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刘菁  魏兵  裴娜 《节能》2011,30(6):38-41
以某办公建筑和住宅楼为模型,对其进行围护结构节能改造分析.通过计算比较改造前后室内负荷的变化,发现节能效果相当显著,证明在我国既有建筑围护结构节能改造存在相当大的潜力.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2001,70(1):59-75
Oversized equipment is one of the key factors for poor energy performance of commercial buildings in Hong Kong. Similar situations exist also in many buildings in different parts of the world. The use of realistic design criteria has been identified as an effective method to reduce the equipment oversizing problem. A set of realistic design criteria for lighting power density, occupation density, and appliances' load-intensity for various types of premises have been established based on data obtained in walk-through surveys of energy end-uses in 31 Hong Kong office buildings. Potential electricity savings through the use of realistic design criteria were estimated to be 6–22% of the electricity consumption of Hong Kong, which corresponds to an annual cost of HK$12.2–44.7 billion.  相似文献   

高层建筑空调节能设计的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出了空调系统耗能的两个方面,介绍了空调系统设计的几个节能措施,如合理降低室内温度湿度标准、控制与正确利用室外新风量等。  相似文献   

In the perspective of reducing land occupation of built environments, the most efficient strategy is to increase the reuse of obsolete or abandoned constructions instead of designing new buildings. This is particularly true regarding public buildings, usually characterized by considerable dimensions. The paper is focused on this issue, particularly on its energy implications. It analyzes the headquarters of the “G. D’Annunzio” University in Pescara, Italy, initially designed for commercial use and later converted to a university building during its construction. The authors first carried out a numerical analysis of the building energy performance in its current state and then they proposed some improvement interventions evaluating their incidence on the annual energy balance of the building, showing how the most commonly used energy saving strategies do not give the best results in any case, being greatly influenced by the climatic zone in which the building is located. Starting from these considerations, the authors carried out the analysis by considering three different Italian climatic conditions so as to determine their influence on the building energy performance and to define the best strategy for energy requalification in each climatic zone.  相似文献   

This work proposes a new methodology that is based on the ISO 13790 standard and the Monte Carlo method, which helps obtain the probability density function of the energy consumption in real buildings. The energy consumption under different improvement processes for each building was modelled considering variables such as thermal inertia, number of air changes and number of occupants. Some types of modifications, which are common and basic, were found to exert a clear effect over building energy consumption but these were not exactly defined by recommendations of most of the standards. Its effect was mostly due to the two parameters – the number of occupants and the number of air changes. These results should be considered in future during development of new standards for the purpose of defining the optimal amount of building energy consumption.  相似文献   

The energy performances of 20 commercial buildings, covering the common types found in Hong Kong, have been studied. The monthly electricity billing data as well as the results from computer modeling were analyzed. Energy signatures for the commercial buildings were found by a method similar to PRISM. Correlation equations of energy use with building envelope parameters, such as OTTV, building size, envelope heat gain, and the annual chiller-load were derived. The results are useful for building envelope design, energy audit, and legislative control of energy use in commercial buildings.  相似文献   

重庆市酒店类建筑用能现状与节能潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对重庆市公共建筑运行能耗及中央空调系统管理现状调查分析的基础上,并与国内外同类建筑相比较,针对酒店类建筑的能耗特点对影响建筑终端用能系统的能源消费量的因素进行探讨,分析了既有酒店类建筑的节能潜力值,提出了对既有高能耗酒店进行节能技术改造和加强节能管理的主要途径。  相似文献   

The achievement of a more rational use of energy can be difficult when large and complex industrial plants are considered. In the present work, an example is given of how a well‐focused energy analysis, based on experimental data, can help to point out possible relevant energy savings. In particular, two different refrigeration systems have been examined for a confectionery plant in different seasons, atmospheric and production conditions, allowing us to understand the actual operation. Based on the analysis of the results, energy saving strategies have been proposed and discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The profiles of both existing housing and existing public and commercial buildings show that many have very poor thermal efficiency. The UK housing stock is replaced at a low rate of about 1% a year, so to cut energy use it is essential to address the challenges of existing buildings. This will involve reducing energy demand through passive measures such as retrofitted insulation, replacement of windows and proper airtightness, while ensuring adequate ventilation. Active measures include upgrading improved boilers and adding locally produced energy from wind, biomass, solar power and other sources. The introduction of Display Energy Certificates will increase energy awareness but there will also need to be a programme of increased demolition for the worst-performing homes. In addition, buildings will need to be adapted to cope with worse weather, higher temperatures and increased flood risk as climate change takes effect. Overheating, rather than excessive cold, is set to become a growing problem for householders and employees in existing UK buildings.  相似文献   

A typical commercial building was selected for a detailed study of energy use by mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning (MVAC) systems. Data from preliminary building energy auditing were analyzed and compared with the energy use of other similar buildings. Correlation relationships between the building envelope heat gain and the electrical energy use for MVAC system with key parameters were derived with approaches similar to the Princeton Scorekeeping Method (PRISM). Further, the energy simulation program TRACE 600 was used to justify the results. A total of 20 energy-saving measures were investigated for possible use in local commercial buildings. The results provided are useful for engineers in designing energy-efficient commercial buildings or generating new design concepts for better MVAC systems.  相似文献   

The study investigated a PV window that consists of a double glazed window with semi-transparent solar cells. The window provides natural light transmission as well as electricity production. The effect of the PV window on energy consumption of office buildings was analyzed in terms of heating and cooling loads, daylighting, and electricity production. The purposes of the study were to find the optimum solar cell transmittance and window to wall ratio (WWR), and to estimate energy savings of the building. A standard floor of an office building was modeled to run computer simulation, and annual energy simulation was performed with EnergyPlus. The results showed that the solar cell transmittance of 40% and WWR of 50% achieved the minimum electricity consumption in the building when artificial lighting was controlled with daylighting. The optimum solar cell transmittance for PV windows in different orientation was also presented. By using the optimum PV window, the electricity consumption was reduced by 55% compared to the single glazed window with WWR of 30% and no lighting control.  相似文献   

楼宇自动化控制与节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了楼宇自动化控制系统,中央空调与照明系统的控制过程与楼宇管理的节能措施。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的建筑节能元件——选择性太阳能隧道(SST)。该元件只在冬季吸收太阳辐射,夏季能将阳光反射出隧道之外,具有冬季供暖和夏季防止建筑升温的功能;可直接嵌入建筑外墙构件,实现与建筑一体化。通过试验验证了其良好的集热性能、选择性吸收性能以及用于建筑节能的可行性。  相似文献   

鞠晓磊  梁叶  曾雁  张磊  王岩 《太阳能》2010,(4):35-38,50
通过对澳门房屋局的立面改造方案进行分析,阐述了在既有建筑的立面改造中如何将光伏技术与建筑整合和应用,并引用了太阳能与建筑一体化的改造理念,为我国亚热带地区既有建筑立面改造提供了参考。  相似文献   

冯圣红  张春刚  卢岩 《节能》2004,(12):16-18
针对北京西城区青少年图书馆空调冷冻水系统运行高能耗问题 ,根据具体条件 ,分析了各种解决方案及其适用性 ,确定采用切削水泵叶轮改造方案。经过计算和实测 ,认为改造后取得了较好的节能效果。  相似文献   

在建筑行业普遍存在一个问题,就是能源和能源替代(包括太阳能的利用)的工作仅围绕着电力问题转.  相似文献   

In most industrialised countries room heating is responsible for a considerable proportion of the total energy demand. In this paper we summarise the main results of a research programme carried out in order to introduce energy constraints into building design and a procedure which permits the determination of the optimal thermal insulation (from a technical-economic point of view) of the building envelope.  相似文献   

采暖居住建筑节能改造收益分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郁文红  杨昭 《节能》2004,(12):21-23
面对我国华北地区既有采暖居住建筑节能改造资金的匮乏 ,提出既有建筑的节能改造经济性分析不仅要计算冬季供暖节能收益 ,而且还要包括夏季空调节能收益 ,同时还应计入冷热源建设等潜在经济收益 ,这对缩短既有建筑节能改造初投资回收期、推动我国建筑节能的发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen increasing public interest in issues related to energy saving and concern for the environment. It is important to highlight the work of public institutions in this respect. This was the motive that led the University of Valencia to finance a pilot project with the objective of studying useful initiatives for optimising energy consumption in accordance with the institution’s needs as well as the incorporation of innovative and more efficient technologies. The approach was to consider various aspects ranging from the analysis of the current energy consumption and the state of the installations, through the substitution of some energy inefficient components, to the study of the possible installation of a photovoltaic solar powered electricity generation station connected to the network. Also purely technical questions on economic efficiency should not be forgotten as this could lead to a reduction in energy consumption and the optimisation of the current energy consuming equipment, since generally, it is this question that limits the possible energy saving actions.  相似文献   

热泵精馏的节能工艺流程分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
朱平  梁燕波  秦正龙 《节能技术》2000,18(2):7-8,16
热泵精馏是一项高效节能技术,本文拟介绍几种基本的热泵精馏流程,分析它们的特点及适用条件,以供进行热泵精馏可行性设计时参考。  相似文献   

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