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The advances in wireless communication, microelectronics, digital electronics, and highly integrated electronics and the increasing need for more efficient controlled electric systems make the development of monitoring and supervisory control tools the object of study of many researchers. This paper proposes a digital system for energy usage evaluation, condition monitoring, diagnosis, and supervisory control for electric systems applying wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with dynamic power management (DPM). The system is based on two hardware topologies responsible for signal acquisition, processing, and transmission: intelligent sensor modules (ISMs) and remote data acquisition units (RDAUs). The gateway function of the wired network is carried out by remote servers (RSs) based on the Soekris architecture, which is responsible for receiving the data collected and transmitting it to the supervisory controller (SC). To extend the WSN lifetime, sensor nodes implement a DPM protocol. The basic characteristics of the presented system are the following: 1) easy implementation; 2) low-cost implementation; 3) easy implementation of redundant routines (security); 4) portability/versatility; and 5) extended network lifetime.   相似文献   

Mechanically and visually imperceptible sensor sheets integrated with lightweight wireless loggers are employed in ultimate flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) to reduce vital stress/nervousness and monitor natural biosignal responses. The key technologies and applications for conceptual sensor system fabrication are reported, as exemplified by the use of a stretchable sensor sheet completely conforming to an individual's body surface to realize a low-noise wireless monitoring system (<1 µV) that can be attached to the human forehead for recording electroencephalograms. The above system can discriminate between Alzheimer's disease and the healthy state, thus offering a rapid in-home brain diagnosis possibility. Moreover, the introduction of metal nanowires to improve the transparency of the biocompatible sensor sheet allows one to wirelessly acquire electrocorticograms of nonhuman primates and simultaneously offers optogenetic stimulation such as toward-the-brain–machine interface under free movement. Also discussed are effective methods of improving electrical reliability, biocompatibility, miniaturization, etc., for metal nanowire based tracks and exploring the use of an organic amplifier as an important component to realize a flexible active probe with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Overall, ultimate FHE technologies are demonstrated to achieve efficient closed-loop systems for healthcare management, medical diagnostics, and preclinical studies in neuroscience and neuroengineering.  相似文献   

Efficient water management is a major concern in many cropping systems in semiarid and arid areas. Distributed in-field sensor-based irrigation systemsoffer a potential solution to support site-specific irrigation management that allows producers to maximize their productivity while saving water. This paper describes details of the design and instrumentation of variable rate irrigation, a wireless sensor network, and software for real-time in-field sensing and control of a site-specific precision linear-move irrigation system. Field conditions were site-specifically monitored by six in-field sensor stations distributed across the field based on a soil property map, and periodically sampled and wirelessly transmitted to a base station. An irrigation machine was converted to be electronically controlled by a programming logic controller that updates georeferenced location of sprinklers from a differential Global Positioning System (GPS) and wirelessly communicates with a computer at the base station. Communication signals from the sensor network and irrigation controller to the base station were successfully interfaced using low-cost Bluetooth wireless radio communication. Graphic user interface-based software developed in this paper offered stable remote access to field conditions and real-time control and monitoring of the variable-rate irrigation controller.  相似文献   

This letter presents a new wireless sensor system for smart diaper application, which consists of an interrogator circuit, an antenna, and a passive LC resonating sensor tag. The wireless link between the interrogator circuit and the sensor tag is established through the inductive coupling. The wetting of the diaper shifts the resonating frequency of the sensor tag, changing the inductive link, and thus trigger an ldquoonrdquo or ldquooffrdquo condition reflected at the interrogator circuit. With suitable sensor tags, smart diapers can be achieved in a straightforward and low cost approach.  相似文献   

A "smart" thermistor string for continuous long-term temperature profiling in large water bodies is described allowing highly matched yet low-cost spatial and temporal temperature measurements. The sensor uses the three-wire SDI-12 communications standard to enable a low-powered radio or data logger on supporting buoys to command measurements and retrieve high-resolution temperature data in digital form. Each "smart" temperature sensor integrates a thermistor element, measurement circuitry, power control, calibration coefficient storage, temperature computation, and data communications. Multiple addressable sensors at discrete vertical depths are deployed along a three-wire cable that provides power and allows data transfer at regular intervals. Circuit, manufacturing, and automated calibration techniques allow temperature measurements with a resolution of plusmn0.003degC, and with intersensor matching of plusmn0.006degC. The low cost of each sensor is achieved by using poor tolerance thermistor and circuit components in conjunction with a 15-bit charge-balance analog-to-digital converter. Sensor inaccuracies and temperature coefficients are corrected by a two-point calibration procedure made possible by a standard-curve generator within the sensor, based upon the method of finite differences. This two-point calibration process allows in-field sensor string calibration in stratified water bodies and provides a means to correct for long-term calibration drift without having to return the string to a laboratory  相似文献   

This paper deals with a wireless sensor network that was specifically designed to monitor temperature-sensitive products during their distribution with the aim of conforming to the cold-chain assurance requirements. The measurement problems and the constraints that have been encountered in this application are initially highlighted, and then, an architecture that takes such problems into account is proposed. The proposed architecture is based on specifically designed measuring nodes that are inserted into the products to identify their behavior under real operating conditions, e.g., during a typical distribution. Such product nodes communicate through a wireless channel with a base station, which collects and processes the data sent by all the nodes. A peculiarity of the product nodes is the low cost, which allows the information on the cold-chain integrity to be provided to the final customer. The results that refer to the functional tests of the proposed system and to the experimental tests performed on a refrigerated vehicle during a distribution are reported.  相似文献   

The paper presents a prototype wireless system for the detection of active fatigue cracks in aging railways bridges in real-time. The system is based on a small low-cost sensor node, called an AEPod, that has four acoustic emission (AE) channels and a strain channel for sensing, as well as the capability to communicate in a wireless fashion with other nodes and a base station. AEPods are placed at fracture-critical bridge locations. The strain sensor detects oncoming traffic and triggers the AEPod out of its hibernation mode. As the train stresses the fracture-critical member, acoustic emission and strain data are acquired. The data are compressed and filtered at the AEPod and transmitted off the bridge using cell-phone communication.  相似文献   

The effects of interference in the setup of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) represent a critical issue, and as such, it needs to be carefully addressed. To this aim, helpful information can be achieved through measurements to be carried out in advance on suitable prototypes and testbeds. In this paper, the measurement of industrial WSN performance is dealt with. In particular, a suitable testbed enlisting IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor nodes is presented along with the results of some experiments carried out even in the presence of interference. The purpose is to show how to evaluate some specific parameters of a WSN employed for industrial applications to obtain useful information for its setup optimization in the presence of interference. The analysis will show that from the measurement of these parameters (number of failed pollings, polling round-trip time, experimental cycle time, and alarm latency), interference effects can effectively be recognized, and the network setup can be optimized.   相似文献   

The present trends in smart world reflects the extensive use of limited resources through information and communication technology. The limited resources like space, mobility, energy, etc., have been consumed rigorously towards creating optimized but smart instances. Thus, a new concept of IoT integrated smart city vision is yet to be proposed which includes a combination of systems like noise and air loss monitoring, web monitoring and fire detection systems, smart waste bin systems, etc., that have not been clearly addressed in the previous researches. This paper focuses on developing an effective system for possible monitoring of losses, traffic management, thus innovating smart city at large with digitalized and integrated systems and software for fast and effective implementations. In our proposed system, a real time data analysis is performed. These data are collected by various sensors to analyze different factors that are responsible for such losses. The proposed work is validated on a real case study.  相似文献   

无线传感网技术在智能电网用电信息采集系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线传感网在智能电网电能信息采集系统中的应用是为了保证智能电网建设规范有序推进,实现电力用户用电信息采集系统建设"全覆盖、全采集、全预付费"的总体目标,规范统一用电信息采集系统及主站、采集终端、通信单元的功能配置、型式结构、性能指标、通信协议、安全认证、检验方法等。  相似文献   

The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a promising technology that could be used to monitor rivers’ water levels for early warning flood detection in the 5G context. However, during a flood, sensor nodes may be washed up or become faulty, which seriously affects network connectivity. To address this issue, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) could be integrated with WSN as routers or data mules to provide reliable data collection and flood prediction. In light of this, we propose a fault-tolerant multi-level framework comprised of a WSN and a UAV to monitor river levels. The framework is capable to provide seamless data collection by handling the disconnections caused by the failed nodes during a flood. Besides, an algorithm hybridized with Group Method Data Handling (GMDH) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is proposed to predict forthcoming floods in an intelligent collaborative environment. The proposed water-level prediction model is trained based on the real dataset obtained from the Selangor River in Malaysia. The performance of the work in comparison with other models has been also evaluated and numerical results based on different metrics such as coefficient of determination (), correlation coefficient (), Root Mean Square Error (), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (), and are provided.  相似文献   

Conventional tools for deformation measurement are widely used for structural health monitoring—i.e. strain gauges and fiber optic sensors—due to their relative low cost and efficiency. However, these techniques still present some drawbacks particularly in limited access locations, since their usage requires some sort of cabling or battery-driven electronics. Thus, in a few situations there may be room for new technologies for deformation monitoring of structures. One of the options are passive radio frequency identification (RFID)-based sensors. In synthesis, like conventional methods, these sensors are attached to the surface a test-piece, but are then remotely interrogated and powered by a transmitter. The solidarity of the sensor to the underlying material means that the detected signal is modified in a way that can be correlated to sample strain in a given direction. This paper encompasses the project of a wireless deformation sensor based on an inverted-F antenna focusing on its miniaturization and performance optimization. For this purpose, such an antenna was designed with the help of finite element modelling tools for operation on a 2.0 mm-thick aluminium sheet, and then experimentally validated through static loading tests. Finally, even though sensors of this kind are still in early developments, results show that RFID sensors represents a promising method for remote deformation assessment in components.  相似文献   

The development of an ultra-violet (UV) differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) fibre-optic sensor for the monitoring of vehicle exhaust gases is described in this paper. Experimental results describing the operation of this sensor with NO2, SO2 , and NO are shown. These experimental results are compared with existing published spectroscopic absorption measurements. It is shown that the minimum detectable concentration of NO2 is 1 ppm, SO 2 is 1 ppm, and NO is 26 ppm. The sensor was found to have a low susceptibility to interference between the detection of these gases  相似文献   

Wireless sensor network (WSN) is considered here for remote monitoring of mine tunnels. Since mine transport and exploiting plane monitoring are the complex tasks that require video monitoring, a major challenge of remote mine tunnel monitoring is the multipath and diffraction effect due to unreliable channel and limited capacity. We propose here a braided cooperative reliable transport (BCRT) algorithm for reliable video transmission within mine tunnel. BCRT maintains one-hop reliability to ensure end-to-end reliability so that it is robust to path breaks. In addition, the BCRT-based WSN uses three consecutive forward neighbors to adjust the data rate to improve the sensing reliability. The proposed WSN is implemented in a real-life mine tunnel. And it is demonstrated to be able to enhance the reliability of the end-to-end monitoring of mine tunnels.  相似文献   

This article presents an experimental study for wireless monitoring of corrosion damage that might frequently occur in metallic structures. A simple beam structure made from an aluminum alloy was selected for corrosion-monitoring testing and a small lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) patch-type sensor was surface-mounted to the structure. To obtain an electromechanical impedance data at the PZT sensor, a wireless impedance sensor node that consists of a miniaturized impedance-measuring chip, a microprocessor, and a radio frequency (RF) telemetry was employed. Three different corrosion cases with a different corroded area were artificially inflicted on the beam structure using hydrochloric (HCI) acid, and the electromechanical impedance data were collected in sequence from the wireless impedance sensor node. To quantify the corroded area, the variations of the resonant frequency that represents structural dynamic information were continuously tracked during all the damage cases. Conclusively, it has been found that the amount of the resonant frequency shift got increased when the corroded area got increased. The above experimental results verified that the proposed approach using the amount of resonant frequency shift at the measured electromechanical impedance can be effectively utilized for quantitative analysis of the corroded area in metallic structures.  相似文献   

The wireless sensor network (WSN), as the terminal data acquisition system of the 5G network, has attracted attention due to advantages such as low cost and easy deployment. Its development is mainly restricted by energy. The traditional transmission control scheme is not suitable for WSNs due to the significant information interaction. A switchable transmission control scheme for WSNs based on a queuing game (SQGTC) is proposed to improve network performance. Considering that sensor nodes compete for the resources of sink nodes to realize data transmission, the competitive relationship between nodes is described from the perspective of a game. Different types of sensor node requests require a sink node to provide different service disciplines. Mathematical models of social welfare are established for a sink node under the service disciplines of first-come, first-served (FCFS), egalitarian processor sharing (EPS), and shortest service first (SSF). The optimal service strategies are obtained by maximizing social welfare. The sensor nodes provide the expected benefits and satisfy the service requirements of the requests, and the sink node switches the transmission control strategy for the service. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the data transmission efficiency of WSNs and achieves the optimal allocation of resources.  相似文献   

Capturing rare disease-associated biomarkers from body fluids can offer an early-stage diagnosis of different cancers. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are one of the major cancer biomarkers that provide insightful information about the cancer metastasis prognosis and disease progression. The most common clinical solutions for quantifying CTCs rely on the immunomagnetic separation of cells in whole blood. Microfluidic systems that perform magnetic particle separation have reported promising outcomes in this context, however, most of them suffer from limited efficiency due to the low magnetic force generated which is insufficient to trap cells in a defined position within microchannels. In this work, a novel method for making soft micromagnet patterns with optimized geometry and magnetic material is introduced. This technology is integrated into a bilayer microfluidic chip to localize an external magnetic field, consequently enhancing the capture efficiency (CE) of cancer cells labeled with the magnetic nano/hybrid microgels that are developed in the previous work. A combined numerical-experimental strategy is implemented to design the microfluidic device and optimize the capturing efficiency and to maximize the throughput. The proposed design enables high CE and purity of target cells and real-time time on-chip monitoring of their behavior. The strategy introduced in this paper offers a simple and low-cost yet robust opportunity for early-stage diagnosis and monitoring of cancer-associated biomarkers.  相似文献   

A real-time wireless sensor network platform capable of maintaining lossless data transmission over several minutes of continuous, high-rate sampling is presented in this paper. The platform was designed specifically to provide the capability to enable expeditious system identification, as well as load rating of highway bridges without compromising the typical data acquisition parameters employed in comparable cable-based tests. Consequently, the hardware signal conditioning interface permits data collection from a variety of sensors typical to structural health monitoring, including accelerometers, strain transducers, and temperature sensors. The embedded software features a proprietary network transmission protocol capable of lossless, real-time delivery of up to 40 measurement channels at an effective sampling rate of 128 samples per second per channel. Documented in this paper is a field study on an end-of-service highway bridge in which ambient vibration monitoring was performed using 60 accelerometers interfaced with 30 wireless sensor nodes operating within one of two simultaneously operating star topology networks. In addition, an experimental load rating of the entire structure was performed through large-scale strain measurement facilitated by the same wireless sensor network platform.  相似文献   

As an Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is usually deployed in a harsh or unattended environment, the privacy security of data aggregation is facing more and more challenges. Currently, the data aggregation protocols mainly focus on improving the efficiency of data transmitting and aggregating, alternately, the aim at enhancing the security of data. The performances of the secure data aggregation protocols are the trade-off of several metrics, which involves the transmission/fusion, the energy efficiency and the security in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Unfortunately, there is no paper in systematic analysis about the performance of the secure data aggregation protocols whether in IWSN or in WSN. In consideration of IWSN, we firstly review the security requirements and techniques in WSN data aggregation in this paper. Then, we give a holistic overview of the classical secure data aggregation protocols, which are divided into three categories: hop-by-hop encrypted data aggregation, end-to-end encrypted data aggregation and unencrypted secure data aggregation. Along this way, combining with the characteristics of industrial applications, we analyze the pros and cons of the existing security schemes in each category qualitatively, and realize that the security and the energy efficiency are suitable for IWSN. Finally, we make the conclusion about the techniques and approach in these categories, and highlight the future research directions of privacy preserving data aggregation in IWSN.  相似文献   

本文介绍了工业远程监控的概念、技术背景及简单模型设计,本文描述了基于Web技术,介绍了一种以Jmva作为应用服务器的实现语言的一种两级管理实现模式的远程监测控制系统。  相似文献   

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