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在田湾核电站两次大修换料期间,对1、2号机组开展了弱贯穿辐射调查,主要工作包括可能存在较高弱贯穿辐射风险场所的辐射剂量率监测、部分代表性工作人员受到的弱贯穿辐射剂量监测、防护用品的防护效果测试等。由弱贯穿辐射测量结果可知,田湾核电站各检修设备表面沉积的放射性核素基本一致,主要包含58Co、60Co、95Nb、95Zr、51Cr、124Sb、54Mn、110mAg、59Fe等,其伴随发射的β射线能量主要集中在600 keV以下。其中测得主泵剂量率比值H·′(3)/H·*(10)最大值为2.08,H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为34.9;蒸汽发生器H·′(3)/H·*(10)最大值为2.58, H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为10.7;堆本体H·′(3)/H·*(10)最大值为1.25,H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为26.4;主泵之外其他泵类设备H·′(3)/H·*(10) 最大值为3.80,H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为55.6;阀门类设备H·′(3)/H·*(10) 最大值为1.15,H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为4.18;其他物项H·′(3)/H·*(10) 最大值为1.53,H·′(0.07)/H·*(10)最大值为2.16。检修人员弱贯穿剂量监测结果表明,Hp(0.07)/Hp(10)和Hp(3)/Hp(10)最大值分别为7.66和3.73,大修监测期间的个人剂量当量Hp(10)都在0.35 mSv以下,且这几次大修所有人员的个人剂量当量Hp(10)都小于2 mSv,由此可知Hp(0.07)和Hp(3)分别超过国家标准规定的个人剂量限值500 mSv/a及IAEA新限值20 mSv/a的可能性较小。根据弱贯穿测量结果,建议对主泵可抽取部件检修、反应堆水池清洁、KBA系统泵阀检修、放射性废物分拣等专项检修人员,开展眼晶体剂量和皮肤剂量监测。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍核设施β-γ混合场中定向剂量当量率$\dot{H}$′(3)的现场监测方法。基于研制的ZF-D300型定向剂量当量率$\dot{H}$′(3)监测仪,利用γ标准辐射场、β标准辐射场、以及组合的β-γ标准辐射场,测量给出了监测仪器对γ射线和β射线的响应特性。结合周围剂量当量率仪、β谱仪和γ谱仪测量数据,给出了β-γ混合场中测量$\dot{H}$′(3)的数据处理方法。在实验室建立的标准β-γ辐射场中,采用本文中数据处理方法测量计算的$\dot{H}$′(3,45°)值,与标准装置给出的$\dot{H}$′(3,45°)约定真值相对偏差小于±1%。在某核电站大修期间,对该β-γ混合场中监测$\dot{H}$′(3)的方法进行了应用。  相似文献   

在秦山第二核电厂8次大修期间,对反应堆冷却剂系统(RCP)、余热排出系统(RRA)、化学和容积控制系统(RCV)、反应堆换料水池和乏燃料水池冷却和处理系统(PTR)4个系统主要阀门的辐射源项和弱贯穿辐射进行了监测。测得RCV系统阀门沉积的放射性核素主要是110mAg,RCP、RRA和PTR系统阀门内沉积的主要是58Co、60Co、51Cr、95Nb、95Zr等放射性核素,伴随的β射线能量主要在500 keV范围内。测量给出了4类阀门的公式′(0.07)和′(3)值,测得′(3) /*(10)值在1.24左右,′(0.07) /*(10)值在14左右。结合测量结果,给出了部分阀门需要对检修人员开展眼晶体剂量和皮肤剂量监测的建议。  相似文献   

刘庆云  马国学  胡翔 《辐射防护》2020,40(5):408-413
本文基于本底水平较低的反宇宙射线γ谱仪,对其在水样品测量上的应用进行了探讨。文中使用水标准源对反宇宙射线γ谱仪进行效率刻度,比较不同形状水样品探测效率差异,对采集的某水样品经蒸发浓缩后测量,比较反宇宙γ谱仪与其他γ谱仪测量水样品的探测限。结果γ射线能量E<130 keV时,反宇宙γ谱仪对马林杯($\phi$17 cm×17 cm)水样品的探测效率低于圆柱体($\phi$7.5 cm×7.0 cm)水样品,而E>130 keV时,马林杯水样品的探测效率明显大于圆柱体样品。反宇宙γ谱仪测量马林杯水样品的探测限比圆柱体水样品探测限低一个数量级。反宇宙γ谱仪对同一水样品的探测限比常规高纯锗谱仪低一个数量级,该反宇宙γ谱仪直接测量未经前处理马林杯水样品中核素144Ce、137Cs和60Co的探测限分别为3.07×10-2 Bq/L、3.67×10-3 Bq/L、3.70×10-3 Bq/L。结论是反宇宙射线γ谱仪可用于低水平放射性水样品测量,其优势在于减少前处理时间,缩短样品测量周期,大大降低探测限,提高测量精确度。  相似文献   

对高剂量率60Co近距离治疗放射源参考空气比释动能率进行测量并校准井型电离室。根据国际原子能机构推荐方法利用指型电离室测定参考空气比释动能率标准值,进而对井型电离室校准。参考空气比释动能率标准值为1.061 3×10-2 Gy·m2·h-1,井型电离室的校准因子为9.391×105Gy·m2·h-1·A-1;60Co放射源的参考空气比释动能率标准值的不确定度为2.11%(k=2),井型电离室校准因子的不确定度为2.6%(k=2)。实现了60Co近距离治疗放射源参考空气比释动能率的测量及其井型电离室的校准,为高剂量率60Co近距离治疗源的临床质控提供了量值保障。  相似文献   

李婷  朱君  刘团团  张艾明 《辐射防护》2020,40(6):593-604
临港工业区建设会导致核电厂取排水口局部潮流场发生变化,影响液态流出物稀释与扩散。以中国北部湾的廉江港为例,采用二维数值模拟计算核电厂2台机组投入运行后,考虑和不考虑临港工业区两种情况下夏季中潮131I和60Co在取排水口附近海域的浓度分布和时空变化。结果表明:临港工业区建设前,131I和60Co主要随潮流运动,131I和60Co稀释10倍的浓度平均值包络面积分别为0.9×10-3 km2和1.2×10-3 km2,高浓度区主要分布于排水口所在的安铺湾。临港工业区建设后,潮流场仅在工业区附近发生变化,变化幅度工业区东侧明显大于西侧,并在东侧形成回流区,挑流作用使附近水域的流动减弱,贴近工业区受影响最大,流速、流向均有较明显的改变。131I和60Co稀释10倍的浓度平均值包络面积分别为1.0×10-3 km2和3.0×10-3 km2,稀释1 000倍的浓度平均值包络面积分别为109.21 km2和265.41 km2。对比工业区建设前,131I和60Co的高浓度区分别增加了11.1%和150%,而低浓度区分别减小了12.5%和3.2%,说明工业区建设后不利于液态流出物的稀释扩散。计算结果为优化取、排水工程方案、避免出现漫滩排放及局部浓度累积、以及减小液态流出物排放对环境的影响方面提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

人类所受辐射照射主要来源于天然辐射。本工作分析了长江沿岸部分NORM行业水中210Po的浓度。结果表明,燃煤电厂、水泥厂、钢铁厂、铁矿排出水口中210Po的活度浓度分别为(0.93~4.76)×10-3 Bq/L、(1.12±0.07)×10-2 Bq/L、(9.89±0.78)×10-3 Bq/L、(2.17±0.21)×10-3 Bq/L,均在长江水系210Po的波动范围之内。稀土加工排放的废水和雨水中210Po的活度浓度分别为(1.03~1.40)×10-1Bq/L、(3.05±0.04)×10-1Bq/L,比本底水平高两个数量级,需要引起特别关注,有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

胡屹鹏 《辐射防护》2020,40(6):631-639
58Co是压水堆核电厂活化腐蚀产物的核心γ源项核素,受pH值和温度变化影响,含58Co的活化腐蚀产物溶解度将持续发生变化。福清核电厂在执行某次机组调停小修过程中,一回路冷却剂中的58Co活度浓度,随冷却剂温度下降而持续上升;在完成某次换料大修卸料工作后,乏燃料水池水温上升,池内58Co活度浓度也随之升高,导致乏池表面最高γ剂量率达到了设计值的10倍左右。通过分析两个案例中,58Co活度浓度、γ剂量率水平和温度变化趋势,对比工艺系统的运行记录,可以确认:两次58Co活度浓度的升高,均与溶液温度密切相关。分析结果表明,在酸性环境下,含58Co的活化腐蚀产物,其溶解度在一定温度范围内具有正温度系数,溶解度将随温度上升而增大;达到最大值后,溶解度表现出负温度系数,溶解度随温度上升而减小。根据该结论,通过启动乏燃料水池备用冷却回路,降低乏池温度,成功减小了池内的58Co活度浓度,乏池表面γ剂量率迅速恢复至正常水平,避免了后续燃料操作人员的额外剂量照射。该实践的成功,对抑制和去除压水堆核电厂活化腐蚀产物中的58Co,提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

采用γ谱测量和低本底β谱测量的方法对济南微堆退役场址中137Cs、60Co、65Zn和90Sr的放射性水平进行了终态检测。所有样品中均未检测出65Zn;水池中60Co的最高值在原堆芯正下方的池底,达49.3 Bq/kg,由中子活化而产生;其他检测单元中,137Cs、60Co和90Sr的最高值分别为5.7、6.8和8.1 Bq/kg,分别出现在运输通道、堆厅和土壤中,这些核素可能为退役活动污染所致。检测结果表明:所有样品的放射性水平均低于基于年有效剂量为10 μSv所导出的清洁解控水平和可接受水平,其中大部分样品接近本底水平。检测方法对137Cs、60Co和65Zn的探测下限分别为1.1、1.0和1.3 Bq/kg,检测结果的不确定度小于33.0%,标准物质GBW08304a的测量值与标准值的相对偏差小于3%。  相似文献   

某辐照厂于2012年开展了对于60Co废放射源的治理工作,主要包括源项调查、回取前准备、废源回取、回取后检查、废源装入铅罐及废源送贮等。经核查,共有60Co废源166 枚,总活度6.39×1014 Bq,分别装入3个铅罐中,并完成废源送贮。  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of tritium in UO2 was studied. Two methods were adopted for the introduction of tntium into UO2: one via ternary fission of 235U and the other via thermal doping. In the former, the diffusion constants decreased with increase in sample weight. The diffusion constants obtained from the pellet with the same specification (9 mm in diameter, 5 mm high) were Dbulk = 3.03 × 10−3(+0.369−0.003) exp[−163±43(kJ/mol)/RT](cm2/s) for fission-created tritium and Dbulk = 0.15(+ 0.94−0.13) exp[−76±13 (kJ/mol)/RT](cm2/s) for thermally-doped tritium. The difference of the diffusion constants between two systems was discussed in terms of the effects associated with the recoil processes of energetic tritium.  相似文献   

Uranium monosulfide (US) was irradiated to investigate the effects of fission damage. Post-irradiation examinations were done by measuring the electrical resistivity, and partly the magnetic properties, at low temperature. The lattice parameter and the electrical resistivity measured at room temperature just after the irradiations showed an increase starting at a fission dose of 1 × 1016 fissions/cm3 and attaining a maximum at 3 × 1016 fissions/cm3. After that, a saturation of both increases persiste until 3 × 1017 fissions/cm3. The low-temperature electrical resistivity in the magnetic ordered state (ferromagnetic transition, Tc, at about 180 K) increased remarkably, while decreasing drastically in the magnetization, with increasing fission dose, apparently corresponding to the lattice expansion. In addition, the Curie point (Tc) shifted to lower temperatures with accumulating fission damage.  相似文献   

The rate of the uranium-water vapour reaction has been measured between 30 and 80°C. The measured reaction rate obeys the rate equation: k = 3.0 × 109r1/2 exp(−15.5 kcal/RT) mg U/cm 2 H = 4.0 × 108r exp(−15.5 kcal/RT) mg weight gain/cm2 h, where r is the fractional relative humidity.

This rate equation agrees remarkably well with the literature equation which was derived from much more limited experimental evidence and so the present equation is preferred.  相似文献   

We propose a new laser-plasma-based method to generate bright γ-rays carrying large orbital angular momentum by interacting a circularly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian laser pulse with a near-critical hydrogen plasma confined in an over-dense solid tube. In the first stage of the interaction, it is found via fully relativistic three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations that high-energy helical electron beams with large orbital angular momentum are generated. In the second stage, this electron beam interacts with the laser pulse reflected from the plasma disc behind the solid tube, and helical γ beams are generated with the same topological structure as the electron beams. The results show that the electrons receive angular momentum from the drive laser, which can be further transferred to the γ photons during the interaction. The γ beam orbital angular momentum is strongly dependent on the laser topological charge l and laser intensity a0, which scales as ${L}_{\gamma }\propto {a}_{0}^{4}$. A short (duration of 5 fs) isolated helical γ beam with an angular momentum of −3.3 × 10−14 kg m2 s−1 is generated using the Laguerre–Gaussian laser pulse with l = 2. The peak brightness of the helical γ beam reaches 1.22 × 1024 photons s−1 mm−2 mrad−2 per 0.1% BW (at 10 MeV), and the laser-to-γ-ray angular momentum conversion rate is approximately 2.1%.  相似文献   

The release of tritium from irradiated boron carbide in a pure Ar atmosphere was investigated between 500 and 900°C. The sintered B4C samples with densities between 75 and 95% of the theoretical density were irradiated with reactor neutrons with total neutron doses up to 5 × 1020/cm2. Effective diffusion coefficients, Deff, were derived from the release data using the model “diffusion out of a sphere”. Deff decreases by about 3 orders of magnitude with increasing total neutron dose, levels off at about 1018n/cm2 and increases at very high doses ( > 1020 n/cm2). The decrease in the tritium mobility is attributed to the radiation defects formed in the B4C. The activation energy of 210 ± 30 kJ/mol for the tritium diffusion in the irradiated B4C is much higher than the value found for unirradiated material. Deff depends also very strongly on the density of the sintered material.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity, λ of a saturated vapor over UO1.96 is calculated in the temperature range 3000–6000 K. The calculation shows that the contribution to λ from the transport of reaction enthalpy dominates all other contributions. All possible reactions of the gaseous species UO3, UO2, UO, U, O, and O2 are included in the calculation. We fit the total thermal conductivity to the empirical equation λ = exp(a+ b/T+cT+dT2 + eT3), with λ in cal/(cm s K), T in kelvins, a = 268.90, B = − 3.1919 × 105, C = −8.9673 × 10−2, d = 1.2861 × 10−5, and E = −6.7917 × 10−10.  相似文献   

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