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In order to raise ion extraction efficiency in laser isotope separation, we have developed a radio-frequency (rf) resonance method. Then, to confirm feasibility of this method to a photoionized plasma, we experimentally studied the ion extraction characteristics.

When the rf frequency was swept under a weak magnetic field (5mT), the plasma-sheath resonance was found to occur at about 12MHz which was almost the same value as the theoretical one. Moreover, it was confirmed that the ion extraction time at the resonance frequency became the minimum.

When the magnetic field strength decreased from 5mT to zero, the ion extraction time became long. From the simulation results, this was because the plasma potential decreased with the magnetic field strength. Therefore, a magnetic field strength of more than 1mT was required to obtain a sufficient ion extraction efficiency.

To obtain the same extraction time as when applying a ?3kV dc voltage in the electrostatic method, the rf resonance method needed a voltage more than 70Vrms, in which the dc bias was ?1kV. Therefore, we confirmed that this method is feasible for the ion extraction from the photoionized plasma.  相似文献   


The process of ion collection from a plasma produced between parallel plates by pulsed lasers was simulated with a two-dimensional numerical code. The trajectories and velocities of ions in the electric field are calculated using Newton's equation of motion. Assuming the Boltzmann relation for electrons, the electric field is calculated by solving numerically the Poisson equation. The numerical results for the time development of the ion collection are shown to be in good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

Ion Density Distribution in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Chamber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ion density distribution in the reaction chamber was diagnosed by a Langmuir probe. The rules of the ion density distribution were obtained under the pressures of 9 Pa, 13 Pa, 27 Pa and 53 Pa in the reaction chamber, different radio-frequency powers and different positions. The result indicates that the ion density decreases as the pressure increases, and increases as the power decreases. The ion density of axial position z =0 achieves 5.8×1010 on the center of coil under the power of 200 w and pressure of 9 Pa in the reaction chamber.  相似文献   

Ion parameters in electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) microwave plasma were measured by ion sensitive probe and were compared with the electron parameters obtained by double Langmuir probe. The effects of gas pressure and microwave power on the ion temperature and density were analyzed. The spatial distribution of the ion parameters was also investigated by the ion sensitive probes with a tunable radial depth installed on different probe windows along the chamber axis. Results showed that the ion density measured by the ion sensitive probe was in good agreement with the electron density measured by the double Langmuir probe. The influence of gas pressure on the ion parameters was stronger than that of microwave power. With the increase in working pressure, the ion temperature decreased monotonously with a decreasing rate larger than that at higher pressure. The ion density first increased to a peak (42.3?1010cm-3) at 1 Pa and then decreased. The ion temperature and density increased little with the increase in the microwave power from 400 W to 800 W. The plasma far away from the resonant point is found to be radially uniform.  相似文献   

Propellant ionization in the Hall thruster discharge channel is a significant process and has strong influence on the thruster's efficiency. In this work, the functional relation has been established between the ionization density distribution and the function of the ion energy distribution through the basic equations governing the ion flow in the Hall thruster channel and the method achieved for reconstructing the ionization density distribution inside the channel by ordinary plasma diagnosis of the potential distribution and ion energy spectrum of the plasma jet. The ionization density distributions of single and double charged ions in an ATON-thruster channel have been reconstructed according to the experimental data of the potential distribution along the axis of the channel and the ion energy spectrum of the plasma jet. The agreement between the calculation and experimental results of the percentage of double charged ions proves the validity of our method achieved in this work.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of the particle number density of plasma plays an important role in the understanding of plasma sources and processing.Regular radiation signals from plasma oscillation in filaments of atmospheric nitrogen discharge,which were excited by the injection of secondary electron beams during the propagation of the streamer,are employed to determine the ion density of plasma and its evolution in the filaments.Results show that the density of N_4~+ in a filament of atmospheric nitrogen discharge is of the order of 10~(13) cm~(-3).It is also found that the recombination processes play a dominant role in plasma decay,and that the ion density decreases non-monotonically with time during streamer propagation.  相似文献   

A mini-type of plasma source was studied experimentally. The results showed that the plasma density, which was generated by an atmospheric non-equilibrium plasma source, rises with the increase in driving electric-field and the momentum of gas particles. For a driving electricfield of 56 kV/cm and a gas particles' momentum of 10^9 × 10^-22 g·m/s, the ion density can exceed 10^10/cm^3 while the effective volume of the plasma source is only 2.5 cm^2. This study may help develop a method to generate a minitype plasma source with low energy consumption but high ion concentration. This source can be used in chemical industry, environmental engineering and military applications.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial evolution of the Fe-Ni plasma generated by the fundamental (1064 nm) and second (532 nm) harmonics of a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser. The experimentally observed line profiles of the neutral iron (Fe I) have been used to extract the plasma temperature (T e ) using the Boltzmann plot method, whereas the electron number density (N e ) has been deter- mined from the Stark broadening. In addition, we studied the spatial behavior of T e and N e with the variation of laser energy for iron plasma by placing the target material (iron-nickel alloy) in air at atmospheric pressure for both modes of the Nd: YAG laser.  相似文献   

Ionization characteristics of two-step excitation by two intense nonmonochromatic (finite bandwidth) lasers are investigated. By approximating the laser fields by a stochastic model of a chaotic field, the stochastic atomic-density-matrix equations for three-level atoms are first obtained. Comparing with the analytical solution, the accuracy of our model is confirmed. By using this model, the ionization characteristics are studied in detail as a function of laser bandwidth. The dependence of laser bandwidth on the Doppler averaged ionization probability is also investigated.  相似文献   

To realize an excitation of electron Bernstein waves (EBW) via mode conversion from X-mode waves injected from the high magnetic field side (HFS), new inner-vessel mirrors were installed close to a helical coil in the large helical device (LHD). 77 GHz electron cyclotron (EC) wave beams injected from an existing EC-wave injection system toward the new mirror are reflected on the mirror so that the beams are injected to plasmas from HFS. Evident increases in the electron temperature at the plasma core region and the plasma stored energy were observed by the HFS beam injection to the plasmas with the line-average electron density of 7.5×10 19 m 3 , which is slightly higher than the plasma cut-off density of 77 GHz EC-waves, 7.35×10 19 m 3 . The heating efficiency evaluated from the changes in the time derivative of the plasma stored energy reached ~70%. Although so far it is not clear which is the main cause of the heating effect, the mode-converted EBW or the X-mode wave itself injected from the HFS, an effective heating of high-density plasma over the plasma cut-off of EC-wave was successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

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