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This paper investigates the joint limiting distribution of the residual autocorrelation functions and the absolute residual autocorrelation functions of ARMA‐GARCH models. This leads a mixed portmanteau test for diagnostic checking of the ARMA‐GARCH model fitted by using the quasi‐maximum exponential likelihood estimation approach in Zhu and Ling (2011) . Simulation studies are carried out to examine our asymptotic theory, and assess the performance of this mixed test and other two portmanteau tests in Li and Li (2008) . A real example is given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing for a copula parameter change based on the cusum test. We first handle this issue in i.i.d. samples and extend it to semiparametric copula ARMA‐GARCH models. We construct the cusum test based on pseudo maximum likelihood estimation of the copula parameter and derive its limiting null distribution. Simulation results are reported for illustration.  相似文献   

The article reviews methods of inference for single and multiple change‐points in time series, when data are of retrospective (off‐line) type. The inferential methods reviewed for a single change‐point in time series include likelihood, Bayes, Bayes‐type and some relevant non‐parametric methods. Inference for multiple change‐points requires methods that can handle large data sets and can be implemented efficiently for estimating the number of change‐points as well as their locations. Our review in this important area focuses on some of the recent advances in this direction. Greater emphasis is placed on multivariate data while reviewing inferential methods for a single change‐point in time series. Throughout the article, more attention is paid to estimation of unknown change‐point(s) in time series, and this is especially true in the case of multiple change‐points. Some specific data sets for which change‐point modelling has been carried out in the literature are provided as illustrative examples under both single and multiple change‐point scenarios.  相似文献   

Interest in continuous‐time processes has increased rapidly in recent years, largely because of high‐frequency data available in many applications. We develop a method for estimating the kernel function g of a second‐order stationary Lévy‐driven continuous‐time moving average (CMA) process Y based on observations of the discrete‐time process YΔ obtained by sampling Y at Δ, 2Δ, …, for small Δ. We approximate g by gΔ based on the Wold representation and prove its pointwise convergence to g as Δ → 0 for continuous‐time autoregressive moving average (CARMA) processes. Two non‐parametric estimators of gΔ, on the basis of the innovations algorithm and the Durbin–Levinson algorithm, are proposed to estimate g. For a Gaussian CARMA process, we give conditions on the sample size n and the grid spacing Δ(n) under which the innovations estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal as n. The estimators can be calculated from sampled observations of any CMA process, and simulations suggest that they perform well even outside the class of CARMA processes. We illustrate their performance for simulated data and apply them to the Brookhaven turbulent wind speed data. Finally, we extend results of Brockwell et al. (2012) for sampled CARMA processes to a much wider class of CMA processes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Conventional unit root tests are known to be unreliable in the presence of permanent volatility shifts. In this paper, we propose a new approach to unit root testing which is valid in the presence of a quite general class of permanent variance changes which includes single and multiple (abrupt and smooth transition) volatility change processes as special cases. The new tests are based on a time transformation of the series of interest which automatically corrects their form for the presence of non‐stationary volatility without the need to specify any parametric model for the volatility process. Despite their generality, the new tests perform well even in small samples. We also propose a class of tests for the null hypothesis of stationary volatility in (near‐) integrated time‐series processes.  相似文献   

In this article, local linear estimators are adapted for the unknown infinitesimal coefficients associated with continuous‐time asset return models with jumps, which can correct the bias automatically due to their simple bias representation. The integrated diffusion models with jumps, especially infinite activity jumps, are mainly investigated. In addition, under mild conditions, the weak consistency and asymptotic normality are provided through the conditional Lindeberg theorem as the time span T and the sample interval Δ n →0. Furthermore, our method presents advantages in bias correction through simulation whether jumps belong to the finite activity case or infinite activity case. Finally, the estimators are illustrated empirically through the returns of stock index under 5‐minute high sampling frequency for real application.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a continuous‐time autoregressive moving average (CARMA) process driven by either a symmetric α‐stable Lévy process with α ∈ (0,2) or a symmetric Lévy process with finite second moments. In the asymptotic framework of high‐frequency data within a long time interval, we establish a consistent estimate for the normalized power transfer function by applying a smoothing filter to the periodogram of the CARMA process. We use this result to propose an estimator for the parameters of the CARMA process and exemplify the estimation procedure by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article, we define a spatio‐temporal model with location‐dependent parameters to describe temporal variation and spatial nonstationarity. We consider the prediction of observations at unknown locations using known neighbouring observations. Further, we propose a local least squares‐based method to estimate the parameters at unobserved locations. The sampling properties of these estimators are investigated. We also develop a statistical test for spatial stationarity. To derive the asymptotic results, we show that the spatially nonstationary process can be locally approximated by a spatially stationary process. We illustrate the methods of estimation with some simulations.  相似文献   

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