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Two experiments were conducted on postpartum suckled beef cows synchronized with Syncro-Mate B and artificially inseminated approximately 48 h after implant removal. In Exp. 1, cows (> or = 42 d postpartum at the timed AI) were randomly assigned to treated (n = 101) and control (n = 85) groups on d 12 after the timed AI. Treated cows received norgestomet/silicone implants that were left in situ for 9 d. Norgestomet treatment had no effect (P > .25) on the calving rates from the initial timed AI or from the return estrus. Nonpregnant norgestomet-treated cows returned to estrus in a more (P < .05) synchronized manner than the nonpregnant control cows. In Exp. 2, early postpartum cows (< 42 d postpartum at the first AI; n = 30) were included and all 118 cows (88 cows were > or = 42 d postpartum) received norgestomet/silicone implants as in Exp. 1. Of the 30 early postpartum cows, eight (19 to 41 d postpartum at the time of the first AI; mean = 29.3 d) calved to the first AI and nine calved to the second synchronized estrus. The calving dates at the next calving season for these 17 cows (57% of the cows in this group) was advanced an average of 46 d (319-d calving interval). The calving rates for the two timed insemination periods were similar (P > .25) for early and later (> or = 42 d postpartum) postpartum cows. Treatment with norgestomet implants on d 12 through 21 had no detrimental effects on established or subsequent pregnancy, synchronized the return estrus of nonpregnant cows, and was efficacious in establishing pregnancy early postpartum.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine the effects of incremental increases in dietary gossypol on metabolic homeostasis and reproductive endocrine function in postpubertal beef heifers and the long-term effects of elevated dietary gossypol on various metabolic and reproductive endocrine characteristics in mature cows. In Exp. 1, heifers (n = 6/group) were fed either 0, .5, 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 g.animal-1 x d-1 of dietary free gossypol for 62 d. Erythrocyte membrane osmotic fragility was increased (P < .0001) in both the 10- and 20-g groups. Slight alterations in plasma concentrations of sorbitol dehydrogenase and K+ were also detected in the latter group. Treatment did not affect ADG, body condition scores, or concentrations of progesterone during the estrous cycle; however, mean concentrations of LH were higher (P < .001) in heifers fed 20 g/d of gossypol than in heifers in all other groups. In Exp. 2, lactating cows (n = 17) exhibiting regular estrous cycles were fed a control (no gossypol, n = 8) or high-gossypol (20 mg.kg BW-1 x d-1 free gossypol, n = 9) diet for 33 wk. Mean BW and body condition scores did not differ during the feeding period. Erythrocyte membrane fragility was greater (P < .05) in the high-gossypol than in the control group. Magnitude of the preovulatory LH surge, luteal phase concentrations of progesterone, follicular fluid concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, in vitro granulosa cell estradiol production, and 60-d pregnancy rates were similar between groups. The amounts of gossypol fed in these experiments are not likely to affect reproductive performance adversely in beef heifers or cows.  相似文献   

The pregnancy rate in 321 Friesian dairy replacement heifers was not different following two inseminations on a fixed time basis when oestrus was synchronised with either a 12-day progesterone treatment using silastic coils or a double injection regimen of a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin f2alpha (chloprostenol). There was a significantly higher (P less than 0-01) pregnancy rate following insemination when 143 Hereford-cross beef suckler cows were treated with the 12-day progesterone treatment (55 per cent pregnant) in comparison to the pregnancy rate following insemination of 131 cows receiving the double injection of cloprostenol 12 days apart (32 per cent pregnant). The ovarian activity at the start of treatment affected pregnancy rate following the cloprostenol regimen but not following the progesterone regimen. In suckler cows in these trials where ovarian activity was classified at the start of treatment, 30 per cent had inactive ovaries, indicating the magnitude of the problems of synchronising oestrus in beef suckler cows.  相似文献   

This paper describes the extent to which utilisation of prostaglandins (PG) to achieve synchronisation of oestrus can influence certain economic results. Special attention is paid to the fertility status (FS) and calving index in dairy cows, where PG-treated groups are compared with untreated groups. With regard to these parameters a significant difference exists in favour of the PG treated group. In heifers the pregnancy rate after the first insemination has been determined in a PG treated group. The result compare very well with other published data. On large farms, where heat detection is poor, the routine use of PGs in the total herd is economically attractive. On those farms where the practitioner is involved in a fertility guidance system and where optimum heat detection takes place, the routine use of PGs in dairy cows would seem to offer advantages from a financial point of view.  相似文献   

The efficacy of erodible norgestomet implants for preventing pregnancy in postpubertal heifers was evaluated in two experiments at five locations each. Heifers (n = 896) within each study location were stratified by weight and allotted randomly to receive an ear implant containing either 0, 24, 36, or 48 mg of norgestomet (d 0). Heifers were exposed to fertile bulls immediately after implantation for 75 d (d 0 to 74) in Exp. 1 (n = 476) or for 80 d (d 75 to 154) in Exp. 2 (n = 420). Weights were recorded on d 0 and 74 (Exp. 1 and 2) and d 154 (Exp. 2). Each heifer was palpated rectally for pregnancy at the end of each experiment. Pregnancy rates were higher (P < .01) for control heifers (0 mg implant) than for heifers that received 24, 36, or 48 mg of norgestomet. In Exp. 1, pregnancy rates were 96, 29, 6, and 4% for heifers that received 0, 24, 36, and 48 mg implants of norgestomet, respectively. In Exp. 2, pregnancy rates were 85, 36, 19, and 9% for heifers that received 0, 24, 36, and 48 mg implants of norgestomet, respectively. Estrous activity during the first 3 wk of bull exposure was reduced (P < .05) among heifers that received norgestomet implants compared to control heifers but was not completely abolished at any dosage in Exp. 1. During the first 75 d of Exp. 1 and 2, heifers treated with 36 or 48 mg norgestomet implants gained weight faster (P < .05) than control heifers. Combined across both experiments, ADG during the first 74 d were .53, .56, .59, and .60 kg/d for heifers treated with 0, 24, 36, and 48 mg implants of norgestomet, respectively. These data indicate that norgestomet implants increased rate of weight gain, reduced estrous activity, and reduced the occurrence of pregnancy in heifers on pasture.  相似文献   

Rapid growth large frame (RL, n = 61) or average growth medium frame (AM, n = 71) biotype heifers fed to achieve either moderate (MOD, .6 kg/d) or high ADG (HI, 1.0 kg/d) were used to determine whether puberty occurs at similar body composition or metabolic status. A heifer was considered pubertal after being detected in estrus and then forming a functional corpus luteum. Live animal estimates of body composition and blood samples for assessment of metabolic status were taken at 13 +/- .2 d after estrus for all heifers. Body composition and metabolic status were assessed every 56 d from 7 mo of age until puberty in a subset of 80 heifers representing all biotype-diet combinations. At puberty, 32 of these 80 heifers were slaughtered and physical and chemical composition of the empty body were determined. High-gain diet heifers were younger, heavier, taller, and more muscular (all P < .01) at puberty than MOD heifers. Slaughter measurements paralleled live animal estimates; bodies of HI and RL heifers contained more (P < .01) carcass and noncarcass components than those of MOD and AM heifers, respectively. Carcasses of RL and HI heifers were more (P < .05) muscular and fatter than AM and MOD heifers. At puberty, HI heifers had a greater (P < .01) mass of moisture, fat, and fat-free organic matter (FFOM) than MOD, whereas RL heifers had more moisture, ash, and FFOM than AM. Percentage of fat was greater (22.1 +/- 1.0 vs 1.0 vs 19.1 +/- 1.0; P < .05) and percentage of moisture was less (55.4 +/- .6 vs 58.1 +/- .6; P < .01) in bodies of HI than in those of MOD heifers. Concentrations of blood urea nitrogen and insulin were greater (P < .05) in HI than in MOD heifers. Diet did not influence concentration of IGF-I or glucose, and metabolic markers were unaffected by biotype. No dramatic changes in body composition or metabolic signals were detected before puberty. Puberty did not occur at similar body composition or metabolic status in all heifers.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were measured in suckled beef cows treated during the postpartum period with prostaglandin F2 alpha (5 mg Alfaprostol; PGF2 alpha) and then gonadotropin releasing hormone (100 micrograms Cystorelin 30 h after PGF2 alpha; GnRH). The objective was to determine if PGF2 alpha would cause a release of LH in the absence of progesterone and affect the GnRH-induced LH release and ovulation (Experiment 1). LH concentrations increased (P < 0.05) after PGF2 alpha treatment in both anestrous and cyclic cows but to a greater extent (P < 0.05) in anestrous cows. The GnRH-induced LH release and ovulation response in previously anestrous cows were greater (P < 0.05) when PGF2 alpha was administered 30 h earlier. In Experiment 2, 49 beef cows received PGF2 alpha (5 mg Alfaprostol) and GnRH (100 micrograms Cystorelin) 30 h later to determine if the profile of the preovulatory LH surge was associated with the occurrence of subnormal luteal phases in postpartum beef cows suckling calves. Cows that had normal luteal phases had a greater (P < 0.05) mean area under the GnRH-induced LH response curve and a greater (P < 0.05) mean GnRH-induced LH peak amplitude than cows that had subnormal luteal phases. In summary, results suggest that PGF2 alpha may exert a fertility effect by causing a LH release independent of progesterone withdrawal; administration of PGF2 alpha 30 h before GnRH elevated the GnRH-induced LH release and ovulation response. In addition, cows with subnormal luteal phases had GnRH-induced LH surges of less area and peak amplitude than cows with normal luteal phases.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the geographic distribution of selenium deficiency among beef cows and heifers in selected states. Whole blood selenium concentrations were determined for cows and heifers on 253 cow-calf operations in 18 states. Overall, 7.8% of the samples were severely deficient, and another 10.4% of the samples were considered marginally deficient for selenium. Blood selenium concentrations varied by geographic region. Cattle from the southeastern states were more commonly considered severely or marginally deficient (18.6% and 23.8%, respectively) than cattle from other regions. Herds from the southeastern states were also more commonly considered severely or marginally deficient (14.9% and 20.9%, respectively) than herds from other regions. Blood selenium concentration also varied by whether selenium had been supplemented to the herd. We conclude that blood selenium levels for cattle vary by geographic region and selenium supplementation of the herd.  相似文献   

Long term experiments were carried out to determine the influence of varying energy intakes on the levels of blood components in lactating beef cows. Lowering the dietary energy intake to 0-95x maintenance produced a fall in bodyweight which continued throughout a 10 week feeding period. There was an initial fall in the plasma glucose level. After four weeks the plasma glucose level began to rise, and at the end of the 10 week period it had almost reached its original level. When bodyweight and plasma glucose were falling cows were infertile, when bodyweight was falling and plasma glucose was rising cows were fertile.  相似文献   

The superovulatory response was followed up in 14 beef heifers by rectal palpation and by ultrasonographic examinations of the 28 ovaries, on day 7 after superovulation induced with PMSG (ovulation = day 0). Using a B-mode ultrasound instrument (Aloka Echo Camera SSD-210-DX II) equipped with a 5 MHz linear transrectal transducer, ultrasonography was found to be more reliable than rectal palpation. A significantly higher number of follicles (P < or = 0.049) was identified by ultrasound scanning than by rectal palpation of the ovaries: follicles were more easily differentiated from cysts using ultrasonography, since each fluid-filled vesicle was accurately measured on the screen and presented on the echogram.  相似文献   

Three trials involving 128 heifers were conducted to determine whether norgestomet implants administered during the mid- and late luteal phases after breeding could be used to synchronize a second estrus in nonpregnant, inseminated heifers without adversely affecting pregnancy in pregnant heifers. All heifers were initially synchronized with Syncro-Mate B and artificially inseminated 47 h after implant removal. On d 9 (Trial 1) or d 12 (Trial 2) after the timed AI, the heifers were randomly assigned to treated or control groups. Treated heifers received two silicone implants containing 10.0 mg of norgestomet each (Trial 1) or one silicone implant containing 3.6 mg of norgestomet (Trial 2). Silicone implants were removed on d 21 after the initial AI. In Trial 1, the calving rate to the initial AI of the control heifers was 35 vs 55% for the norgestomet-implanted heifers (P > .05). In Trial 2 the calving rate to the initial AI of the control heifers was 9 vs 45% in the treated heifers (P < .01). At the return estrus 52% of the control heifers returned to estrus within a 3-d period, whereas 93% of the norgestomet-treated heifers returned to estrus within a 3-d period (P < .01). Norgestomet treatment had no effect on serum progesterone concentrations of the pregnant heifers on d 21 after the initial AI. In Trial 3, both control and treated heifers were administered silicone implants containing 3.6 mg of norgestomet on d 12; additionally, the treated heifers received an injection containing 3.0 mg of norgestomet and 5.0 mg of estradiol valerate. Norgestomet implants were removed on d 21.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Single subcutaneous injection of 1500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin or placebo injections were given at the time of insemination in lactating dairy and beef cows to determine their effects on rates of pregnancy. Pregnancy rates at first service in 161 control and 145 treated dairy cows were 52.8% and 44.8%, respectively. Similar rates for 136 control and 145 treated beef cows were 54.4% and 54.5%. Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin were not effective in stimulating conception rates in lactating dairy or beer cows under field conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although hydatidiform mole is not commonly encountered following ovulation induction, patients who have already had molar pregnancies are at increased risk of developing further molar diseases with worsening histologic characteristics. That fact underlies the ethical dilemma of repeat ovulation induction. CASE: A 38-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 0, had three consecutive episodes of hydatidiform subsequent to clomiphene citrate and gonadotropin ovulation induction. She seems to be the first in the literature to develop three consecutive molar pregnancies without a normal intrauterine pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Although ovulation induction commenced again in this patient after she gave informed consent, the risks underlying the ethical dilemma persist.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to evaluate the influences of nutritional management, trace mineral supplementation, and exogenous progesterone on attainment of puberty in beef heifers. Heifers (n = 180) were assigned at weaning to blocks and treatments. Treatments included two dietary regimens (corn silage vs pasture + oatlage), trace mineral supplementation, and puberty induction strategy (with or without progestin implant). Heifers that received pasture + oatlage were managed on grass-legume pastures from October 14 until December 14 and were then placed in pens and fed an oatlage-based diet through May 1994. Heifers fed the corn silage-based diet were housed in pens throughout the study. Norgestomet was implanted in half of the heifers on April 11 for 10 d. Progestin implant increased (P < .05) the number of heifers that had attained puberty by the end of the study, compared with nonimplanted heifers (89% vs 71%). Trace mineral supplementation did not affect percentage of heifers that reached puberty before the implant period. Plasma copper levels were below recommended levels in heifers fed oatlage-based diets without trace minerals. We conclude that heifers can be placed on regrowth in irrigated pastures during the fall and still make acceptable gains for attainment of puberty the following spring and that progestin treatment can aid in inducing heifers to reach puberty.  相似文献   

The effects of bovine somatotrophin (bST) on ovarian follicle development and function and associated gonadotrophin profiles during the first nine weeks post partum were investigated in beef cows. Thirty-two cows (Shorthorn x Galloway) in moderately low body condition (BC) at calving were fed to maintain BC thereafter. At Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 post partum, animals were injected with 320 mg bovine somatotrophin (bST) (T, treated; n = 17) or with the carrier oil only (C, control; n = 15). Ovulation occurred in 4 of 17 T cows and 0 of 15 C cows (P = 0.10) by nine week post partum. Treatment with bST did not affect the numbers of small (3-8 mm in diameter) or large (> 8 mm in diameter) follicles or the granulosa cell populations but enhanced the oestradiol (P < 0.05) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) content (P < 0.01) of large follicles by nine weeks post partum. It did not significantly affect the testosterone concentrations of large follicles. Circulating concentrations of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-I were higher in T cows than in C cows (P < 0.001) but were unrelated to gonadotrophin profiles or gonadotrophin receptor concentrations in the follicles. At Week 8, plasma insulin concentrations were higher in T cows than in C cows both before (P < 0.05) and after (P < 0.05) glucose injection. It is concluded that GH may play an important role in mediating the effects of nutritional state on ovarian function during the post-partum period, possibly through alteration of intrafollicular IGF-I concentrations.  相似文献   

Seven cysteine-rich repeats form the ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Each of these repeats is assumed to bind a calcium ion, which is needed for association of the receptor with its ligands, LDL and beta-VLDL. The effects of metal ions on the folding of the reduced N-terminal cysteine-rich repeat have been examined by using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to follow the formation of fully oxidized isomers with different disulfide connectivities. In the absence of calcium many of the 15 possible isomers formed on oxidation, whereas in its presence the predominant product at equilibrium had the native disulfide bond connectivities. Other metals were far less effective at directing disulfide bond formation: Mn2+ partly mimicked the action of Ca2+, but Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+ had little effect. This metal-ion specificity was also observed in two-dimensional 1H NMR spectral studies; only Ca2+ induced the native three-dimensional fold. The two paramagnetic ions, Gd3+ and Mn2+, and Cd2+ did not promote adoption of a well-defined structure, and the two paramagnetic ions did not displace calcium ions. The location of calcium ion binding sites in the repeat was also explored by NMR spectroscopy. The absence of chemical shift changes for the side chain proton resonances of Asp26, Asp36, and Glu37 from pH 3.9 to 6.8 in the presence of calcium ions and their proximal location in the NMR structures implicated these side chains as calcium ligands. Deuterium exchange NMR experiments also revealed a network of hydrogen bonds that stabilizes the putative calcium-binding loop.  相似文献   

We report a successful surgical treatment of an infective thoracic aortic aneurysm ruptured to the left lung. A 63-year-old man who had been suffering from fever and cough showed twice of hemoptysis. Chest CT revealed a descending thoracic aortic aneurysm ruptured to the left lung. A semiemergent operation was performed. At operation, aneurysm of descending thoracic aorta was found adherent to the left lung. Aneurysmectomy with left pneumonectomy was carried out. The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful. Conceivably, in order to avoid massive intraoperative bleeding during division of dense adhesion and postoperative graft infection, concomitant lung resection is necessary.  相似文献   

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