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我国抽水蓄能电站与风电场联合调峰交易模式设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风电的反调峰特性要求我国加强调峰电源建设并优化其运营,抽水蓄能是经济有效的调峰调频工具之一,优化现有抽水蓄能电站运营模式是促进短期内风电大规模并网的有效手段。综合考虑我国抽水蓄能电站与风电场联合调峰交易模式发展与管理现状,从交易管理机制、运行平衡机制、安全机制、结算机制与市场监管机制5方面,系统研究了抽水蓄能电站与风电场联合调峰交易模式设计问题,并构建了抽水蓄能电站与风电场联合调峰交易保障机制,为我国抽水蓄能电站与风电场联合调峰交易提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

基于电源优化扩展规划的抽水蓄能电站经济评价方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了合理评价抽水蓄能电站的经济合理性和财务可行性,提出了基于电源优化扩展规划的抽水蓄能电站经济评价方法,以河南省宝泉抽水蓄能电站为例,进行了河南电网2000-2015年的电源优化扩展规划计算,在此基础上对该电站进行了经济评价。  相似文献   

  [目的]  利用抽水蓄能电站优化火电厂的出力曲线,是提高电力系统经济性的重要手段。  [方法]  建立了抽水蓄能电站与火电厂联合优化运行的数学模型,然后以某实际电力系统为例对联合运行进行了优化模拟。最后探讨了联合运行节煤的内在机理。  [结果]  模拟结果表明抽水蓄能电站与火电厂联合优化运行降低了系统煤耗。  [结论]  建议要充分利用抽水蓄能电站来优化火电厂的出力曲线,提高电力系统运行经济性。  相似文献   

抽水蓄能和风力发电互补系统可以有效抑制风电功率的波动,为电网提供优质电能.为了确定各时段的风力发电机和抽水蓄能电站的出力状态,实现优化控制,文中从经济效益、电能质量和综合效益3个角度建立了优化模型,并利用遗传算法进行仿真计算.仿真结果表明:经济效益模型可以实现最大经济效益运行,对风电波动有一定抑制作用;电能质量模型可以使互补系统的输出功率平滑,输出功率标准差很小,但是经济效益会下降;综合效益模型考虑了电能质量的约束条件,在满足电能质量要求的前提下,实现最大经济效益运行,是综合考虑电能质量和经济效益后的一种优化运行策略.  相似文献   

随着国家碳达峰、碳中和目标提出,能够更加快速、高质量地完成大型抽水蓄能电站机电设备安装成为蓄能电站建设者追求的目标。因水电建设采用的工艺、工序仍较多地沿用了传统方式,电站的建设周期一直以来没有取得突破。本文介绍了梅州抽水蓄能电站基建期在保证机电设备安装质量的前提下,对设备制造、机电安装、施工工具、调试应用等四个方面采取30多项技术优化措施,推行设备验收技术创新、大规模使用机械化施工工具和实施多项施工工序优化,大幅提升设备安装调试效率。梅州抽水蓄能电站通过对关键技术采用多项优化措施,加快了抽水蓄能电站项目建设,大幅缩短了电站建设周期,对后续电站建设有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

曾鸣  张鲲 《水电能源科学》2014,32(5):155-159
为研究风电并网环境下考虑抽水蓄能电站在内的机组组合问题及系统最优调度策略,从系统角度出发,以运行成本最小化建立目标函数,结合各类电源的技术特性和系统的运行实际建立约束条件,并利用混合整数算法对模型进行优化计算。通过10机组系统的算例分析,得出常规火电机组、风电以及抽水蓄能电站的最优调度策略。运行结果表明,抽水蓄能电站参与系统运行有提高风电并网水平、减少火电机组的燃料成本和启停成本、可使电网负荷曲线趋于平稳三方面的效益。  相似文献   

为缓解区域内各省网的调峰压力,研究了多种耦合多电网调峰需求方案及统调比例设置方案;基于电网剩余负荷全时段平稳性和电网剩余负荷分峰谷时段平稳性,提出了两种不同的网际出力优化配置方法,并以华东简化系统为例进行了仿真分析。结果显示,按调峰压力现状设置权重及开放化设计统调比例最能协调各省网的调峰压力;两种网际出力配置方法均能有效缓解华东电网调峰压力。研究结果可为缓解区域各省网的调峰压力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为提高含混合式抽水蓄能电站的梯级水电站的保证出力和发电量,构建了年期望发电量最大的含混合式抽水蓄能电站长期随机优化调度模型,并运用逐次优化算法对模型进行求解。白山—丰满梯级水库优化调度计算表明,优化后白山水库保证出力抽水比不抽水增幅为24.94%,梯级电站总保证出力抽水比不抽水增幅为9.33%;白山水库年发电量抽水比不抽水增幅为4.86%,梯级电站总发电量抽水比不抽水增幅为8.64%。  相似文献   

针对高比例新能源接入的消纳问题,提出一种抽蓄容量多时间尺度迭代优化配置模型。其中外层模型从年时间尺度出发,生成基于全寿命周期的抽蓄投资配置容量方案集;进而内层模型从小时级时间尺度出发,基于典型源荷场景,考虑抽蓄运行效率,以系统运行成本最优为目标优化各机组的出力水平,求取配置方案的最优运行成本;通过内外层交替迭代,以抽蓄投资和系统运行成本综合最优为目标对抽蓄的配置容量进行优化。最后以IEEE 10机系统为例验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The increasing wind power penetration in power systems represents a techno‐economic challenge for power producers and system operators. Because of the variability and uncertainty of wind power, system operators require new solutions to increase the controllability of wind farm output. On the other hand, producers that include wind farms in their portfolio need to find new ways to boost their profits in electricity markets. This can be done by optimizing the combination of wind farms and storage so as to make larger profits when selling power (trading) and reduce penalties from imbalances in the operation. The present work describes a new integrated approach for analysing wind‐storage solutions that make use of probabilistic forecasts and optimization techniques to aid decision making on operating such systems. The approach includes a set of three complementary functions suitable for use in current systems. A real‐life system is studied, comprising two wind farms and a large hydro station with pumping capacity. Economic profits and better operational features can be obtained from the proposed cooperation between the wind farms and storage. The revenues are function of the type of hydro storage used and the market characteristics, and several options are compared in this study. The results show that the use of a storage device can lead to a significant increase in revenue, up to 11% (2010 data, Iberian market). Also, the coordinated action improves the operational features of the integrated system. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the benefit of optimally integrating wind power in Kenya with pumped hydro storage. The approach includes development of an optimal control strategy to deploy paired wind and pumped hydro storage resources, for the Lake Turkana Wind Power project. The stochastic model, which maximizes expected revenue over the planning horizon, is developed taking into the consideration the structure and running of the Kenya electricity market. The 300 MW Lake Turkana Wind Power wind farm is simulated using wind speed data from Marsabit, which is in close proximity to the Lake Turkana region. From the simulation of the wind farm, we find that the daily pattern exhibited by the wind speeds, does not match the average daily load pattern. Pumped hydro storage reduces the systems total power output shortage by 46%. This approach to operation could alleviate the significant economic burden of the take-or-pay purchase agreement that led to the removal of financial backing of the project by the World Bank. The use of pumped hydro storage in conjunction with the wind farm is also found to increase the expected daily revenue of the wind farm by over ten thousand dollars.  相似文献   

变桨距风力机叶片的气动优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先利用Wilson方法进行叶片的外形初步设计,然后以设计攻角作为变量,以额定风速下功率系数最大为优化目标,建立了1 MW变桨距风力机叶片气动外形优化模型,采用遗传算法进行了优化再设计。通过对3叶片1 MW风力机进行的气动性能评价结果表明,优化后的风力机具有更好的气动性能,说明采用该优化方法进行变桨距风力机设计具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

针对电网三相对称故障条件下风电场电压不稳定的问题,文章提出了一种基于神经元的风储联合系统无功功率自适应控制策略,该策略以风储联合系统公共耦合点(Point of Common Coupling,PCC)的电压和电流为控制器的输入,采用Hebb学习算法作为自适应律,以获得准确的无功补偿。通过动态调整控制器的参数,使储能系统协调风电达到自适应输出无功功率的效果,提高系统在电网故障下的电压稳定性和风电故障穿越能力。最后,利用Matlab/Simulink仿真验证了该控制策略的有效性和正确性,与常规PI控制策略相比,文章所提出的控制策略可使风储系统迅速提供无功功率,PCC点的电压得到明显上升。  相似文献   

通过分析江西电网的调峰措施,进行了调峰容量平衡计算以及抽水蓄能替代火电装机的研究,从经济上、优化电源结构、保证电网的安全稳定运行等多方面论证了江西洪屏抽水蓄能电站的建设必要性。  相似文献   

针对带有约束条件的风/光互补发电系统恒压控制这个多极值非线性组合优化问题,采用一种改进遗传算法,以系统发电成本最低为目标,根据拧制规则对一风/光互补发电系统的电压进行了优化.仿真结果表明.该算法能显著地提高收敛速度和计算精度,有效地提高了风/光互补发电系统的电压稳定性.  相似文献   

Most wind turbines within wind farms are set up to face a pre-determined wind direction. However, wind directions are intermittent in nature, leading to less electricity production capacity. This paper proposes an algorithm to solve the wind farm layout optimization problem considering multi-angular (MA) wind direction with the aim of maximizing the total power generated on wind farms and minimizing the cost of installation. A two-stage genetic algorithm (GA) equipped with complementary sampling and uniform crossover is used to evolve a MA layout that will yield optimal output regardless of the wind direction. In the first stage, the optimal wind turbine layouts for 8 different major wind directions were determined while the second stage allows each of the previously determined layouts to compete and inter-breed so as to evolve an optimal MA wind farm layout. The proposed MA wind farm layout is thereafter compared to other layouts whose turbines have focused site specific wind turbine orientation. The results reveal that the proposed wind farm layout improves wind power production capacity with minimum cost of installation compared to the layouts with site specific wind turbine layouts. This paper will find application at the planning stage of wind farm.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to find the optimal sizes of renewable energy systems (RES) based on photovoltaic (PV) and/or wind systems for three energy storage system (ESS) scenarios in a micro‐grid; (1) with pumped hydro storage (PHS) as a long‐term ESS, (2) with batteries as a short‐term ESS, and (3) without ESS. The PV and wind sizes are optimally determined to accomplish the maximum annual RES fraction (FRES ) with electricity cost lower than or equal to the utility tariff. Furthermore, the effect of the use of battery and PHS on the electricity cost and FRES are studied. A university campus on a Mediterranean island is selected as a case study. The results show that PV‐wind hybrid system of 8 MW wind and 4.2 MW PV with 89.5 MWh PHS has the highest FRES of 88.0%, and the highest demand supply fraction as 42.6%. Moreover, the results indicate that the economic and technical parameters of RESs are affected significantly by the use of ESSs depending on the type and the capacity of both the RES and the ESS.  相似文献   

风力发电具有明显的随机性,间歇性,不可控性和反调峰特性,风力发电的大规模并网给电网调峰和稳定,安全运行带来了巨大压力,造成弃风限电现象愈加严重,严重影响了风力资源的有效利用和经济效益.全钒液流电池储能电站在能量管理系统的调度下,对风力发电输出功率进行平滑,配合风电场功率预报系统,提高风电场跟踪计划发电能力,改善了风电场并网电能质量,降低了对电网的冲击与影响,同时也提高了风电场输出功率可控性,有利于提高电网对风电的接纳能力.国电龙源卧牛石风电场配套的5 MW/10 MW∙h全钒液流电池储能系统为目前世界上最大规模的全钒液流电池储能系统.本文介绍了该全钒液流电池技术特点和储能系统的设计,成组方案及功能,并对储能技术在可再生能源发展中的作用进行了展望.  相似文献   

电池储能系统(battery energy storage system,BESS)在风储联合应用中具有多种功能,利用电池储能系统提高风电并网调度运行能力是当前研究的热点之一.文章基于我国北方某风电场历史运行数据与预测数据,依据预测误差评价指标和风电场预报考核指标的综合评价方法对风电场预测数据进行分析研究,归纳了预测误差的概率分布特征;提出利用电池储能系统提高风电跟踪计划出力能力,统计并量化出电池储能系统用于跟踪计划出力场合的作用范围;通过仿真验证电池储能系统在风储联合系统中提高风电跟踪计划出力控制策略的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

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