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夏蕾  周冰 《量子电子学报》2016,33(2):153-161
为了解决当前图像伪造定位技术因使用了CFA 插值,易形成颜色插值噪声而降低分辨率,导致其难以检测微小篡改区域,使其伪造检测精度较低等不足,本文提出了像素预测误差耦合似然映射的图像伪造检测算法。首先,分析颜色滤波阵列CFA插值模型,并从图像中提取绿色分量;随后,嵌入权重因子,构造预测误差及其权重方差计算模型;根据预测误差与贝叶斯理论,定义伪造特征统计模型,识别出趋于零的特征值;最后,根据特征统计模型,建立其似然率模型,输出伪造映射,完成检测。仿真结果表明:与当前图像伪造定位机制相比,本文算法拥有更强的鲁棒性,能识别定位出微小伪造像素;且拥有更高的AUC值与理想的ROC曲线。  相似文献   

现有的盲检测方法主要针对灰度图像和未压缩图像,很多算法都不能有效地检测彩色压缩伪造图像。本文提出了一种利用JPEG双量化失真特性实现彩色压缩伪造图像盲检测的方法。通过分析伪造图像的制作过程,可知由多幅JPEG图像拼接成的高质量彩色伪造图像中篡改区域和背景区域经历的双量化过程不同。根据这一特性,本文首先使用背景区域的初始量化表估计值对待检测图像进行再压缩处理,定义再压缩后图像各颜色分量的失真函数;然后根据各失真函数在图像不同区域的取值,由各颜色分量分别确定篡改区域;最后综合彩色图像各颜色分量的检测结果,最终识别出彩色图像篡改区域的位置和大小。仿真结果表明该方法不但可以有效地识别彩色伪造图像的篡改区域,而且比基于单一颜色分量的检测方法更加准确。   相似文献   

基于局部块效应的JPEG伪造图像的盲取证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵峰  刘晓腾  荆涛  李兴华  霍炎 《信号处理》2010,26(12):1805-1811
本文基于对JPEG图像整体块效应的分析,定义了新的针对图像局部区域的块效应评价,并由此提出了一种有效的JPEG伪造图像盲取证方法。首先获得图像在水平方向和垂直方向的差分图像,然后将两个方向的差分图像分别进行特定大小的分块,再计算每个分块局部区域的块效应评价,根据待测图像不同区域局部块效应评价的明显差异检测出图像被篡改的位置。实验结果表明,该方法可以有效的检测出经过JPEG双压缩的伪造图像。   相似文献   

为解决当前图像伪造检测方法在识别复制内容区域时忽略了颜色信息和不同颜色分量之间的相关性,使其对伪造内容的定位与检测准确度不理想的问题,设计了基于改进的加速稳健特征(SURF)描述符与多元极性复指数变换的图像伪造检测算法。引入高斯低通滤波器,对彩色图像完成过滤,以消除噪声,再计算滤波图像的颜色不变性,用其替代SURF描述符中的灰度分量,对SURF方法予以改进,获取新的Hessian矩阵,充分检测彩色图像中的兴趣点;随后,利用这些兴趣点来构建一组连通的Delaunay三角网。基于四元极性复指数变换,充分考虑不同颜色分量之间的相关性,有效提取三角网的局部视觉特征;计算视觉特征之间的欧式距离,根据预设阈值,对三角网实施配准;最后,引入随机样本一致性,剔除错误匹配的三角网,并定义后处理方法,检测出复制伪造区域。测试数据显示:相对已有的复制-粘贴伪造检测方法,在多种几何变换条件下,所提方法具有更高的伪造检测准确性。  相似文献   

借助能量约束与结构相似聚类机制,设计了一种新的图像内容伪造检测算法。首先,借助Hessian算子,利用盒式滤波器来生成Hessian行列式,以准确检测图像特征。然后,通过计算图像的Haar小波值,求取图像的方向信息,以构建图像特征的邻域窗口。再计算该邻域窗口内像素点的曲率信息,构成鲁棒性较好的特征向量。最后,对图像特征进行欧氏距离度量,并联合图像的区域能量特征,完成度量结果的约束,以实现图像特征的精确匹配。采用结构相似度(SSIM)函数,聚类匹配结果识别伪造区域,实现准确的检测。仿真数据表明,较当前内容检测技术而言,在多种几何变换干扰下,本文算法具有更高的检测准确性与鲁棒性。  相似文献   

近年来,深度伪造技术大幅提升了合成人脸的真实感,且相较于传统伪造方法,其生成的虚假视频更加难以分辨。基于深度伪造图像视觉伪影常常存在于特征提取网络浅层特征高频分量中这一特性,设计了一种面向浅层特征高频分量的深度伪造图像检测算法。针对高通滤波器的缺陷,本实验在拉普拉斯金字塔的基础上设计了一种具有更好的过滤性能的高频残差提取模块。在增强模块中,使用Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM)增加特征图关键区域以及关键特征通道的权重,提升特征图的空间以及通道相关性。针对深层网络中高频分量学习优先级低的问题,设计了一种图像梯度损失算法,防止高频信息随着网络的加深而丢失。将梯度中心化引入AdamW优化器,解决了深度伪造检测模型训练时间长、泛化性差的问题。所提两种模型在FaceForensics++和Celeb-DF数据集上的准确率均优于主流算法,证明了算法的有效性以及泛化性。  相似文献   

韩语晨  华光  张海剑 《信号处理》2021,37(4):567-577
近年来出现并迅猛发展的深度伪造(DeepFake)技术深刻改变了多媒体内容伪造的方式和水平,给网络空间内容安全带来了新的严峻挑战。本文主要关注深度伪造中危害最大的视频换脸伪造,提出基于Inception3D(I3D)网络的眼部与口部双流检测方法。首先,针对现有大多数伪造检测方法忽略了视频中重要的时间信息的问题,将目前常用的仅具备空域感受能力的2D卷积拓展为I3D卷积,赋予网络同时感受空域和时域信息的能力。同时,通过调整I3D网络结构使其从原有的多分类任务设计改进为更适合换脸取证二分类任务的高效网络。进一步,考虑到视频换脸操作中眼部和口部区域伪造难度更大也更容易留下篡改痕迹的特点,提出基于这两个区域的双流网络结构,最终利用双流输出结果实现协同决策。通过在Celeb-DF、DFDC、DeepFakeDetection、FaceForensics++等目前常用数据集上的广泛实验,结果表明本文提出的方法在检测准确性和效率上较目前最先进的Xception和标准I3D网络均得到显著提升。   相似文献   

为降低图像伪造算法的错误检测率和漏检测率,利用互相关函数(CCF),设计了基于圆域分割耦合最优相关法则的图像复制-粘贴篡改检测算法。引入FAST算子,计算像素点及其邻点的灰度值,准确提取图像特征点,并利用特征点对应的直方图信息求取其主方向;同时,在该方向上建立特征点的邻域圆,对该圆域进行分割,计算每个分割区域的梯度特征,获取相应的特征向量;利用互相关函数对特征点间的相关程度进行计算,构建最优相关法则,完成特征匹配。利用匹配特征点的特征向量,计算特征点间的欧氏距离,对特征点进行集群,定位复制-粘贴篡改内容,实现伪造检测。实验结果表明:相对已有的伪造检测技术,所提算法具备更高的检测准确率,且对旋转、缩放等内容修改表现出更高的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

复制粘贴是图像篡改的常用手段,经典伪造检测方法将所有重叠图像块作为检测区域,算法时间复杂度高,邻近区域误检率大.为解决以上问题,提出将扩展Harris角点作为检测区域以降低算法复杂度.由于图像经过复制粘贴检测后往往会进行模糊、添加杂色、色彩调整等后处理,使得图像质量下降,本文结合NR图像质量评价给出更为准确的检测结果.实验证明本文算法对经过模糊、添加杂色、JPEG压缩等后处理的复制粘贴图像检测效率高,检测效果好.  相似文献   

针对一类JPEG图像伪造的被动盲取证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
图像合成是一种最常见的图像伪造手段。该文针对一类JPEG图像合成伪造,根据篡改区域与非篡改区域块效应的不一致性,提出了一种简单有效的检测算法。首先利用估计的一次压缩质量因子对待检测图像进行裁剪再压缩,然后通过计算压缩前后的失真提取图像的块效应指数映射图,最后采用图像分割的方法实现篡改区域的自动检测与定位。实验结果表明,算法对于各种质量的JPEG图像和较小的篡改区域均能有效检测,当二次压缩与一次压缩的质量因子之差在15以上,虚警率控制在5%以内时,检测率可达93%以上。  相似文献   

Understanding if a digital image is authentic or not, is a key purpose of image forensics. There are several different tampering attacks but, surely, one of the most common and immediate one is copy-move. A recent and effective approach for detecting copy-move forgeries is to use local visual features such as SIFT. In this kind of methods, SIFT matching is often followed by a clustering procedure to group keypoints that are spatially close. Often, this procedure could be unsatisfactory, in particular in those cases in which the copied patch contains pixels that are spatially very distant among them, and when the pasted area is near to the original source. In such cases, a better estimation of the cloned area is necessary in order to obtain an accurate forgery localization. In this paper a novel approach is presented for copy-move forgery detection and localization based on the J-Linkage algorithm, which performs a robust clustering in the space of the geometric transformation. Experimental results, carried out on different datasets, show that the proposed method outperforms other similar state-of-the-art techniques both in terms of copy-move forgery detection reliability and of precision in the manipulated patch localization.  相似文献   

Recent advances in multimedia technologies have made imaging devices and image editing tools ubiquitous and affordable. Image editing done with malicious intent is called as image tampering or forgery. The most common forgery is the copy-move forgery which involves copying a part of an image and pasting it on some other part of the same image. There are many existing methods for such forgery detection, but most of them are sensitive to post-processing and do not detect multiple instances of forgeries in an image. In the proposed approach, affine transformation property preservation of clustered keypoints in the image is used, which includes the tests for collinearity and distance ratio preservation. Our method is also able to detect multiple copy-move forgeries within an image. The proposed method is tested against four image tampering detection datasets, and the results of our method are the best compared to the existing eight state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   

李子健  阮秋琦 《信号处理》2017,33(4):589-594
图像的复制-粘贴篡改检测是图像篡改检测领域中的重要组成部分。本文基于SIFT算法以及LPP的降维思想,提出了一种新的篡改检测算法。本文在SIFT算法的基础上,使用LPP算法对SIFT算法生成的特征点以及特征向量进行降维。使得传统SIFT算法在实际应用中特征点数目过多、特征向量维数过高等缺陷得到了解决。并使用凝聚型层次聚类算法对相似的特征点进行聚类,完成了对图像复制-粘贴篡改区域的检测。在文章的最后,本文对哥伦比亚大学复制-粘贴图像库里的100张图片进行实验。实验结果表明,不管篡改区域后处理方式是拉伸还是旋转,本文算法都能比传统的SIFT、SURF、PCA-SIFT等算法生成更少的特征点数目和更低的特征向量维度,使得检测效率以及检测正确率得到有效提升。   相似文献   

Keypoint-based and block-based methods are two main categories of techniques for detecting copy-move forged images, one of the most common digital image forgery schemes. In general, block-based methods suffer from high computational cost due to the large number of image blocks used and fail to handle geometric transformations. On the contrary, keypoint-based approaches can overcome these two drawbacks yet are found difficult to deal with smooth regions. As a result, fusion of these two approaches is proposed for effective copy-move forgery detection. First, our scheme adaptively determines an appropriate initial size of regions to segment the image into non-overlapped regions. Feature points are extracted as keypoints using the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) from the image. The ratio between the number of keypoints and the total number of pixels in that region is used to classify the region into smooth or non-smooth (keypoints) regions. Accordingly, block based approach using Zernike moments and keypoint based approach using SIFT along with filtering and post-processing are respectively applied to these two kinds of regions for effective forgery detection. Experimental results show that the proposed fusion scheme outperforms the keypoint-based method in reliability of detection and the block-based method in efficiency.  相似文献   

With advancement of media editing software, even people who are not image processing experts can easily alter digital images. Various methods of digital image forgery exist, such as image splicing, copy-move forgery, and image retouching. The most common method of tampering with a digital image is copy-move forgery, in which a part of an image is duplicated and used to substitute another part of the same image at a different location. In this paper, we present an efficient and robust method to detect such artifacts. First, the tampered image is segmented into overlapping fixed-size blocks, and the Gabor filter is applied to each block. Thus, the image of Gabor magnitude represents each block. Secondly, statistical features are extracted from the histogram of orientated Gabor magnitude (HOGM) of overlapping blocks, and reduced features are generated for similarity measurement. Finally, feature vectors are sorted lexicographically, and duplicated image blocks are identified by finding similarity block pairs after suitable post-processing. To enhance the algorithm’s robustness, a few parameters are proposed for removing the wrong similar blocks. Experiment results demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to detect multiple examples of copy-move forgery and precisely locate the duplicated regions, even when dealing with images distorted by slight rotation and scaling, JPEG compression, blurring, and brightness adjustment.  相似文献   

图像复制-黏贴(copy-move)是一类的常见的图像篡改手段,篡改通过将图像中一部分区域复制并黏贴到同一幅图像另一区域后起到掩盖被覆盖内容的目的。由于篡改者为了使篡改更加逼真或者试图增加检测难度,往往在黏贴图像块之前对图像块进行加噪、模糊或者旋转缩放等后续处理。目前检测这类篡改的认证方法主要归纳为三类:变换域鲁棒特征子块匹配方法、旋转不变特征子块匹配方法和特征点匹配方法。本文对采用这三类方法的国内外文献进行了系统的分析和归纳并对未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Aiming at the high computational complexity of the existing copy-move image forgery detection algorithm,a copy-move forgery detection algorithm based on group scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) was proposed.Firstly,the simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) was utilized to divide the input image into non-overlapping and irregular blocks.Secondly,the structure tensor was introduced to classify each block as flat blocks,edge blocks and corner blocks,and then the SIFT feature points extracted from the block were taken as the block features.Finally,the forgery was located by the inter-class matching of the block features.By means of inter-class matching and feature point matching,the time complexity of the proposed copy-move forgery detection algorithm in feature matching and locating forgery region was effectively reduced while guaranteeing the detection effect.The experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is 97.79%,the recall rate is 90.34%,and the F score is 93.59%,the detecting time for the image with size of 1024×768 is 12.72 s,and the detecting time for the image with size of 3000×2000 was 639.93 s.Compared with the existing copy-move algorithm,the proposed algorithm can locate the forgery region quickly and accurately,and has high robustness.  相似文献   

刘福金 《电视技术》2015,39(3):107-109,132
现有的大多数图像篡改检测算法不能够很好地检测多次篡改区域,针对此不足,提出了一种有效的基于SVD和直方图的JPEG图像篡改盲检测算法。该算法首先以设定的窗口块在待检测图像上依次滑动一个像素得到每个单独的滑窗分块,每个分块用奇异值分解(SVD)值表征;然后字典排序所有分块量化后的SVD值矩阵,并通过统计排序后的矩阵的偏移频率来得到直方图;最后通过直方图设定阈值以判断分块是否属于复制粘贴块。实验结果表明,该算法不仅能对单次篡改区域进行准确定位,还能较好地检测到多次篡改区域。  相似文献   

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