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正为全面落实"客户为根、服务为本"的服务理念,为客户提供更加高效、实惠、安全、便捷的"优"服务,让网络更流畅、资费更优惠、消费更透明、信息更安全、服务更便捷,中国移动于7月21日全面提出六项服务承诺。一是4G网络,全新体验。二是流量资费,实惠简明。三是订购收费,清晰透明。四是不良信息,严厉打击。五是实名登记,严格落实。六是星  相似文献   

电子元器件行业如何借力假日实现营销目的?四月、五月是假期大战,也是商家营销的黄金时期,毋庸置疑,年中也是电子元器件行业的旺季。所谓假日营销,就是在利用节假日进行的一系列营销活动。假日营销是非常时期的营销活动,是有别于常规性营销的特殊活动,电子城、百货、超市、网站、甚至是街边的小摊贩也会借助节假日进行有力的促销活动。  相似文献   

"三网融合"对运营商而言是网络融合,也就是固网与无线网、互联网之间的融合,固网包括有线电视网、电信的宽带网和固定电话网。对百姓而言是"屏"的融合,也就是电视机屏、Pad屏、手机屏、计算机屏之间融合。无论是电信的NGN(下一代通讯网),还是广电的NGB(下一代广播网),其基本思想都是网络与业务分离,前者是运营商的网络融合,后者是业务的融合。OTT是"OverTheTop"的缩写,是指基于开放互联网的视频服务,终端可以是电视机、电脑、机顶盒、Pad、智能手机等,是体现NGN和NGB基本思想的一项业务或服务;OTT意指的就是在网络之上提供服务,强调业务与物理网络无关。  相似文献   

<正>林草信息化是国家信息化组成部分,是林草现代化建设的重要内容。智慧林草是智慧地球的重要构成,是未来林草创新发展的必由之路,是统领林草工作、拓展林草技术应用、提升林草管理水平、增强林草发展质量、促进林草可持续发展的重要支撑和保障。智慧林草建设的核心是利用现代信息技术,建立智慧化发展的长效机制,关键是通过制定统一的技术标准及管理服务规范,形成互动化、主动化、一体化的运行模式。  相似文献   

正利德华福在选择人才上总体的标准是德才兼备,人尽其才。在选择人才过程中,贯彻"公正、公平"的原则,凭人的能力用工,确立正确的"人才观",不拘一格选用人才。在招聘选人时,强调"德"、"才"兼备,首先是"德",其次是"才"。"德"指的是事业心与责任心,"才"指的是要有很强的学习能力与工作能力。实行"能力、经验为主,学历、学位为次"的方针,注重应聘者的综合能力,而不是偏重"高学历"、"名校"。热情、开放、直接、高效——是施耐德同时也是利德华福的价值观。  相似文献   

软件服务业作为信息产业的核心,是国家经济社会发展的基础性、战略性、支柱性产业,是信息化与工业化融合的必要支撑,是改造提升我国传统产业和提高各行业素质、效率、竞争力的重要手段。实现我国软件服务业的跨越式发展,不但是产业发展的内在要求,也是抵御金融危机的有力措施。  相似文献   

什么是生活,平平淡淡就是生活:什么是幸福,平平安安就是幸福。幸福是健康,自己和亲人们的健康;幸福是和睦,家庭和睦、亲友和睦、四邻和睦、同事和睦。  相似文献   

高清总动员共有两个版本。一个是这本杂志上的专栏,属于平面媒体,发表总结性的文章。另一个是本刊论坛上的讨论区,分为卫星、有线、无线、3D等四部分,是高清总动员的电子版。高清总动员旨在聚集全国发烧友的力量和智慧,动用卫星、有线、无线、网络等一切手段,接收、欣赏和传布高清。并通过各自的社交圈,让更多人了解高清,认识高清。高清总动员不属于专业范畴,但也不是业余水平。我们吸引了广大高清爱好者,同时也欢迎专业人士加盟。技术、实践、资讯,是我们的内容。发烧、包容、开放,是我们的理念。本文根据网上文章整理,介绍高清总动员论坛在过去一年中的活动情况。  相似文献   

"以前很多企业觉得互联网是新经济、虚拟经济,与传统行业没有关系,现在互联网已经是主体经济不可分割的一部分。越来越多的实体、个人和设备都连接在一起。"很多企业家觉得互联网是新经济、虚拟经济,跟自己所在的传统行业没有关系。但我想借助一些案例来说明,现在越来越多的实体、个人、设备都连接在一起,互联网已经不再是虚拟经济,以后会是主体经济不可分割的一部分,这是一个大趋势。第一,连接一切。智能手机是人体器官的一个延伸,这两年这个特征越来越明显。它有摄像  相似文献   

美国城市建设学家刘易斯&#183;芒福德有句名言“城市是文化的容器”。的确,不同的城市面貌、街道景观,是区别、认识不同文化最直接的途径。它承载、凝固的不仅仅是建筑艺术,而且是不同的交通文化、地域文化、建筑文化等等。  相似文献   

新型近红外脑血氧监测设备的研制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
文中研制了一种双光源双探头近红外脑血氧监测设备,实现对双侧脑组织局部血、氧参数的同时检测,两个光源通过脉冲序列信号控制分时发光,同时检测双侧脑组织局部血、氧参数,为临床通过对比来评价患侧脑血氧变化量提供了新方法,同时以四通道输出两侧脑组织的血容量和氧含量信息,供计算机进行功率谱、相关性等后处理,从而实现对病人双侧脑组织血、氧变化参数长时间实时、连续的监测。  相似文献   

The Choroidal Eye Oximeter is an electro-optical instrument that non-invasively measures the oxygen saturation of choroidal blood in the back of the human eye by a spectrophotometric method. Since choroidal blood is characteristic of blood which is supplied to the brain, the Choroidal Eye Oximeter is essentially using the eye as a ``window' to look into the brain. The instrument can thus be used to monitor the amount of oxygen which is supplied to the brain under varying external conditions. The instrument consists of two basic systems: the Optical System and the Electronic System. The Optical System produces a suitable bi-chromatic beam of light, reflects this beam from the fundus of the subject's eye, and onto a low-noise photodetector. The Electronic System amplifies the weak composite signal from the photodetector, separates the two spectral components, computes the average oxygen saturation from the area of the fundus that was sampled, and displays the value of the computed oxygen saturation on a panel meter. The instrument may be used with a chart recorder to continuously record the kinetic changes of either the oxygen saturation or the fundus reflectivity at each of the two measuring wavelengths.  相似文献   

The level of retinal oxygenation is potentially an important cue to the onset or presence of some common retinal diseases. An improved method for assessing oxygen tension in retinal blood vessels from phosphorescence lifetime imaging data is reported in this paper. The optimum estimate for phosphorescence lifetime and oxygen tension is obtained by regularizing the least-squares (LS) method. The estimation method is implemented with an iterative algorithm to minimize a regularized LS cost function. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to simulated data as well as image data acquired from rat retinas. The method is shown to yield estimates that are robust to noise and whose variance is lower than that obtained with the classical LS method.  相似文献   

双光源双探头脑血氧监测仪的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍一种基于LED的双光源双探头近红外脑血氧监测设备,实现对双侧脑组织局部血、氧参数的同时无损伤检测,实现对病人长时间实时、连续的监测.  相似文献   

The role of light scattering in the spectrophotometric measurement of arteriovenous oxygen difference (a ?vO2) in whole blood was investigated. Optical absorbance of whole blood and corresponding hemoglobin solutions was measured to elucidate the contributions of true absorbance and "total scattering effects" to the total absorbance of whole blood. Twersky's radiation scattering theory, which provides a mathematical separation of absorbance and total scattering effects, was applied to the data. It is shown that, although the optical density of whole blood is a highly nonlinear function of hematocrit, the difference in optical density between venous and arterial blood is approximately a linear function of the arteriovenous difference in oxygen content. Furthermore, "total scattering effects" contribute significantly more than true absorbance to the total optical density of whole blood and hence to the actual spectrophotometric measurement of a ?vO2. Twersky's equation fits the data remarkably well and thus provides a theoretical basis for whole blood measurements. The validity of whole blood spectrophotometric arteriovenous oxygen difference analyzers is thus demonstrated both empirically and theoretically.  相似文献   

Injury-related changes in evoked potentials are studied with the aid of the coherence function, which effectively measures the degree of linear association between a pair of signals recorded during normal and abnormal states of the brain. The performance of an adaptive algorithm for estimating coherence function is studied, and the effects of additive noise on the estimated coherence function is discussed. Further, a linearity index is formulated and, through analysis and simulations, the index is shown to respond in a predictable manner to increasing nonlinearity while maintaining the robustness to the observation noise. Somatosensory evoked potentials are shown to be sensitive to injury resulting from acute cerebral hypoxia. The authors analyze the somatosensory evoked potentials recorded from anesthetized cats during inhalation of 8-9% oxygen gas mixtures and during recovery with 100% oxygen. Analyses of the experimental data show a very sharp drop in the magnitude coherence estimates during hypoxic injury and a corresponding rapid decline in the linearity index at the very early stages of the hypoxic injury. Thus, injury may lead to nonlinearities in the electrical response of the brain, and such measurements analyzed by the adaptive coherence estimation method may be used for diagnostic purposes  相似文献   

龙雨涵  王彬  薛洁  杜芬  刘辉  熊新 《信号处理》2018,34(8):963-973
针对静息态脑功能磁共振的血氧依赖水平信号中的非线性特征,在基于滑动窗口的动态数据分析技术的基础上,本文重点对构建全脑动态特征矩阵过程中的不同非线性相关分析方法展开了对比研究,并给出了构建脑网络中的阈值确定方法。脑网络降维和状态聚类实验结果显示,在阈值参数选择合理的前提下,采用三种非线性分析方法对BOLD信号进行的相关分析均可得到结构规模相似的脑网络,并且其状态转换结果均显现出相似的规律性,从而为下一步展开脑网络的动态特性分析和演化过程研究奠定了基础。   相似文献   

Valuable clinical and physiological data concerning the function of the cardiopulmonary system can be obtained from continuous monitoring of hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SaO2), oxygen tension (PO2), and carbon dioxide tension (PCO2) in blood. While periodic blood sampling is still used clinically to determine arterial blood gases, it is becoming apparent that the recent introduction of continuous noninvasive monitoring of blood gases can offer many advantages. This paper discusses the historical development and significant accomplishments of various techniques available for transcutaneous blood gas monitoring. Four major areas are reviewed: electrochemistry, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography. For each of these techniques, the theoretical basis, instrumentation, and clinical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction, among other ischemic heart diseases, is the major cause of mortality and morbidity for patients who have heart diseases. Timely reperfusion of the ischemic myocardium is the most effective way to treat myocardial infarction. However, blood reperfusion to the ischemic tissues leads to an overproduction of toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can further exacerbate myocardial damage on top of ischemic injury. ROS has been used as a diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury and as an environmental stimulus to trigger drug release. In this study, a ROS-sensitive cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel is synthesized to deliver basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) for myocardial repair. The therapeutic gel is injected into the pericardial cavity. Upon delivery, the hydrogel spread on the surface of the heart and form an epicardiac patch in situ. In a rat model of I/R injury, bFGF released from the gel could penetrate the myocardium. Such intervention protects cardiac function and reduces fibrosis in the post-I/R heart, with enhanced angiomyogenesis. Furthermore, the safety and feasibility of minimally invasive injection and access into the pericardial cavity in both pigs and human patients are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most fatal intracranial tumors with no effective treatment. The drug concentration in tumor sites is usually insufficient to reach therapeutic levels, due to poor blood–brain‐barrier (BBB) permeability and short biological half‐life. Inspired by the proneness of those malignant tumors to brain metastasis, a brain metastatic tumor cell membrane‐coated nanocarrier with core–shell structure is constructed to cross BBB for imaging and photothermal therapy of early brain tumors. The cell membranes as the shell are extracted from different metastatic tumor cells, which endow the nanoparticles with BBB‐crossing ability and long circulation. Indocyanine green (ICG)‐loaded polymeric nanoparticle as the core allows fluorescence imaging and phototherapy of brain tumors. The as‐prepared biomimetic nanoparticles display superb BBB penetration and effective suppression of tumor growth. These findings suggest the biomimetic nanotechnology provides a new insight for the design of BBB‐crossing nanomaterials and is promising to treat brain diseases.  相似文献   

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