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本文从阐述消费者商场购物行为的特征出发,从消费效用角度具体分析了影响消费者商场购物行为的理论因素,例如购物动机、购物心理、购物环境、品牌效应、商场营销组合策略等,并提出商场利用消费行为提升消费效用的具体做法,例如悉知购物动机、把握购物心理、提升购物环境、建立品牌效应、优化营销组合策略等措施提升消费者商场消费效用。  相似文献   

(上接第四期)2.电子商场的建立网上购物不仅是一种理念,更是一种行为。实现网上购物的主要工作是建立网上的电子商场。如何建立好电子商场对网上购物成功与否至关重要。那么怎样才能建立好电子商场?在建立电子商场时应注意哪些问题?(1)搭建性能优良的网络服务器在网上营销中没有实物店铺,只有网络服务器提供商品信息,因此用于营销的网络服务器实际上就是一个商场。搭建性能优良的网络服务器就是营造一个好的电子商,为消费者提供良好的购物环境。由于网络服务器是广告信息的驻留地,所以这些广告信息能否应访问者的调阅、查询、请…  相似文献   

面向电子商务的应用-基于顾客Agent的虚拟商场系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网上购物是当前电子商务应用的热点,该文探讨了一种新的网上购物上购物系统-虚拟商场系统,该系统在层次分形-线性超链结构的信息分类基础上,通过模拟商场以及础客购物过程,利用顾客Agent智能体帮助顾客购物决策。该系统解决了目前网上购物的缺陷,具有较大的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

“3月份的一天,北京某餐馆的采购员小张拿着餐馆的麦德龙会员卡,来到位于北京西郊的麦德龙中国区万泉河商场购买一些生鲜食品。小张是第一次到麦德龙购物,虽然早就听同事说起过麦德龙的购物环境,但是从踏入万泉河商场那一刻起,他还是感觉到了很多新鲜之处:在商场购物的人非常少,很清净;很多货品都是整箱存放;结账时需要出示会员卡。而最令小张凉奇的是,一般超市结完账,  相似文献   

随着城市商业空间的发展,商场集购物、娱乐、休闲、交往等多种功能为一体,成为人们公共活动最适宜的场所。大型商业中心一站式购物带来更多商业价值。同时带来消费者在陌生环境中无法根据需求找到合适地方的问题。文章以沈阳恒隆广场为例,通过对消费者行为和需求的调查分析,针对指定环境下人的心理感受和生理特点以及商业的宣传需求,对商场触摸屏导视机进行改进设计,为用户带来完美的体验。  相似文献   

商场是一个传统的销售渠道,消费者大多习惯逛商场购物.商场在原来的基础上建立电子商务平台,不仅为商场增加了一个新的销售渠道,还可以销售一些商场里没有的商品,吸引习惯在网上购物的消费者,同时扩大了商场的知名度.网上销售虽不可能取代传统的商场销售,在消费者购物习惯日益多样化的情况下,争得网上消费者,的确是商场领导层要考虑的一件事.  相似文献   

现代社会,信息科技在人们日常生活中应用得越来越广泛。商场购物咨询导购系统使用计算机技术为商家和客户之间建立高效的信息沟通的渠道,既实现了对商场和商家的宣传作用,同时也节约了客户的时间,让客户享受快捷的购物体验。本文主要介绍了以JSP为编程语言,采用B/S结构,与MySQL数据库技术相结合的商场咨询导购系统的设计,实现了商场导购的功能。  相似文献   

网上商店的信息环境,是指消费者为完成购物及相关任务而直接接触的"购物环境".由于网上购物是一种Web应用,因此网上购物信息环境也是一种Web环境.目前关于Web环境中人-机交互及界面设计的研究,相对于其发展的需求来说是很贫乏的,因此,关于用户界面设计的知识,如菜单系统和超文本,以及对信息提取的研究,对我们设计Web上的购物界面仍有一定帮助.  相似文献   

设计提出了一种C/S架构的基于Android的参与感知式智慧购物系统,该系统以感知数据为基础,通过客户端和服务器端数据处理,并借助于Web-socket技术和第三方推送服务,将估算的在商场排队结账的等待时间以地图可视化、曲线图和推送通知的形式实时展示给用户,为用户制定更加合理的购物计划提供参考,减少时间浪费。原型实验表明了该系统的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

完善的安防系统,不仅能为顾客提供安全放心的购物环境,也能让商场的形象得到一定的提升。本文详细地讲述了大型商场监控系统的整个设计与安装过程,内容较为具体,值得参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

水在自然界中,是重要的存在物质之一,也是人与自然之间互相联系的纽带。而水景元素,是现代景观设计中非常重要的组成,也是最富有表现魅力的艺术形式。水景元素在景观设计中的运用是十分广泛的,而且水具有很强的灵活性,变化形式丰富多样,在现代景观设计中是不可缺少的一部分。加强对于水景元素在现代景观设计中的研究与探讨,能够更好的促进现代景观设计的水平,催生出更多优秀的景观设计作品。文章介绍了景观设计中水景元素的一般类型以及特征,并阐述了水景元素在景观设计中的具体运用,以便在以后的景观设计中,更好的优化水景元素的设计。  相似文献   

情景交融是园林景观设计追求的最高艺术境界。文章介绍园林景观设计中情景化设计的概念,提出从主体感官体验出发,注重“五感设计”,从设计过程出发通过立意、命名、取材、造景手法,强调以情入景,实现传情达意、情景交融的目的。  相似文献   

Electronic commerce typically lacks human warmth and sociability, since it is more impersonal, anonymous and automated than traditional face-to-face commerce. This paper explores how human warmth and sociability can be integrated through the web interface to positively impact consumer attitudes towards online shopping. An empirical study was undertaken to investigate the impact of various levels of socially rich text and picture design elements on the perception of online social presence and its subsequent effect on antecedents of attitudes towards websites. Higher levels of perceived social presence are shown to positively impact the perceived usefulness, trust and enjoyment of shopping websites, leading to more favourable consumer attitudes. Implications of these finding for practitioners and future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Increasingly, researchers have come to acknowledge that consumption activities entail both utilitarian and hedonic components. Whereas utilitarian consumption accentuates the achievement of predetermined outcomes typical of cognitive consumer behavior, its hedonic counterpart relates to affective consumer behavior in dealing with the emotive and multisensory aspects of the shopping experience. Consequently, while utilitarian consumption activities appeal to the rationality of customers in inducing their intellectual buy-in of the shopping experience, customers’ corresponding emotional buy-in can only be attained through the presence of hedonic consumption activities. The same can be said for online shopping. Because the online shopping environment is characterized by the existence of an IT-enabled web interface that acts as the focal point of contact between customers and vendors, its design should embed utilitarian and hedonic elements to create a holistic shopping experience. Building on Expectation Disconfirmation Theory (EDT), this study advances a research model that not only delineates between customers’ utilitarian and hedonic expectations for online shopping but also highlights how these expectations can be best served through functional and esthetic performance, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce online shopping experience (i.e., transactional frequency) as a moderator affecting not only how customers form utilitarian and hedonic expectations but also how they evaluate the functional and esthetic performances of e-commerce sites. The model is then empirically validated via an online survey questionnaire administered on a sample of 303 respondents. Theoretical contributions and pragmatic implications to be gleaned from our research model and its subsequent empirical validation are discussed.  相似文献   

传统办公建筑外部环境设计手法单一且缺少亲和性,文章提出运用园林式景观设计丰富办公环境,通过园林式办公景观的空间本质与设计手法的探讨,以及案例分析得出结论,即园林式办公景观采用综合配置实体要素的设计手法,能够形成具有视觉审美和使用功能的空间,从而起到缓解工作疲劳,提高办事效率与人的舒适度等作用,是解决现代办公空间与自然环境有效融合的有效途径。  相似文献   

1 Introduction With the interlaced development of computer science and civil engineering, visual simulation has become a comprehensive technology that uses virtual model to research and analyze the real or assumed system based on mathematics theories, modeling techniques and information technology. Recently, it has been applied success fully in expressway construction. With this technology, the abstract data can be dealt with the visualization process to generate 3D models and realize visual e…  相似文献   

计算机网络和电子商务的不断发展,网上购物渐渐成为人们主要的购物渠道之一。主要介绍网上购物系统的设计,采用ASP技术方式实现网上购物系统,介绍了网上购物系统的主要购物流程、概要设计、架构和关键代码。  相似文献   

现代景观设计不再是简单的挖池造山,而是对材料、造型、色彩以及整个景观范围内的气候、季相、时相等要素的设计、协调和规划。玛莎?施瓦茨在解解合合中诠释展现她的设计作品。  相似文献   

A consumption system has two constitutive dimensions: the structural elements and the transaction process. Little attention has been paid to the effect of the consumption system on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions during online shopping. This paper develops and tests a consumption system model for online shopping that incorporates both product and e-service elements, and the online and offline stages of the transaction process. Applying the transaction process of online shopping, this paper dichotomizes perceived product quality into online perceived product quality (OnPPQ) and offline perceived product quality (OffPPQ), and proposes four dimensions of e-service quality integral to the transaction process. An integrative model is proposed to link OnPPQ, OffPPQ, e-service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The research was based on empirical data from over 260 university students with experience purchasing apparel from online shops. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model and the hypotheses. The results show that perceived e-service quality, OnPPQ and OffPPQ significantly affect customer satisfaction. However, only customer satisfaction and OffPPQ have a direct effect on behavioral intention. A consumption system model successfully theorizes the dimensions of perceived product quality and e-service quality. The model considers the simultaneous effects of the two structural elements, product and e-service, as well as the temporal effect of the online shopping transaction process. Different structural elements in separate transaction processes have distinct effects on satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The research and its results are especially valuable for online shopping for physical goods.  相似文献   

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