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We present new Multiagent learning (MAL) algorithms with the general philosophy of policy convergence against some classes of opponents but otherwise ensuring high payoffs. We consider a 3-class breakdown of opponent types: (eventually) stationary, self-play and “other” (see Definition 4) agents. We start with ReDVaLeR that can satisfy policy convergence against the first two types and no-regret against the third, but it needs to know the type of the opponents. This serves as a baseline to delineate the difficulty of achieving these goals. We show that a simple modification on ReDVaLeR yields a new algorithm, RV σ(t), that achieves no-regret payoffs in all games, and convergence to Nash equilibria in self-play (and to best response against eventually stationary opponents—a corollary of no-regret) simultaneously, without knowing the opponent types, but in a smaller class of games than ReDVaLeR . RV σ(t) effectively ensures the performance of a learner during the process of learning, as opposed to the performance of a learned behavior. We show that the expression for regret of RV σ(t) can have a slightly better form than those of other comparable algorithms like GIGA and GIGA-WoLF though, contrastingly, our analysis is in continuous time. Moreover, experiments show that RV σ(t) can converge to an equilibrium in some cases where GIGA, GIGA-WoLF would fail, and to better equilibria where GIGA, GIGA-WoLF converge to undesirable equilibria (coordination games). This important class of coordination games also highlights the key desirability of policy convergence as a criterion for MAL in self-play instead of high average payoffs. To our knowledge, this is also the first successful (guaranteed) attempt at policy convergence of a no-regret algorithm in the Shapley game.  相似文献   

We consider the learning problem faced by two self-interested agents repeatedly playing a general-sum stage game. We assume that the players can observe each other’s actions but not the payoffs received by the other player. The concept of Nash Equilibrium in repeated games provides an individually rational solution for playing such games and can be achieved by playing the Nash Equilibrium strategy for the single-shot game in every iteration. Such a strategy, however can sometimes lead to a Pareto-Dominated outcome for games like Prisoner’s Dilemma. So we prefer learning strategies that converge to a Pareto-Optimal outcome that also produces a Nash Equilibrium payoff for repeated two-player, n-action general-sum games. The Folk Theorem enable us to identify such outcomes. In this paper, we introduce the Conditional Joint Action Learner (CJAL) which learns the conditional probability of an action taken by the opponent given its own actions and uses it to decide its next course of action. We empirically show that under self-play and if the payoff structure of the Prisoner’s Dilemma game satisfies certain conditions, a CJAL learner, using a random exploration strategy followed by a completely greedy exploitation technique, will learn to converge to a Pareto-Optimal solution. We also show that such learning will generate Pareto-Optimal payoffs in a large majority of other two-player general sum games. We compare the performance of CJAL with that of existing algorithms such as WOLF-PHC and JAL on all structurally distinct two-player conflict games with ordinal payoffs.  相似文献   

基于Markov对策的多Agent强化学习模型及算法研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在MDP,单Agent可以通过强化学习来寻找问题的最优解。但在多Agent系统中,MDP模型不再适用。同样极小极大Q算法只能解决采用零和对策模型的MAS学习问题。文中采用非零和Markov对策作为多Agent系统学习框架,并提出元对策强化学习的学习模型和元对策Q算法。理论证明元对策Q算法收敛在非零和Markov对策的元对策最优解。  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm, called exploring selfish reinforcement learning (ESRL). ESRL allows agents to reach optimal solutions in repeated non-zero sum games with stochastic rewards, by using coordinated exploration. First, two ESRL algorithms for respectively common interest and conflicting interest games are presented. Both ESRL algorithms are based on the same idea, i.e. an agent explores by temporarily excluding some of the local actions from its private action space, to give the team of agents the opportunity to look for better solutions in a reduced joint action space. In a latter stage these two algorithms are transformed into one generic algorithm which does not assume that the type of the game is known in advance. ESRL is able to find the Pareto optimal solution in common interest games without communication. In conflicting interest games ESRL only needs limited communication to learn a fair periodical policy, resulting in a good overall policy. Important to know is that ESRL agents are independent in the sense that they only use their own action choices and rewards to base their decisions on, that ESRL agents are flexible in learning different solution concepts and they can handle both stochastic, possible delayed rewards and asynchronous action selection. A real-life experiment, i.e. adaptive load-balancing of parallel applications is added.  相似文献   

We present a novel and uniform formulation of the problem of reinforcement learning against bounded memory adaptive adversaries in repeated games, and the methodologies to accomplish learning in this novel framework. First we delineate a novel strategic definition of best response that optimises rewards over multiple steps, as opposed to the notion of tactical best response in game theory. We show that the problem of learning a strategic best response reduces to that of learning an optimal policy in a Markov Decision Process (MDP). We deal with both finite and infinite horizon versions of this problem. We adapt an existing Monte Carlo based algorithm for learning optimal policies in such MDPs over finite horizon, in polynomial time. We show that this new efficient algorithm can obtain higher average rewards than a previously known efficient algorithm against some opponents in the contract game. Though this improvement comes at the cost of increased domain knowledge, simple experiments in the Prisoner's Dilemma, and coordination games show that even when no extra domain knowledge (besides that an upper bound on the opponent's memory size is known) is assumed, the error can still be small. We also experiment with a general infinite-horizon learner (using function-approximation to tackle the complexity of history space) against a greedy bounded memory opponent and show that while it can create and exploit opportunities of mutual cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma game, it is cautious enough to ensure minimax payoffs in the Rock–Scissors–Paper game.  相似文献   

Learning automata (LA) were recently shown to be valuable tools for designing Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning algorithms and are able to control the stochastic games. In this paper, the concepts of stigmergy and entropy are imported into learning automata based multi-agent systems with the purpose of providing a simple framework for interaction and coordination in multi-agent systems and speeding up the learning process. The multi-agent system considered in this paper is designed to find optimal policies in Markov games. We consider several dummy agents that walk around in the states of the environment, make local learning automaton active, and bring information so that the involved learning automaton can update their local state. The entropy of the probability vector for the learning automata of the next state is used to determine reward or penalty for the actions of learning automata. The experimental results have shown that in terms of the speed of reaching the optimal policy, the proposed algorithm has better learning performance than other learning algorithms.  相似文献   

The author formulates and solves a dynamic stochastic optimization problem of a nonstandard type, whose optimal solution features active learning. The proof of optimality and the derivation of the corresponding control policies is an indirect one, which relates the original single-person optimization problem to a sequence of nested zero-sum stochastic games. Existence of saddle points for these games implies the existence of optimal policies for the original control problem, which, in turn, can be obtained from the solution of a nonlinear deterministic, optimal control problem. The author also studies the problem of existence of stationary optimal policies when the time horizon is infinite and the objective function is discounted  相似文献   

Solving the optimization problem to approach a Nash Equilibrium point plays an important role in imperfect information games, e.g., StarCraft and poker. Neural Fictitious Self-Play (NFSP) is an effective algorithm that learns approximate Nash Equilibrium of imperfect-information games from purely self-play without prior domain knowledge. However, it needs to train a neural network in an off-policy manner to approximate the action values. For games with large search spaces, the training may suffer from unnecessary exploration and sometimes fails to converge. In this paper, we propose a new Neural Fictitious Self-Play algorithmthat combinesMonte Carlo tree search with NFSP, called MC-NFSP, to improve the performance in real-time zero-sum imperfect-information games. With experiments and empirical analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed MC-NFSP algorithm can approximate Nash Equilibrium in games with large-scale search depth while the NFSP can not. Furthermore, we develop an Asynchronous Neural Fictitious Self-Play framework (ANFSP). It uses asynchronous and parallel architecture to collect game experience and improve both the training efficiency and policy quality. The experiments with th e games with hidden state information (Texas Hold’em), and the FPS (firstperson shooter) games demonstrate effectiveness of our algorithms.  相似文献   

In actor-critic reinforcement learning(RL)algorithms,function estimation errors are known to cause ineffective random exploration at the beginning of training,and lead to overestimated value estimates and suboptimal policies.In this paper,we address the problem by executing advantage rectification with imperfect demonstrations,thus reducing the function estimation errors.Pretraining with expert demonstrations has been widely adopted to accelerate the learning process of deep reinforcement learning when simulations are expensive to obtain.However,existing methods,such as behavior cloning,often assume the demonstrations contain other information or labels with regard to performances,such as optimal assumption,which is usually incorrect and useless in the real world.In this paper,we explicitly handle imperfect demonstrations within the actor-critic RL frameworks,and propose a new method called learning from imperfect demonstrations with advantage rectification(LIDAR).LIDAR utilizes a rectified loss function to merely learn from selective demonstrations,which is derived from a minimal assumption that the demonstrating policies have better performances than our current policy.LIDAR learns from contradictions caused by estimation errors,and in turn reduces estimation errors.We apply LIDAR to three popular actor-critic algorithms,DDPG,TD3 and SAC,and experiments show that our method can observably reduce the function estimation errors,effectively leverage demonstrations far from the optimal,and outperform state-of-the-art baselines consistently in all the scenarios.  相似文献   

倒立摆系统是强化学习的一种重要的应用领域。首先分析指出在倒立摆系统中,常用的强化学习算法存在着极限环问题,算法无法正确收敛、控制策略不稳定。但是由于在简单的一级倒立摆系统中算法的控制策略不稳定的现象还不明显,因此极限环问题常常被忽视。针对强化学习算法中极限环问题,提出基于动作连续性准则的强化学习算法。算法采用修正强化信号和改进探索策略的方法克服极限环对倒立摆系统的影响。将提出的算法用于二级倒立摆的实际系统控制中,实验结果证明算法不仅能成功控制倒立摆,而且可以保持控制策略的稳定。  相似文献   

在线学习时长是强化学习算法的一个重要指标.传统在线强化学习算法如Q学习、状态–动作–奖励–状态–动作(state-action-reward-state-action,SARSA)等算法不能从理论分析角度给出定量的在线学习时长上界.本文引入概率近似正确(probably approximately correct,PAC)原理,为连续时间确定性系统设计基于数据的在线强化学习算法.这类算法有效记录在线数据,同时考虑强化学习算法对状态空间探索的需求,能够在有限在线学习时间内输出近似最优的控制.我们提出算法的两种实现方式,分别使用状态离散化和kd树(k-dimensional树)技术,存储数据和计算在线策略.最后我们将提出的两个算法应用在双连杆机械臂运动控制上,观察算法的效果并进行比较.  相似文献   

Dimension-reduced and decentralized learning is always viewed as an efficient way to solve multi-agent cooperative learning in high dimension. However, the dynamic environment brought by the concurrent learning makes the decentralized learning hard to converge and bad in performance. To tackle this problem, a timesharing-tracking framework (TTF), stemming from the idea that alternative learning in microscopic view results in concurrent learning in macroscopic view, is proposed in this paper, in which the joint-state best-response Q-learning (BRQ-learning) serves as the primary algorithm to adapt to the companions' policies. With the properly defined switching principle, TTF makes all agents learn the best responses to others at different joint states. Thus from the view of the whole joint-state space, agents learn the optimal cooperative policy simultaneously. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed algorithm can learn the optimal joint behavior with less computation and faster speed compared with other two classical learning algorithms.   相似文献   

The field of reinforcement learning (RL) has been energized in the past few decades by elegant theoretical results indicating under what conditions, and how quickly, certain algorithms are guaranteed to converge to optimal policies. However, in practical problems, these conditions are seldom met. When we cannot achieve optimality, the performance of RL algorithms must be measured empirically. Consequently, in order to meaningfully differentiate learning methods, it becomes necessary to characterize their performance on different problems, taking into account factors such as state estimation, exploration, function approximation, and constraints on computation and memory. To this end, we propose parameterized learning problems, in which such factors can be controlled systematically and their effects on learning methods characterized through targeted studies. Apart from providing very precise control of the parameters that affect learning, our parameterized learning problems enable benchmarking against optimal behavior; their relatively small sizes facilitate extensive experimentation. Based on a survey of existing RL applications, in this article, we focus our attention on two predominant, ??first order?? factors: partial observability and function approximation. We design an appropriate parameterized learning problem, through which we compare two qualitatively distinct classes of algorithms: on-line value function-based methods and policy search methods. Empirical comparisons among various methods within each of these classes project Sarsa(??) and Q-learning(??) as winners among the former, and CMA-ES as the winner in the latter. Comparing Sarsa(??) and CMA-ES further on relevant problem instances, our study highlights regions of the problem space favoring their contrasting approaches. Short run-times for our experiments allow for an extensive search procedure that provides additional insights on relationships between method-specific parameters??such as eligibility traces, initial weights, and population sizes??and problem instances.  相似文献   

调头任务是自动驾驶研究的内容之一,大多数在城市规范道路下的方案无法在非规范道路上实施。针对这一问题,建立了一种车辆掉头动力学模型,并设计了一种多尺度卷积神经网络提取特征图作为智能体的输入。另外还针对调头任务中的稀疏奖励问题,结合分层强化学习和近端策略优化算法提出了分层近端策略优化算法。在简单和复杂场景的实验中,该算法相比于其他算法能够更快地学习到策略,并且具有更高的掉头成功率。  相似文献   

当数据规模庞大时,深度学习模型会遇到权重调整耗时,容易陷入局部最优解的问题.为了解决这些问题,宽度学习系统应运而生,宽度学习系统不仅结构简单、训练速度快、准确率高,而且还具有增量学习的优势.介绍了宽度学习系统的产生背景和发展历程,阐述了宽度学习系统的基础理论与实现方法,对比了它与深度网络的异同;介绍了宽度学习系统在图像分类、数值回归、脑电信号处理等应用中的改进算法,分析了这些算法的优势和不足.最后总结了现有宽度学习算法存在的缺陷,并对未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of simultaneous learning and coordination in multiagent Markov decision problems (MMDPs) with infinite state-spaces. We separate this problem in two distinct subproblems: learning and coordination. To tackle the problem of learning, we survey Q-learning with soft-state aggregation (Q-SSA), a well-known method from the reinforcement learning literature (Singh et al. in Advances in neural information processing systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, vol 7, pp 361–368, 1994). Q-SSA allows the agents in the game to approximate the optimal Q-function, from which the optimal policies can be computed. We establish the convergence of Q-SSA and introduce a new result describing the rate of convergence of this method. In tackling the problem of coordination, we start by pointing out that the knowledge of the optimal Q-function is not enough to ensure that all agents adopt a jointly optimal policy. We propose a novel coordination mechanism that, given the knowledge of the optimal Q-function for an MMDP, ensures that all agents converge to a jointly optimal policy in every relevant state of the game. This coordination mechanism, approximate biased adaptive play (ABAP), extends biased adaptive play (Wang and Sandholm in Advances in neural information processing systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, vol 15, pp 1571–1578, 2003) to MMDPs with infinite state-spaces. Finally, we combine Q-SSA with ABAP, this leading to a novel algorithm in which learning of the game and coordination take place simultaneously. We discuss several important properties of this new algorithm and establish its convergence with probability 1. We also provide simple illustrative examples of application.  相似文献   

We formalize the problem of Structured Prediction as a Reinforcement Learning task. We first define a Structured Prediction Markov Decision Process (SP-MDP), an instantiation of Markov Decision Processes for Structured Prediction and show that learning an optimal policy for this SP-MDP is equivalent to minimizing the empirical loss. This link between the supervised learning formulation of structured prediction and reinforcement learning (RL) allows us to use approximate RL methods for learning the policy. The proposed model makes weak assumptions both on the nature of the Structured Prediction problem and on the supervision process. It does not make any assumption on the decomposition of loss functions, on data encoding, or on the availability of optimal policies for training. It then allows us to cope with a large range of structured prediction problems. Besides, it scales well and can be used for solving both complex and large-scale real-world problems. We describe two series of experiments. The first one provides an analysis of RL on classical sequence prediction benchmarks and compares our approach with state-of-the-art SP algorithms. The second one introduces a tree transformation problem where most previous models fail. This is a complex instance of the general labeled tree mapping problem. We show that RL exploration is effective and leads to successful results on this challenging task. This is a clear confirmation that RL could be used for large size and complex structured prediction problems.  相似文献   

Markov games, as the generalization of Markov decision processes to the multi‐agent case, have long been used for modeling multi‐agent systems (MAS). The Markov game view of MAS is considered as a sequence of games having to be played by multiple players while each game belongs to a different state of the environment. In this paper, several learning automata based multi‐agent system algorithms for finding optimal policies in Markov games are proposed. In all of the proposed algorithms, each agent residing in every state of the environment is equipped with a learning automaton. Every joint‐action of the set of learning automata in each state corresponds to moving to one of the adjacent states. Each agent moves from one state to another and tries to reach the goal state. The actions taken by learning automata along the path traversed by the agent are then rewarded or penalized based on the comparison of the average reward received by agent per move along the path with a dynamic threshold. In the second group of the proposed algorithms, the concept of entropy has been imported into learning automata based multi‐agent systems to improve the performance of the algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms, computer experiments have been conducted. The results of experiments have shown that the proposed algorithms perform better than the existing algorithms in terms of speed and accuracy of reaching the optimal policy. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

The purpose of the reinforcement learning system is to learn an optimal policy in general. On the other hand, in two-player games such as Othello, it is important to acquire a penalty-avoiding policy that can avoid losing the game. We know the penalty avoiding rational policy making algorithm (PARP) to learn the policy. If we apply PARP to large-scale problems, we are confronted with an explosion of the number of states. In this article, we focus on Othello, a game that has huge state spaces. We introduce several ideas and heuristics to adapt PARP to Othello. We show that our learning player beats the well-known Othello program, KITTY. This work was presented, in part, at the 7th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 16–18, 2002  相似文献   

Stochastic Dynamic Games with Various Types of Information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dynamic discrete-time games are generalized to a stochastic environment, in order to examine the influence of various types of information structures on the course of a game. It is shown that the information structure of a game, i.e., type and amount of information available to players and, in particular, asymmetry of information, may lead to unexpected and sometimes counter-intuitive effects on the game result, i.e., the players' payoffs. The paper also develops algorithms for obtaining the Nash equilibrium strategies in such games. These involve reducing optimal reaction policies to the corresponding dynamic programming algorithms and generalizing the classical optimal control technique. Results of computer simulations for a variant of fishery harvesting game are presented.  相似文献   

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