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Tremendous advances in different areas of knowledge are producing vast volumes of data, a quantity so large that it has made necessary the development of new computational algorithms. Among the algorithms developed, we find Machine Learning models and specific data mining techniques that might be useful for all areas of knowledge. The use of computational tools for data analysis is increasingly required, given the need to extract meaningful information from such large volumes of data. However, there are no free access libraries, modules, or web services that comprise a vast array of analytical techniques in a user-friendly environment for non-specific users. Those that exist raise high usability barriers for those untrained in the field as they usually have specific installation requirements and require in-depth programming knowledge, or may result expensive. As an alternative, we have developed DMAKit, a user-friendly web platform powered by DMAKit-lib, a new library implemented in Python, which facilitates the analysis of data of different kind and origins. Our tool implements a wide array of state-of-the-art data mining and pattern recognition techniques, allowing the user to quickly implement classification, prediction or clustering models, statistical evaluation, and feature analysis of different attributes in diverse datasets without requiring any specific programming knowledge. DMAKit is especially useful for users who have large volumes of data to be analyzed but do not have the informatics, mathematical, or statistical knowledge to implement models. We expect this platform to provide a way to extract information and analyze patterns through data mining techniques for anyone interested in applying them with no specific knowledge required. Particularly, we present several cases of study in the areas of biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine, where we highlight the applicability of our tool to ease the labor of non-specialist users to apply data analysis and pattern recognition techniques. DMAKit is available for non-commercial use as an open-access library, licensed under the GNU General Public License, version GPL 3.0. The web platform is publicly available at https://pesb2.cl/dmakitWeb. Demonstrative and tutorial videos for the web platform are available in https://pesb2.cl/dmakittutorials/. Complete urls for relevant content are listed in the Data Availability section.  相似文献   

GridRPC, which is an RPC mechanism tailored for the Grid, is an attractive programming model for Grid computing. This paper reports on the design and implementation of a GridRPC programming system called Ninf-G. Ninf-G is a reference implementation of the GridRPC API which has been proposed for standardization at the Global Grid Forum. In this paper, we describe the design, implementations and typical usage of Ninf-G. A preliminary performance evaluation in both WAN and LAN environments is also reported. Implemented on top of the Globus Toolkit, Ninf-G provides a simple and easy programming interface based on standard Grid protocols and the API for Grid Computing. The overhead of remote procedure calls in Ninf-G is acceptable in both WAN and LAN environments.  相似文献   

This paper describes a resource broker whose main function is to match available resources to user needs. The resource broker provides a uniform interface for accessing available and appropriate resources via user credentials. We also focus on providing approximate measurement models for network-related information using NWS for future scheduling and benchmarking. We first propose a network measurement model for gathering network-related information (including bandwidth, latency, forecasting, error rates, etc.) without generating excessive system overhead. Second, we constructed a grid platform using Globus Toolkit that integrates the resources of five schools in Taichung integrated grid environment resources (TIGER). The resource broker runs on top of TIGER. Therefore, it provides security and current information about available resources and serves as a link to the diverse systems available in the Grid.
Sung-Yi ChenEmail:

Information services play a crucial role in grid environments in that the state information can be used to facilitate the discovery of resources and the services available to meet user requirements, and also to help tune the performance of a grid system. However, the large size and dynamic nature of the grid brings forth a number of challenges for information services. This paper presents PIndex, a grouped peer-to-peer network that can be used for scalable grid information services. PIndex builds on Globus MDS4, but introduces peer groups to dynamically split the large grid information search space into many small sections to enhance its scalability and resilience. PIndex is subsequently modeled with Colored Petri Nets for performance evaluation. The simulation results show that PIndex is scalable and resilient in dealing with a large number of peer nodes.
Nick AntonopoulosEmail:

TOUGHREACT is a powerful simulator for multiphase fluid, heat, and chemical transport, but has a steep learning curve and the creation of the input files is time intensive, particularly for heterogeneous and complex geometries such as those in mining rock pile formations. TOUGHER is an application developed by the acid rock drainage research group of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah in order to develop TOUGHREACT models rapidly for two-dimensional problems and to be able to visualize the simulation results in an intuitive way. It also reduces errors when creating complex layered 2D models and makes debugging easier. The software is currently limited to 2D rectangular grids with constant spatial sizes. The application is written in C++ and can be used on any computer with a Windows or Linux operating system. This paper will describe the overall structure of the application and give some examples of how it interfaces with the TOUGHREACT program. In particular, it will be shown how the application can generate a grid system for a rock pile containing several distinct geological layers, how the properties of each layer are set, and how the input sections (ELEM and CONNE) for TOUGHREACT are generated automatically. In addition, visualizing the flow and chemical output files generated by TOUGHREACT for a particular rock pile will be demonstrated. This includes transient vector as well as transient scalar data. At the end of the paper, two case studies, one with a simplified geometry and another with more complex layered rock geometry, will be presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a knowledge grid model for sharing and managing globally distributed knowledge resources. The model organizes knowledge in a three-dimensional knowledge space, and provides a knowledge grid operation language, KGOL. Internet users can use the KGOL to create their knowledge grids, to put knowledge to them, to edit knowledge, to partially or wholly open their grids to all or some particular grids, and to get the required knowledge from the open knowledge of all the knowledge grids. The model enables people to conveniently share knowledge with each other when they work on the Internet. A software platform based on the proposed model has been implemented and used for knowledge sharing in research teams.  相似文献   

针对软件接口类型多、接口故障注入自动控制复杂的困难以及目前缺少有效的软件接口故障注入工具现状,对软件故障注入中的交联接口故障注入技术展开研究,提出了一种基于模型的软件接口故障注入测试平台技术。通过交联接口测试可视化建模和接口故障注入算子设计,自动生成XML 格式的测试用例,并且通过基于XSLT的脚本自动化生成与执行技术实现测试的控制与执行。故障注入测试主机与接口故障注入器网络连接,接口故障注入器将接口故障数据转换成以太网、串口或CAN网络数据注入到被测软件中,并返回被测件输出数据到测试主机实现测试数据收集与判断。基于模型的软件接口故障注入测试平台具有较强的通用性与易用性,提高了接口故障注入测试的效率,降低了接口测试的成本。  相似文献   

在系统芯片的设计中,传统的激励发生机制耗费人工多且难以重用,严重影响了仿真验证的效率。针对此问题,构建了一种基于可重用激励发生机制的虚拟SoC验证平台。该平台利用可重用的激励发生模块调用端口激励文件,仿真时将端口激励文件转换成对应于验证电路端口的时序信号。通过对通用同步/异步串行接收/发送器、中断及定时器等功能模块的验证,证明了激励发生机制具有较强的可观察性、可控制性及可重用性。验证结果分析表明,在验证不同的功能点时仅需修改固件及端口激励文件,使验证平台在重用时减少代码修改量,提高了灵活性和验证效率,缩短了系统芯片的验证时间。  相似文献   

网格计算(grid computing)是近几年发展起来的一个崭新研究领域,引起国内外学术界及工业界的广泛关注。其目的是研究如何安全有效地将现有的各种计算资源(尤其是那些分布在Internet的异构网络中的计算资源)组织起来协同解决复杂的科学及工程计算问题。在化学信息学和生物信息学中最典型的应用是虚拟高通量筛选侯选药物分子。本文以两个Linux机群为基础,用开放源码的网格支持软件包Globus Toolkit 3.2及Sun^TM ONE Grid Engine 5.3成功构建了计算网格;并通过设计测试程序实现一次性提交多个作业(300个)以及分析作业在计算网格中各个节点的分配及运行情况,从而测试了计算网格的效率。结果表明,所构建的计算网格在保持原机群运行稳定、可靠的前提下,改进了系统资源的分配管理方式以及用户提交作业的方法,从整体上提高了网络计算资源的利用率,也同时方便了系统的管理。  相似文献   

The paper presents quality of service (QoS) optimisation strategy for multi-criteria scheduling on the grid, based on a mathematical QoS model and a distributed iterative algorithm. Three QoS criteria are considered, namely payment, deadline and reliability, which are formulated as utility function. The optimisation problem is split into two parts: task optimisation performed on behalf of the user and resource optimisation performed on behalf of the grid. The strategy employs three types of agents: task agents responsible for task optimisation, computation resource and network resource agents responsible for resource optimisation. The agents apply economic models for optimisation purposes. Dynamic programming is used to optimise the total system utility function in terms of an iterative algorithm. The objective of multi-criteria scheduling is to maximise the global utility of the system. This paper proposes an iterative scheduling algorithm that is used to perform QoS optimisation-based multi-criteria scheduling. The proposed QoS optimisation-based multi-criteria scheduling problem solution has been practically examined by simulation experiments.  相似文献   

QoS guided Min-Min heuristic for grid task scheduling   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:74       下载免费PDF全文
Task scheduling is an integrated component of computing.With the emergence of Grid and ubiquitous computing,new challenges appear in task scheduling based on properties such as security,quality of service,and lack of central control within distributed administrative domains.A Grid task scheduling framework must be able to deal with these issues.One of the goals of Grid task scheduling is to achivev high system throughput while matching applications with the available computing resources.This matching of resources in a non-deterministically shared heterogeneous environment leads to concerns over Quality of Service (QoS).In this paper a novel QoS guided task scheduling algorithm for Grid computing is introduced.The proposed novel algorithm is based on a general adaptive scheduling heuristics that includes QoS guidance.The algorithm is evaluated within a simulated Grid environment.The experimental results show that the nwe QoS guided Min-Min heuristic can lead to significant performance gain for a variety of applications.The approach is compared with others based on the quality of the prediction formulated by inaccurate information.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rotary chaotic particle swarm optimization (RCPSO) algorithm is presented to solve trustworthy scheduling of a grid workflow. In general, the grid workflow scheduling is a complex optimization problem which requires considering various scheduling criteria so as to meet a wide range of QoS requirements from users. Traditional researches into grid workflow scheduling mainly focus on the optimization constrained by time and cost. The key requirements for reliability, availability and security are not considered adequately. The main contribution of this study is to propose a new approach for trustworthy workflow scheduling in a large-scale grid with rich service resources, and present the RCPSO algorithm to optimize the scheduling performance in a multi-dimensional complex space. Experiments were done in two grid applications with at most 120 candidate services supplied to each task of various workflows. The results show better performance of the RCPSO in solving trustworthy scheduling of grid workflow problems as compared to GA, ACO and other recent variants of PSO.  相似文献   

论矿山物联网的结构性平台与服务性平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张申  张滔 《工矿自动化》2013,39(1):34-38
分析了目前煤矿综合自动化存在的主要问题,提出需采用物联网技术及其平台性来实现矿山物理世界的实时控制、精确管理和科学决策;指出矿山物联网的3层架构决定了矿山物联网是一种开放式平台,且该平台体现为结构性平台和服务性平台;提出矿山物联网的结构性平台应具有开放的感知层平台、开放的主干传输平台以及开放的应用基础平台;根据目前煤矿实际需求,介绍了矿山物联网服务性平台中的分布式监测监控底层服务平台、为第三方提供公共服务的平台、多学科协同工作平台以及云服务平台;最后指出结构性平台可确保服务性平台的有效实施,服务性平台有利于矿山不同专业在同一个公共平台上协同工作,形成一种新的基于物联网的协同工作模式,同时有利于将各种不同的应用服务集成到矿山物联网中,推动矿山安全生产所需服务的专业化发展。  相似文献   

流通信息化业务管理及接入平台结构研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在商品流通销售领域涉及到采购、物流、零售、批发和在线支付等各种业务,这些业务有较为成熟的软硬件系统支持,但是如何为这些系统构建统一、交互、方便和可靠的支撑平台,使得商品流通销售完全信息化迄今并没有得到研究。提出了流通销售领域各种公共支撑业务和管理,研究了如何将它们集成起来建立一个支撑平台,同时对各种业务提供统一的接入接口,使得商品流通销售实现一点接入、全网服务,进而完全实现流通销售领域各个环节的信息交互和共享。  相似文献   

嵌入式移动GIS开发运行平台的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在已有的自主设计的移动数据库管理系统SwiftDB的基础上,设计了一个嵌入式移动GIS开发运行平台SwiftGISBP,实现了企业信息系统与GIS系统的集成.在分析嵌入式移动GIS开发运行平台结构的基础上,重点介绍了开发该平台的几种关键技术:电子地图的制作、基于格网的栅矢地图数据结构、企业信息管理业务模块、事件触发机制,最后结合应用实例介绍其实现过程.  相似文献   

In recent years, fierce market competition has increased the need for incorporating manufacturing flexibility into product styling. The product styling platform approach proposed in this paper offers an insight into how this challenge can be dealt with by transforming an existing product fashion into an intangible styling module with the view to refreshing its appeal. This paper addresses the important issues of how the approach can be turned into a robust applicational tool to facilitate the design of product families to satisfy diverse customer needs. The paper investigates the nature and quantification of modular styling. By capturing and analysing design experts’ opinions on product styling, the evolution of a fashion can be quantified in the form of a schema of diffusion styles. The study has also led to the development of the ideas of “Prompt Time Market Segmentation Grid” and the “Active Style Diagnosis”. The concepts are applied in an “Active Product Styling Platform” with scalable and expandable capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of conventional product styling practices. This approach can also help the formation of product style families and facilitate the development of products particularly in a mass customisation environment.  相似文献   

李睿阳  毛国勇  张武 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(19):4655-4657,4673
以ANSYS和FLUENT为例,分析了商业软件在工作站机群并行运行的优势.将并行运行与网格计算相结合,提出了两者结合的软件结构和硬件结构,实现了并行计算资源的Web发布,从而提高商业软件和高性能计算资源的利用率,为大规模科学工程计算提供了良好的运算平台.同时平台实现用户认证,过载保护和实时监控功能.  相似文献   

基于空间信息网格SIG框架的上海城市空间信息应用服务系统中城市空间特征、绿化、环保、水系、土地、道路网络等各类城市空间信息资源分布在网络的不同节点上;建立了集中的元数据库提供相关数据的描述信息;以分布在不同节点上的GIS Web Service提供空间数据处理服务。平台以门户网站的方式提供元数据检索,利用检索结果获取分布式的各类空间信息数据资源;提供空间数据处理网络应用程序,调用GIS Web Service,提供格式转换、坐标转换、地图综合、空间分析等空间数据处理功能;提供GIS Web Service的搜索和注册。此平台已经在上海公务网中实际运行。  相似文献   

一种模型驱动的交互式信息可视化开发方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
设计与实现面向领域应用的交互式信息可视化软件十分困难.缺乏统一的开发方法与支撑工具箱,为非专家用户提供对层次、网络、多维等数据类型的统一支持,对各种可视化技术与交互技术的统一支持,以及对信息可视化任务的统一支持针对此问题,提出了一种模型驱动的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy.首先,提出了交互式信息可视化界面模型IIVM(interactive information visualization interface model);然后,提出了基于IIVM的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy,讨论了该方法的两个核心技术:IIVM建模与描述文件生成方法、系统自动生成方法.同时。给出了Daisy工具箱,包括Daisy建模工具、Daisy系统自动生成工具以及运行时框架与组件库.最后,给出了该开发方法与工具箱的应用实例.实例表明,该方法能够为交互式信息可视化开发的统一支撑方法问题提供一种有效的解决方案.  相似文献   

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