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In order to minimize the power loss and to control the voltage in the power systems, the proposed momentum-based wavelet neural network and proposed momentum-based double wavelet neural network are proposed in this paper. The training data are obtained by using linear programming method by solving several abnormal conditions. The control variables considered are generator voltages and transformer taps, and the dependent variables are generator reactive powers and load bus voltages. The IEEE 14-bus system and IEEE 30-bus system are tested using the linear programming, Levenberg–Marquardt artificial neural network, proposed momentum-based wavelet neural network and proposed momentum-based double wavelet neural network to validate the effectiveness of the proposed MDWNN method. The trained neural networks are capable of controlling the voltage, and reactive power in power systems is proved by the results with the high level of precision and speed.


新的C-RBF神经网络分类器的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从RBF神经元的几何意义出发,提出了一种新的用于模式识别的C-RBF神经网络分类器.与传统RBF网络相比,该算法能够自动地优化RBF网络中核函数的个数、中心和宽度,且由于竞争神经元的引入,省去了传统RBF神经网络输出层线性连接权的计算,从而简化了网络的学习过程,大大缩短了训练时间.  相似文献   

动态非线性连续时间系统的小波神经网络辨识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将小波神经网络应用于动态非线性连续时间系统的辨识, 同时为了使神经网络的训练达到全局最优和加速小波神经网络训练的收敛速度, 提出了信赖域算法, 并研究了信赖域算法的收敛性. 随后进行了算例仿真, 证明了所提辨识方法的有效性.  相似文献   

A new class of wavelet networks for nonlinear system identification   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A new class of wavelet networks (WNs) is proposed for nonlinear system identification. In the new networks, the model structure for a high-dimensional system is chosen to be a superimposition of a number of functions with fewer variables. By expanding each function using truncated wavelet decompositions, the multivariate nonlinear networks can be converted into linear-in-the-parameter regressions, which can be solved using least-squares type methods. An efficient model term selection approach based upon a forward orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm and the error reduction ratio (ERR) is applied to solve the linear-in-the-parameters problem in the present study. The main advantage of the new WN is that it exploits the attractive features of multiscale wavelet decompositions and the capability of traditional neural networks. By adopting the analysis of variance (ANOVA) expansion, WNs can now handle nonlinear identification problems in high dimensions.  相似文献   

A new evolutionary system for evolving artificial neural networks   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
This paper presents a new evolutionary system, i.e., EPNet, for evolving artificial neural networks (ANNs). The evolutionary algorithm used in EPNet is based on Fogel's evolutionary programming (EP). Unlike most previous studies on evolving ANN's, this paper puts its emphasis on evolving ANN's behaviors. Five mutation operators proposed in EPNet reflect such an emphasis on evolving behaviors. Close behavioral links between parents and their offspring are maintained by various mutations, such as partial training and node splitting. EPNet evolves ANN's architectures and connection weights (including biases) simultaneously in order to reduce the noise in fitness evaluation. The parsimony of evolved ANN's is encouraged by preferring node/connection deletion to addition. EPNet has been tested on a number of benchmark problems in machine learning and ANNs, such as the parity problem, the medical diagnosis problems, the Australian credit card assessment problem, and the Mackey-Glass time series prediction problem. The experimental results show that EPNet can produce very compact ANNs with good generalization ability in comparison with other algorithms.  相似文献   

Robust radar target classifier using artificial neural networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) based radar target classifier is presented, and its performance is compared with that of a conventional minimum distance classifier. Radar returns from realistic aircraft are synthesized using a thin wire time domain electromagnetic code. The time varying backscattered electric field from each target is processed using both a conventional scheme and an ANN-based scheme for classification purposes. It is found that a multilayer feedforward ANN, trained using a backpropagation learning algorithm, provides a higher percentage of successful classification than the conventional scheme. The performance of the ANN is found to be particularly attractive in an environment of low signal-to-noise ratio. The performance of both methods are also compared when a preemphasis filter is used to enhance the contributions from the high frequency poles in the target response.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new static, global, supervised, incremental and bottom-up discretization algorithm based on coefficient of dispersion and skewness of data range. It automates the discretization process by introducing the number of intervals and stopping criterion. The results obtained using this discretization algorithm show that the discretization scheme generated by the algorithm almost has minimum number of intervals and requires smallest discretization time. The feedforward neural network with conjugate gradient training algorithm is used to compute the accuracy of classification from the data discretized by this algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is shown in terms of better discretization scheme and better accuracy of classification by implementing it on six different real data sets.  相似文献   

This paper describes a genetic system for designing and training feed-forward artificial neural networks to solve any problem presented as a set of training patterns. This system, called GANN, employs two interconnected genetic algorithms that work parallelly to design and train the better neural network that solves the problem. Designing neural architectures is performed by a genetic algorithm that uses a new indirect binary codification of the neural connections based on an algebraic structure defined in the set of all possible architectures that could solve the problem. A crossover operation, known as Hamming crossover, has been designed to obtain better performance when working with this type of codification. Training neural networks is also accomplished by genetic algorithms but, this time, real number codification is employed. To do so, morphological crossover operation has been developed inspired on the mathematical morphology theory. Experimental results are reported from the application of GANN to the breast cancer diagnosis within a complete computer-aided diagnosis system.  相似文献   

Road safety performance indicators are comprehensible tools that provide a better understanding of current safety conditions and can be used to monitor the effect of policy interventions. New insights can be gained in case one road safety index is composed of all risk indicators. The overall safety performance can then be evaluated, and countries ranked. In this paper, a promising structure of neural networks based on decision rules generated by rough sets—is proposed to develop an overall road safety index. This novel hybrid system integrates the ability of neural networks on self-learning and that of rough sets on automatically transforming data into knowledge. By means of simulation, optimal weights are assigned to seven road safety performance indicators. The ranking of 21 European countries in terms of their road safety index scores is compared to a ranking based on the number of road fatalities per million inhabitants. Evaluation results imply the feasibility of this intelligent decision support system and valuable predictive power for the road safety indicators context.  相似文献   

用改进的遗传算法训练神经网络构造分类器   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
针对基本遗传算法存在容易早熟和局部搜索能力弱等缺陷,提出了改进的遗传算法,引入交叉概率和变异概率与个体的适度值相联系,改进了操作算子,而且在交叉操作后又引入模拟退火机制,提高遗传算法的局部搜索能力。同时,用改进的遗传算法和基本的遗传算法训练神经网络构造分类器,实验结果表明,改进的遗传算法在最好个体适度值和最好分类准确性等方面性能更好。  相似文献   

云模型是一种基于语言规则的不确定性推理系统.为了提高辨识精度通常需要增加规则数目,这样在多维输入的情况下容易形成"维数灾".为了解决此问题,利用小波神经网络代替传统云模型的后件隶属云,建立了一种基于小波神经网络的云模型(WNCM).详细分析了WNCM的系统结构,同时给出了参数和结构辨识算法.仿真结果以及与其它方法的对比分析表明,WNCM具有较强的非线性函数逼近能力,在不增加推理规则的前提下,可以实现对系统的精确辨识.  相似文献   

Focused local learning with wavelet neural networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A novel objective function is presented that incorporates both local and global errors as well as model parsimony in the construction of wavelet neural networks. Two methods are presented to assist in the minimization of this objective function, especially the local error term. First, during network initialization, a locally adaptive grid is utilized to include candidate wavelet basis functions whose local support addresses the local error of the local feature set. This set can be either user-defined or determined using information derived from the wavelet transform modulus maxima representation. Next, during the network construction, a new selection procedure based on a subspace projection operator is presented to help focus the selection of wavelet basis functions to reduce the local error. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of these methodologies in minimizing local and global error while maintaining model parsimony and incurring a minimal increase on computational complexity.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an algorithm in the framework of neural networks. Specifically we consider the problem of detecting a subset of elements of a set Ω which possess a given property.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel classification of wavelet neural networks based on the orthogonality/non-orthogonality of neurons and the type of nonlinearity employed. On the basis of this classification different network types are studied and their characteristics illustrated by means of simple one-dimensional nonlinear examples. For multidimensional problems, which are affected by the curse of dimensionality, the idea of spherical wavelet functions is considered. The behaviour of these networks is also studied for modelling of a low-dimension map.  相似文献   

We present a robust algorithm for sequential imbalance detection (detecting a change of properties) for random processes with a wavelet packet transform. Based on this detector and artificial neural networks, we develop a classification system for different types of imbalance. We compare the resulting system with Shewhart control charts. The resulting system can be successfully used in selective control and under other conditions of imbalance detection and classification related to insufficient information about the signal before and after the change.  相似文献   

Monitoring changes in a paddy-field area is important since rice is a staple food and paddy agriculture is a major cropping system in Asia. For monitoring changes in land surface, various applications using different satellites have been researched in the field of remote sensing. However, monitoring a paddy-field area with remote sensing is difficult owing to the temporal changes in the land surface, and the differences in the spatiotemporal characteristics in countries and regions. In this article, we used an artificial neural network to classify paddy-field areas using moderate resolution sensor data that includes spatiotemporal information. Our aim is to automatically generate a paddy-field classifier in order to create localized classifiers for each country and region.  相似文献   

In this paper, a neural network (NN)-based multi-agent classifier system (MACS) utilising the trust-negotiation-communication (TNC) reasoning model is proposed. A novel trust measurement method, based on the combination of Bayesian belief functions, is incorporated into the TNC model. The Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) NN is used as learning agents in the MACS, and useful modifications of FMM are proposed so that it can be adopted for trust measurement. Besides, an auctioning procedure, based on the sealed bid method, is applied for the negotiation phase of the TNC model. Two benchmark data sets are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MACS. The results obtained compare favourably with those from a number of machine learning methods. The applicability of the proposed MACS to two industrial sensor data fusion and classification tasks is also demonstrated, with the implications analysed and discussed.  相似文献   

Software development cost estimation using wavelet neural networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Software development has become an essential investment for many organizations. Software engineering practitioners have become more and more concerned about accurately predicting the cost and quality of software product under development. Accurate estimates are desired but no model has proved to be successful at effectively and consistently predicting software development cost. In this paper, we propose the use of wavelet neural network (WNN) to forecast the software development effort. We used two types of WNN with Morlet function and Gaussian function as transfer function and also proposed threshold acceptance training algorithm for wavelet neural network (TAWNN). The effectiveness of the WNN variants is compared with other techniques such as multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis function network (RBFN), multiple linear regression (MLR), dynamic evolving neuro-fuzzy inference system (DENFIS) and support vector machine (SVM) in terms of the error measure which is mean magnitude relative error (MMRE) obtained on Canadian financial (CF) dataset and IBM data processing services (IBMDPS) dataset. Based on the experiments conducted, it is observed that the WNN-Morlet for CF dataset and WNN-Gaussian for IBMDPS outperformed all the other techniques. Also, TAWNN outperformed all other techniques except WNN.  相似文献   

神经网络的结构冗余的原因的基础上,提出了一种利用粗集优化网络结构的原理与方法,并用实例证明,与现有的权消去法,灵敏度剪枝法,相关性剪枝法等方法相比,该方法不仅优化了网络的拓扑结构,而且加快了网络的收敛速度,从而增强了BP神经网络的适应能力.  相似文献   

In this paper a neural detector of internal parameter changes in a stationary, non-linear SISO dynamic system is considered. A dynamic system is usually described by an input-output relation or by a set of state equations. Each change of parameter values creates a new non-nominal model of a dynamic system (sometimes with different values of parameters, sometimes with different structure and different values of parameters). Thus the detection of parameter changes can be formulated as a multi-model classification. The LVQ (Learning Vector Quantisation) neural network has been proposed as a classifier. Selected aggregated properties of discrete wavelet decomposition coefficients of the system output have been chosen as the inputs of the LVQ classifier. The output of the classifier points out the current model. The proposed approach to classification can be adopted as a fault detection method where faults are represented by changes of values of internal parameters of a system. The algorithm has been evaluated on the example of a non-linear fluid system with a non-ideal pipe which internal state is characterised by one value of a parameter, chosen from the known set.  相似文献   

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