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围绕提高水泥行业粉磨系统的经济效益问题,分别介绍了管磨机主要易损件衬板、研磨体、隔仓板与出磨篦板等的选用原则,进一步阐明了管磨机工作状态稳定对系统效益的重要作用。从设备角度提出保证管磨机工作状态稳定的途径与方法,将对管磨机相关行业的技术进步带来积极影响。  相似文献   

分析了φ2.2×8m水泥磨产量不高的原因主要是隔仓板筛分能力差、二仓粉磨能力低。通过把立筛式双层隔仓板改装成锥筛式隔仓板,改变仓长,调整研磨体的级配和填充率,大幅度提高了水泥磨产量。  相似文献   

大型水泥管磨机内部结构探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
曹桂月 《矿山机械》2003,31(7):11-12
对长径比在3 左右的大型水泥管磨机内部的主要零部件隔仓装置和筒体衬板的结构参数进行了统计分析,提出了一套结构参数,供同行探讨。  相似文献   

从管磨机粉磨相关行业入手,说明管磨机通风量与通风方式研究的工程应用价值。为实现管磨机粉磨系统优质高产低耗,分别阐明管磨机通风量与通风方式的影响因素,进而说明管磨机适宜的通风量对系统效益的重要作用。从管磨机粉磨工艺及其装备角度出发,提出保证管磨机通风效果的途径与方法,将对管磨机粉磨相关行业技术进步带来积极影响。  相似文献   

为提高联合粉磨系统干法球磨机的粉磨效率,解决干法球磨机衬板断裂、磨损严重等技术问题,研究了干法球磨机粉磨介质在不同衬板作用下的运行规律,分析了衬板的磨损机理,开展了衬板材料及性能的试验研究;研制了一种用于联合粉磨系统的新型耐磨衬板,并通过应用,提出了合适的衬板形式及材料。该方案对于提高磨机粉磨效率具有一定的促进作用,为干法球磨机的设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

隔仓篦板的使用性能与寿命直接影响着管磨的产量、效率与生产成本。作者在总结多年经验与理论研究分析的基础上,对其材质及加工工艺进行相关的技术改造与创新,使用寿命从5~7个月提高到现在的13个月。  相似文献   

孙春江 《煤炭技术》2003,22(4):85-85
简述了生料磨隔仓的改造和取得的高收益。  相似文献   

谌永祥 《矿山机械》1997,25(10):1-5
研究了倾斜隔仓权管磨机的衬板断面形状与研磨体工作状态和研磨体动力学有关参数之间的函数关系;建立了不同条件下研磨体运动的数学模型;给出了按所需能量合理确定衬板断面参数的合理性  相似文献   

普通开路长磨(三仓)过粉磨现象严重,比表面积虽然较大,但产品颗粒不集中,粒径分布宽,影响矿渣微粉活性的发挥和产量提高。针对矿渣入磨粒度小、易磨性差等特点,对开流长磨机进行相应改造。一仓采用钢棒作为研磨体,以提高粉碎能力和粒度均匀性,降低进入二仓的粒度,减少过粉磨现象。针对一仓钢棒粉碎能力大的情况,重新设计磨内有关参数(仓长、衬板及研磨体装载量等),采用筛分技术改造磨内隔仓板,平衡系统的粉磨能力,从而达到提高矿渣微粉产质量的目的。  相似文献   

分析了国内某大型铁矿半自磨机筒体衬板的磨损规律,以及衬板金属的利用率。基于等寿命法优化衬板结构,并利用专业衬板模拟软件和离散元分析软件(EDEM)模拟了钢球和物料的运动规律。经现场使用证明,优化后的衬板寿命得以延长,金属利用率得到提高。  相似文献   

Measurement system of the mill charge in grinding ball mill circuits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J. Kolacz 《Minerals Engineering》1997,10(12):1329-1338
Investigation of a dry fine grinding circuit has shown significant influence of the mill load (powder filling) on the production capacity. To improve the circuit performance at industrial scale, alternative ways of mill load measurement were investigated. Detection of strain changes in the mill shell during mill rotation, by using a piezoelectric strain transducer, provided very interesting results, allowing evaluation of the weight of the mill charge and control of the powder filling to obtain an optimal level. Power draw has thus been increased by about 5% compared to the old configuration where mill motor power input was used to control the mill charge. By measuring mechanical vibration with the transducer, additional useful information has been obtained about the behavior of the cataracting and cascading balls inside the mill shell. Finally an important factor was simplicity and low investment cost of the total installation, as many fine grinding mills operate in relatively small circuits that do not warrant large investment for alternative measurement methods.  相似文献   

为优化中矿再磨作业,进而优化全流程,对不同规格的磨矿介质进行了对比试验,通过考察分析磨机排矿粒度、磨矿介质消耗及产品粒度组成,得出了最佳的磨矿介质条件.  相似文献   

某选矿厂为提升碎矿作业的生产能力,引进了新型、高效、低耗的高压辊磨机作为改造的关键设备,通过一系列的技术改造,将碎矿产品粒度由20~0mm降至3~0mm,最终实现了扩大选矿厂生产能力,降低生产成本以及提高经济效益的目标。  相似文献   

A series of wet-grinding experiments has been carried out on inorganic powders by a stirred ball mill to systematically investigate the grinding characteristics. The grinding power consumed for a given grinding time was considered, as well as the effect of grinding aids on particle size. The grinding energy consumed, defined as the integral of the grinding power over time, was also investigated. The grinding aids were found to influence the product size and decrease the grinding energy. This is attributed to the prevention of agglomeration and coating of the sample powder onto the ball and grinding chamber wall. The grinding process seemed to be controlled by the force of agglomeration of the ground products. It was demonstrated that the particle size and grinding consumption energy could be decreased by the addition of grinding aids.  相似文献   

作为精细水煤浆制备的关键设备———超细磨机 ,占制浆能耗的主要部分。对超细磨机的启动力矩进行了理论分析 ,推导出了磨机启动所需力矩的公式 ,就JMJ30 0W型超细磨机进行了验算和实测。结果表明 ,该公式偏于安全 ,与实际结果基本吻合  相似文献   

立磨机磨矿机理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
周宏喜  卢世杰  何建成 《中国矿业》2014,23(5):146-148,153
本文分析了立磨机内磨矿介质的运动状态,分别讨论了磨矿介质在两个磨矿区域产生的不同磨剥作用,分析结果表明增大螺旋叶片直径和转速,减小螺旋升角有助于提高立磨机磨矿效率,但是为了能使立磨机磨矿效率最大化的同时降低磨矿能耗,必须综合考虑各种磨矿因素才能确定合理的结构参数和运行参数。  相似文献   

针对庙沟铁矿有用矿物嵌布粒度为0.04~0.07mm,现有细磨工艺很难达到90%的单体解离,而且处理能力不足的问题,对庙沟铁矿粗精矿进行了细磨工艺试验研究。最终确定前两段磨矿工艺不变,用一台VTM1500立磨机代替原有的两台MQY2736球磨机作为第三段磨矿工艺,结果提高磨矿产品细度44.49%,单体解离从87.6%提高到96.7%。该矿使用立磨机的同时对工艺流程进行了相应优化,解决了原流程循环量大的问题,磨机台时能力提高到8.3t/h。工业应用表明最终铁精矿品位由原来的65.2%提高到66%以上,年增经济效益3024.05万元。  相似文献   

以矿渣立磨电控系统为设计研究对象,鉴于原方案存在的问题,提出了基于远程I/O的立磨控制系统设计方案。介绍了远程I/O,统计了检测信号的数量和分布情况,并详细介绍了总体设计方案以及4个远程I/O站和程序实现。最终从造价、施工和系统整体性等方面,对原电控系统方案与远程I/O控制系统方案进行了对比分析。结果表明,远程I/O的立磨控制系统具有节约成本、调试方便、简单可靠及扩展灵活等特点,为立磨控制系统的改善提供了参考。  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2007,20(11):1099-1108
Grinding circuit needs to be stably controlled for high recovery rate of mineral ore and significant reduction of production cost in concentrator plants. Ball mill grinding circuit is essentially a multi-input–multi-output (MIMO) system with strong coupling among process variables. Simplified model with multi-loop decoupled PID control usually cannot maintain a long-time stable control in real practice. The response tests between four controlled variables (namely, product particle size, mill solids concentration, sump level and circulating load) and four manipulated variables (namely, fresh ore feed rate, mill feed water flow rate, pump speed and dilution water flow rate) are carried out to construct a four-input–four-output model of grinding circuit. Based on this modeling, constrained model predictive control (MPC) is adopted to handle such strong coupling system and evaluated in an iron ore concentrator plant. The variables are controlled around their set-points and a long-term stable operation of the grinding circuit close to their optimum operating conditions is achieved. More than three years’ operation in industry demonstrates the effectiveness and practicality of this control strategy.  相似文献   

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