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Cesarean section rates have risen dramatically in the U.S. over the past 20 years. Although infant mortality has declined during the same period, there is little evidence that more frequent cesarean surgery is the cause. Cesareans save lives or benefit health in certain circumstances, but the incidence of those indications has not increased. Cesarean section also has risks, the most significant for the infant being iatrogenic prematurity or respiratory disease. Maternal mortality is 2-4 times higher and morbidity is 5-10 times higher after a cesarean compared to vaginal birth. The four indications responsible for most of the rise in cesarean rates--previous cesarean, dystocia, breech presentation, and fetal distress--are those conferring the least clear-cut benefit. Demographically, women who are most likely to experience pregnancy complications, low birth weight births, or infant mortality are least likely to have a cesarean. Social, economic, and other factors seem to have a greater influence on the decision to perform a cesarean than does expected medical benefit. The development of neonatal intensive care, expanded access to prenatal care, and greater availability of abortion and family planning have contributed more to falling infant mortality. It has been estimated that approximately half the cesareans currently performed in the U.S. are medically unnecessary, resulting in considerable avoidable maternal mortality and morbidity, and a cost of over $1 billion each year.  相似文献   

CT analysis was performed to evaluate change in the anterior mediastinal fat (AMF) after lobectomy and differences in AMF in the lobectomized region. In 67 carcinoma patients who underwent lobectomy, the area and volume of AMF were measured on CT before and after surgery. Mediastinal deviation after lobectomy was also correlated to the altered fat tissue. The postoperative AMF distribution was distinctly changed in the left upper lobectomy (LUL) group, showing a marked increase from the infra-aortic arch to the carina level, with converse decreases in upper and lower slices. No significant post-operative change was noted in total AMF volume. There was a close correlation between changes in AMF area and mediastinal deviation after lobectomy, and postoperative mediastinal deviation was also greater the in the LUL group than in any other group. In conclusion, postoperative change in the AMF area was distinctly different in the LUL group. Redistribution of displaced AMF is considered to be the main cause of seemingly increased fat tissue.  相似文献   

The confluence of enhanced attention to primary care and palliative care education presents educators with an opportunity to improve both (as well as patient care) through integrated teaching. Improvements in palliative care education will have benefits for dying patients and their families, but will also extend to the care of many other primary care patients, including geriatric patients and those with chronic illnesses, who make up a large proportion of the adult primary care population. In addition, caring for the dying, and teaching others to carry out this task, can be an important vehicle for personal and professional growth and development for both students and their teachers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: According to previous studies, postdialysis urea rebound (PDUR) is achieved within 30-90 min, leading to an overestimation of Kt/V of between 15 and 40% in 3- to 5-hour dialysis. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of PDUR on the urea reduction ratio (URR), Kt/V and normal protein catabolic rate (nPCR) with long 8-hour slow hemodialysis. METHODS: This study was performed in 18 patients (13 males/5 females), 62.5 +/- 11.7 years of age, hemodialyzed for 3-265 months. Initial nephropathies were: 3 diabetes; 2 polycystic kidney disease; 3 interstitial nephritis; 2 nephrosclerosis; 3 chronic glomerulonephritis, and 5 undetermined. Residual renal function was negligible. The dialysis sessions were performed using 1- to 1.8-m2 cellulosic dialyzers during 8 h, 3 times a week. Blood flow was 220 ml/min, dialysate flow 500 ml/min, acetate or bicarbonate buffer was used. Serial measurements of the urea concentration were obtained before dialysis, immediately after dialysis (low flow at t = 0), and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90 and 120 min, and before the next session. The low-flow method was used to evaluate the access recirculation, second-generation Daugirdas formulas for Kt/V, and Watson formulas for total body water volume estimation. The difference between the expected urea generation (UG) and urea measured after dialysis (global PDUR) defines net PDUR (n-PDUR). RESULTS: The n-PDUR usually became stable after 58 +/- 25 (30-90) min. Its mean value was 17 +/- 10% of the 30-second low-flow postdialysis urea (3.9 +/- 2 mmol/l). This small postdialysis urea value and the importance of UG in comparison with shorter dialysis justify the use of n-PDUR. Ignoring n-PDUR would lead to a significant 4% overestimation (p < 0.001) of the URR (79 +/- 7 vs. 76 +/- 8%), 12% of Kt/V (1.9 +/- 0.4 to 1.7 +/- 0.38) and 4% of the nPCR (1.1 +/- 0.3 to 1.05 +/- 0.3). n-PDUR correlated negatively with postdialysis urea (r = 0.45 p = 0.05), positively with URR (r = 0.31 p = 0.01) and Kt/V (r = 0.3 p = 0.03) but not with K, and negatively with the urea distribution volume (r = 0.33 p = 0.05). Mean total recirculation, ultrafiltration rate, predialysis urea levels and urea clearance did not correlate with n-PDUR. CONCLUSION: We found a significant PDUR in long-slow hemodialysis after a mean of 1 h after dialysis. This PDUR has a less important impact upon dialysis delivery estimation than short 3- to 5-hour hemodialysis, especially for the lower Kt/V or URR ranges. This is explained by the low-flux, high-efficiency, and long-term dialysis. Its inter-individual variability incites us to calculate PDUR on an individual basis.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Unaccustomed exercise is associated with an elevated plasma creatine kinase (CK), myofibrillar inflammation, and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) may attenuate DOMS and indirect indices of inflammation in humans. METHODS: We studied the effects of an NSAID (naproxen sodium (500 mg, 2 times a day for 48 h)) taken before and after resistance exercise in eight healthy, moderately trained men in a randomized, double-blind trial. The exercise consisted of unilateral knee concentric/eccentric weight lifting with 6 sets x 10 repetitions at 80-85% of the 1 repetition maximal contraction. Muscle biopsies of each vastus lateralis (EX = exercised/REST = control) were taken 24 h after exercise for immunohistochemical staining of inflammatory cells (leukocyte common antigen). At 24 and 48 h postexercise, we also determined DOMS, plasma CK activity, and knee extensor muscle torque. RESULTS: Exercise resulted in an increased CK activity at +24 and +48 h (vs preexercise: P < 0.01), with no treatment effect. There were no treatment effects for any of the measured variables except for a return of voluntary knee extension torque to baseline by +48 h postexercise for NSAID treatment (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: NSAID administration did not alter CK rise, muscle force deficit at 24 h postexercise, nor perceived muscle pain. In addition, the increased CK at 24 h postexercise was not associated with an acute myofibrillar inflammatory cell infiltrate in moderately trained men after resistance exercise.  相似文献   

A Caesarean section was performed in a 34-year-old patient experiencing a major left heart failure secondary to an anterior myocardial infarction which occurred four years before. At the end of pregnancy, she developed a mild pulmonary hypertension. Caesarean section was decided to maintain a stable haemodynamic status. For the same reason, general anaesthesia with etomidate was preferred rather than epidural analgesia. Haemodynamic monitoring allowed the adequate management of blood pressure, heart rate, pulmonary blood pressure and arterial oxygen saturation. Postoperative analgesia was obtained with opioids administered epidurally.  相似文献   

The management of urinary tract infection in children must take into account several factors, namely the type of bacteria, the localization of the infection, the presence of an uropathy and the age of the patient. In acute pyelonephritis, the risk of renal scarring justifies a first line treatment with two antibiotics to be administrated intravenously in newborns and infants. Treatment must be maintained for at least 10 days: double antibiotherapy for 4-5 days, followed by oral monotherapy according to the antibiogram. Cystitis requires an oral monotherapy for 3-7 days. In any case it is important to search for a cause to the infection.  相似文献   

The severity of pulmonary fibrosis is the main prognostic factor for survival of patients with interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Unfortunately, lung biopsy, which is the best method to assess fibrosis quantitatively, is done only once during the evolution of the disease. In this study we analyzed the relationship between the degree of fibrosis and the exponential constant k, derived from the lung pressure-volume curve (LPVC) in 33 patients with chronic ILD, 19 with pigeon breeder's disease (PBD), and 14 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Pulmonary function tests, including the LPVC, were obtained before biopsy. A semiquantitative histologic assessment of the severity of fibrosis was performed on lung tissues. All patients showed a decrease of total lung capacity, residual volume, compliance, and Pao2. The mean value of the constant k was 0.08 +/- 0.06. When expressed as a percent of normal values, 25 patients exhibited values of k lower than 70% of predicted; of the remaining 8 patients whose values were above 70% of predicted, 7 had PBD and only one IPF. On morphologic analysis, 19 patients displayed more than 50% fibrosis. No significant correlations were found between the extent of the lesion or severity of lung fibrosis and the conventional pulmonary function tests. By contrast, a moderate but significant correlation was found between k and the severity of lung fibrosis (r = -0.38, p < 0.05). These findings show that the shape of the LPVC, represented by the constant k, predicts the degree of lung fibrosis and could be useful in the clinical assessment and follow-up of patients with ILD.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed cause of abnormal uterine bleeding is presented. Nine of 310 women evaluated by sonohysterography for abnormal bleeding demonstrated an 8 to 17 mm gap in the anterior lower uterine segment myometrium at the site of prior cesarean deliveries. All women were premenopausal and had a history of 2 to 12 days of postmenstrual spotting. Presumably a lack of coordinated muscular contractions occurs around the cesarean scar, allowing the defect to collect menstrual debris. Subsequently, the debris leaches out through the cervix for several days after the majority of menstrual flow has ceased.  相似文献   

2010年10月,首届全国环境与生态心理学大会在北京林业大学举办.会议以环境与人类心理为主题,开展了生态心理学研究进展、环境认知与心理健康、发展教育心理学的生态观研究、心理学对环境危机问题的思考、交叉学科的环境与生态心理学研究等专题讨论.同时,会议讨论了环境与生态心理学未来的发展趋势.本次大会是我国首次召开的环境与生态心理学大会,会议的召开在我国环境与生态心理学发展方面具有里程碑意义.  相似文献   

Untreated, hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a lethal cardiac defect. Heart transplant has become an accepted therapeutic option for this condition. However, significant limitations to survival remain for infants with this condition who are referred for heart transplantation. Attention to the prevention, early detection, and management of common problems occurring at each stage of the transplantation process is important for improving survival rates. This study retrospectively reviewed the cases of 195 infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome registered for heart transplantation at Loma Linda University Medical Center between November 1985 and July 1996 to determine causes of death. During the waiting period, progressive cardiac failure and complications from interventional procedures were the leading causes. In the early postoperative period, technical issues and acute graft failure were most important, whereas late deaths (more than 30 days after transplant) were most often related to rejection and posttransplant coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

A Consensus Conference utilizing available literature and expert opinion sponsored by the American College of Medical Genetics in October 1995 evaluated the rational approach to the individual with mental retardation. Although no uniform protocol replaces individual clinician judgement, the consensus recommendations were as follows: 1. The individual with mental retardation, the family, and medical care providers benefit from a focused clinical and laboratory evaluation aimed at establishing causation and in providing counseling, prognosis, recurrence risks, and guidelines for management. 2. Essential elements of the evaluation include a three-generation pedigree: pre-, peri-, and post-natal history, complete physical examination focused on the presence of minor anomalies, neurologic examination, and assessment of the behavioral phenotype. 3. Selective laboratory testing should, in most patients, include a banded karyotype. Fragile X testing should be strongly considered in both males and females with unexplained mental retardation, especially in the presence of a positive family history, a consistent physical and behavioral phenotype and absence of major structural abnormalities. Metabolic testing should be initialed in the presence of suggestive clinical and physical findings. Neuroimaging should be considered in patients without a known diagnosis especially in the presence of neurologic symptoms, cranial contour abnormalities, microcephaly, or macrocephaly. In most situations MRI is the testing modality of choice. 4. Sequential evaluation of the patient, occasionally over several years, is often necessary for diagnosis, allowing for delineation of the physical and behavioral phenotype, a logical approach to ancillary testing and appropriate prognostic and reproductive counseling.  相似文献   

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