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一个单采样头的支气管剂量计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关祖杰  余君岳 《核技术》1998,21(12):725-730
提出了一个只有一个采样头的便携式支气管测量计,采样头分别由一层400目金属筛网和滤膜组成,采样气流面速为12cm/s,采样后分别对筛网和滤膜同时测量其总α计数,可得氡子体照射气管支气管(T-B区)的年有效剂量(mSv/A)如将采样头与主动式活性炭盒串接采样测定氡气浓度,则还可以计算出以μSv/(aBq.m^-3)为单位的剂量转换因子,给出了这种支气管剂量计的设计思想和试验性测量结果。  相似文献   

为系统研究单层丝网法测量氡子体未结合态份额中结合态氡子体的影响,本研究基于理论分析和实验测量,评估了同一种环境下不同目数的丝网对结合态氡子体的收集效率,分析了同一种丝网应用于不同的环境测量时结合态氡子体对未结合态份额测量的影响。研究表明,不同目数的金属丝网对结合态氡子体的收集效率并不高(0.7%~1.0%),但由于典型室内环境中结合态氡子体占比较高(~92%),结合态氡子体的存在会导致氡子体未结合态份额的测量值出现一定的系统性正偏差(3.1%~9.5%),且该系统性正偏差随丝网目数的增加而增加。同一目数丝网,从室内环境直接应用于室外、矿山环境时,由于结合态氡子体中粗粒子模态占比较高,导致氡子体未结合态份额测量值出现较大偏差。从理论计算结果看,典型室外、矿山环境的偏差分别达40.3%和113%,这说明在使用单层丝网法测量氡子体未结合态份额时,有必要针对不同环境对金属丝网进行优选,尽量减少氡子体未结合态份额测量偏差。  相似文献   

基于ICRP 66号报告中的呼吸道生物动力学模型,采用MATLAB软件中的Simulink仿真工具,建立了人体呼吸道的廓清模型,利用建立的廓清模型计算了不同参数条件下肺部有效剂量转换系数(mSv/WLM)的变化规律。结果显示吸入氡子体粒径对肺部有效剂量转换系数的影响最大,当粒径在0.7~10 000 nm之间变化时,肺部有效剂量转换系数的变化能达到10倍以上;其次是呼吸率,呼吸率直接决定了吸入氡子体粒子的数量,当成年男性重度工作状态时肺部有效剂量转换系数是睡眠状态下的4.2倍;未结合态份额对剂量转换系数的影响会随着吸入氡子体粒径值不同而发生改变,当未结合态份额从0变化到0.08时,肺部有效剂量转换系数最多能增大79%;相比而言吸收入血速率对肺部有效剂量转换系数的影响只有不到4%。  相似文献   

氡子体比是指其短寿命子体218 Po、214 Pb、214 Bi的活度浓度的比值,是氡子体剂量评价中的重要参数,但环境中氡子体比的数据非常有限。为了解和把握城市典型环境中氡子体比的现状,并分析其对剂量转换系数的影响,本文利用便携式α谱仪,现场测量了城市典型室内外环境的氡子体比,并通过分析室内外环境氡子体比数据的特点,讨论了环境氡子体比对剂量转换系数的影响。测量结果显示,城市典型室内环境中氡子体比的平均值为1∶0.59∶0.58,典型室外环境中氡子体比的平均值为1∶0.50∶0.67。因各子体的剂量系数与它们的α潜能呈正比,所以氡子体比对剂量转换系数的影响很小。  相似文献   

为提高放射性气溶胶监测仪的灵敏度,消除天然本底即氡子体气溶胶的干扰是极为重要的。氡子体气溶胶分离器是利用氡子体气溶胶与人工放射性气溶胶的粒度特征的不同进行粒度分离采样的采样装置。将这种分离采样装置用于放射性气溶胶监测仪,在采样过程中将天然本底气溶胶预选掉大部分甚至绝大部分,这对于提高放射性气溶胶监测仪的灵敏度有极大的意义。本文对分离器的工作原理、刻度方法、实验结果以及需要注意的问题进行了介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

A stacked LR 115 detector consisting of two active layers was proposed for determining 210Po activity in glass surfaces after deposition of short-lived radon progeny. The sensitivities of both active layers were calculated. Two glass samples were exposed in a chamber to determine the experimental calibration factors for the radon gas and progeny, which were then compared with the theoretical calibration factors from simulations. The experimental and the simulated calibration factors for radon progeny agreed well. The discrepancy between the calibration factors for radon gas was due to a much higher equilibrium factor used in the experimental calibration than the nominal value assumed in the simulation. A mini-survey of contemporary and retrospective radon progeny concentrations was carried out at 10 residential sites. A relationship between contemporary and retrospective radon progeny concentrations was not readily observable.  相似文献   

本工作研制氡子体连续测量仪。仪器由泵主动采样,滤膜收集氡子体,采用半导体探测器测量α辐射,二道能谱法测量α计数,使用扣除算法计算氡子体潜能浓度,通过测量212Po的8.78MeVα计数消除220Rn对氡子体的测量干扰。仪器可在不更换滤膜情况下连续测量,测量周期可选择1、1.5、2和3h。采用MCS51单片机控制自动采样、测量和计算。测量范围为0.0015~100μJ·m-3,测量值大于0.1μJ·m-3时的测量不确定度小于10%。  相似文献   

本文基于α能谱法建立了无需频繁更换滤膜的220Rn子体连续测量方法,并在南华大学氡实验室开展了与标准220Rn子体参考水平定值方法的220Rn子体水平测量的对比研究。结果表明:在高220Rn子体水平测量环境中,ThB和ThC 8个测量周期的测量结果与参考方法的测量结果相差5.0%与7.0%左右。在低220Rn子体水平测量环境中,ThB 4个测量周期的测量结果与参考方法的测量结果相差控制在45%以内,ThC的控制在10.0%左右。在220Rn子体水平为100 Bq/m3左右的测量环境中,ThB和ThC的总不确定度均控制在5%左右;采样过程中沉积在滤膜上的气溶胶对滤膜自吸收的影响可忽略。该方法的建立将为222Rn/220Rn子体的准确、快速、连续测量提供技术手段。  相似文献   

基于空气中氡子体和气溶胶粒子的行为规律,研究了一种小体积氡室中氡子体状态参数稳定调控方法,即通过调节小体积氡室总换气率和气溶胶粒子数浓度实现氡及氡子体浓度、平衡因子和未结合态份额等状态参数稳定调控方法。建立了调控物理模型,根据模拟条件甄选氡子体和气溶胶粒子行为参数,采用Matlab模拟计算了小体积氡室氡子体状态参数的调控范围,并将模拟计算值与实验值进行比对,部分验证本文建立的调控方法。模拟计算结果表明,本研究所建立的调控方法可在小体积氡室内实现氡子体浓度、平衡因子和未结合态份额的稳定调控。本研究建立的调控方法为实验研究提供了初步的理论基础。  相似文献   

铀矿井下的独头巷道是氡及其子体浓度分布很高的场所。为指导抽出式通风独头巷道的排氡和排氡子体通风设计,初步完善了独头巷道通风气流中氡浓度与氡子体α潜能浓度之间的简化数学关系,分析了通风阻力对独头巷道岩壁氡析出率的影响;分别得出了抽出式通风独头巷道风流中氡浓度与氡子体浓度分布的数学计算模型,利用该模型分别得到了排氡和排氡子体最小风量的计算公式;针对具体的独头巷道,研究了巷道内氡浓度及氡子体浓度的分布规律以及排氡和排氡子体最小风量的变化规律。研究结果表明,距离抽出式通风独头巷道入口越远,巷道内氡浓度及氡子体浓度越高,氡及氡子体的浓度均随通风量的增大而减小,随岩壁氡析出率而增大;排氡和排氡子体所需的最小风量均随岩壁氡析出率而增大,随巷道长度而增大。  相似文献   

环境氡子体所致剂量大多采用环境氡暴露量和推荐的氡及氡子体平衡因子来近似估算。但不同场所的环境条件差异很大,氡及氡子体的平衡因子也相差较大,从而导致此种估算方法存在较大的误差。为了提高基于氡暴露量估算氡子体所致剂量的质量,典型场所氡及其子体平衡因子的测量是必要的。采用南华大学研制的NRL-Ⅱ氡连续测量仪和NR-200A氡子体连续监测仪,在秦山核电基地、湖南省湘雅附一医院、湖南省肿瘤医院、锦原铀业等几个特殊工作场所进行空气中氡及其子体的平衡因子测量。测量结果表明,在沿海地区室内及放疗场所的平衡因子都比推荐值要小约40%;有些通风好且采取空气净化措施的区域平衡因子更小;内陆大部分室内的平衡因子与推荐值相近。  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological studies of the association between lung cancer and exposure to radon and its decay products are reviewed. Particular emphasis is given to pooled case-control studies of residential exposures, and to cohorts of underground miners exposed to relatively low levels of radon. The residential and miner epidemiological studies provide consistent estimates of the risk of lung cancer, with significant associations observed at average annual concentrations of approximately 200 Bq/m3 and cumulative occupational levels of approximately 50 working level months (WLM), respectively. Based on recent results from combined analyses of epidemiological studies of miners, a lifetime excess absolute risk of 5 × 10?? per WLM [14 × 10?? per (mJh/m3)] should now be used as the nominal probability coefficient for radon- and radon-progeny-induced lung cancer, replacing the previous Publication 65 (ICRP, 1993) value of 2.8 × 10?? per WLM [8 × 10?? per (mJh/m3)]. Current knowledge of radon-associated risks for organs other than the lungs does not justify the selection of a detriment coefficient different from the fatality coefficient for radon-induced lung cancer. Publication 65 (ICRP, 2003) recommended that doses from radon and its progeny should be calculated using a dose conversion convention based on epidemiological data. It is now concluded that radon and its progeny should be treated in the same way as other radionuclides within the ICRP system of protection; that is, doses from radon and its progeny should be calculated using ICRP biokinetic and dosimetric models. ICRP will provide dose coefficients per unit exposure to radon and its progeny for different reference conditions of domestic and occupational exposure, with specified equilibrium factors and aerosol characteristics.  相似文献   

氡子体α能谱真空测量RaB的反冲损失率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
氡子体α能谱法测量时的真空度使RaB发生反冲损失,这会对氡子体测量精度产生影响并造成测量腔室的污染。本实验选用0.8 μm孔径的Millipore AA型滤膜,在流率为6.3、12.3和15.6 L/min下,使用ELPI粒径分析仪、α测量仪和α谱仪分别对氡室气溶胶粒径分布、滤膜自吸收系数及反冲损失率进行测量。结果显示:氡室内气溶胶浓度呈单峰分布;相应流率下的自吸收系数为0.978、0.980、0.989,反冲损失率为0.362 8、0.368 4和0.362 9;所得反冲损失率并未表现出较大的差异,但滤膜样品上由RaA衰变产生的RaB原子却有较大的反冲损失。  相似文献   

A flow-mode integrated sampler consisting of a wire-mesh and filter-paper array along with passive solid state nuclear track detectors has been developed for estimating unattached and attached fraction of 222Rn/220Rn progeny concentration. The essential element of this sampler is the direct 222Rn/220Rn progeny sensor (DRPS/DTPS), which is an absorber-mounted-LR115 type nuclear track detector that selectively registers the alpha particles emitted from the progeny deposited on its surface. During sampling at a specified flow-rate, the unattached progeny is captured on the wire-mesh; while the attached progeny gets transmitted and is captured on the filter-paper. The alpha particles emitted by the deposited progeny atoms are registered on the sensors placed at a specified distance facing the wire-mesh and the filter-paper, respectively. The various steps involved in the development of this flow-mode direct progeny sampler such as the optimization of the sampling rate and the distance between the sensor and the deposition substrate are discussed. The sensitivity factor of the DTPS-loaded sampler for 220Rn progeny deposited on the wire-mesh and filter-paper is found to be 23.77 ± 0.64 (track cm?2 h?1) (Bq m?3)?1 and 22.30 ± 0.18 (track cm?2 h?1) (Bq m?3)?1, respectively; while that of DRPS-loaded sampler for 222Rn progeny deposition, is 3.03 ± 0.14 (track cm?2 h?1) (Bq m?3)?1 and 2.08 ± 0.07 (track cm?2 h?1) (Bq m?3)?1, respectively. The highlight of this flow-mode sampler is its high sensitivity and that it utilizes the passive technique for estimating the unattached and attached progeny concentration, thus doing away with the alpha counting procedures.  相似文献   

A simple method for measuring radon concentration in air is presented. Airborne radon is adsorbed in a charcoal bed by an active air sampling. In time, the adsorbed radon comes to attain radioactive equilibrium with its short-lived progeny 214Pb. Utilizing this fact, radon concentration is derived from γ-ray measurement of 214Pb. This method is estimated to be capable of detecting radon concentration in air down to 0.79Bq·m?3 The adsorption coefficient obtained with the method is compared with what is obtainable with passive sampling. Applications of this method to indoor and outdoor radon measurements are described.  相似文献   

Solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) in diffusion chambers have been routinely used for long-term measurements of radon gas concentrations. In usual practice, a filter is added across the top of the diffusion chamber to stop the progeny from entering. Thoron can also be deterred from entering the diffusion chamber by using a polyethylene (PE) membrane. However, the thickness of the PE membrane is rarely specified in the literature. In this paper, we will present our experimental results for a radon exposure that the number of alpha-particle tracks registered by the LR 115 SSNTD in a Karlsruhe diffusion chamber covered with one layer of PE membrane is actually enhanced. This is explained by enhanced deposition of radon progeny on the outside surface of the PE membrane and the insufficient thickness of the PE membrane to stop the alpha particles emitted from these deposited radon progeny to reach the SSNTD. We will present the PE thickness which can stop the alpha particles emitted from the deposited radon or thoron progeny. For the “twin diffusion chambers method”, one of the diffusion chambers is covered with PE membranes. The optimal number of thickness of PE membranes will be determined, which allows the largest amount of radon gas to diffuse into the diffusion chamber while at the same time screening out the largest amount of thoron gas.  相似文献   

室内氡子体有效剂量转换系数受室内环境参数的影响。为了理解和评价室内氡子体有效剂量转换系数随换气率、气溶胶浓度和气溶胶粒径分布的变化关系,从室内氡子体模型出发,结合前人实测的室内环境参数,计算了典型室内环境氡子体剂量转换系数值,并重点分析了室内环境参数中换气率、气溶胶浓度、气溶胶粒径分布对室内氡子体剂量转换系数的影响。在换气率为0.55 h-1,气溶胶浓度1.0×104 cm-3,AMTD为1.0 nm,AMAD为200 nm的典型室内环境,氡子体有效剂量转换系数为28.4 nSv.(Bq.h.m-3)-1,考虑到室内环境参数的变化范围,该值可以在19.9~33.9 nSv.(Bq.h.m-3)-1范围内变化。  相似文献   

室内氡气体衰变产生短寿命氡子体,其子体的行为受室内换气状况、墙壁附着、子体同气溶胶粒子结合等物理过程的影响,宏观表征是未结合态份额和平衡因子受换气率、气溶胶浓度及气溶胶粒径分布状况等参数的影响。本文通过建立模型对室内氡子体行为进行了理论研究,重点考虑了换气率、气溶胶状况对未结合态份额和平衡因子的影响。计算结果表明平衡因子随换气率的增加而迅速减小,未结合态份额随气溶胶粒径分布的减小而迅速增加,气溶胶浓度只有在非常低的情况下才对未结合态份额和平衡因子产生明显影响。  相似文献   

本文简介ICRP第60号出版物附件B中有关氡子体照射诱发肺癌的概率的内容,并探讨新剂量限值对氡子体职业性照射年照射量限值的影响。  相似文献   

氡及其子体对公众的辐射照射占天然辐射照射的一半以上,而室内氡子体未结合态份额是影响氡子体剂量转换系数的重要参数。为探究氡子体未结合态份额的变化及受室内外环境因素的影响规律,本研究采用自行开发的累积式氡子体未结合态份额采样装置,在北京大学技物楼室内外环境中开展了氡子体未结合态份额的年变化测量,并利用商用连续式氡子体测量仪测量了室内氡子体未结合态份额的日变化。实测结果表明:在室内和室外不同环境中,氡子体未结合态份额的年平均值分别为8.8%(6.4%~12.5%)和9.7%(4.9%~12.8%);室内环境中氡子体未结合态份额相对稳定;室外环境中氡子体未结合态份额受环境因素影响大,波动较大;关于日变化,虽然室内平衡当量氡子体浓度呈现出明显的上午高下午低的日变化规律,但没有观察到未结合态份额有规律性的日变化。  相似文献   

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