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电梯是人们日常生活、工作不可或缺的重要交通工具,电梯的安全也成为人们的关注焦点和媒体讨论的重要社会话题,电梯在使用过程中发生故障,甚或引发事故往往会给社会造成负面影响,本文从电梯管理的风险管控机制和隐患治理机制的"双机制"建设出发,结合杭州市特种设备应急处置中心日常工作开展中积累的经验,对电梯监管新模式进行探讨和实践,把电梯的管理从事后调查延伸到事前预警、事中监督。  相似文献   

在高层建筑当中,电梯是人们去往目标楼层的首选交通工具,相对于传统楼梯,使用电梯更加快捷、省力,但随着多起电梯事故的报道,人们对于电梯的使用安全,越来越担忧。基于此,本文就帝奥电梯有限公司电梯事故的关键影响因素展开分析,并对其中的曳引故障及制动器故障改善措施进行了重点论述,使电梯运行的稳定性与安全性得到显著提升。  相似文献   

仲莹娅 《硅谷》2014,(15):56-56
电梯控制系统故障的诊断是确保电梯安全性的重要保障方法之一。基于对有限状态机本质及其原理的分析与理解,文章提出将有限状态机作为电梯控制系统诊断的一种方法。该方法有效的将电梯控制系统的各个状态进行存储,通过对电梯控制系统的各个状态的分析,判断电梯控制系统不同的故障情况,并对电梯控制系统进行实时监控,以确保其正常运行,避免事故发生。  相似文献   

基于高层建筑电梯事故应急避险与救援分析,首先要明确电梯故障类型,然后掌握电梯应急避险和自救措施,最后分析救援工作。  相似文献   

电梯在实际使用过程中,往往会由于使用、维护不当造成停梯事故,影响电梯的安全运行,会对乘座人员的安全造成威胁和损害。本文通过对本市一起典型电梯停梯事故案例进行分析,希望对电梯使用、维护的重要性有所启示。  相似文献   

在电梯故障中,当前的处理故障的方式显得越来越不适应,且效率低下,这就促使人们设法利用最先进的科学技术开发各种电梯故障诊断系统。本文以基于CAN总线的电梯控制系统为对象,将神经网络相结合的理论应用于电梯控制系统的故障诊断进行研究,拟在设计出一种智能便携式电梯故障诊断卡,可实现电梯故障的实时诊断。  相似文献   

电梯因为是载人设备,所以要求其安全性能非常高,国家质监总局对它的管理也非常严格。但有时电梯可能出现问题,造成电梯不平层停梯,发生“困人”事件,这时如果救援方法和程序不正确,会造成不良后果,甚至给救援人员带来伤害。电梯在运行中,如遇突然停电或发生故障,造成电梯未平层停梯,乘坐电梯人员首先自己保持镇静,如遇突然停电,这时电梯内应急照明启动,可通过轿内应急电话或报警按钮,尽快想办法寻求外部援助。此时,电梯内被困人员切勿用手扒轿门,如轿门打开被困人员应远离轿门口,因电梯不平层,易造成人身坠落事故;同时被困人员也不能通过轿顶安全窗脱离轿厢,因一般人员不懂电梯知识,在轿顶较暗的环境下容易发生挤伤和坠落事故。最安全的方式就是被困人员联系外部救援人员等候救援。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化城市的高速发展,高层建筑如雨后春笋般出现,为保证大量人流、物流的输送,电梯被广泛运用,给社会的生产、生活带来了快捷和方便。据统计,截止到2008年底,全国电梯拥有量已达到115.3万台,且增长迅速。但电梯作为一种机电一体化设备,不可避免会发生一定的运行故障导致停梯困人,而因救援不力造成电梯长时间困人或救援不当造成人员伤亡、设备损坏的报道不断见诸媒体。  相似文献   

任洁 《中国科技博览》2011,(32):246-246
2010年6月30日,福州市某酒店的4#电梯发生电梯困人事故,经过如下:  相似文献   

主要研究基于灾难的地铁电梯预防性维护以及故障检测策略。对地铁电梯灾难的骨牌原理以及其他原因进行了分析,并构建了基于灾难的地铁电梯预防性维护维修模型,据此能够编制有效的维修策略,避免地铁电梯事故。  相似文献   

秦英凡  赵丽华 《标准科学》2017,(10):119-123
当前我国电梯保有量世界第一.作为列入国家目录管理的特种设备之一,电梯因其服务公众的特点,尤其是在公共场所使用的电梯、自动扶梯设备,一旦发生安全事故,社会影响巨大.据有关调查,导致电梯事故发生的主要原因是使用环节安全主体责任落实不到位.本文旨在围绕《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》及有关技术规则的要求,对电梯使用单位落实安全主体责任的主要措施、方法进行了深入探讨.  相似文献   

A fracture accident occurred with a 244.5 mm–350 ton casing elevator and a traveling hook during casing running down. This paper gives an investigation of this accident, and analyzes the causes based on fracture surface examination and material tests. Some simulation tests are performed in order to validate the fracture mechanism. It is concluded that the casing elevator fracture originated from quenching cracks caused by surface carburization. Calculations of the fracture load acting on the casing elevator showed that the casing elevator broke first, resulting in hook fracture.  相似文献   

文中针对目前电梯困人、溜梯频发的情况,通过跟踪采集、梳理分类,从中发现规律性的特点,并对各类情况进行了原因分析,提出了相应的预防措施,以确保电梯更加安全可靠地使用。  相似文献   

In recent years, more than thirty bridge accidents have occurred in China, but only few accidents were tracked and most accident investigation reports were not open to the public. The Yangmingtan Bridge collapse accident occurred on 24 August, 2012 in Harbin City, which caused three fatalities and five injuries. This accident has evoked wide concern from the public and media, but no official report provided any conclusion on the cause of the accident until now, while no related research was ever undertaken either. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis package which helps researchers to organize and analyze complex non numerical or unstructured data. Because of the lack of data in the official report, this research collected both texts and multimedia information from the web, newspaper and videos to identify potential root causes of the accident. This research first organized all information with the aid of NVivo 8.0 software. Then Rasmussen’s accident causation model was adopted for use as the frame nodes for the case study. Based on the software, this research analyzed the system wide failures and actions involved in the accident and identified the multi-levels of failure modes which included government, regulatory agency, company, management, staff, and the physical accident sequence.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the psychosocial consequences and coping strategies among accident victims in South Africa. Participants (138 drivers and 141 passengers) who had been involved in a road traffic accident were approached and interviewed in public places. In both groups the median age group was between 25 years and 34 years. In 34 accidents (12.2%) a family member was killed, in 68 accidents (24.4%) a non-family member was killed in the accident. In 272 accidents 197 (72.4%) persons (both drivers and passengers) were injured and 168 (61.7%) were hospitalized. Eighty-seven drivers (63%) did not perceive themselves at fault and 51 (37%) did. Following the road traffic accident both drivers and passengers showed a significant decline of their well-being. Drivers who perceived themselves to be at fault did not cope better than those not perceiving themselves at fault. Passengers related to the drivers showed more decline in their well-being than those not related. Path analysis for drivers found that holding oneself responsible had a direct, and mediated by self-blame, guilt and family distress, negative effect on personal well-being. In the passengers group, holding the driver or others responsible led, mediated by increased self-blame, feelings of guilt, and family distress, to lower psychological well-being (PWB). Findings have relevant implications for the development of coping strategies to aid victims of road traffic accidents in dealing with their trauma in this African context, which may differ to those in Western societies.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the combined effect of driver age and engine size on accident severity and at-fault risk of young riders of two-wheelers. Data from the national accident database of Greece are used to calculate accident severity and relative fault risk rates. The induced exposure technique is applied due to the lack of exposure data. A log-linear analysis is then used to examine first- and second-order effects within three-variable groups. Accident severity modelling revealed a significant second-order interaction between severity, driver age and two-wheeler engine size. On the contrary, no second-order effects were identified in fault risk modelling. Moreover, a significant effect of driver age on accident fault risk was identified. The effect of engine size was not significant.  相似文献   

Accident investigations influence public perceptions and safety management strategies by determining the amount and type of information learned about the accident. To examine the factors considered in investigations, this study used a content analysis of 100 consecutive media reports of amusement ride accidents from an online media archive. Fatalities were overrepresented in the media dataset compared with U.S. national estimates. For analysis of reports, a modified "Haddon matrix" was developed using human-factors categories. This approach was useful to show differences between the proportions and types of factors considered in the different accident stages and between employee and rider accidents. Employee injury accounts primarily referred to the employee's task and to the employee. Rider injury reports were primarily related to the ride device itself and rarely referred to the rider's "task", social influences, or the rider's own actions, and only some reference to their characteristics. Qualitatively, it was evident that more human factors analysis is required to augment scant pre-failure information about the task, social environment, and the person, to make that information available for prevention of amusement ride accidents. By design, this study reflected information reported by the media. Future work will use the same techniques with official reports.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of discrete element simulations applied to a bucket elevator model with particular reference to the head pulley transition zone. This is the first stage in a larger study to better understand the mechanics of bucket elevator operation with reference to the discharge of particles at the head end. At the head end two issues arise; mechanically, the buckets are bolted to the conveying media (typically a fabric reinforced belt) and at the point of belt to headpulley tangency, the tip of the bucket undergoes a theoretical step change in velocity. This theoretical step change results in a classical under-damped response in the buckets tip velocity. In undergoing this motion, there are stresses that are passed to the carcass of the conveying media; understanding the magnitude of these stresses is one longer term goal of this research allowing a quantitative basis for the existing qualitative design guidelines such as (Handbook for conveyor and elevator belting, Apex Belting Pty Ltd). The discharge of the bulk material from the bucket has been addressed Beverly et al. (Bulk Solids Handling, 1983) but this analysis is dependent on simple, but common, bucket geometry and ignores the initial transition to the headpulley. Ignoring the transition with a low speed discharge elevator is not likely to impact on the predicted discharge pattern, however with high speed discharge elevators, the destabilising effect of the transition is expected to promote premature discharge of bulk material from the bucket. Depending on the design of the elevator casing this early discharge may or may not impact on the overall conveying efficiency.  相似文献   

There are many different ways to introduce the public to nanotechnology, writes Chris Toumey. Just don't mention human hairs or the space elevator.  相似文献   

As a general medical problem, radionuclide intakes that may cause significant health effects are uncommon events. In preparing to manage a radionuclide accident, planning is the key. The medical aspects of such an accident are only one part of the management, and a professional team approach is required. Specific priorities and sequencing are necessary in medically managing a radionuclide intake. As soon as is reasonably practical, promptly remove the victim(s) from further radionuclide, radiation field, or chemical exposure. Life and limb-saving medical aid takes precedence over ionising radiation concerns in nearly all cases. Next are the prevention and/or minimisation of internal intake of radionuclides and evaluation and control of external radionuclide contamination, followed by institution of treatment to minimise the retained radionuclide. Communication with the accident victim, and his or her family, and public affairs/media issues are important. Finally, follow-up treatment for internal intakes that may cause delayed health effects is given.  相似文献   

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