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This paper documents and analyzes recent trends in Federal energy research and development programs. In light of the marketplace philosophy of the present Administration, the possible benefits of a strong Federal research program versus the potential advantages of relying on private sector research programs to develop new technology alternatives are analyzed in some detail. The impacts of the Reagan budget cuts and other initiatives on several major energy programs, including nuclear power, photovoltaics, and conservation, are also analyzed. This analysis reveals some of the difficulties inherent in attempting to project the consequences of particular policy decisions in a complex and changing environment, and identifies some of the problems of trying to evaluate the success of particular programs or actions on a limited time scale.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the influence of water in determining the rate of methanol synthesis over CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. The experimental investigations were conducted in a 1-L slurry reactor based on the novel liquid phase methanol synthesis process. The liquid medium used was a blend of paraffinic and naphthenic mineral oils with a mean molecular mass of 250. It was found that the methanol rates attained a maximum at an optimal water content which was dependent on the reaction temperature. The catalytic activity was found to decline with time at lower temperatures in the presence of a relatively large excess of water. The influence of water was also found to be firmly linked to the corresponding carbon dioxide content in the reactor feed. The experimental data bear additional significance because this was the first such study to be performed on the liquid phase process. Emphasis was therefore placed on the use of a CO-rich syngas in order to simulate anticipated process conditions.  相似文献   


This work focuses on the influence of water in determining the rate of methanol synthesis over CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. The experimental investigations were conducted in a 1-L slurry reactor based on the novel liquid phase methanol synthesis process. The liquid medium used was a blend of paraffinic and naphthenic mineral oils with a mean molecular mass of 250. It was found that the methanol rates attained a maximum at an optimal water content which was dependent on the reaction temperature. The catalytic activity was found to decline with time at lower temperatures in the presence of a relatively large excess of water. The influence of water was also found to be firmly linked to the corresponding carbon dioxide content in the reactor feed. The experimental data bear additional significance because this was the first such study to be performed on the liquid phase process. Emphasis was therefore placed on the use of a CO-rich syngas in order to simulate anticipated process conditions.  相似文献   

Subsurface geothermal gradients play a significant role in oil exploration. Based on a synthesis of bottom-hole temperatures recorded in electric logs from 74 exploratory and development wells in various parts of Pakistan, a study of geothermal gradients was undertaken to delineate the temperature regimes and to identify the oil window in various areas. Case-histories of known accumulations are given to substantiate the results. The first-ever iso-geothermal gradient map of Pakistan is presented. A regional correlation of the oil window, superimposed with stratigraphy, is attempted for the first time, providing a unique exploration tool. Several indications, based on geothermal gradients, are given for the regional prospects of oil and gas.  相似文献   


Many properties of heavy oils are Influenced by the presence of asphaltenes. According to solubility studies, asphaltenes are the most polar fraction of heavy oils, but the magnitude of the dlpole moment is not known. We quantified this parameter by applying dielectric spectroscopy to several heavy oils with different asphaitene concentrations, and the response of the permanent dlpoles was measured as a function of concentration and temperature. The asphaltenes have dielectric constants ranging from 5 to 7. Calculations Indicate more than one dlpole per asphaitene molecule. The diameter of the dlpole center was assessed to be 3 to 6 A.

The probe was extended to study the Involvement of dlpoles In asphaitene aggregation. As the concentration of asphaltenes exceeds 10%, the dielectric constant exhibits substantial negative deviation from linearity, signifying the onset of Intermolecular Interactions (the pairing of dipoles in head-to-ta1l configurations to form clusters). Raising the temperature Increases the dielectric constant. Indicating dissociation of the aggregates. Based on comparison of these results with the dielectric behavior of model compounds the role of dipoles in the process of asphaitene association has been demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Many properties of heavy oils are Influenced by the presence of asphaltenes. According to solubility studies, asphaltenes are the most polar fraction of heavy oils, but the magnitude of the dlpole moment is not known. We quantified this parameter by applying dielectric spectroscopy to several heavy oils with different asphaitene concentrations, and the response of the permanent dlpoles was measured as a function of concentration and temperature. The asphaltenes have dielectric constants ranging from 5 to 7. Calculations Indicate more than one dlpole per asphaitene molecule. The diameter of the dlpole center was assessed to be 3 to 6 A.

The probe was extended to study the Involvement of dlpoles In asphaitene aggregation. As the concentration of asphaltenes exceeds 10%, the dielectric constant exhibits substantial negative deviation from linearity, signifying the onset of Intermolecular Interactions (the pairing of dipoles in head-to-ta1l configurations to form clusters). Raising the temperature Increases the dielectric constant. Indicating dissociation of the aggregates. Based on comparison of these results with the dielectric behavior of model compounds the role of dipoles in the process of asphaitene association has been demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

糠醛精制在基础油生产中的作用和地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊依智 《润滑油》2005,20(2):34-39
介绍了国内外几种典型的糠醛精制工艺及其在不同基础油生产工艺中的应用情况,提出糠醛精制工艺几乎在所有润滑油基础油生产工艺中都具有举足轻重的作用,包括传统的糠醛精制—酮苯脱蜡~加氢(白土)补充精制工艺和新兴的加氢处理及异构脱蜡工艺等,从而应予以充分重视。  相似文献   


The test fuel used in this investigation was a petroleum derived jet A fuel from Rastanura refinery, Saudi Arabia. The physical and chemical tests of fuel, and one month sunlight storage experiment exhibited the stability of fuel. Accelerated and ambient storage stability tests, conducted using model nitrogen compounds in jet-A fuel and n-decane, indicated that the rate of sediment formation was dependent on the structural features of nitrogen compounds and storage conditions. The pyrrole and indole derivatives did not produce any appreciable sediment except 2,6-dimethylpyrrole. Air, temperature, dissolved oxygen and light all strongly accelerate the process of sediment formation. On the other hand removal of dissolved oxygen significantly reduces it. Acids and phenols act respectively as accelerator and inhibitor towards sedimentation. The reaction has a low apparent activation energy and appears to involve a free radical oxidative self condensation of nitrogen compounds. The tower O/C ratios of sediment also supported the view point that oxidation is a key aspect of jet fuel thermal instability. Approximately 25 different types of possible structures were identified from average properties of sediments as analysed by elemental analysis, infrared and mass spectrometric methods.  相似文献   

Abnormal profiles of organic matter maturation in overpressured sequences, which express the retardation of maturation, are a worldwide phenomenon; however, the cause of this retardation has not been explained satisfactorily. Clearly, the different types of pressure in an overpressured regime must be identified in order to determine their role in the retardation of organic matter maturation. Differential pressure is shown to have a marked influence on the maturation of organic matter through its effects on the thermal properties of the source-rock system. Vitrinite reflectance data from several wells in basins offshore NW Europe have been used to calibrate source-rock maturation against differential pressure and “effective temperature ” (i.e. observed temperature in an overpressured sequence corrected to the temperature at the same depth in a normally-pressured sequence). High correlation coefficients with vitrinite reflectance have been measured for both relationships. Differential pressure is a determining factor in porosity reduction. Temperature and porosity affect the thermal conductivity of a rock in both overpressured and normally-pressured sequences according to established formulae. Cumulative heat flow, the product of observed temperature and thermal conductivity, is an important value which is affected indirectly by differential pressure. A close linear correlation between cumulative heat flow and vitrinite reflectance is proved. Cumulative heat flow can be related to thermodynamic properties of source-rock systems, and it can be compared to the enthalpy of a system or the internal energy of a reaction. In overpressured sequences, conditions resemble those of constant pressure and constant volume reactions. As a result, cumulative heat flow can be taken as a measure of the final state of a reaction, corresponding in this discussion to the level of vitrinite reflectance. So it can be used as a guide to the state of source-rock maturation in both normally-pressured and overpressured sequences.  相似文献   

地热流对石油生成的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢鸣谦 《石油学报》1981,2(1):41-48
从有机生油理论来看,温度和热梯度是有机质向石油转化的主要条件。在生油母质的转化过程中,热催化分解是重要的机理。因此,温度和热梯度是颇为重要的。本文用目前世界特大油气田的资料与全球热流值的分布进行对比,并结合我国各油区油层温度资料对石油生成作些初步探讨。  相似文献   

地壳热水流体在油气形成过程中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热水流体在地球内普遍存在,且常常进行大规模的迁移,在地表以下2km往往就可形成达到生油要求的门限温度。目前,在油气地质研究中,对地壳热水流体在油气成藏过程中作用的认识尚很不深入。通过文献调查分析及研究认为,在油气成藏过程中热水流体的作用主要体现在3个方面:1热水流体与烃源岩发生水岩反应,有利于油气的生成与排出;2热水流体与烃源岩发生加氢反应,有利于沉积有机质向烃类的转化和提高烃类物质的产量;3热水流体是烃类物质从烃源岩到成藏聚集构造的运移载体。加强上述各方面的研究,有助于深入了解油气形成与成藏的机制,进而服务于油气勘探预测。  相似文献   

用热力学原理分析和评价了热电厂工艺过程的能量分布状况。确立了工艺过程中能量或有效能损失的大小、原因及分布情况;确立了过程的效率;并对热力学分析的三种基本方法的特点及优劣进行了探讨;为制定装置的节能措施,实现生产过程最佳化提供了依据。  相似文献   

在微波促进的离子热合成分子筛条件下,考察了有机胺的添加效果.结果表明,有机胺在微波促进的离子热合成分子筛的过程中可能具有结构导向作用.在添加了有机胺的条件下,用微波促进的离子热合成法成功地合成出了纯相的AlPO4-5分子筛,并对材料进行了XRD以及扫描电镜表征.  相似文献   

液力能量回收透平在石化行业中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
较为详细地介绍了液力能量回收透平技术的发展情况,并通过对国内外使用液力透平的情况调查,从技术和经济两个方面对液力透平应用和发展做出了客观评价。  相似文献   

The surface properties and gel forming propensity of biwetted ultrafine solids (BUS) derived from Athabasca fine tails were studied. The hydrophobic nature of the organic matter associated with the surfaces of these biwetted solids is believed to be responsible for the observed accelerating effect of the BUS on gelation. Our results indicate that prevention or reduction of the amount of BUS entering the tailings pond could have a beneficial effect with respect to fine tails formation. It is also apparent from these results that any structural model, proposed to explain gelation should take into account the attractive forces due to the presence of organic matter.  相似文献   

Before making a critical evaluation of the crude oil and natural gas prospects for the years to the end of the century, it is necessary to review the geology and structure of the three German hydrocarbon-producing provinces. Furthermore, past exploration, production and reserves should be discussed. The three hydrocarbon-producing provinces are: the NW German Basin, the Upper Rhine Graben and the Molasse Basin, which together make up about 41% of West German territory (Fig. 1). The NW German Basin contains a sedimentary sequence over 8,000 m thick ranging in age from Permian to Quaternary. Gas and oil, the two natural hydrocarbons, are generally confined to separate lower and higher stratigraphic levels respectively (Fig. 2). The NW German Basin is the most important prospective area in West Germany. It extends into the North Sea. The tectonic rift feature of the Upper Rhine Graben originated in the Eocene. The Tertiary fill is over 4,000 m thick. Oil is found mainly in Mesozoic, Eocene and Oligocene rocks; the Miocene and Pliocene reservoir rocks contain natural gas almost exclusively (Fig. 3). The Molasse Basin is part of the foredeep north of the Alpine and Carpathian mountain ranges. The basin is filled with Upper Eocene to Pliocene and Quaternary sediments which, near the Alpine nappes, reach a thickness of over 5,000m (Fig. 4). During this century there were peaks in annual oil-production in 1910, 1940 and 1968 (see Fig. 5). The 1910 peak was the result of drilling activity in the Wietze oilfield. During the period 1934–1945, government financial aid was made available for drilling exploration wells. The success of this collaboration is demonstrated by the oil output in 1940 of 1 × 106 t. After World War II, many different types of oil-bearing structure were found, particularly by reflection seismic techniques in conjunction with detailed stratigraphical and palaeogeographical investigations. The success achieved can be seen by the peak of 8 × 106 t oil production for 1968 (Fig. 5) and in the growth of oil reserves (Fig. 7). Intensive exploration also enabled many new gasfields to be developed, especially in the deeper horizons of the NW German Basin. In 1971, estimated gas reserves reached 360 × 109 m3 (Fig. 11), and annual gas production in 1979 was 20.7 × 109 m3 (731 Bcf) (Fig. 9). There is, no doubt, still scope for the discovery and exploitation of oil and gas in Germany, especially in the NW German Basin where the best prospects for the future lie. This is borne out by two recent offshore oil discoveries and also by the successful application of enhanced recovery methods in the oilfields. The chances of finding more gas at the lower stratigraphic levels are promising now that gas has been discovered in the deeper parts of the Permian basin. The results of massive-hydraulic-fracturing tests in low-permeability pay-horizons are also encouraging. The deeper parts of oil- and gas-producing basins contain interesting prospects and have yet to be tested by ultra-deep wells. Provided that the economic climate remains favourable, there should be no difficulty in finding and supplying German oil and gas in the future. Geologically and technically possible reserves should be converted into proven and/or probable reserves. German crude oil will be available for several years beyond the year 2000, and German natural gas for a far longer time. A production rate of 19 to 20 × 109 m3 of gas per annum is feasible over the next twenty years, and oil production will probably not sink below 3 × 106 t/a in this period.  相似文献   


The surface properties and gel forming propensity of biwetted ultrafine solids (BUS) derived from Athabasca fine tails were studied. The hydrophobic nature of the organic matter associated with the surfaces of these biwetted solids is believed to be responsible for the observed accelerating effect of the BUS on gelation. Our results indicate that prevention or reduction of the amount of BUS entering the tailings pond could have a beneficial effect with respect to fine tails formation. It is also apparent from these results that any structural model, proposed to explain gelation should take into account the attractive forces due to the presence of organic matter.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地多种能源矿产共存特征及其相关性   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鄂尔多斯盆地蕴藏着丰富的石油、天然气、煤炭、煤层气、砂岩型铀矿等能源矿产,其分布具有南油北气、上油下气、煤层分布广、盆缘有含铀矿化及富集煤层气的特点。物质"来源"研究表明,石油主要源自中生界湖相源岩;天然气除了上古生界煤系源岩外,海相灰岩对成藏也有贡献;煤层气主要由聚煤中心煤化作用形成;铀源可能有中酸性花岗岩的贡献,也含有赋存层位的铀质来源。成矿年代及形成机理表明,它们之间存在着一定的内在成因联系,特别是侏罗系煤层不能形成大型油藏、煤系作为天然气的主力贡献、煤层气区对深盆气的形成补充以及天然气对铀矿化的还原作用等方面表现均较为显著。  相似文献   

分析了重油催化裂化装置经过历次改造后节能方面的现状,找出了目前工况下在烟气回收利用、余热回收利用方面的差距;并就烟气热量的回收、油浆高品质能量的合理回收、低温热的利用和降低富气线路压力降等方面的节能措施进行了探讨分析。  相似文献   

本文着重研究了高能气体压裂过程中,井温随时间的变化规律。用爆炸力学的计算方法,对美国提供的实测资料进行了理论计算,得出了可以直接定量计算和预测在实际的压力-时间变化规律下对应的温度-时间变化规律。研究结果与美国及原苏联的研究结果基本符合,证明爆燃石井下温度远低于火药爆然时的瞬时温度。文中指出,改变与控制点火方式就可以控制燃烧速度及爆压值,进而达到控制井温的目的,利用井温的变化过程可以找到井下解堵的办法等。这些为高能气体压裂的现场实施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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