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界面设计与人们的生活密切相关,软件界面、网页界面、手机界面、游戏界面、数字电视界面等,犹如空气一样充斥着人们的整个工作和生活空间,并发挥着巨大的作用。在欧美发达国家界面设计已成为品牌经营的重要手段。苹果公司的做法就是最为鲜活的案例:它从文本界面图形化、产品设计个性化到iPhone手机设计的人性化,都将”以人为本”的宗旨体现得淋漓尽致,它的成功在不断地刷新行业标准,同时还收获了丰厚的利润。它是迅速提升品牌的知名度和用户的忠诚度的有效手段。  相似文献   

触屏手机最主要的操作平台是用户界面。文蠢通过眼动实验,对视线跟踪技术参数进行分析,测试用户对于手机界面主题元素、图标、文本、导航工具的使用习惯和喜好。使触屏手机界面操作更便捷、更人性化。观察用户感兴趣的界面所具备的特征,结果表明,主题明确的界面、个性化的图标设计以及符合人机工学和满足人机交互功能的界面更受到用户的青睐。  相似文献   

奶油锅 《电脑迷》2011,(5):71-71
选用智能手机的用户,除了看重它们丰富多彩的功能外,个性十足的主题界面也是一项重要的原因,所以国内手机厂商以各具特色的定制界面吸引了不少Android用户的眼球,不过手机用久了,界面总是一成不变难免有点厌烦。而Android手机自身并不支持用户自定义添加主题,那么我们有什么办法能够让自己的手机像PC那样随意更换主题呢?  相似文献   

现在国内厂商几乎都会在Android原生系统的基础上定制一套属于自己的UI,比如小米的MIUI、魅族的Flyme、华为的Emotion UI等。这些UI界面都有自己独特的一面,如今像MIUI、Flyme都已经获得了用户的认可,此外今年刚发布的锤子ROM同样让人期待。如果这其中有自己喜欢的UI界面,但不喜欢该品牌的手机,那么将喜欢的UI界面刷入自己的手机也未尝不可。  相似文献   

手机厂商开始淡化对操作系统的宣传,开始重视对手机UI(User Interface)的关注,逐渐把用户的关注点从某一款操作系统的UI转移到对自身品牌的特色UI上。  相似文献   

1将环保进行到底——NOKIA People First Concept 近日,诺基亚一口气推出了三款概念手机产品,外壳材料采用废弃物制成的概念手机产品,再次将环保理念提升到最显著位置。代号为“People First Concept”的概念手机,非常注重用户在使用手机时的感受,全新采用的友好用户界面为用户提供了时间、菜单和任务三个常见通讯元素,用户只要通过统一的界面就能直接地获取三种元素,给用户带来全新的界面体验。  相似文献   

正"目前消费者在使用手机NFC功能,会可能出现糟糕的用户体验,例如在地铁闸口支付不成功而造成后面排队的人的抱怨,而感到非常的尴尬。消费者会因此感到使用了‘愚蠢的手机’而丢脸。这些用户的口碑无疑会进一步影响到这个手机品牌的销售。"LitePoint全球高级销售副总裁Dana McCarty分析认为NFC如果出了问题,对手机品牌厂商会带来伤害。目前市场上拥有这么多的NFC手机,即使是2%的NFC故障率,总数算起来也会达到1千7百多万用户会因此  相似文献   

如今消费者对手机品牌售后服务的重视程度越来越高。手机大厂频出新品的同时,也在努力加强品牌的售后服务建设,以提高用户满意度。与此同时,山寨手机的泛滥更是将手机的质量和售后服务问题推向了社会舆论的风口浪尖。  相似文献   

2011年5月中国手机市场上,3G手机的用户关注度创下新高,超过八成。4月中旬联通对苹果iPhone4销售战略的调整,引发了3G手机关注的新高峰。5月电信日前夕三大运营商加大对3G手机的营销布局也是3G手机用户关注度提升的一大因素。2011年5月中国3G手机市场分析表明:从品牌关注格局看,诺基亚关注比例再度下滑,整体来...  相似文献   

01/20秒护眼《20秒护眼》可以管护用户的用眼健康,当用户连续使用手机超出一定时间时,它将提醒或强制终止用户使用手机。02/安卓清理君《安卓清理君》可以整理手机内部文件,清理手机的垃圾文件,APP界面很简洁,但功能并不“简单”。  相似文献   

文章以老年人生理和心理特征为基础,结合老年人智能手机界面设计原则,分析比较市场现有的主流老年人智能手机界面,针对老年人智能手机界面的视觉设计,采用面向用户体验的界面设计方法来设计老年人智能手机界面。得出符合老年人生理和心理特征的手机界面设计方法。让老年人在手机使用中获得更好的用户体验。  相似文献   

时尚品牌与电子产品的融合设计是时下设计界的热门话题。本文着眼于当前诸多跨界的产品设计案例,从品牌、造型、用户体验等角度分析了跨界设计(crossover design)在电子产品设计中的应用手段,探讨了跨界设计在电子产品中的应用法则以及跨界设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A great challenge for luxury marketers is how to harness Internet’s incredible influence on customers while still maintaining and adhering to the customer-based brand equity (CBE) of luxury brands. This study aims to investigate the effect of website design on the CBE of luxury brands. Integrating the research on aesthetic design and luxury branding, we develop and empirically validate a research model, specifying that two aesthetic design dimensions (aesthetic formality and aesthetic appeal) can stimulate a strong sense of luxury, which in turn leads to a positive evaluation of CBE. Furthermore, the effect of aesthetic design on the sense of luxury is contingent upon brand familiarity prior to the exposure of a luxury brand website. The research model is validated with a survey study involving 201 participants. The paper includes implications for website design to deliver online brand experience and develop CBE with specific online consumer groups. As an early attempt to examine the website design effect on online branding experience and brand equity, this study contributes to both literature of website aesthetics and online luxury branding.  相似文献   

在消费者市场下,越来越多的企业开始在品牌化发展的过程中应用设计作为其战略资产。设计造就强势品牌,井为之带来各种挑战与机遇。文章试图把设计所扮演的角色置于更加广泛和重要的互联网电子商务的复杂环境中,通过分析消赞者市场下设计与品牌之间的关系,针对现阶段所面临的挑战.总结出设计在企业品牌化发展中的应该扮演的角色。  相似文献   

手机界面的设计一直遵循的发展原则是以人为本,用户体验作为首位。继此在商业上产生其价值。那么清晰、易操作而具有良好用户感受的界面设计;更多的人性化的设计以及有趣的互动环节的界面设计设计;不断地创新发展,提出更好的概念的界面设计,将会是手机界面设计发展的三大趋势。  相似文献   

Usability risk level evaluation for physical user interface of mobile phone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mobile phone has become an indispensable device in everyday life. However, many usability problems were generated by the multi-functionality of mobile phones. There was an important increase on the user interface (UI) design and usability. With the introduction of a variety of forms and keypads in mobile phones, the user's need of controllability, grip-stability, and usability were raised in the UI aspect. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the physical user interface (PUI) elements of mobile phones, and defined the degree of usability risk such as key level value, function level value, and grip level value. Also, this study proposed an evaluation framework to quantitatively measure the usability risk in the mobile phone PUI elements. For this, the mobile phone PUI elements were analyzed and classified by key type, function, and form-factor. Hence, in the case study was investigated and evaluated 133 mobile phones in the market by the proposed framework. As a result, the proposed evaluation framework enabled the measurement of the mobile phone usability risk level in the early stages of the concept design. This made possible the prediction of design problems related with the mobile phone PUI.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes the development processes for a cross-platform ubiquitous language learning service via interactive television (iTV) and mobile phone. Adapting a learner-centred design methodology, a number of requirements were gathered from multiple sources that were subsequently used in TAMALLE (television and mobile phone assisted language learning environment) development. A number of issues that arise in the context of cross-platform user interface design and architecture for ubiquitous language learning were tackled. Finally, we discuss a multi-method evaluation regime to gauge usability, perceived usefulness and desirability of TAMALLE system. The result broadly revealed an overall positive response from language learners. Although, there were some reported difficulties in reading text and on-screen display mainly on the iTV side of the interface, TAMALLE was perceived to be a usable, useful and desirable tool to support informal language learning and also for gaining new contextual and cultural knowledge.  相似文献   

Previous studies on mobile Web browsers have focused on phone features and technical performance, but not on the user interface. In this study, we compared three mobile Web browsers in the iPhone and ultimately proposed recommendations for the design of mobile Web browsers for smartphones. To develop such recommendations, we redefined the user interface (UI) components of mobile Web browsers from previous studies to conform to smartphones and compared the Chrome, Safari, and Opera Mini-browsers. To do this, we conducted experiments on usability tests with several dependent variables, including usefulness, perceived time reduction, minimal action, usability, ease to memorize, learnability, fun, and satisfaction. Finally, we developed several recommendations, based on the experimental results and participant interviews, which will fulfill user needs for the interface design of mobile Web browsers for smartphones. Multi-windows need to be implemented in a 3D environment. Developers should consider UI components and features that ease learning how to use the browser for novice users.  相似文献   

As the use of mobile touch devices continues to increase, distinctive user experiences can be provided through a direct manipulation. Therefore, the characteristics of touch interfaces should be considered regarding their controllability. This study aims to provide a design approach for touch-based user interfaces. A derivation procedure for the touchable area is proposed as a design guideline based on input behavior. To these ends, two empirical tests were conducted through a smart phone interface. Fifty-five participants were asked to perform a series of input tasks on a screen. As results, touchable area with a desirable hit rate of 90% could be yielded depending on the icon design. To improve the applicability of the touchable area, user error was analyzed based on omission-commission classification. The most suitable design had a hit rate of 95% compared to 90 and 99%. This study contributes practical implications for user interaction design with finger-based controls.Relevance to industryThis research describes a distinctive design approach that guarantees the desired touch accuracy for effective use of mobile touch devices. Therefore, the results will encourage interface designers to take into account the input behavior of fingers from a user-centered perspective.  相似文献   

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