the data. However, in all eras, certain kinds of cities will emerge as leaders in the process of urban economic development and will also play a crucial role in national economic development.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years or so, cities have been including literature and writers on architectural and urban projects, by more readily asking them to participate in the urban policy creation process. In response to requests, writers have collaborated with architects on planning projects involving tangible depictions of literature in the city. The present article proposes an analysis of this increasing literary presence within urban planning and landscapes: How is literature physically incorporated into the layout and management of today's cities? Results from qualitative surveys conducted across various French and European cities over the past several years help frame this investigation. A number of “literary” urban planning projects built in French cities during the mid-1990′s will serve as a focal point for this endeavor. The projects analyzed herein were executed by members of the OuLiPo movement (a literary group dedicated to enhancing the potential of literature). Intended for both scholars and practitioners alike, this study explores how such new literary practices interact with the modern city, in revealing the professional realignments and changes in operating patterns occurring in both urban planning and urban design. It also critically assesses the models, values and paradoxes underlying today's cityscapes. The integration of literature into urban projects influences modern spaces in a way that contrasts: between striving towards democratization and social inclusion, between an initially subversive project and a shift favoring the mainstream, between a collaborative contextual approach and the dual effects of exclusion and relegation, all of which stem from stamping a “high-minded culture” on the city.  相似文献   

曹前满 《国际城市规划》2012,27(3):102-106,112
城市建制变迁发展看似上层政府政策的偶然产物,其实政策背后有城市自身的深层逻辑支撑.政治及其制度变量决定城市制度的变迁进程缓与急.城市行政建制制度演进体现在城市的服务与距离、规模与自治能力、规模与效能的三重逻辑中,文章就此展开论述日本和韩国的城市制度变迁的基本经验.围绕行政权力,或为应对城市问题解决,演绎出城市行政建制制度发展的不同轨迹.  相似文献   

国外慢城市生活研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近10年来,国外发达国家在慢餐、慢城、慢活等倡导性运动的基础上演绎出慢城市生活的研究,与低碳城市、人文城市、社会城市等理念一道成为城市研究的新领域。本文回溯了国外慢城市生活研究的缘起、慢城市联盟框架及实质,结合中国城市发展的实际,提出了以慢城市理念为基础的城市生活空间及阶层化生活行为方式的城市研究,目的在于抗衡我国城市化快速发展阶段的城市重经济发展轻社会生活及空间剥夺等生活不公平现象,构建人本、包容的城市生活空间及发展方向。  相似文献   

以经济一体化和自然生境一体化为特征的"双重全球化",既显示出世界城市秩序互动发展的强大动力,也显露出全球范围内发展的更大不确定性和极限约束。阐述了"双重全球化"秩序中浮现出的新发展阶段的城市空间、自然生境和文化重塑等新命题的相互关系。并以系统整体的视角,解析在双重全球化约束下形成的城市发展的内在驱动力、助推力和"第三种作用力"——粘滞力对城市健康发展至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,城市的形成可以追溯到公元前3500年.在这漫长的历史长河中,城市像生物界的进化一样,由于不同的地理环境,社会结构,生产力发展水平和政治文化制度的不同而形成了性格特点迥异的城市母体,同时也积累了深厚的文化底蕴.然而现在,随着人口的增加,科学技术的发展,城市规模日益扩大,现代化的生活方式和建造手段在很短的时间...  相似文献   

Post-colonial capitalist Hong Kong and rapidly developing Shenzhen in China's socialist market economy have both adopted a pro-growth strategy to cope with challenges imposed by a globalizing economy. This development philosophy has exerted tremendous pressure on both cities, pushing them further away from the path of sustainable urban development. Despite the policy rhetoric of pursuing sustainable development, both city governments have refrained from identifying and analysing sustainable urban development issues. While the top-down elite-dominated polities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen are working hard to attain world city status, both cities lack a sustainable development strategy. Without a critical rethink of the growth-first mentality, sustainability principles such as an ethical utilization of natural resources and aspirations for intra- and inter-generational equity are not put on the policy agenda. Despite recent efforts to clean up the environment, it is uncertain how these two growing cities will proceed as the global economy itself is starting to capitalize on sustainability efforts to further capital accumulation.  相似文献   

Underground Pedestrian System (UPS) has been developed around the world especially within the central areas of mega cities during the past century. UPS development has occurred for various reasons. Factors from both natural and built environments have contributed to UPS developments in major cities around the world. In cities with severe weather conditions such as Toronto (Canada), a cold Winter City and Oklahoma City (United States), a windy city, UPS have provided a climate-controlled environment for social, entertainment, retail and commercial activities. In dense urban settings such as Tokyo, Japan and Shanghai, China, UPS provide opportunities for much more comprehensive and intensive usage of urban spaces, by accommodating multiple urban functions that is comparable to that which occurs at street level. This research selected 19 UPS cities as cases studies to explore the prevalence of the four influencing factors namely climate, subway construction, land usage and the economic environment. The research revealed the degree of prevalence of these four aspects for UPS cities and determined the differentiating factors of the natural and built environments that resulted in the establishment of UPS. Further analysis based on SPSS statistical tests examined the differences between developing and advanced economies in relation to the prevalence of these factors. The research findings indicated that there are statistically significant differences that help to explain the existence of UPS in developing and advanced economies according to economics, the presence of subway systems and city scale. These differences highlight the different stages of urban development of the studied cities, typified by differences in urban spatial structure that are apparent when comparing cities in developing and advanced economies.  相似文献   

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