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BACKGROUND: The effects of cardioversion of atrial fibrillation on the activation sequence of the ventricles have not been previously studied. In this study we examined the events in the ventricle that follow the application of atrial defibrillatory shocks. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used video imaging technology to study the sequence of activation on the surface of the ventricles in the Langendorff-perfused sheep heart. We recorded transmembrane potentials simultaneously from over 20000 sites on the epicardium before and after biphasic shocks applied by a programmable atrial defibrillator. The first epicardial activation after the shock depended on both the voltage and timing of the shock. During ventricular diastole shocks as low as 10 V produced ventricular excitation, although the time between the shock and the first epicardial activation (latency) was approximately 30 ms. As the shock voltage was increased to 120 V, latency decreased to zero and the entire epicardium was depolarized within 30 ms. For 120-V shocks delivered late in systole, the depolarization sequence produced by the shock was similar to the previous repolarization sequence. Shocks of 120 V applied 150 to 300 ms after the previous ventricular excitation induced ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation was induced by multiple focal beats after the shock, which produced waves that propagated but broke down into reentry within regions of high repolarization gradients. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that atrial defibrillation shocks excite the ventricles even at low shock voltages. In addition, ventricular fibrillation can be induced by shocks given in the vulnerable period by producing focal patterns that break down into reentrant waves.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinomas occasionally arise in the nonbiliary cirrhotic liver, but their pathobiologic features remain unsettled. To characterize such cholangiocarcinomas, we examined immunohistochemically the expression of MUC3, MUC5AC, MUC6, and MUC7 apomucins in hepatic tissue specimens from 4 patients with cholangiocarcinoma and viral cirrhosis, 24 patients with cholangiocarcinoma without cirrhosis, and 16 patients with combined hepatocellular-cholangiocellular carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinomas associated with cirrhosis and the cholangiocarcinoma elements of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocellular carcinoma rarely expressed MUC3 and MUC5AC, but the cholangiocarcinomas not associated with cirrhosis frequently expressed these apomucins. MUC6 apomucin was widely expressed in cholangiocarcinomas, irrespective of the association with cirrhosis and also in the cholangiocarcinoma elements of the combined hepatocellular-cholangiocellular carcinomas. MUC7 apomucin was expressed frequently in cholangiocarcinomas associated with cirrhosis and combined hepatocellular-cholangiocellular carcinomas and infrequently in cholangiocarcinomas without cirrhosis, particularly those arising at the hepatic hilus. The similarity of the apomucin profiles between cholangiocarcinomas associated with cirrhosis and the cholangiocarcinoma elements of combined hepatocellular-cholangiocellular carcinoma suggests a similar or common histogenesis and that cholangiocarcinoma associated with cirrhosis might be derived from the combined type.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Type 1 atrial flutter is produced by a reentry circuit located in the right atrium that can be interrupted applying radiofrequency in the inferior cava-tricuspid valve isthmus. AIM: To report our experience in the treatment of atrial flutter with radiofrequency ablation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nine patients (eight male) whose ages ranged from 6 to 72 years old were studied. Two patients had an operated congenital cardiopathy, two had high blood pressure, one was subjected previously to radiofrequency ablation due to a left paraspecific pathway, one developed a cardiac failure secondary to tachycardia and three did not have evidences of cardiopathy. RESULTS: In two patients, atrial flutter was not interrupted. In the other seven patients, radiofrequency ablation was successful. There were three relapses in the first month after the procedure, of these, two patients were successfully treated again. After a mean follow up of 4.5 months, these patients are asymptomatic and without antiarrhythmic drugs. Analysis of obtained signals, showed that radiofrequency that interrupted atrial flutter always occurred in zones of double potentials. CONCLUSIONS: Radiofrequency ablation is an effective treatment for atrial flutter and the zone of successful ablation is associated to the presence of double atrial potentials.  相似文献   

Atrial defibrillation can be accomplished using low energy shocks and transvenous catheters. The biphasic waveform tilt required to achieve optimal atrial defibrillation thresholds (ADFTs) is, however, not known. The effect of single capacitor biphasic waveform tilt modification on ADFT was assessed in 20 patients. Following AF induction the defibrillation pulses were delivered between the catheters positioned in the coronary sinus and the right atrium. The single capacitor biphasic waveform shocks, delivered over the same pathways, consisted of 65% tilt (65/65 biphasic waveform) to produce an overall tilt of 88%, or 50% tilt (50/50 biphasic waveform) to produce an overall tilt of 75%. Although 65/65 biphasic waveform delivers more energy, the shorter duration 50/50 biphasic waveform reduced stored energy ADFT 21%, from 1.34 +/- 0.82 J with 65/65 biphasic to 1.06 +/- 0.81 J. These differences were not statistically significant. Nine patients had lower ADFT with 50/50 biphasic waveform while five patients had lower ADFT with 65/65 biphasic waveform. Equivalent reduction in ADFT was seen in the remaining six patients. The ADFT was 0.83 +/- 0.65 J when both tilts were considered. In conclusion, biphasic waveform tilt modification may affect the ADFT in an individual patient. The optimal biphasic waveform for ADFT is not known.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ultimate acceptance of a fully automatic atrial defibrillator will depend on the reduction of pain to acceptable levels, requiring a marked decrease in defibrillation thresholds. The purpose of this study was to determine whether atrial defibrillation thresholds can be reduced by sequential shocks delivered through two current pathways. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sustained atrial fibrillation was induced with rapid atrial pacing in 12 adult sheep. Defibrillation electrodes were positioned in the right atrial appendage (RAap), distal coronary sinus (DCS), proximal coronary sinus (CSos), main/left pulmonary artery junction (PA), and right ventricular apex (RV). Single-capacitor biphasic waveforms (3/1 ms) were delivered through combinations of these electrodes. Probability-of-success curves were determined for single shocks with a single current pathway and sequential shocks with either single- or dual current pathways. The ED50 for delivered energy for the dual current pathway RAap to DCS then CSos to PA was 0.36+/-0.13 J, which was significantly lower than the ED50 of the standard single current pathway RAap to DCS (1.31+/-0.3 J) and was significantly lower than all other configurations tested. CONCLUSIONS: Internal atrial defibrillation thresholds can be markedly reduced with two sequential biphasic shocks delivered over two current pathways compared with the standard single shock delivered over a single current pathway or with sequential shocks delivered over a single current pathway.  相似文献   

Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) increases lysosomal pH and thereby abolishes intralysosomal accumulation of drugs. Its effect on the tissue distribution of biperiden and trihexyphenidyl in rats has been investigated. The tissue-plasma concentration ratios (Kp) of these drugs in various tissues were determined by infusion studies at steady-state in the presence or absence of NH4Cl. Treatment with NH4Cl reduced the Kp values for both drugs, causing the largest reduction in Kp in the lung (52.1 to 11.8 for biperiden and 59.5 to 18.9 for trihexyphenidyl; ratios of decrease 0.77 and 0.68, respectively), followed by the heart and kidneys, with relatively small reductions in the brain, gut, muscle and fat. Subcellular fractionation studies in the lung indicated that the subcellular fraction-plasma concentration ratio of each drug at the steady state (K(p,sf)) was reduced by treatment with NH4Cl, with the largest decrease in the post-nuclear fraction (ratio of decrease 0.82 for biperiden and 0.74 for trihexyphenidyl), followed by the nucleus, microsomes and supernatant, in that order. A strong correlation was found between the ratio of decrease in K(p,sf) after NH4Cl treatment and the specific activity of acid phosphatases, a marker of lysosomes, in each fraction (biperiden, r = 0.948; trihexyphenidyl, r = 0.945). These results suggest that acidic organelles contribute significantly to the distribution kinetics of anticholinergic drugs.  相似文献   

A clinical case of a patient in whom a right atrial thrombosis was casually discovered by transthoracic echocardiography is described. The hypothesis that also the central venous catheter (CVC) could be seat of thrombosis was done, and was confirmed by chest X-ray with dye injection in the CVC. A thrombolytic therapy with plasminogen tissular activator and with heparin infusion was started. After 24 hours from the beginning of therapy instrumental control were performed (transesophageal echocardiography ECOTEE, chest X-ray with dye injection in CVC), showing the completely dissolution of the thrombus. It is observed that, when in a patient with CVC high degree of thrombogenic factors (age over 60 years, presence of cardiac arrhythmias with ventricular hypokinesis, polyglobulia due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CVC, low levels of antithrombin III) are present, the usual prophylactic measures (subcutaneous heparin, hydrophylic catheter) couldn't be sufficient to avoid superior caval vein thrombosis. The conclusion is drawn that these patient should be studied with ECOTEE and eco Doppler. Chest tomography and superior caval venography are also useful its early diagnosis of superior caval thrombosis.  相似文献   

Left atrial (LA) dilation is a common finding in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation (AF). Progressive dilatation may alter the atrial defibrillation threshold (ADFT). In our study, epicardial electrodes were implanted on the LA free wall and right ventricular apex of eight adult sheep. Large surface area, coiled endocardial electrodes were positioned in the coronary sinus and right atrium (RA). LA dilatation was induced by rapid ventricular pacing (190 beats/min) for 6 weeks and echocardiographically assessed weekly along with the ADFT (under propofol anesthesia). LA effective refractory period (ERP) was measured every 2-3 days using a standard extra stimulus technique and 400 ms drive. The AF cycle length (AFCL) was assessed from LA electrograms. During the 6 weeks of pacing the mean LA area increased from 6.1 +/- 1.5 to 21.3 +/- 2.4 cm2. There were no significant changes in the mean ADFT (122 +/- 15 V), circuit impedance (46 +/- 5 omega), or LA AFCL (136 +/- 23 ms). There was a significant increase in the mean LA ERP (106 +/- 10 ms at day 0, and 120 +/- 13 ms at day 42 of pacing). In this study, using chronically implanted defibrillation leads, the minimal energy requirements for successful AF were not significantly altered by ongoing left atrial dilatation. This finding is a further endorsement of the efficiency of the coronary sinus/RA shock vector. Furthermore, the apparent stability of the AF present may be a further indication of a link between the type of AF and the ADFT.  相似文献   

In order to optimize defibrillation electrode systems for ventricular defibrillation thresholds (DFTs), a Finite Element Torso model was built from fast CT scans of a patient who had large cardiac dimensions (upper bound of normal) but no heart disease. Clinically used defibrillation electrode configurations, i.e. Superior Vena Cava (SVC) to Right Ventricle (RV) (SVC-RV), left pectoral Can to RV (Can-RV) and Can + SVC-RV, were analyzed. The DFTs were calculated based on 95% ventricular mass having voltage gradient > 5 V/cm and these results were also compared with clinical data. The low voltage gradient regions with voltage gradient < 5 V/cm were identified and the effect of electrode dimension and location on DFTs were also investigated for each system. A good correlation between the model results and the clinical data supports the use of Finite Element Analysis of a human torso model for optimization of defibrillation electrode systems. This correlation also indicates that the critical mass hypothesis is the primary mechanism of defibrillation. Both the FEA results and the clinical data show that Can + SVC-RV system offers the lowest voltage DFTs when compared with SVC-RV and Can-RV systems. Analysis of the effect of RV, SVC and Can electrode dimensions and locations can have an important impact on defibrillation lead designs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The activation patterns that underlie the irregular electrical activity during atrial fibrillation (AF) have traditionally been described as disorganized or random. Recent studies, based predominantly on statistical methods, have provided evidence that AF is spatially organized. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the presence of spatial and temporal periodicity during AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used a combination of high-resolution video imaging, ECG recordings, and spectral analysis to identify sequential wave fronts with temporal periodicity and similar spatial patterns of propagation during 20 episodes of AF in 6 Langendorff-perfused sheep hearts. Spectral analysis of AF demonstrated multiple narrow-band peaks with a single dominant peak in all cases (mean, 9.4+/-2.6 Hz; cycle length, 112+/-26 ms). Evidence of spatiotemporal periodicity was found in 12 of 20 optical recordings of the right atrium (RA) and in all (n=19) recordings of the left atrium (LA). The cycle length of spatiotemporal periodic waves correlated with the dominant frequency of their respective optical pseudo-ECGs (LA: R2=0.99, slope=0.94 [95% CI, 0.88 to 0.99]; RA: R2=0.97, slope=0.92 [95% CI, 0.80 to 1.03]). The dominant frequency of the LA pseudo-ECG alone correlated with the global bipolar atrial EG (R2=0.76, slope=0.75 [95% CI, 0.52 to 0.99]). In specific examples, sources of periodic activity were seen as rotors in the epicardial sheet or as periodic breakthroughs that most likely represented transmural pectinate muscle reentry. However, in the majority of cases, periodic waves were seen to enter the mapping area from the edge of the field of view. CONCLUSIONS: Reentry in anatomically or functionally determined circuits forms the basis of spatiotemporal periodic activity during AF. The cycle length of sources in the LA determines the dominant peak in the frequency spectra in this experimental model of AF.  相似文献   

A total of 160 simulated canals of various angles and positions of curvature were prepared by hand using either Mani Flexile Files, Mani SEC-O Files, Maillefer Flexofiles, or Zipperer Flexicut Files. After orifice enlargement, each file type was used to prepare 40 canals employing a balanced force motion and a modified double-flared technique. Pre- and postoperative images of the canals were taken with a videocamera, and stored and manipulated in a computer with image analysis software. The presence of canal aberrations and the amount of material removed as a result of preparation were determined from composite images of superimposed pre- and postoperative views. Significant differences (p < 0.001) in preparation time were observed, with Flexile Files being quickest and SEC-O Files being slowest. Overall, Flexofiles and Flexicut Files deformed significantly more (p < 0.001) than Flexile and SEC-O Files. The incidence of canal blockage was not influenced by instrument type, but the incidence of apical extrusion was significantly greater (p < 0.001) with SEC-O Files. SEC-O Files created significantly fewer (p < 0.001) and significantly narrower (p < 0.001) zips, with significantly less (p < 0.001) removal of material from the outer aspect of the curve and thus significantly less (p < 0.001) transportation. Flexicut Files created the widest canals apically, with the greatest removal of material from the outer aspect of the curve and the most transportation. Flexofiles created significantly more (p < 0.001) perforations. Under the conditions of this study, obvious differences between instruments were highlighted with SEC-O Files preparing canals more safely and with least destruction. The unique rounded tip of the SEC-O Files may have had an influence on the outcome.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and the effects of elimination of accessory pathways on the appearance of atrial fibrillation are still controversial. Fifty-four patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome were classified into three groups: a No AF group (n = 24), patients without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; an RF-AF Group (n = 12), patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation whose accessory pathways were eliminated using radiofrequency catheter ablation; and a Cryo-AF Group (n = 18), patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation whose accessory pathways were eliminated with surgical cryoablation. The electrophysiological characteristics of each group were evaluated prior to and following the elimination of their accessory pathways. As indices of atrial vulnerability, the presence of fragmented atrial activity and repetitive atrial firing zones were assessed. Inducibility of atrial fibrillation was significantly reduced following ablation of accessory pathways in the Cryo-AF group (83.3%-5.6%, P < 0.0001), while it was unchanged in the RF-AF group (83.3%-75%). In preablation studies, the effective refractory periods of the atrium in the RF-AF group and the Cryo-AF group were significantly shorter compared with the No AF group (204 +/- 18 ms, 197 +/- 16 ms vs 246 +/- 44 ms, respectively, P < 0.0001). Following ablation, the effective refractory period for patients in the Cryo-AF group was significantly prolonged compared with before ablation (197 +/- 16 ms to 232 +/- 24 ms, P < 0.0001). As a result of this prolongation of the effective refractory period of the atrium, the fragmented atrial activity and repetitive atrial response zones narrowed following ablation in the Cryo-AF group, but not in the RF-AF group. Therefore, the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation in patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome may depend on the refractory period of the atrium rather than on the presence of accessory pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the electrophysiological substrates and the cure of atrial fibrillation (AF) is still unsatisfactory. The goal of this study was to evaluate the electrophysiological features of idiopathic AF and their relationship to the results of radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of AF and the safety and effectiveness of this procedure. METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixteen patients with idiopathic AF underwent atrial mapping during AF and then RF ablation in the right atrium. The atrial activation was simultaneously recorded in four regions in the right atrium: high lateral wall (HL), low lateral wall (LL), high septum (HS), and low septum (LS) and in the left atrium through the coronary sinus (CS). In these regions, we evaluated the atrial fibrillation intervals (FF) and the morphological features of AF recordings by Wells' classification. No complications occurred during RF ablation. Of the 16 patients, 9 (56%) without AF recurrences during the follow-up (11 +/- 4 months) were considered successfully ablated. These patients showed a significantly shorter mean FF interval in the HS and the LS (122 +/- 32 and 126 +/- 28 ms, respectively), than in the HL and LL (159 +/- 24 and 156 +/- 28 ms, respectively). Moreover, the septum had more irregular electrical activity with greater beat-to-beat changes in FF and a higher prevalence of type III AF than the lateral region. The CS had similar behavior to the septum. Conversely, patients with unsuccessful ablation had an irregular atrial activity in the lateral wall, septum, and CS with no significant differences between the different sites. CONCLUSIONS: Right atrial endocardial catheter ablation of AF is a safe procedure and may be effective in some patients with idiopathic AF. The atrial mapping during AF showed a more disorganized right atrial activation in the septum than in the lateral wall in patients with successful ablation.  相似文献   

Common atrial flutter results from macroreentry in the right atrium. Catheter ablation of slow conduction, between tricuspid annulus and inferior vena cava (TA-IVC) or tricuspid annulus and coronary sinus ostium (TA-CS os) has been reported to terminate and prevent recurrence of this arrhythmia. We reported 10 consecutive patients, 7 men and 3 women, who underwent radiofrequency catheter ablation of common atrial flutter. The mean age was 59.4 +/- 11.2 years (range 42-82 years). During the paroxysmal atrial flutter, all patients had palpitation, 4 had dyspnea on exertion, 3 patients had syncope and 1 patient had presyncope. The mean duration of symptoms was 5.7 +/- 4.9 years (range 0.5-13 years). Two patients had dilated cardiomyopathy, 1 Ebstein's anomaly and 1 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Four patients (40%) had history of atrial fibrillation (AF) before ablation. The mean cycle length of atrial rhythm was 257.2 +/- 36.6 ms. Ablation was done by anatomical approach and could terminate arrhythmia in 9 patients (90%), 7 from TA-IVC, 2 from TA-CS os without major complication. The mean number of applications was 20.4 +/- 16.9 and turned atrial flutter to normal sinus rhythm in 13.5 +/- 10.7 seconds. Fluoroscopic and procedure times were 38.4 +/- 31.4 and 157.2 +/- 68.8 minutes, respectively. During the follow-up period of 24.0 +/- 28.7 weeks, 2 patients had recurrent atrial arrhythmia, 1 atrial fibrillation and 1 atrial flutter type I, giving the final success rate of 70 per cent. All patients who had recurrence or failure had a history of paroxysmal AF before ablation. In conclusion, radiofrequency catheter ablation in atrial flutter type I, using anatomical approach, is an effective treatment to terminate and prevent this arrhythmia in short term follow-up. It may be considered as an alternative treatment in patients with atrial flutter who were refractory to antiarrhythmic agents.  相似文献   

Shaker channel mutants, in which the first (R362), second (R365), and fourth (R371) basic residues in the S4 segment have been neutralized, are found to pass potassium currents with voltage-insensitive kinetics when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Single channel recordings clarify that these channels continue to open and close from -160 to +80 mV with a constant opening probability (Po). Although Po is low ( approximately 0.15) in these mutants, mean open time is voltage independent and similar to that of control Shaker channels. Additionally, these mutant channels retain characteristic Shaker channel selectivity, sensitivity to block by 4-aminopyridine, and are partially blocked by external Ca2+ ions at very negative potentials. Furthermore, mean open time is approximately doubled, in both mutant channels and control Shaker channels, when Rb+ is substituted for K+ as the permeant ion species. Such strong similarities between mutant channels and control Shaker channels suggests that the pore region has not been substantially altered by the S4 charge neutralizations. We conclude that single channel kinetics in these mutants may indicate how Shaker channels would behave in the absence of voltage sensor input. Thus, mean open times appear primarily determined by voltage-insensitive transitions close to the open state rather than by voltage sensor movement, even in control, voltage-sensitive Shaker channels. By contrast, the low and voltage-insensitive Po seen in these mutant channels suggests that important determinants of normal channel opening derive from electrostatic coupling between S4 charges and the pore domain.  相似文献   

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