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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
We discuss the generation and evolution of a macroscopic entanglement light with a subthreshold non-degenerate parametric oscillator, coupled to a vacuum reservoir. The four-level atoms driven by two classical fields interact with the parametric oscillator. The master equation for the cavity modes of the scheme is derived and analyzed, the entanglement properties of the two-mode light generated by this scheme inside and outside the cavity is studied. We show that the light produced by this system is strongly entangled with time evolution inside and outside a cavity.  相似文献   

The entanglement between Gaussian entangled states can be increased by non-Gaussian operations. We design a new scheme, named coherent photon addition, which can coherently add one photon generated by a spontaneous parametric down-conversation process to Gaussian quadrature-entangled light pulses created by a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier. This operation can increase the entanglement of input two-mode Gaussian states as an entanglement distillation, and provides us with a new method of non-Gaussian operation. This scheme can also help us to study the decoherence of adding one- to two-mode Gaussian states from coherent photon addition to normal photon addition.  相似文献   


We show how one can prepare three-qubit entangled states like W-states, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as well as two-qutrit entangled states using the multi-atom two-mode entanglement. We propose a technique of preparing such a multi-particle entanglement using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We consider a collection of three-level atoms in Λ configuration simultaneously interacting with a resonant two-mode cavity for this purpose. Our approach permits a variety of multi-particle extensions.  相似文献   

Nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator (NOPO) above threshold is a simple set-up to generate entangled beams. To more accurately calculate the entanglement between the generated twin beams from the NOPO, we use the Langevin equations for the NOPO with a higher-transmissivity cavity mirror. The obtained new expressions for the amplitude-difference and phase-sum noise spectra suggest that increasing the transmissivity of the output mirror can enhance the entanglement beyond the previous expectation.  相似文献   

We present a scheme to create quantum entanglement between multi-atom Dicke states and two cavity modes by passing N three-level atoms in Λ configuration through a resonant two-mode cavity one by one. We further show that such a scheme can be used to generate arbitrary two-mode N-photon entangled states, arbitrary superposition of Dicke states, and a maximal entangled state of Dicke states. These states may find applications in the demonstration of quantum non-locality, high-precision spectroscopy and quantum information processing.  相似文献   

We study the entanglement properties of a pair of two-level Rydberg atoms passing one after another into a lossless cavity with two modes. The atoms interact with the cavity field via an intensity-dependent, non-degenerate two-photon transition. The initial joint state of two successive atoms that enter the cavity is unentangled. Interactions mediated by the two-mode cavity photon field result in the final two-atom mixed entangled type state. The entanglement of formation of the joint two-atom state as a function of the Rabi angle, gt, is calculated for the two-mode Fock state field, coherent field, and thermal field, respectively, inside the cavity. The change in the magnitude of atomic entanglement with cavity photon number in two modes has been studied.  相似文献   

We characterize the entanglement in position and momentum of photon pairs generated in type-II parametric down-conversion. Coincidence maps of the photon positions in the near-field and far-field planes are observed in two transverse dimensions using scanning fiber probes. We estimate the covariance matrix of an effective two-mode system and apply criteria for entanglement based on covariance matrices to certify space–momentum entanglement. The role of higher-order spatial modes for observing spatial entanglement between the two photons is discussed.  相似文献   

Einstein–Podolski–Rosen (EPR) entanglement states are achievable by combining two single-mode position and momentum squeezed states at a 50:50 beam splitter (BS). To generate the EPR mechanical entanglement, we consider the system consisted of two parametric optomechanical resonators, where two mechanical oscillators are linearly coupled. The linear coupling forms the symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of two mechanical modes, parallel to a 50:50 BS mixing. In the weak optomechanical coupling regime and via applying the opposite phases of parametric interactions, the symmetric and antisymmetric mechanical modes can be position and momentum squeezed, respectively. Therefore, two original mechanical modes are EPR entangled. Moreover, the mechanical thermal noise can decrease the entanglement. But with the parametric interaction enhanced optomechanical cooling, the influence of thermal noise on entanglement can be significantly suppressed, and the mechanical entanglement can be generated under a relatively high temperature. We also discuss the critical thermal occupation where the entanglement disappears, which is proportional to the optomechanical cooperativity parameter.  相似文献   

We investigate the time evolution of entanglement between two two-level atoms which are coupled to a common multimode electromagnetic reservoir and simultaneously driven by a coherent field. We find that the entanglement can always be created and maintained with a moderate intensity of the driving field during the track of approaching steady entangled states when both atoms are initially in their ground states and the reservoir is in the vacuum state or the squeezed vacuum state. We also show that the steady-state entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced by use of the coherent field when the reservoir is in the weakly squeezed vacuum state. More interestingly, in the squeezed reservoir case, the sudden death period in the time evolution of the entanglement can be removed by use of the coherent driving field.  相似文献   

We have studied the case in which one mode of the light field in the two-mode squeezed vacuum state evolves in a diffusion channel. By virtue of thermo-entangled state representation and the technique of integration within an ordered product, the evolution formula of the field density operator is given. Its non-classical properties, such as squeezing effect, antibunching effect, the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality and the entanglement property between two modes, are studied. The influences of the squeezing parameter and the dissipation time on the non-classical properties are discussed. The results obtained by the numerical method show that its non-classical properties are all weakened with the dissipation. On the other hand, its squeezing effect and the entanglement property between two modes are strengthened, but its antibunching effect and the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality are weakened with the increase of the squeezing parameter.  相似文献   

We generate high-dimensional time-bin entanglement using a mode-locked laser and analyse it with a two-photon Fabry–Perot interferometer. The dimension of the entangled state is limited only by the phase coherence between subsequent pulses and is practically infinite. In our experiment a picosecond mode-locked laser at 532 nm pumps a non-linear potassium niobate crystal to produce photon pairs by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) at 810 and 1550?nm.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the evolution of quantum operators in a three-wave mixing process by using the nonlinear polarization driven wave equations and linearization of the quantum operators. We have theoretically shown that a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier can generate amplitude-squeezed light when operated in the backconversion regime. Furthermore, a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator, where only the signal wave is resonant, is proved to generate amplitude-squeezed light when the pump intensity is above the value at which 100% photon conversion efficiency is achieved. The calculated limit for amplitude-squeezing in this case is 3 d B.  相似文献   

We investigate the entanglement swapping of non-Gaussian states, including squeezed number states, two-mode photon-added states, and two-mode photon-subtracted squeezed states and analyze the entanglement of the swapped states by adopting logarithmic negativity as the measure of entanglement. Furthermore, we examine the fidelity of teleportation protocols for different input states where the swapped states serve as the quantum channel. All these results are compared with that obtained in the case of Gaussian two-mode squeezed vacuum.  相似文献   

Multiphoton entanglement in the same polarization has been shown theoretically to be obtainable by type-I spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), which can generate bright pulses more easily than type-II SPDC. A new quantum cryptographic protocol utilizing polarization pairs with the detected type-I entangled multiphotons is proposed as quantum key distribution. We calculate the information capacity versus photon number corresponding to polarization after considering the transmission loss inside the optical fiber, the detector efficiency, and intercept-resend attacks at the level of channel error. The result compares favorably with all other schemes employing entanglement.  相似文献   

It is shown that macroscopic entangled states can be generated using an experimental arrangement consisting of coupled spontaneous parametric down-converters with type-I phase matching (SPDCI) pumped simultaneously by optical fields in coherent state and two beam splitters. Two beam splitters in auxiliary generated modes are used to conditionally prepare macroscopic entangled states in output pumping modes of the studied system. Identification of two macroscopic entangled states is produced by use of photon number resolving detection. In contrast to all previous schemes, our scheme does not need Kerr-type nonlinear interaction and is purely based on second-order susceptibility of the crystal which is stronger for the Kerr nonlinearity. We calculate concurrence of the states as a measure of the amount of entanglement stored in the states and present analysis concerning ‘separation’ between components forming studied entangled states.  相似文献   

We introduce a new entangled state, which is composed of two photon-added coherent states. We discuss the entanglement of this state by using several sufficient entanglement criteria, such as higher-order entanglement criterion, EPR criterion, SU(1,1) algebra and Cauchy–Schwarz inequality. These criteria reflect some entanglement effects of this new state, but fail to find the degree of entanglement directly. Thus, we use the covariance to measure the entanglement in this state. Our findings show that the degree of entanglement decreases with the increasing of photon-number and the amplitude of the coherent states. One interesting result is that the new entangled state becomes a maximally entangled state when the photon-added number is 1 and the amplitude of the coherent states is zero, which is just one of the four Bell states.  相似文献   

We address the generation of entangled photon pairs by parametric downconversion from solid state cw lasers with small coherence time. We consider a compact and low-cost setup based on a two-crystal scheme with type-I phase matching. We reconstruct the full density matrix by quantum tomography and analyze in detail the entanglement properties of the generated state as a function of the crystal's length and the coherence time of the pump. We verify the possibility to improve the visibility using a purification protocol based on a compensation crystal.  相似文献   


Multiphoton entanglement is the basis of many quantum communication schemes, quantum cryptographic protocols, and fundamental tests of quantum theory. For entangled three-qubit states it has been shown that there are two inequivalent classes of states, under stochastic local operations and classical communications. The classes are represented by the GHZ- and W-state. The GHZ-state has been used to prove Bell's theorem without inequality. Contrary to the GHZ-state, the W-state shows high robustness of entanglement against photon loss. Here we show the first experimental results on the observation of the polarization entangled three-photon W-state from spontaneous parametric down-conversion.  相似文献   


The time evolution of entanglement between two quantum dots (QDs) trapped inside a cavity driven by a coherent quantized field is studied. In the presence of dissipation, entanglement shows many interesting features such as sudden death and revival, and finite steady state value after sudden death. We also investigate dependence of entanglement on dot variables and its relation to bistability. It is found that entanglement vanishes when the cavity field intensity approaches the upper branch of the bistability curve. When the cavity is driven by a modulated field in the presence of dissipation, it can periodically generate entanglement, which is much larger than the maximum value attained in the steady-state for this system but the dots are never fully entangled.  相似文献   


We discuss the connection between quantum correlations and squeezing in simple quantum optical systems. We illustrate this connection by a study of two-mode states of light produced by parametric down-conversion and similar two-photon processes. The intermode correlations in these systems are shown to be responsible for modifications in photon-number sum and difference operators, and for squeezing in the superpositions of the two modes. The disappearance of the diagonal coherent-state quasiprobability function P(α) when non-classical light properties are important is noted, and alternative and better-behaved Wigner functions and coherent-state expectation Q-functions for the two-mode system are developed.  相似文献   

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