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油田管道的防腐措施有三种。一是外防腐,这种防腐方法在生产实践中应用较早,现在所采用的防护管道的基本措施是将外腐蚀与阴极保护相结合,这也是当前最行之有效的防护管道腐蚀的方法。经常采用的外防腐的方法有在管线上涂防腐蚀的涂层,用包扎带将管线缠包起来两种,同时再结合阴极保护就能达到保护的目的。内防腐有很多种方法,比如使水处理系统与氧气隔绝,通过改变管线所处环境来防腐;通过使用内涂层、内衬技术等方法。  相似文献   

聚乙烯(PE)管道内衬修复技术在工业、市政燃气和供水管道领域已经大量应用,修复后的管道是由旧管道和内衬PE管复合而成,内衬PE管道的选材、加工控制、管道的壁厚、等级、主管道漏点大小、介质温度等因素都对修复及修复后管线的运行产生很大影响。根据国内外的最新资料和应用经验对此进行了探讨,并提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

概述了化子坪区集油管线腐蚀的主要原因是化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀,电化学引起的腐蚀最为严重,分析了腐蚀机理,提出了采用更换管线、添加缓蚀剂、涂层外防腐及管线HCC纤维复合防腐内衬技术进行管线防腐。  相似文献   

本文对塔河油田THl0106井管道腐蚀原因进行了分析,对非开挖管道防腐修复技术进行了比选,确定采用风送挤涂聚合物砂浆工艺对管道进行内衬防腐修复,内衬层在对管道腐蚀穿孔点进行修复的同时起到了良好的防腐作用,满足了生产要求。  相似文献   

河南油田双河油矿在高压注水管线的修复作业中,应用聚乙烯塑料管穿插内衬管道修复技术获得成功,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益。 穿插衬装高密度聚乙烯(简称HDPE)管是一种全新的管道修复技术。该技术是将高密度聚乙烯管插入需要修复的旧管道内,利用原旧管道的刚性和强度为承力结构以及高密度聚乙烯管耐腐蚀、耐磨损、耐渗透等特点,形成“管中管”复合结构,使修复后的管道具备钢管和HDPE管的综合性能。 该技术对旧管线清洗要求低,减少了清管时间和投入,不仅施工周期短、费用低,而且可将管道的接头数目降到最低,减少了停产时间。同时,修…  相似文献   

采用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)管内衬技术对旧管线修复后,管线的耐腐蚀性、耐磨性、抗损耗性均得到了提高.该技术可广泛应用于?90mm~? 900mm各种油水旧管线的修复,其修复费用为更换新管线综合费用的50%左右,使用寿命可达50年.  相似文献   

在石油、化工行业,解决输送管道的内防腐和修复再生技术一直是人们所关心的问题。据不完全统计,目前,全国每年因腐蚀破坏而停产、更换的各类管线总长达上千公里,所造成的经济损失达数十亿元之多。以中原油田为例,1986年,仅濮城油田一处就更换管线近万米,损失达200多万元。在这些腐蚀损坏的管线中,绝大部分又是由于内部输送介质对管材的腐蚀而造成的。因此,在研究管道内壁防腐的同时,找到一种使业已严重腐蚀、甚至局部穿孔的旧管线得以修复、再生的技术,已经成为一个刻不容缓且能带来巨大经济效益的课题。  相似文献   

由独山子石化公司研究院自行研制生产的聚乙烯管道防腐专用料,近日经过多家管道生产厂家使用表明,符合油气输送管线制造行业标准,完全满足埋地钢制管道对防腐层的性能指标要求,取代了传统的沥青防腐技术。  相似文献   

大口径输水管道在长距离输水工程中应用时,其内部防腐涂装特别重要。结合项目施工,选用DN1400的不锈钢管道采用水泥砂浆内衬防腐制备试验试块,先对其物理性能进行分析研究,然后在中性盐雾加速腐蚀的环境下,对涂层附着力观察测量,分析水泥砂浆的耐腐蚀性能,最后考察了水泥砂浆内衬防腐对水质的影响。结果表明水泥砂浆内衬防腐,在大口径输水管道长距离输水中耐腐蚀性好,对水质影响小。  相似文献   

覃铭 《化工之友》2007,(15):29-30
介绍埋地管线的防腐方法,着重介绍长输埋地管道的涂敷层防腐的施工技术。  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 2009, application of the rehydroxylation (RHX) technique for dating fired‐clay ceramics has been controversial, with very few satisfactory dating results collected in the interim. The stability and efficiency of this technique has been called into question by several investigators in the last few years, who have struggled to reproduce and validate this new dating method. Based on our new mass gain measurements for ca. 2000–7000 yrs old ceramic artifacts, the reproducibility in the RHX process rate is analyzed and discussed. Timespan analysis was performed, and age uncertainty related to RHX dating technique was evaluated by considering the error propagation. The results show poor reproducibility of the RHX process in the samples of the same origins, which give new evidence for a revision of the RHX protocols.  相似文献   

内蒙古金达威药业公司胆固醇的生产采用单效蒸发进行浓缩,不仅能耗高,而且蒸发过程易结晶,使蒸发器传热系数减小,需定期(约4小时)清洗蒸发器,为了克服原工艺的缺点,将单效升膜蒸发改为逆流双效升膜蒸发,新工艺不仅单位蒸发量的能耗比旧工艺节省约41.0%,而且浓度高的料液在温度高的第一效蒸发,使结晶现象大大减小,只需10小时清洗一次蒸发器,生产能力比旧工艺提高约21%.新工艺是高效节能、操作方便、运行可靠的工艺.  相似文献   

In the last years, an emerging repair and strengthening technique for concrete slabs has been used, consisting of applying a thin layer of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) onto the slabs. The performance of the strengthened structural system depends on the bonding behaviour between old and new concretes. Adhesives based on epoxy resins currently make this liaison. The prices of these adhesives are quite different depending, mainly, on the percentage of pure resin that they include. In the present paper, three commercial adhesive compounds of distinct prices and properties were selected to bond concrete substrate and repairing SFRC. The bond behaviour was assessed from pull-off tests and the influence of the strength class of concrete substrate and repairing SFRC was analysed. Finally, the performance of the adhesives was evaluated considering both the bond strength and their prices.  相似文献   

对彩虹荧光粉厂原废水处理方案进行了分析,通过化学方法和生化法对其进行了改进试验,得出了非常满意的处理效果。  相似文献   

相国寺气田是个老气田,井口压力低下,末期开采需进一步降低井口回压,采用高低压分输技术能够提高气田、气井采收率。本文分析该技术在相国寺气田末期开采中应用效果,得出该技术在不上增压机节约投资成本的条件下起重要作用。  相似文献   

V. Hill  N. Baker 《Lipids》1983,18(1):25-31
We have hypothesized that the in vivo-in vitro technique of Stein and Stein for studying free fatty acid incorporation into adipose tissue triglycerides and phospholipids may introduce artifacts due to diffusion barriers such as collagenous membranes, especially in fat pads of old animals. By using this technique in young and old mice and peeling the external cells, either physically or by collagenase treatment, we were able to show that the outer adipocytes are preferentially labeled. However, this pattern of heterogenous labeling occurred in fat pads of both young (10–14 weeks) and old (80 weeks) mice. Fat pads are known to develop thicker, collagenous outer membranes during aging. Therefore, it seems likely to us that the marked decrease in free fatty acid esterification in fat pads of old mice, using the in vivo-in vitro method that we have described previously and confirmed here, could have been due to greater diffusion barriers in the tissues of the older mice.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(6):1157-1162
A reduced temperature drying schedule was investigated as a means of improving grade recovery of structural veneer cut from water stored southern pine logs. Fresh cut, one year old, and three year old logs were evaluated. In total, close to one thousand sheets of veneer were evaluated. Reducing the temperature in the last zone of the veneer dryer from 193 to 177°C substantially decreased incidence of grade-reducing splits. Moisture content average and distribution were not effected. Water sorption tests showed favorable results from the one year old material that was dried at the reduced temperature schedule. Relatively high thickness variation of veneer cut from water stored logs had no apparent affect on final moisture content average or distribution. Reducing the zone three temperature by 16°C increased the total veneer drying times by 13 and 19%, respectively, for the three year old and one year old material.  相似文献   

A reduced temperature drying schedule was investigated as a means of improving grade recovery of structural veneer cut from water stored southern pine logs. Fresh cut, one year old, and three year old logs were evaluated. In total, close to one thousand sheets of veneer were evaluated. Reducing the temperature in the last zone of the veneer dryer from 193 to 177°C substantially decreased incidence of grade-reducing splits. Moisture content average and distribution were not effected. Water sorption tests showed favorable results from the one year old material that was dried at the reduced temperature schedule. Relatively high thickness variation of veneer cut from water stored logs had no apparent affect on final moisture content average or distribution. Reducing the zone three temperature by 16°C increased the total veneer drying times by 13 and 19%, respectively, for the three year old and one year old material.  相似文献   

收集了近十年来国内的常温干法精脱硫专利,并分类列举出各种脱硫剂的物化性质和几种常温精脱硫工艺,重点阐述了该技术的优缺点及其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

强化混凝技术在水处理工程中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先指出常规水处理工艺的局限性,然后介绍了强化混凝技术的内涵及其理论基础,并对强化混凝技术的影响因素进行了分析,最后对强化混凝技术在水处理工程中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

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