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A quantum analysis of the generalized polarization properties of multimode non-stationary states based on their optical field-strength probability distributions is presented. The quantum generalized polarization is understood as a significant confinement of the probability distribution along certain regions of a multidimensional optical field-strength space. The analysis is addressed to quantum states generated in multimode linear and nonlinear waveguiding (integrated) photonic devices, such as multimode waveguiding directional couplers and waveguiding parametric amplifiers, whose modes fulfill a spatial modal orthogonality. In particular, the generalized polarization degree of coherent, squeezed and Schrödinger’s cat states is analyzed.  相似文献   

Mixture multimode optical field classical states propagating in N?×?N integrated directional couplers are analyzed by using the density matrix formalism in a N-dimensional optical space. These mutimode optical fields present a kind of generalized polarization and accordingly a definition of a multimode polarization degree is proposed. It is based on the distance measure between a mixture state and an unpolarized state in a N-dimensional optical space so that in the case N=2 the standard polarization degree is recovered. It is shown that directional couplers can reduce or increase remarkably the multimode polarization degree of a mixture state. Likewise a simple measurement technique, based on Y junctions, of this multimode polarization degree is proposed. Finally all the results can be formally extended to the special case of multimode single photon quantum states.  相似文献   

In this work a quantum mechanical derivation of the Spin operator in integrated isotropic and anisotropic photonic waveguides is obtained from both first principles of the electromagnetic theory and conservation laws, and moreover, within a phenomenological quantization approach. The Spin operator will be derived by starting from the spin conservation law to obtain the spin flux density and by means of a quantization based on the vector structure and orthonormality property of guided modes; likewise, since anisotropic guides produce polarization changes, and consequently changes of the expected values of spin, we will also present the Momentum operator for anisotropic guides. The expression for the Spin angular momentum operator shows that both the presence of modal longitudinal components and the modal mismatching reduces the spin values, but it comes into the standard expression when it is used in homogeneous media and in particular with uniform and infinite plane modes. Likewise these results have a direct influence on the Stokes's operators which allow one to analyze quantum polarization in integrated photonics.  相似文献   

Two integrated 1 × 2 and 1 × 4 polymer electro-optic switches based on Y-fed directional couplers are designed and optimized in terms of the coupled mode theory, electro-optic modulation theory, conformal transforming method and image method. The principle of the 1 × 2 electro-optic switch is described. Parameters including the core size, buffer layer thickness, electrode thickness, electrode width and electrode gap are optimized. Simulation results show that the length of the designed 1 × 2 switch is about 3.126 mm, the driving voltages of the two branches are as low as 0.891 and ?0.891 V, respectively, the crosstalk and insertion loss are less than ?30 and 1.42 dB, respectively, within the operation wavelength from 1527 to 1574 nm. Under the same driving voltages, the 1 × 4 optical switch with a total length of less than 7 mm can be switched by altering the voltages applied on the electrodes of the three Y-fed directional couplers. Simulation results from the beam propagation method (BPM) indicate that the two designed devices exhibit favorable switching functions.  相似文献   

The presence of multiple bipartite entangled modes in squeezed states generated by four-wave mixing enables ultra-trace sensing, imaging, and metrology applications that are impossible to achieve with single-spatial-mode squeezed states. For Gaussian seed beams, the spatial distribution of these bipartite entangled modes, or coherence areas, across each beam is largely dependent on the spatial modes present in the pump beam, but it has proven difficult to map the distribution of these coherence areas in frequency and space. We demonstrate an accessible method to map the distribution of the coherence areas within these twin beams. We also show that the pump shape can impart different noise properties to each coherence area, and that it is possible to select and detect coherence areas with optimal squeezing with this approach.  相似文献   

We have examined both single and entangled two-mode multiphoton coherent states and shown how the ‘Janus-faced’ properties between two partner states are mirrored in appropriate tomograms. Entropic squeezing, quadrature squeezing and higher-order squeezing properties for a wide range of nonclassical states are estimated directly from tomograms. We have demonstrated how squeezing properties of two-mode entangled states produced at the output port of a quantum beamsplitter are sensitive to the relative phase between the reflected and transmitted fields. This feature allows for the possibility of tuning the relative phase to enhance squeezing properties of the state. Finally, we have examined the manner in which decoherence affects squeezing and the changes in the optical tomogram of the state due to interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

Nonclassical properties exhibited by a chain of cavity modes second harmonic generation in coupled oscillators system, designed by using multichannel optical waveguides, is explored. The solution for the Hamiltonian of the coupled-modes driven by coherent excitation is obtained via an exact formulation of the normal-ordered Fokker-Planck equation. Nonclassical effects, namely the sub-Poissonian photons, squeezing and entanglement are noticed. Multichannel coupling of the coupled oscillators induces new possibilities for correlation between the modes in different channels, henceforth, provides an effective way towards manipulation of quantum light.  相似文献   

光纤探针型近场光镊是近场光学领域中的新型技术,因其可对纳米尺度微粒直接进行捕获和操纵而受到广泛关注,其光纤探针尖端的近场分布特性影响着纳米粒子捕获及操纵的成败探针金属膜外侧电磁场由光波在针尖小孔处衍射而成,根据夫朗和费衍射公式分析了圆形纳米小孔的光波衍射图样,运用时域有限差分法(FDTD)研究了均匀平面波垂直入射于镀膜光纤探针的近场分布,比较了不同锥角、不同出射孔径、不同金属膜厚度及不同入射波长的近场分布情况,并对不同情况下的通光效率进行了分析。通过对各参数的计算与比较,结果表明,当锥角越大、孔径越大、镀合适膜厚并且入射波长越小时,探针尖端的出射光强越大并具有较大的通光效率  相似文献   

通过分析眼科光学相干层析设备的成像分辨率理论计算模型,设计并研制了一套用于测量其光源光谱和系统数值孔径的小型化检测装置。针对一台商业化的临床在用眼科光学相干层析设备,通过对其关键参数的测量,得到该设备的纵向分辨率为6.9μm,横向分辨率为42.3μm。该检测装置未来可作为眼科光学相干层析设备的质控与计量器具。  相似文献   

A novel optical bean-shaped resonator (BR) biosensor integrated with Mach–Zehnder Interferometer structure based on a silicon-on-isolator platform has been proposed and investigated theoretically and numerically. By characterizing and optimizing the structure, our bean-shaped device exhibits a high extinction ratio over 50?dB and a high Q factor of about 5.46?×?104 in a wide wavelength span. The quasi-free spectral range (FSR) is about 469?nm. The sensitivity of 688.6?nm/refractive index unit (RIU) is achieved for bulk changes of refractive index and the detection range varies from 10?6 to 0.689 RIU. More complex bean-shaped structures can also be cascaded by adding more bending waveguides in BR to obtain wider quasi-FSR range.  相似文献   

以硅基光电集成回路为主线,综述了不同的硅基光波导材料的制备技术和硅基光波导的制作工艺及其对光传输损耗的影响。分析了硅基光波导与锗硅光探测器集成用两种不同的耦合方式,阐明了波导与探测器集成的机理及设计理论基础。归纳出硅基键合激光器的四种技术方案,指出其共同优点是克服材料异质外延引起的晶格失配和热膨胀非共容,对实现OEIC行之有效。  相似文献   

Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) in their excited states can serve as exceptionally small building blocks for active optical platforms. In this scheme, optical excitation provides a practical approach to control light‐TMD interactions via the photocarrier generation, in an ultrafast manner. Here, it is demonstrated that via a controlled generation of photocarriers the second‐harmonic generation (SHG) from a monolayer MoS2 crystal can be substantially modulated up to ≈55% within a timeframe of ≈250 fs, a set of performance characteristics that showcases the promise of low‐dimensional materials for all‐optical nonlinear data processing. The combined experimental and theoretical study suggests that the large SHG modulation stems from the correlation between the second‐order dielectric susceptibility χ(2) and the density of photoexcited carriers in MoS2. Indeed, the depopulation of the conduction band electrons, at the vicinity of the high‐symmetry K/K′ points of MoS2, suppresses the contribution of interband electronic transitions in the effective χ(2) of the monolayer crystal, enabling the all‐optical modulation of the SHG signal. The strong dependence of the second‐order optical response on the density of photocarriers reveals the promise of time‐resolved nonlinear characterization as an alternative route to monitoring carrier dynamics in excited states of TMDs.  相似文献   

空间关系描述了地理信息系统(GIS)中实体间的位置、距离、方位、拓扑等的度量。为提高空间关系描述的惟一性和空间关系推理的准确性,将拓扑关系与方向关系集成描述,构建拓扑方向关系的描述表达模型。目标对象与参照物在X、Y、Z 3个坐标轴上投影间的Allen区间关系分别为R1、R2和R3,提出利用Allen区间关系对(R1,R2,R3)描述三维拓扑方向区域,用定义法研究拓扑方向关系定性推理,通过一些典型例子说明拓扑方向关系推理过程和结果,推理结果用组合推理表表示。  相似文献   

A model based on trapping and releasing of free carriers in band gap states located at the interfaces between electrodes and the ferroelectric film is used to explain the restoration of polarization which is sometimes observed. Experimental data on two kinds of polarization restoration in metal/ferroelectric/metal thin film structures are reported. The increase of polarization, which may be observed at the early stage of fatigue test, is attributed to the release of carriers which are trapped in interfacial states at the virgin state, before fatigue test. On the other hand, the previously reported “self recovery effect” is attributed to a competition between the strength of a trapped carrier-ferroelectric dipole interaction and the applied voltage which acts on the dipole orientation.  相似文献   

琼斯矩阵在分布式光纤传感器偏振态分析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谭靖  陈伟民  符欲梅 《光电工程》2007,34(2):120-125
针对基于Sagnac原理的分布式光纤传感器中光波偏振态在双折射影响下所带来的干涉信号"偏振诱导衰落"问题,运用琼斯矩阵分析法,建立了传输光偏振态影响系统功率传输系数的数学模型;根据仿真分析的结果,发现使用反射镜作为反射元件,只能消除光纤圆双折射的影响,而不能消除线性双折射的影响.因此,提出了使用法拉第旋转镜提高系统抗偏振衰落能力的改进方法,仿真结果表明可以很好地消除传感光纤的线性双折射和圆双折射的影响.  相似文献   

A model is presented to calculate the optical force and friction for a three-level atom in a V-type configuration in a weakly driven high-finesse cavity. Analytical expressions for the force and friction are derived using Heisenberg equations. It is demonstrated that the cooling rate can be increased by one order of magnitude over that of a two-level atomic system, which would stimulate further experimental investigations.  相似文献   




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