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服饰行业经过多年的发展,大数据背景下的服饰企业开始了自主品牌发展之路,为此营销成为各类服饰企业摆在首位的大事,在此基础上营销手段的选择显得尤为重要。现阶段常用的销售手段有很多:实体店销售,销售企业最重要的销售模式;网络营销,传播速度快,节省成本;电视广告销售,有虚夸的意味;电话营销,一般被认为是诈骗等。本文围绕众多的服饰销售手段,分析其优缺点,尤其是一些不成熟的营销手段,给出了明确的发展思路,给众多的企业选择销售模式提供了依据。  相似文献   

在市场竞争越来越激烈的今天,对于我们这些站在营销一线的员工,练好基本功显得尤为重要。只有练好了基本功,才能更好地为用户服务;只有练好了基本功,才能掌握营销的方法;只有练好了基本功,才能取得更佳的业绩。那么临柜人员要练好的基本功又包括哪些方面昵?本文就这一问题进行简单的探讨,对服务营销的基本功进行阐述。  相似文献   

电力服务水平的不断提升是电力企业适应市场发展的重要举措,同时也是电力营销账务管理工作成效的重要检验。因而本文正是基于这一背景,首先对电子到账通知进行了概述;其次分析了电力营销账务管理中应用电子到账通知的重要性;再次分析了电力营销帐务管理的概念及电子到账通知的有效应用;最后对全文进行了简单的总结。旨在与同行进行业务之间的交流,以不断提高电力营销账务管理水平,促进电力企业服务水平的全面提升。  相似文献   

当银行不再固守单一的存贷款服务,而推出无担保信用卡、助学贷款、电话银行、网络银行、缴费通等增值服务时,已经使银行树立了自己的品牌形象,这就是营销;当航空公司一改刻板的面孔,开展“微笑天使”的服务,并为客户建档,提供更多优惠时,也在旅客心中建立了品牌,这就是营销;当烟草公司试图淡化自己的产品印记,而对资源、物流、传播等产业链进行全面整合,构筑产业集团时,更建立了长久的品牌,这就是营销。营销已成为解决竞争的最佳手段。  相似文献   

随着品牌理论的发展和工业品市场的成熟和完善,品牌营销在工业品营销中的地位越来越重要,文章分析了工业品市场不断发展的条件,阐述了品牌营销在工业品营销中的必要性,结合工业品营销的特点,重点探讨了工业品的品牌营销问题。  相似文献   

介绍某供电公司的营销现状、营销活动情况,指出了营销环境存在的问题,并进行分析,并针对问题提出了营销改进措施。  相似文献   

大营销体制运行后,县级公司营销管理与电力服务面临一些新情况,主要表现在:一是管理权限上移对服务质量带来新影响;二是工作协调不畅对用户工程投运带来新环节;三是岗位定员紧缺对营销管理带来新矛盾。  相似文献   

一是选择一个“名牌”企业。要想打造个人品牌,首先,营销人需找一个“名牌”企业;其次,营销人要全力以赴,不断充电、勇于展现自己,从而使个人品牌的提升事半功倍。[第一段]  相似文献   

加强开放式基金的营销能力是当前我国基金业面临的一大挑战。本文将应用市场营销理论中的营销力模型理论,对我国开放式基金的营销力构成进行分析,从产品价值、销售策略和市场营销持续三个方面分析了开放式基金营销力的组成结构,即价值力、销售力、持续力,从而为提升开放式基金营销力提供更多的思路。  相似文献   

刘慧婷 《硅谷》2014,(24):193-193
随着时代的进步和社会经济的发展,我国电力系统发展迅速;电力体制改革日趋深入,促使电力企业在发展过程中面临着日趋激烈的竞争,那么要想在激烈的市场竞争中获得发展和壮大,就需要对电力营销计量产生足够的重视。传统的电力营销计量在实践过程中逐渐暴露出来了一系列的问题,那么就需要积极的改造。本文简要分析了电力营销计量改造的重点和难点,希望可以提供一些有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

体验营销是以体验为导向的新型产品营销模式,基于此模式下的交互式销售包装设计遵循体验营销的原则和理念.总结了交互式销售包装设计的概念、特点,并着重分析了产品营销各环节中销售包装的交互设计,以探索符合客户体验时代的包装设计理念.  相似文献   

In France, the retail sale of quick-frozen foods is primarily a self-service facility with products being offered for sale in horizontal display cabinets or vertical cabinets in which some packages, especially those which are visible, are at a temperature higher than ?18°C. One of the specifications currently being employed at international level is that the temperature of the warmest package is accepted as ?12°C and this is in contradiction with the specifications of international and French regulations. Methods are presented by which it is possible, without increasing the energy consumption, to lower the temperature of the warmest package by 4 to 8°C. The desirability of modifying the standard test conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

李津臣  李然 《包装工程》2021,42(8):175-183
目的 以中国民族汽车品牌下的SUV汽车造型设计作为研究对象,通过案例分析,从造型基因、品牌意象,以及东西方汽车设计理念的视角,探究我国民族品牌汽车的设计思想.方法 选取国内外行业中具有设计代表性且已取得良好市场销量的汽车案例,分析汽车个体及其家族造型的设计特点与规律,对比东西方设计理念下的典型汽车设计案例,寻找适合中国民族品牌汽车的发展方向.结果 在东西方设计理念融合的大环境下,设计了一款具有东方民族意象感的汽车方案.结论 归纳总结出了一套适用于中国民族品牌汽车造型设计的理念与方法,对如何提升汽车自主品牌形象、传达中国民族文化、增强本土品牌汽车市场竞争力,具有一定程度的参考价值或启示性.  相似文献   

Several new multivariate negative dependence concepts such as negatively upper orthant dependent in sequence, negatively associated in sequence, right tail negatively decreasing in sequence, and upper (lower) negatively decreasing in sequence through stochastic ordering are introduced. These concepts conform with the basic idea that if a set of random variables is split into two sets, then one is ?increasing? whenever the other is ?decreasing?. Our concepts are easily verifiable and enjoy many closure properties. Applications to probability and statistics are also considered.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) acknowledged as potential means of transportation tools in the near future are widely accepted as the development trend of automobile industry due to its environment protection and fuel energy saving properties. As a product containing new technologies and concepts with little market experience and consumer identification, studying its life cycle operation modes will help to figure out an optimal approach to conduct EVs manufacturing and service. The two common operation modes, lease and sale of EVs, have their own advantages and weaknesses under different scenarios and consumer psychological status. Research and comparisons on the function, cost and value of two operation modes in full life cycle will simulate the rapid development of EVs forming a mature and dynamic operation mechanism. This paper utilised approaches in value engineering, putting forward customer requirements and technical elements of EV lease and sale based on quality assessment and customer-perceived value, proposing the metric method of function and cost coefficient by mathematical modelling, and conducting value coefficient analysis and comparison based on customer’s risk aversion psychology. An illustrative example raised for studying operation mode of three different kinds of EVs based on the analysis of value coefficient, providing guideline for manufacturer and servicers of EVs.  相似文献   

New technologies have the potential to severely “challenge” or “disrupt” not only our established social practices but our most fundamental concepts and distinctions like person versus object, nature versus artificial or being dead versus being alive. But does this disruption also change these concepts? Or does it merely change our operationalizations and applications of the same concepts? In this paper, I argue that instead of focusing on individual conceptual change, philosophers of socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) should think about conceptual change as a change in a network of interrelated concepts. What really generates a potential social disruption are changes of inferential relations between concepts – whether or not this entails a change of the respective individual concepts. Philosophers of socially disruptive technologies are therefore in the privileged position of being able to avoid commitments regarding the individuation of individual concepts.  相似文献   

Sales delay is the time interval from the date of manufacture to the date of sale. In analysing warranty claims data, the existing research relating to the sales delay has mainly focussed on estimating the probability distribution of the sales delay. Longer sales delay may lead to more warranty claims as it can affect the post‐sale reliability of products. However, research into this problem has received little attention. This article estimates the expected number of warranty claims under both renewing and non‐renewing warranty policies taking into account the sales delay. We consider the case with three states, the sales delay state, the operating state and the failed state. We extend the three‐state case into an n state system case, where n ? 3. We then give numerical examples to demonstrate the application of the derived equations. We also present a simulation and a case study where we estimate the reliability of products with three states. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

熊礼梅  朱宗华 《包装工程》2006,27(4):282-283
从现有商品的营销模式,从零售业态销售、专卖店销售以及超级市场综合销售3种模式,对商品的包装设计而言,如何于现有的营销形式相适应,提供了一些可行性的方案,如商品规格多样化、产品包装有利于回收、注重品牌形象、展示包装的亲和力等等.  相似文献   

Calls for curricular reform in engineering include teaching engineering principles in the broader context of society. In this paper, we empirically investigate how freshmen students perceive the broader societal context of science and technology. We explored the questions:
  • ? What is the framework of knowledge and attitudes of engineering freshmen on science, technology and society (STS) issues?
  • ? How different are their frameworks from those of students in other majors?
  • ? We used a structured, open-ended interview methodology to elicit knowledge about two STS issues: “human energy needs” and “global climate change.” Our sample consists of ninety-two students. Each student was interviewed about one topic. First, we found that there was no difference in the attitude expressed about technology by engineering students and students who are not engineering majors. Both groups think science and technology solve problems more often than they create problems. Second, we found that, although the difference is not large, engineering students consistently mentioned more concepts than students with other majors, and they mentioned these concepts more often. Qualitatively, the specific concepts mentioned by the two groups were almost identical for both topics. The engineering students mentioned more technological concepts and students in other majors mentioned more societal concepts for the human energy needs topic. In summary, the knowledge and perceptions of STS issues of freshmen engineering students and students who are not engineering majors are largely similar. This suggests that common, interdisciplinary STS courses are a good approach for providing general technological literacy for both groups.

马蓉  马俊  王亚涛 《工业工程》2011,14(3):92-95
研究需求依赖于价格环境下的批发价格契约,建立了由单个零售商和单个制造商组成的供应链模型。该模型中零售商决定商品的订货量和销售价格,制造商决定商品的批发价格。以集中决策系统下供应链的利润、销售价格和销售量作为基准,研究分散情况下供应链的效率、销售价格以及销售量的变化,同时考虑在此情况下制造商提供的批发价格构成,在此基础上进一步探讨价格弹性对供应链效率和供应链利润分配比例的影响。  相似文献   

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